FBI says they are coming after Proud Boys

FBI is a rogue disgrace !!!
All they do is harass older Conservatives and act like SS storm troopers
Looks like these “ cowards “ faced a person who actually fights back in Florida
FBI should have been dismantled under T
It’s a rogue organization of terrorist
Just today Canada put the Proud Boys on their list of terrorists. First non-Muslims on the list, I believe.
Along with Oath Keepers, I suppose — are these boys really too proud to get a haircut and enlist in the military under Democrat command?

Oath Keepers are Christians and claim there is a higher authority than our overlords, some god they say who should be obeyed and honored above our glorious rulers, maybe even above Xi. They are and will continue to be dealt with harshly. Such ideas MUST be crushed.
Yes, you're a bit of a smart ass,, aren't you. However, actually, I do. Is this the point where we compare hypocrisies? Am I Antifa now? At the end of the day, you'll have to flesh out your Cult45 conspiracies against reality. I'm going to surmise conspiracy won't prevail. Best of luck.

Whether YOU are a Brown Shirt or not, the ANTIFA Brown Shirts are the terrorist troops of your party - so their insurgency accrues to you as an extremely loud voice of the Nazi democrat party.
They did.

Now that's a fucking lie, as we all know.

So funny...if it is a left wing extreme group...the right is all for going after them, labeling them terrorist...if it is a rightwing extremist group...the right is asking how to join up.

I dont think I’ve heard any leftists asking how to join Antifa.
Let us know when far right groups burn buildings down and murder innocent people.

They did.
So you have nothing. As usual. YOUR people burned down buildings and killed cops all year and were encouraged to keep it up. Now you’ll throw your usual lie “it was right wing people pretending to be Antifa!”.
Funny you should say that. I spoke with an aunt who is a hard MAGA a few days after the January 6th coup attempt. She says..."The INTIFA people in the crowd lead the riot." I said..."No, the FBI has said there was no sign of ANTIFA. Now...you want to turn everything around.

GROW A BRAIN! QAnon and The Proud Boys are lying, conspiracy theory groups that are intent on destroying the Constitution. If they have to use violence...they will. And the Liar in Chief sits there on multiple occasions and says...."I don't know anything about QAnon." If the man ever stopped lying, he would suffocate.
What did the proud boys do?
You can email the FBI and see. Give them your name, address, and SSN. Have a nice day.

Just for starters....
So funny...if it is a left wing extreme group...the right is all for going after them, labeling them terrorist...if it is a rightwing extremist group...the right is asking how to join up.

I dont think I’ve heard any leftists asking how to join Antifa.
Let us know when far right groups burn buildings down and murder innocent people.

They did.
So you have nothing. As usual. YOUR people burned down buildings and killed cops all year and were encouraged to keep it up. Now you’ll throw your usual lie “it was right wing people pretending to be Antifa!”.
Funny you should say that. I spoke with an aunt who is a hard MAGA a few days after the January 6th coup attempt. She says..."The INTIFA people in the crowd lead the riot." I said..."No, the FBI has said there was no sign of ANTIFA. Now...you want to turn everything around.

GROW A BRAIN! QAnon and The Proud Boys are lying, conspiracy theory groups that are intent on destroying the Constitution. If they have to use violence...they will. And the Liar in Chief sits there on multiple occasions and says...."I don't know anything about QAnon." If the man ever stopped lying, he would suffocate.
Then having your family holed up in a building tied and gagged on a street where Antifa/BLM rioters are very active would be something you would feel safe in. There are many people who are naive about violence. There are white people who have rioted with black people in BLM and had their azzes handed to them. Trust is making sure the people you are with have your back.
What did the proud boys do?
You can email the FBI and see. Give them your name, address, and SSN. Have a nice day.
What did the proud boys do?
You can email the FBI and see. Give them your name, address, and SSN. Have a nice day.

Just for starters....
The WWE riot... LOL

Where has the fbi been all summer when democrat terrorist were burning cities and kamala Harris was bailing them out. 30 Americans died.
What did the proud boys do?
You can email the FBI and see. Give them your name, address, and SSN. Have a nice day.
What did the proud boys do?
You can email the FBI and see. Give them your name, address, and SSN. Have a nice day.

Just for starters....
The WWE riot... LOL

Where has the fbi been all summer when democrat terrorist were burning cities and kamala Harris was bailing them out. 30 Americans died.
You mean when they were working for trump?
So funny...if it is a left wing extreme group...the right is all for going after them, labeling them terrorist...if it is a rightwing extremist group...the right is asking how to join up.

I dont think I’ve heard any leftists asking how to join Antifa.
Let us know when far right groups burn buildings down and murder innocent people.

They did.
So you have nothing. As usual. YOUR people burned down buildings and killed cops all year and were encouraged to keep it up. Now you’ll throw your usual lie “it was right wing people pretending to be Antifa!”.
Funny you should say that. I spoke with an aunt who is a hard MAGA a few days after the January 6th coup attempt. She says..."The INTIFA people in the crowd lead the riot." I said..."No, the FBI has said there was no sign of ANTIFA. Now...you want to turn everything around.

GROW A BRAIN! QAnon and The Proud Boys are lying, conspiracy theory groups that are intent on destroying the Constitution. If they have to use violence...they will. And the Liar in Chief sits there on multiple occasions and says...."I don't know anything about QAnon." If the man ever stopped lying, he would suffocate.

Hey stupid, six of those arrested for the 1/6 Reichstag fire are ANTIFA/BLM associated.

That makes "I said..."No, the FBI has said there was no sign of ANTIFA. " a direct fucking lie. That you lie to your family is no surprise, you're a Nazi. But you won't get away with those lies here.

What did the proud boys do?
You can email the FBI and see. Give them your name, address, and SSN. Have a nice day.

Just for starters....

Seig Heil.

The Reich will CRUSH all opposition.
The WWE riot... LOL

Where has the fbi been all summer when democrat terrorist were burning cities and kamala Harris was bailing them out. 30 Americans died.

Our intrepid KGB was busy with the very important job of lying on FISA affidavits to frame Trump associates to be bothered with democrat terrorists burning cities in a 10 month insurrection.

The KGB (formerly FBI) serves the Reich, not the nation.

Remember trump's comment about the Proud Boys? "Stand Back and Stand Bye"....and that was before the buffoon lost the election. He had been whining "election fraud" since 2015. The LIAR IN CHIEF tried to destroy our country.

Geeese i wonder why they formed in the first place .....

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Remember trump's comment about the Proud Boys? "Stand Back and Stand Bye"....and that was before the buffoon lost the election. He had been whining "election fraud" since 2015. The LIAR IN CHIEF tried to destroy our country.

Geeese i wonder why they formed in the first place .....
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You need professional help.

Remember trump's comment about the Proud Boys? "Stand Back and Stand Bye"....and that was before the buffoon lost the election. He had been whining "election fraud" since 2015. The LIAR IN CHIEF tried to destroy our country.

Geeese i wonder why they formed in the first place .....
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View attachment 452911
You need professional help.
Reeducation camp and a lobotomy? And then I'll be as smart as the average left wing tool ?
Hey all, just to let you know, I talked to man here in Indiana who just had the FBI show up at his house for getting spicy on facebook. They tried to scare him by asking if he was in Washington, and he told them they were full of crap and that they knew he wasn't before they came to his door. The KGB is watching.
So funny...if it is a left wing extreme group...the right is all for going after them, labeling them terrorist...if it is a rightwing extremist group...the right is asking how to join up.

I dont think I’ve heard any leftists asking how to join Antifa.
Is Antifa on that list?

I agree. Antifa and BLM should be at the top of that list. They are domestic terrorists.

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