FBI shoots and kills Utah man wanted for threats against Biden, Manhattan DA

He did nothing violent, he made some stupid comments on social media. There is absolutely no justification for what they did. It was an execution of an innocent citizen. And all of you Leftists are cheering, this country is fukked.

He made direct threats (NOT "Stupid Comments") against a sitting President and a sitting Vice President. He also threatened Fulton County Willis, Manhattan D.A. Brag and Special Prosecutor Smith.

He made those threats via the internet, which is a violation of Federal Law. The F.B.I. was executing a legally issued warrant and instead of complying or cooperating the MAGA MAGGOT Terrorst chose to resist. He was killed for doing the dumb.

He is dead and he died because he stupid enough to make viable threats against Preident Biden, Vice President Harris and others.

He owned a sniper rifle and Gilly Suit. He fucking got what he fucking deserved. Another dead MAGA MAGGOT Terrorist, he won't be missed. He was stupid enough think he could go up against armed F.B.I. agents and win.
No one was messing with other people’s children. This is political.

How do feel about states like Florida where “other people’s children” are being taught a fake history about slavery providing benefits to the slaves? Do those parents have a right to get violent, harrass, assault school board members? Make death threats and threats against their families and their children?
Deflecting to the racial issues eh ? Of course you did, because that's exactly what y'all do when the subject gets hot about what's been happening to the parent's and their children. What would the left do if it didn't have the racial issues to deflect to when the conversation heats up ??? You listening black folks ? Better start understanding how you are being used by the left.
He made direct threats (NOT "Stupid Comments") against a sitting President and a sitting Vice President. He also threatened Fulton County Willis, Manhattan D.A. Brag and Special Prosecutor Smith.

He made those threats via the internet, which is a violation of Federal Law. The F.B.I. was executing a legally issued warrant and instead of complying or cooperating the MAGA MAGGOT Terrorst chose to resist. He was killed for doing the dumb.

He is dead and he died because he stupid enough to make viable threats against Preident Biden, Vice President Harris and others.

He owned a sniper rifle and Gilly Suit. He fucking got what he fucking deserved. Another dead MAGA MAGGOT Terrorist, he won't be missed. He was stupid enough think he could go up against armed F.B.I. agents and win.
Weird isn't it, otherwise how these mass shooter's can make their evil threats on social media, have warrants on them already in some cases, and have people grumbling on them trying to warn us, and yet it's not known until the perp rapes women or kills 8 people or more ??? Then we find out all the irresponsible details afterwards.

So where were the law enforcement quick responses when informants warned our law enforcement over and over again about these mass shooter types, but yet here we have a needle in a haystack that is instantly tracked down, cornered, and subsequently (regardless of how it happened), eliminated after causing a response over threat's being made ??

Not taking up for the guy, just trying to give some perspective on things like we are seeing take place in society today.
Not lying at all, why are you white knighting someone advocating another OKC bombing?
he did no such thing you lying troll, he simply said the behavior of the FBI was the same as what caused that event and might cause it again. That you are to fucking stupid to grasp that is proof you are a fool and an idiot.
He made direct threats (NOT "Stupid Comments") against a sitting President and a sitting Vice President. He also threatened Fulton County Willis, Manhattan D.A. Brag and Special Prosecutor Smith.

He made those threats via the internet, which is a violation of Federal Law. The F.B.I. was executing a legally issued warrant and instead of complying or cooperating the MAGA MAGGOT Terrorst chose to resist. He was killed for doing the dumb.

He is dead and he died because he stupid enough to make viable threats against Preident Biden, Vice President Harris and others.

He owned a sniper rifle and Gilly Suit. He fucking got what he fucking deserved. Another dead MAGA MAGGOT Terrorist, he won't be missed. He was stupid enough think he could go up against armed F.B.I. agents and win.
Show us the direct threat he made.
And your post is a fucking lie. I never defended Robertson's conduct.
The way these leftist lie, tells me exactly why God ousted their god's they worship from heaven.

Take what we see in them here, otherwise after they follow a god (small g) that is out to destroy their dumb aces, instead of following the one true God (capital G), who wants nothing but Paradise to come their way.

Now it's understood why God had to oust their kind of spiritual maleficence from Heaven.
No one was messing with other people’s children. This is political.

How do feel about states like Florida where “other people’s children” are being taught a fake history about slavery providing benefits to the slaves? Do those parents have a right to get violent, harrass, assault school board members? Make death threats and threats against their families and their children?
My mistake. I hadn't read the book, so I omitted my opinion above, looked up the title of the book and realized she was honing in on traditional America politics v. Marxism. My apologies.

I wasn't around when America owned slaves, and many states were different, because in the Northern States, slavery was widely thought to be unchristian and unconscionable.
My mistake. I hadn't read the book, so I omitted my opinion above, looked up the title of the book and realized she was honing in on traditional America politics v. Marxism. My apologies.

I wasn't around when America owned slaves, and many states were different, because in the Northern States, slavery was widely thought to be unchristian and unconscionable.
In the northern states " indentured servants " was a more common practice among immigrants. My own grandparents were among them, working for the coal mining companies.
Where did you get that info. It wasn't in the article. Only that he had an AR-15 lapel pin on his jacket and a camo Trump hat. Please link to anything that suggests he was violent, armed or resisting. IOW, quit lying.

This is something you Trumptard MAGAt, armchair "warriors" don't seem to realize when you are posting your idiotic "revolution" and "civil war" post on this message board.
it is ALL being watched.
The DHS has identified right wing extremist as the greatest threat to our nation. And it is.
You can be sure that any chat group where a bunch of right-wing loonies hang out and vent about overthrowing our credible government or some (imaginary) "deep state"....which doesn't even really exist, is being closely monitored for any credible threats.
Credible meaning that the person talking the shit most likely has the ability to pull it off.

Robertson was armed at the time of the shooting, according to two law enforcement sources who spoke to The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity to discuss details of an ongoing investigation.

Robertson posted online Monday that he had heard Biden was coming to Utah and he was planning to dig out a camouflage suit and begin “cleaning the dust off the M24 sniper rifle,” a post that came after months of graphic online threats against several public figures, according to court documents. Robertson referred to himself as a “MAGA Trumper,” a reference to former President Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan, and also posted threats against top law enforcement officials overseeing court cases against Trump.

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This is something you Trumptard MAGAt, armchair "warriors" don't seem to realize when you are posting your idiotic "revolution" and "civil war" post on this message board.
it is ALL being watched.
The DHS has identified right wing extremist as the greatest threat to our nation. And it is.
You can be sure that any chat group where a bunch of right-wing loonies hang out and vent about overthrowing our credible government or some (imaginary) "deep state"....which doesn't even really exist, is being closely monitored for any credible threats.
Credible meaning that the person talking the shit most likely has the ability to pull it off.

Robertson was armed at the time of the shooting, according to two law enforcement sources who spoke to The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity to discuss details of an ongoing investigation.

Robertson posted online Monday that he had heard Biden was coming to Utah and he was planning to dig out a camouflage suit and begin “cleaning the dust off the M24 sniper rifle,” a post that came after months of graphic online threats against several public figures, according to court documents. Robertson referred to himself as a “MAGA Trumper,” a reference to former President Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan, and also posted threats against top law enforcement officials overseeing court cases against Trump.

Losing interest, more and more, I believe this was a case where a person used the police to commit suicide.
This is something you Trumptard MAGAt, armchair "warriors" don't seem to realize when you are posting your idiotic "revolution" and "civil war" post on this message board.
it is ALL being watched.
The DHS has identified right wing extremist as the greatest threat to our nation. And it is.
You can be sure that any chat group where a bunch of right-wing loonies hang out and vent about overthrowing our credible government or some (imaginary) "deep state"....which doesn't even really exist, is being closely monitored for any credible threats.
Credible meaning that the person talking the shit most likely has the ability to pull it off.

Robertson was armed at the time of the shooting, according to two law enforcement sources who spoke to The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity to discuss details of an ongoing investigation.

Robertson posted online Monday that he had heard Biden was coming to Utah and he was planning to dig out a camouflage suit and begin “cleaning the dust off the M24 sniper rifle,” a post that came after months of graphic online threats against several public figures, according to court documents. Robertson referred to himself as a “MAGA Trumper,” a reference to former President Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan, and also posted threats against top law enforcement officials overseeing court cases against Trump.

Maybe you should read the whole article. At least these reports are sourced to something other than "law enforcement on condition of anonymity." You're a brainwashed moron.
Neighbors described Robertson as a frail, elderly man — his online profile put his age as 74 — who walked with the aid of a hand-carved stick. Though he regularly carried guns, they said he didn’t seem a threat.

“There’s no way that he was driving from here to Salt Lake City, setting up a rifle and taking a shot at the president — 100% no way,” said neighbor Andrew Maunder outside the church across from Robertson’s street.
I am begining to think that as well. If it hadn't been the F.B.I. he would use the cops to do the deed.
It's so easy to get distracted by other voices on here seems to cloud the obvious

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