FBI shoots and kills Utah man wanted for threats against Biden, Manhattan DA

I suspect she wasn’t armed, pointing a gun at them or trying to attack anyone…so why would they?
True, but when people act out like she did, it could signal to another who might would receive such a message as being something they would consider (it wasn't good)........ A lot of bad messages have been put forth over bad politics, and everyone just needs to calm their aces down. Stop creating extremist either directly or indirectly, and that would be the best civilized action for our political leaders to consider always when moving forward..

As for bad politics, our politicians should be held to account if they work up the citizenry to unhealthy levels, and this all due to corruption and such being in the mix......The people are follower's mostly, and they believe what they believe, and politicians need to focus on serving them fair and honest. The people aren't stupid.
Odd how they never went after them through their social media posts, no?
If/when we see the same actions repeated in next year's election, it will be time for a resistance of our own. Care to guess if our online behavior in trying to build a movement, an "idea", will be treated the same as Antifa and BLM were?
The only way to defeat these Marxist thugs is to generate an organized campaign of peaceful civil disobedience followed by secession and reintegration into a smaller constitutional republic.
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Yup, but FEAR is completely optional. I'd guess most are more pissed than any other emotion. That's why the first response to this corrupt cabal in DC has to be peaceful civil disobedience. They will out themselves when they respond with force and begin arresting large numbers of people. They won't be able to stop themselves - that's just how Marxists roll and always have.
If/when we see the same actions repeated in next year's election, it will be time for a resistance of our own. Care to guess if our online behavior in trying to build a movement, an "idea", will be treated the same as Antifa and BLM were?
The only way to defeat these Marxist thugs is to generate an organized campaign of peaceful civil disobedience followed by secession and reintegration into a smaller constitutional republic.
Nope, organize in small groups and put them right the fuck down. Drop several, they'll cut and run.

Shoot a molotov cocktail in their hand when they crank it back. That'll stop 'em.

Civil disobededience my ass. ANTIFA is an international terrorist organization.

If the government isn't going to stop them, the people will have to.
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Even though the northern states were using black's in slave like ways also, they just couldn't stomach the hard core mass field worker slavery of the South. It all had to end, and it did thank God.
I think the southerners also grew sad when some of their bravest black soldiers took a bullet for them, and it opened their eyes to the goodness in people they theretofore did not even notice when slaving for their masters. By the end of the Civil War, there was a lot of animus, but there was also the realization that blacks who were treated worse than animals were deeply kind and protective of their fellow Southerners who never experienced what they went through as hard workers whose only pay was a roof over their heads and three squares a day provided. And a few southern slave-owners put in their Last Will and Testaments freedom for all their slaves. With nothing to support them and no literary skills caused many blacks to stay on the plantation rather than to starve in an emotionally tattered society that were sore they lost when the war was over. Those hard feelings went on for decades including my childhood when my grandma jerked me off a water fountain at a store that was labeled "Blacks Only." I remember her cooties lecture even though I was only 4 years old at the time. It follows me to this day that my first acquaintance with words was to distinguish "White Only" and "Black Only." I also remember feeling bad for the black people who would get in trouble if they ever drank from a "Whites only" drinking fountain. Hopefully somewhere there was a black grandmother who told her children they wouldn't like the cooties of whites either. :lmao: I remember that my grandma was really disgusted with me that day, but I respected her because she housed our family when Dad went off to Korea to fight one of three wars he fought in when he was young.
he did no such thing you lying troll, he simply said the behavior of the FBI was the same as what caused that event and might cause it again. That you are to fucking stupid to grasp that is proof you are a fool and an idiot.
Thank you for proving he did threaten another OKC.
Where I live it's dark at 6:15 in the morning.

Imagine if these goons start banging on your door at 6:15 am or worse yet, bust your door down.

They were setting him up to murder him, not arrest him.
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Where I live it's dark at 6:15 in the morning.

Imagine if these goons start banging on your door at 6:15 am or worse yet, busy your door down.

They were setting him up to murder him, not arrest him.
Wow you must live far to the north. It's almost broad daylight at 6:15 am here.
Wow you must live far to the north. It's almost broad daylight at 6:15 am here.

The guy who died for making a threat violated Federal Law by threatening a POTUS. I'm pretty sure that federal law was enacted following JFK's assassination.
I've got a list of documented cases of democrats making threats to Trump and none of them were killed.
Wow you must live far to the north. It's almost broad daylight at 6:15 am here.
With that, it's more east or west. I've been up in the NE and the sun's fully up @ 5:15 AM.

It's not like that here even though same time zone.
Far Left & Left think the Mil / NG & LEOs will side with them when it kicks off
They're betting on the government being Nazis and hiding behind them. As things are, they may just largely be

correct about that in some instances.

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