FBI says they are coming after Proud Boys

They are not and were not conservative. They attempted an Insurrection on January 6th. They will now pay. djt had his days is court to prove his Lie. He was knocked down over 60 times. He is a Cancer on this Country.

You Nazis are a cancer on humanity and must be dealt with the same way freedom loving people dealt with you last time.
Antifa are a bunch of thugs.
Proud Boys are a bunch of thugs.

Good so far.

Continue with

democrats are bunch of Nazi thugs. And you have a trifecta.

You, on the other hand, are a historically confused (lets blame our education system) wingnut who seems to think thugs are ok if they are the right brand.

I've said from day one that those who engaged in the 1/6 Reichstag Fire MUST pay EXACTLY the same penalty that the insurgents in CHOP, Kenosha, Portland, and Seattle have paid.

I mean, the democrat Brown Shirts HAVE paid a penalty, right? They aren't above the laws you seek to impose on these others, are they?

Catch and release arrests are meaningless, what CONVICTIONS of democrat Brown Shirts have there been? None? None at all?

Well how about that...
What crime did they commit?

Well, for one, their leader got sent up for vandalism no more than a month ago. Guess in your Cult45 retard bubble, you ignored missed that. He even got banned from DC because of it, so he didn't get to attend the Jan 6th Orange Insurrection of the Stupid. Sad. Yep, So, the leader of the Pride Boiz is an ex FBI Informant scumbag personal property destroyer that gets off on burning BLM flags hanging on a black majority attended church. Nothing racist about that, of course, amirite? Vandalism!! You know, the thing you have seizures over whenever BLM/Antifa did it, you complete fucking hypocrite?

Isn't a violent gang going around being a bunch of violent scumbag meat bag "Western Chauvinists" enough for you to disavow their violent extremism? Of course not. You're a Cult45 fucking idiot.

Well, It is more than enough for me. Perhaps you're just a scumbag of a similar stripe that supports insurrections. Who knows. :dunno:

Either way, go fuck yourself.

Any of your Brown Shirts sent up for vandalism? You Nazis have caused what, $200 billion in damages so far due to your nonstop insurgency?

I don't possess any 'Nazis", you utter fucking politically retarded abortion of intelligence. I've caused no damage whatsoever. I just wish you'd shut the fuck up. Stop going full retard. You've ruining all our fun.
Antifa are a bunch of thugs.
Proud Boys are a bunch of thugs.
You, on the other hand, are a historically confused (lets blame our education system) wingnut who seems to think thugs are ok if they are the right brand.

I doubt that you really know much about the Proud Boys. As for Antifa and BLM they are definitely enemies of America's constitutional Republic, liberty, truth, common sense and decency. They're Marxist scum.
Antifa are a bunch of thugs.
Proud Boys are a bunch of thugs.
You, on the other hand, are a historically confused (lets blame our education system) wingnut who seems to think thugs are ok if they are the right brand.

I doubt that you really know much about the Proud Boys. As for Antifa and BLM they are definitely enemies of America's constitutional Republic, liberty, truth, common sense and decency. They're Marxist scum.

The Pride Bois are a right wing extremist politico ideological gang. You know that, right?
I don't possess any 'Nazis",

You're part of the Nazi party, the democrats.

you utter fucking politically retarded abortion of intelligence. I've caused no damage whatsoever. I just wish you'd shut the fuck up. Stop going full retard. You've ruining all our fun.

The democrats unleashed the terrorist Brown Shirts of ANTIFA on America who have engaged in a violent insurgency, targeting minority run small business and burning them to the ground, destroying the dreams and livelihoods of decent Americans.

democrats - the Nazis - have waged a 10 month war against America.
Just today Canada put the Proud Boys on their list of terrorists. First non-Muslims on the list, I believe.
Along with Oath Keepers, I suppose — are these boys really too proud to get a haircut and enlist in the military under Democrat command?
The Pride Bois are a right wing extremist politico ideological gang. You know that, right?
Antifa are a left wing extremist politico ideological gang. You know that, right?
Yes, you're a bit of a smart ass,, aren't you. However, actually, I do. Is this the point where we compare hypocrisies? Am I Antifa now? At the end of the day, you'll have to flesh out your Cult45 conspiracies against reality. I'm going to surmise conspiracy won't prevail. Best of luck.
So funny...if it is a left wing extreme group...the right is all for going after them, labeling them terrorist...if it is a rightwing extremist group...the right is asking how to join up.

I dont think I’ve heard any leftists asking how to join Antifa.
Let us know when far right groups burn buildings down and murder innocent people.

They did.
So you have nothing. As usual. YOUR people burned down buildings and killed cops all year and were encouraged to keep it up. Now you’ll throw your usual lie “it was right wing people pretending to be Antifa!”.
So funny...if it is a left wing extreme group...the right is all for going after them, labeling them terrorist...if it is a rightwing extremist group...the right is asking how to join up.

I dont think I’ve heard any leftists asking how to join Antifa.
Let us know when far right groups burn buildings down and murder innocent people.

They did.
So you have nothing. As usual. YOUR people burned down buildings and killed cops all year and were encouraged to keep it up. Now you’ll throw your usual lie “it was right wing people pretending to be Antifa!”.
It was right wingers pretending to be Antifacists.
So funny...if it is a left wing extreme group...the right is all for going after them, labeling them terrorist...if it is a rightwing extremist group...the right is asking how to join up.

I dont think I’ve heard any leftists asking how to join Antifa.
Let us know when far right groups burn buildings down and murder innocent people.

They did.
So you have nothing. As usual. YOUR people burned down buildings and killed cops all year and were encouraged to keep it up. Now you’ll throw your usual lie “it was right wing people pretending to be Antifa!”.
It was right wingers pretending to be Antifacists.
Except you never could produce any evidence of that claim. Ever.
Yes, you're a bit of a smart ass,, aren't you.
Guilty as charged.

However, actually, I do. Is this the point where we compare hypocrisies?
Nope. Just checking, have to do that periodically.

And... I have a level of respect for you. If I have it, people who won't listen to me one bit are also likely to have some and likely more than I do for what you say. Trying to get some extremist fucks to understand that some of what they are saying is just that. Fuck'n dumb.
Yes, you're a bit of a smart ass,, aren't you.
Guilty as charged.

However, actually, I do. Is this the point where we compare hypocrisies?
Nope. Just checking, have to do that periodically.

And... I have a level of respect for you. If I have it, people who won't listen to me one bit are also likely to have some and likely more than I do for what you say. Trying to get some extremist fucks to understand that some of what they are saying is just that. Fuck'n dumb.

:dunno: We all gotta grow up sometime. I appreciate your optimism.
So you have nothing. As usual. YOUR people burned down buildings and killed cops all year and were encouraged to keep it up. Now you’ll throw your usual lie “it was right wing people pretending to be Antifa!”.
I like to give Coyote shit every now and then... But I seriously doubt she supports Antifa.

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