FBI says they are coming after Proud Boys

They all hide behind Christianity and the Bible. trump did it for years to fool the stupid evangelicals that are fake Christians....like Graham and Falwell....

You have a final solution in mind for the Christian you so desperately hate.

Uber Alles Democrat.
Try and be real Christians. View attachment 452690

Say BTK, didn't you pretend to be a Christian? A deacon?

You sure weren't a real Christian.,
What did the proud boys do?

Are there any more stupid questions you need to ask?
They all hide behind Christianity and the Bible. trump did it for years to fool the stupid evangelicals that are fake Christians....like Graham and Falwell....

You have a final solution in mind for the Christian you so desperately hate.

Uber Alles Democrat.
Try and be real Christians. View attachment 452690

Say BTK, didn't you pretend to be a Christian? A deacon?

You sure weren't a real Christian.,
Look at this idiot desperate to make an argument, but decided to post some stupid shit instead. Lol!
Is Antifa on that list?

Of course not.

ANTIFA are "mostly peaceful" terrorists.

Remember, riots are the most sacred of civil rights - or at least they WERE until the 1/6 Reichstag fire.
You don't even know what antifa actually is. Not that you really care in your search for a leftist equivalent to the actual Nazis in your midst.
ANTIFA isn't an organization. It's an idea. Everyone should embrace the idea, or you aren't an American.
They show up where the haters are to answer them in kind. No recognized leaders, no organization, no membership.
What crime did they commit?

The crime they committed was creating a multi-ethnic, patriotic men's club that promotes conservative values. I do, however, realize that I am obviously being redundant when I specify both patriotic and conservative.
Were you on the moon on January 6th? They are neither patriotic or conservative.

LOL at equating the Proud Boy movement with a pack of yahoos storming the capitol after the police opened the door for them. Admit it, a multi-ethnic men's club pushing conservative values upsets you.
Is Antifa on that list?

Of course not.

ANTIFA are "mostly peaceful" terrorists.

Remember, riots are the most sacred of civil rights - or at least they WERE until the 1/6 Reichstag fire.
You don't even know what antifa actually is. Not that you really care in your search for a leftist equivalent to the actual Nazis in your midst.
ANTIFA isn't an organization. It's an idea. Everyone should embrace the idea, or you aren't an American.
They show up where the haters are to answer them in kind. No recognized leaders, no organization, no membership.
Pretty much!
Instead Instead of a djt day....we should make the day Twitter banned the POS a national holiday. His silence is wonderful!
What did the proud boys do?

Love America.
They participated in an insurrection. That's not love. It's treason.
They protested our corrupt government-------and you think they are the bad guys.

FYI hun....everyone of our founders were insurrectionists and hey they wrote that americans would need to toss out their corrupt government when it (not if) it became corrupted. Patriotic insurrectionists at worse.......
What crime did they commit?

Well, for one, their leader got sent up for vandalism no more than a month ago. Guess in your Cult45 retard bubble, you ignored missed that. He even got banned from DC because of it, so he didn't get to attend the Jan 6th Orange Insurrection of the Stupid. Sad. Yep, So, the leader of the Pride Boiz is an ex FBI Informant scumbag personal property destroyer that gets off on burning BLM flags hanging on a black majority attended church. Nothing racist about that, of course, amirite? Vandalism!! You know, the thing you have seizures over whenever BLM/Antifa did it, you complete fucking hypocrite?

Isn't a violent gang going around being a bunch of violent scumbag meat bag "Western Chauvinists" enough for you to disavow their violent extremism? Of course not. You're a Cult45 fucking idiot.

Well, It is more than enough for me. Perhaps you're just a scumbag of a similar stripe that supports insurrections. Who knows. :dunno:

Either way, go fuck yourself.
:lol: ok..
Proud Boys were among the multiple groups involved in breaking in. When people erect a gallows, carry zip cuffs on them, and go through corridors loudly looking for Pence and Pelosi, I think it is safe to assume their intentions are not benign. Some had actual weapons. Others used what was at hand, like beating a police with a flagpole. A mob doesn’t need sophisticated weaponry to be terrifying and effective.

In one article I read, some of the Republicans were begging Trump to call them off and they would switch their votes.

But when they tear down the white house fence and loudly proclaim they will kill Trump it's just peaceful and the Park Police must be disbanded for stopping them.

Trump taken to underground bunker during White House protests: reports | TheHill

Do you think your Reichstag Fire is working the way you planned?

See, you're lying about 1/6 - as we all know. But I think your bosses are doing everything possible to make it real, to infringe so severely on Americans that we really do rise up and there is actual violence - not just you Nazis lying or some fool's feet on Pigshit's desk, but actual violence, Your rulers want it so they can engage in massive slaughter and then crush the few rights we have left

Problem is, I don't think anyone is buying in. You and your fellow Nazis chant the hate dogma of "insurrection" and how selfies with cops "endangers our democracy." But outside of your hard core Jackbooted thugs, no one is buying it. You want to kill thousands to establish your supremacy, but the Reichstag fire isn't giving you the excuse you thought it would.

So Xi and your party leaders have to step up the outrages against Americans to try and force us to react.

Uber Alles Democrat
Is Antifa on that list?

Of course not.

ANTIFA are "mostly peaceful" terrorists.

Remember, riots are the most sacred of civil rights - or at least they WERE until the 1/6 Reichstag fire.

Really? Can you provide any links actually supporting RIOTS?

{ “They’re not going to stop. They’re not going to stop,” she told him. “This is a movement, I’m telling you. They’re not gonna stop. And everyone beware because they’re not gonna stop. They’re not gonna stop before Election Day and they’re not going to stop after Election Day. And everyone should take note of that. They’re not gonna let up and they should not.” }

Kamala Harris Said Riots 'Should Not' Stop Last Summer (pjmedia.com)

Harris MUST be impeached.
What did the proud boys do?

Love America.
They participated in an insurrection. That's not love. It's treason.
They protested our corrupt government-------and you think they are the bad guys.

FYI hun....everyone of our founders were insurrectionists and hey they wrote that americans would need to toss out their corrupt government when it (not if) it became corrupted. Patriotic insurrectionists at worse.......
You are just another MAGA nut. Please go away.
  • Thanks
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What crime did they commit?

The crime they committed was creating a multi-ethnic, patriotic men's club that promotes conservative values. I do, however, realize that I am obviously being redundant when I specify both patriotic and conservative.
Were you on the moon on January 6th? They are neither patriotic or conservative.

LOL at equating the Proud Boy movement with a pack of yahoos storming the capitol after the police opened the door for them. Admit it, a multi-ethnic men's club pushing conservative values upsets you.
They are not and were not conservative. They attempted an Insurrection on January 6th. They will now pay. djt had his days is court to prove his Lie. He was knocked down over 60 times. He is a Cancer on this Country.
What crime did they commit?

Well, for one, their leader got sent up for vandalism no more than a month ago. Guess in your Cult45 retard bubble, you ignored missed that. He even got banned from DC because of it, so he didn't get to attend the Jan 6th Orange Insurrection of the Stupid. Sad. Yep, So, the leader of the Pride Boiz is an ex FBI Informant scumbag personal property destroyer that gets off on burning BLM flags hanging on a black majority attended church. Nothing racist about that, of course, amirite? Vandalism!! You know, the thing you have seizures over whenever BLM/Antifa did it, you complete fucking hypocrite?

Isn't a violent gang going around being a bunch of violent scumbag meat bag "Western Chauvinists" enough for you to disavow their violent extremism? Of course not. You're a Cult45 fucking idiot.

Well, It is more than enough for me. Perhaps you're just a scumbag of a similar stripe that supports insurrections. Who knows. :dunno:

Either way, go fuck yourself.

Any of your Brown Shirts sent up for vandalism? You Nazis have caused what, $200 billion in damages so far due to your nonstop insurgency?

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