FBI shoots and kills Utah man wanted for threats against Biden, Manhattan DA

Aren't you guys looking a bit desperate with the martyrs you attach yourselves to?
Just a weird gaggle of generic losers: Trump, Babbit, and now this guy.
I guess that's all you can do when your political party is morally bankrupt, bereft of actual policy ideas, and headed for exctinction.
Overuse your victim cards huh?
And none of those people you listed are guilty of murder. Hmmm. Try again moron.
I am sure that many on this board are being watched by local, state, and feds.

If there is a large amount of violence, it will be a beat down of the vigilantes, a great vigilante hunt.

Knowing the Democrats and how they abuse power, I have no doubt you have your wish.

But I'd like to add -- to you, the Democrat Party, and the corrupt FBI. :fu:
another mod that is so biased he ignores when posters attack other posters as long as they support his politics. Not one mod cares that a member of the board was so ignorant that she reported another member of the board to the FBI for no reason. All because the mods are biased

Didn't know about this - what was the offending post (if it still exists)?
False comparison fallacy, red herring fallacy, failed attempt to deflect.

Robertson wasn’t lawfully and appropriately killed because of death threats; he was lawfully and appropriately killed because he pointed a gun at law enforcement.
Link please. Also a credible source would be nice--not "on condition of anonymity."
Link please. Also a credible source would be nice--not "on condition of anonymity."
Further proof that conservatives are liars and completely dishonest, trying to defend the indefensible with ridiculous deflections and lies, trying to defend someone who attempted to shoot law enforcement for no other reason than he was a Trump supporter.

You don't know that. It wouldn't be the first time someone confronted the police to commit suicide.
Thank you, Stann for a good view, which I had no personal stake in it, which is why I said "slavery was widely thought to be unchristian and unconscionable." My ancestor, William Shurtleff, according to my Grandfather's written the William Shurtleff family history arrival starting with his landing in 1619, but did not mention slavery, just a half-inch hand-typed book of geneaology. Trust me, we Presbyterians are loyal and faithful, but I inherited, possibly through DNA, a Yankee's disdain for mistreating persons of color with epithets, distrust, physical and verbal damages and <choke> slavery. The Irish people took a lot of torment, also, Jewish took it, even though several of their investors gave all to President Washington when he needed shoes and coats for his barefoot soldiers. A little known fact about George Washington was, that as a slave owner, he signed on to freeing black slaves received pay and freedom when the British were defeated who enlisted under his command. Other Generals in other American war skirmishes wound up with total reverence for the blacks' bravery, endurance, and winning war ways, the best example I know of besides Washington was Dwight Eisenhower, who supervised the European theater of WWII to defeat the Nazis who wound up annihilating about six million people of the Hebrew faith. When he got back to America, he ordered public schools to accept black students. (Elizabeth Eckford and 8 other black students in 1954 at Little Rock, Arkansas event that I saw on tv as a child). Biden's speech dwelt upon anger that black children would make public schools a "jungle," which of course, never ever happened.

My mother who was an avid newspaper reader, said they were not informed of the intentional slaughter of European Jews. I could tell she was horrified of the news of their massive deaths at the poisoned showers that greeted them when they arrived at the Concentration Camps, to make way for more arrested and sent-to-camp persons of Jewish extraction, and I wasn't aware of ever having met someone who was of the Hebrew faith. They were probably busy studying and were advised by elders to not acknowledge their faith in the presence of so many protestants. Continuing family relations of most Hebrews is evident when reviewing the Old Testament with a few exceptions, i.e. such as when one of David's sons, Amnon raped his daughter, Princess Tamar Another son, Absolom, was angry about it, and he avenged his sister by killing Amnon two years later because their father, King David ignored the heartless act. Most Hebrews follow the rules. Amnon had no respect. Absolom had the misery of his beloved sister weeping because she was no longer a virgin due to Amnon's hatefulness to her after his forceful rape not to mention breaking his sister's heart and spirit by way of unworthy humiliation.
Further proof that conservatives are liars and completely dishonest, trying to defend the indefensible with ridiculous deflections and lies, trying to defend someone who attempted to shoot law enforcement for no other reason than he was a Trump supporter.

I'm waiting for your credible source, you lying fuck.
Nobody has a 1st Amendment right to make death threats against The POTUS online or anywhere else.
Absolutely. Those who protect the President have to eliminate legitimate threats, and carrying out a loaded firearm the day President Biden visited after his vicious threat, it was suicide by threatening the President and his defenders. If the guy had something against the President, his correct action should have been to contact his Congressman and Senator to address his hostility rather than acting in a way that convinced President Biden's defenders he was serious about doing harm to President Biden.

Aaron Burr hated and engaged a future Presidential hopeful, Alexander Hamilton, in a duel, and though Hamilton did not draw his gun out, Burr killed him without mercy and wound up leaving the country when Hamilton's thousands of friends beleaguered him.

The American people have had 4 Presidents killed by assassins--President Lincoln, April 14, 1965, President McKinley, July 2, 1881, President Garfield, September 6, 1901, and President Kennedy, Nov 23, 1963. We had two Presidents who were wounded by assassins, President Theodore Roosevelt, October 14, 1912, and last, but not least, President Ronald Reagan, March 30, 1981. James Brady, Reagan's Press Secretary took the first bullet that shattered his brain cavity.

Edit: I bless those who guard the American Presidents, Staff members, Ambassadors, Military leaders, Congressmen, Senators, et al. And if they haven't already, I hope Congress passes a law against people in high office who demand of their minions to stalk and "get in the faces" to push, shove, spit on, hurt in any way or harass their political opponents in the Executive, Legislative, Judicial, Ambassadors at large, with attenders to be tried and punished for such demoralizing any elected fellow American who is doing his or her best to protect and improve the quality of life for Americans, and I'd like to see the lying stopped as well, because it starts out as petty dismay and works its way up to an assassination attempt without merit.

Maxine Waters convinced me that it's a dog-eat-dog world in DC if everybody is told by a politician to take a stab, jab, or jabber at their opponents. It's a disgrace, and people who do such things pull up more hatred for assassination attempts on the lives of politicians they have already pushed egregious lies throught the Democrat-dominated Main Stream Media who cheer every deed of one party and boo the rest as if their conservatism were a pox. It isn't. The present pox is a relentless overspending on pet rock projects and leaving the military without ammunition nor means to get some to protect the other 350,000,000 Americans in this and other countries where they are ambassadors or peace keepers in the Military.
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My mistake. I hadn't read the book, so I omitted my opinion above, looked up the title of the book and realized she was honing in on traditional America politics v. Marxism. My apologies.

I wasn't around when America owned slaves, and many states were different, because in the Northern States, slavery was widely thought to be unchristian and unconscionable.
Even though the northern states were using black's in slave like ways also, they just couldn't stomach the hard core mass field worker slavery of the South. It all had to end, and it did thank God.
Maybe you should read the whole article. At least these reports are sourced to something other than "law enforcement on condition of anonymity." You're a brainwashed moron.
Neighbors described Robertson as a frail, elderly man — his online profile put his age as 74 — who walked with the aid of a hand-carved stick. Though he regularly carried guns, they said he didn’t seem a threat.

“There’s no way that he was driving from here to Salt Lake City, setting up a rifle and taking a shot at the president — 100% no way,” said neighbor Andrew Maunder outside the church across from Robertson’s street.
Just as a reference, age has no bearing on what capabilities a person might be able to pull off if have an intent upon doing so. A lot of older folks have done some crazy stuff that many wouldn't have believed they could do. The age thing is really a non issue in the case.
If this is all true them maybe he shouldn't have been talking so much shit online right?
Plenty of people are talking crap on line, even celebrities and more, but it comes down to the likelihood of them actually attempting something or are they just venting without a true intent involved ?

Guess that's for law enforcement to keep an eye on if things heat up beyond a certain point .. Yes the game can get real when dealing with those who just can't keep it together, but they usually out themselves quickly due to their intent usually being backed up by their extreme rhetoric.

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