FBI says they are coming after Proud Boys

Remember trump's comment about the Proud Boys? "Stand Back and Stand Bye"....and that was before the buffoon lost the election. He had been whining "election fraud" since 2015. The LIAR IN CHIEF tried to destroy our country.
Of course they are---this is who fascist socialists work...........Irs is also going to be abusing their office again to harass political enemies.
Your evidence the IRS abused the office to harass political enemies is?
What crime did they commit?

Their "crime" is to be Patriots and love America.

Frankly, the FBI has turned into the KGB.

These are sad times my friends.
Patriots do not attempt to violent,y overthrow the government because they lost an election, Skye. NOT in the U.S.!

They are not trying to overthrow this stolen election, Coyote.

Antifa on the other hand have behaved like true thugs, why is not every single one of them in jail?

And why are you lying about a stolen election? You have no proof.

There is plenty of proof.

There is no worse blind than he who doesn't want to see..

That's all.
You have nothing Skye. You are a LIAR just like your King in Florida.

My King is in Heaven.

But you wouldn't know anything about that.
No....your earthly love in in Florida spending some of that money you sent him. He is laughing at you each time he makes a putt on one of his golf course greens. He is your earthly messiah. Ohio is even going to make a DJT Day to honor the man who indicted a coup at the Capitol and has been Impeached twice.
So funny...if it is a left wing extreme group...the right is all for going after them, labeling them terrorist...if it is a rightwing extremist group...the right is asking how to join up.

I dont think I’ve heard any leftists asking how to join Antifa.

Is it possible for any group to be nor extremist than the Nazi democrat party itself?

ANTIFA are just the terrorist shock troops. the Brown Shirts, of the filthy democrat party.

It's good that dictator Biden and all you of the Reich are unifying the nation.

Uber Alles Democrat
Antifa are a bunch of thugs.
Proud Boys are a bunch of thugs.
You, on the other hand, are a historically confused (lets blame our education system) wingnut who seems to think thugs are ok if they are the right brand.
Anti FA are a bunch of violent criminals who attack innocent people, and burn down buildings....
Proud boys does nothing but beat on anti-fa's heads..which is actually a good thing for society.
Nothing wrong with beating up the socialist brown shirts as they burn and try to destroy our cities.
Why would you ever think otherwise?
It's noteworthy that you support thuggery as long as they are YOUR brownshirts.
I hear one of the favorite events that the Proud Boys enjoy is beating police officers with flag poles. Is that true, true

He’s trying to defund the Police and now liberals have an issues with fallen officers.

Kind of looks like your "Blue Lives Matter" only goes as far as your merchandise.
So funny...if it is a left wing extreme group...the right is all for going after them, labeling them terrorist...if it is a rightwing extremist group...the right is asking how to join up.

I dont think I’ve heard any leftists asking how to join Antifa.

Is it possible for any group to be nor extremist than the Nazi democrat party itself?

ANTIFA are just the terrorist shock troops. the Brown Shirts, of the filthy democrat party.

It's good that dictator Biden and all you of the Reich are unifying the nation.

Uber Alles Democrat
Antifa are a bunch of thugs.
Proud Boys are a bunch of thugs.
You, on the other hand, are a historically confused (lets blame our education system) wingnut who seems to think thugs are ok if they are the right brand.
Anti FA are a bunch of violent criminals who attack innocent people, and burn down buildings....
Proud boys does nothing but beat on anti-fa's heads..which is actually a good thing for society.
Nothing wrong with beating up the socialist brown shirts as they burn and try to destroy our cities.
Why would you ever think otherwise?
You are beyond ignorant. You have no idea what a socialist is.
What crime did they commit?

Their "crime" is to be Patriots and love America.

Frankly, the FBI has turned into the KGB.

These are sad times my friends.
Patriots do not attempt to violent,y overthrow the government because they lost an election, Skye. NOT in the U.S.!
They were going to “overthrow” the government by standing around in the Capitol building talking selfies and waiving flags?
What crime did they commit?

The crime they committed was creating a multi-ethnic, patriotic men's club that promotes conservative values. I do, however, realize that I am obviously being redundant when I specify both patriotic and conservative.
What crime did they commit?

Their "crime" is to be Patriots and love America.

Frankly, the FBI has turned into the KGB.

These are sad times my friends.
Patriots do not attempt to violent,y overthrow the government because they lost an election, Skye. NOT in the U.S.!

They are not trying to overthrow this stolen election, Coyote.

Antifa on the other hand have behaved like true thugs, why is not every single one of them in jail?

And why are you lying about a stolen election? You have no proof.

There is plenty of proof.

There is no worse blind than he who doesn't want to see..

That's all.
You have nothing Skye. You are a LIAR just like your King in Florida.

My King is in Heaven.

But you wouldn't know anything about that.
We know you are a liar for sure. That's what we know. And to use the King in Heaven to hide behind with those lies, is especially sinister.
They all hide behind Christianity and the Bible. trump did it for years to fool the stupid evangelicals that are fake Christians....like Graham and Falwell....
What crime did they commit?

The crime they committed was creating a multi-ethnic, patriotic men's club that promotes conservative values. I do, however, realize that I am obviously being redundant when I specify both patriotic and conservative.
Were you on the moon on January 6th? They are neither patriotic or conservative.
Is Antifa on that list?

Of course not.

ANTIFA are "mostly peaceful" terrorists.

Remember, riots are the most sacred of civil rights - or at least they WERE until the 1/6 Reichstag fire.
You don't even know what antifa actually is. Not that you really care in your search for a leftist equivalent to the actual Nazis in your midst.
ANTIFA isn't an organization. It's an idea. Everyone should embrace the idea, or you aren't an American.
Antifa are modern day Bolsheviks. They are the true traitors and terrorists in America.
Is Antifa on that list?

Of course not.

ANTIFA are "mostly peaceful" terrorists.

Remember, riots are the most sacred of civil rights - or at least they WERE until the 1/6 Reichstag fire.
You don't even know what antifa actually is. Not that you really care in your search for a leftist equivalent to the actual Nazis in your midst.
ANTIFA isn't an organization. It's an idea. Everyone should embrace the idea, or you aren't an American.
Antifa are modern day Bolsheviks. They are the true traitors and terrorists in America.
View attachment 452688
A cartoon picture proves nothing. You are just a liar.
Picture Bill Clinton with total media support, a strange quirky A.G. and a majority in congress at the same time the ATF needed a big bust to justify it's existence. The Quirky religious sect in Waco, Tx. must have looked like pushovers when it was discovered that they (legally) purchased pamphlets describing how to convert (legal) WW2 British junk into functioning weapons. The botched raid cost the lives of 80 (innocent) men women and children incinerated by the lethal combination of poison gas from U.S. military tanks driven by FBI agents. Bill Clinton hid for a couple of days until the liberal media pronounced the Branch Dividian assault to be legitimate. Clinton may have been a willing stooge but he was at least sane when confronted with and authorizing the scenario. God help us when Biden's handlers unleash the FBI and the rest of the gigantic federal arsenal on the "vast right wing conspiracy".

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