FBI shoots and kills Utah man wanted for threats against Biden, Manhattan DA

Maybe you should read the whole article. At least these reports are sourced to something other than "law enforcement on condition of anonymity." You're a brainwashed moron.
Neighbors described Robertson as a frail, elderly man — his online profile put his age as 74 — who walked with the aid of a hand-carved stick. Though he regularly carried guns, they said he didn’t seem a threat.

“There’s no way that he was driving from here to Salt Lake City, setting up a rifle and taking a shot at the president — 100% no way,” said neighbor Andrew Maunder outside the church across from Robertson’s street.
If this is all true them maybe he shouldn't have been talking so much shit online right?
Maybe you should read the whole article. At least these reports are sourced to something other than "law enforcement on condition of anonymity." You're a brainwashed moron.
Neighbors described Robertson as a frail, elderly man — his online profile put his age as 74 — who walked with the aid of a hand-carved stick. Though he regularly carried guns, they said he didn’t seem a threat.

“There’s no way that he was driving from here to Salt Lake City, setting up a rifle and taking a shot at the president — 100% no way,” said neighbor Andrew Maunder outside the church across from Robertson’s street.

All Robertson had to was cooperate/all he had to do was comply, he did not. He set to kill himself and he used the F.B.I. to do it.
All Robertson had to was cooperate/all he had to do was comply, he did not. He set to kill himself and he used the F.B.I. to do it.
What I see in this article is he spouted off on social media. The FBI got a warrant--for what--a credible threat that all his neighbors say this 74 year old couldn't accomplish and they fucking murdered him. The worst thing about it is you just roll over and say "He should have complied." Fuck comply. He didn't have to comply with illegal police actions.
Nobody has a 1st Amendment right to make death threats against The POTUS online or anywhere else.
Is this a death threat? Maybe you should jail Kathy Griffith
Dear Stann, from your link:
Losing interest, more and more, I believe this was a case where a person used the police to commit suicide.
From your link:​
PROVO, Utah (AP) — An armed Utah man accused of making violent threats against President Joe Biden was shot and killed by FBI agents hours before the president landed in the state Wednesday, authorities said. Special agents were trying to serve a warrant on the home of Craig Deleeuw Robertson in Provo, south of Salt Lake City, when the shooting happened at 6:15 a.m., the FBI said in a statement. Robertson was armed at the time of the shooting, according to two law enforcement sources who spoke to The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity to discuss details of an ongoing investigation.​
I am very sorry a person would threaten to kill a United States President, including President Biden, even though I think an inquiry into following the money of Biden's unusual wealth accumulation has been too long postponed, so whether he did or did not steal billions from threatening Third World Countries with loss of their American taxpayer-funded Foreign Aid Package including his alleged extortion of the Ukraine Foreign Aid Pacage while he was Vice-President, and a corroborating phone video went viral of him talking about his conquest with him bragging about his look which was about 30% of the $3 billion they were to receive by way of Congress. It was such a shock to many citizens that this sort of activity was indulged to the max by a government employee who takes an oath to abide by the Constitution which forbids government officials to accept gifts or money from foreign countries. It may not say "extortion," but even if it was given under pressure by the Vice-President's threats, it was a gift even if on the criminal side of the smell of this horrifying transaction.

If you could possibly talk some sense into your leaders, you could tell them to avoid calling ALL Republicans who voted for President Trump "fascists." Fascists do not care about the fishing industry in the seas, and President Trump put his ecological onus on cleaning up all plastics human beings have tossed overboard, left sitting on the beach, only to be drawn into the waters where fish love the colors and think it's food, so the rip 'em up, swallow them, then particles of sharp plastics lodge in their body since they cannot digest it, and if it doesn't kill them, it can damage fishermen who eat the fish, particles and all. It's hell for almost every animal on the planet's gastrointestinal works, as it rips and tears its way down the tubes of digestion. President Trump did what he could to save the Atlantic Ocean first and coastal areas on the Pacific side. I haven't heard a breath about whether his Ocean cleanup was continued, discontinued, or given credit to somebody else. Perhaps you know people who know how effective it was or wasn't, whether it was early or late in his term of office, etc.

I know that some of our best lefty scientists not only don't lie, they know what or if the "get rid of ocean plastics" has continued on in another venue. President Trump, I understand, was deeply concerned about our shoreline's gut health for Americans, not to mention the disaster plastics have done to fish populations whose nutrients, especially protein keep people well and strong. but I just haven't heard anything recently about Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic, Ring of Fire Countries on the Pacific, the Indian Ocean, Artic and Antartic coastal areas where fishing is very kind to feed a lot of mouths in the Southern Hemisphere, as well as the Northern Hemisphere. I care about human health. It was my minor at University through my junior year, when I left school to take care of my daughter, who was ill.

In my life, I was around a lot of Republicans, because my beloved late husband was. In his circles were an equal amount of Professional Engineers of both Democrat and Republican party persons. Their main focus, however, was jointly, road, building, oil derricks, processing plants, electric and product human safety, They cared for each other, put politics on the back burner, and beat themselves up getting management agencies to fund all their engineering safety requirements, with special emphasis on employee as well as union member safety, saving hundreds of lives apiece, the heck with politics.

A lot of people President called fascists were and are anything but fascists, have never taken a bribe due to their integrity, worked hard in college to earn a decent living and saving for their old age retirements. To pay them back Biden has removed senior benefits to exclude widows who, if they live to be 105, will not have a cent left of their inheritance by the time they are 80. Keep in mind widows have spent a lifetime cooking and many of them took nutrition classes that included a little homeopathic health through food that kept their families healthy, wealthy, and wise. I say wealthy, because kids who are not hungry tend to have a lot of energy in sports, and their coaches don't allow grades to drop below B- in many high schools, colleges, and advanced universities. A good diet improves intelligence and well-being, and it also reduces obesity if it truly is a "good diet."

We may not see eye to eye, but when I was in school, I saw several different persons who were reprimanded for abusing other students, cheating on a test, hitting an umpire, and other malicious acts that broke the school's conduct rules. Two schools I attended had chapels in them for meditation about death, loss, and for praying for other students who dropped out or fell ill, lost funding, or were hurt in an accident. Oddly, the only instructors who actually prayed in class in college were athletic coaches and a philosophy instructor. All my high school teachers required silence with the morning prayers over the income were given by members of the C.S.U.*, although critiques of other faiths were likely verboten. Fifty five years ago, many but not all schools had some kind of devotional to start the student day. Back then, I never heard a discouraging word in my church or school, about Islam, Muslims, Mohammedans, Budists, Roman Catholics, and other world religions in a 80% Protestant world and wherever the Military took us at least every other year. It was probably like that until 9/11/2001, although I'm just guessing.

* CSU=Christian Student Union
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You missed Nancy Pelosi? She said she was going to "Punch Trump out" with re to the carefully-planned January 6 peaceful protest by Republicans in order to humiliate President Trump, incarcerate and remove voting privileges from Republicans by renovating the old law of prisoners not able to vote after getting out of prison. I've heard different people claim 600 were incarcerated after judgment and that 2,000 were arrested and incarcerated for months into years. And indeed, Pelosi was called by President Trump to accept the national guard, up to several thousands if she felt protection was needed. Pelosi declined because I think she feared her little deep state henchman plan would give her no order power to sneak in a cop to route Republicans inside, another cop to shoot to kill a Republican who advanced too soon, who happened to be an American veteran of a foreign war, who was unarmed and shot dead while she was trying to get the Republicans out of the Capitol building, and they shot her as she was approaching the first ones who fell for the welcome wagon cop's invitation to step right in to the "People's House." I think the plot was devised in the DNC War Room for the perfect kill of Donald Trump the increased-pay job getter for minorities and people on welfare in particular, and whoever could fill the job best. The black persons were given just as high pay as whites, and he also worked on businesses who hired blacks to up their pay, and he was convincing and he won for persons of color the first and best win on planned equal pay for all Americans. With all those good things Trump did that didn't get Page 1 in the loony leftist lockstep Press who get jobs because they're Democrats, and they get Soros bonuses when they score a lowering of credulity of Donald Trump's earnest promotion of the American middle-class person of all stripes to help them achieve the American dream. They say it paid the businesses who did give jobs to minorities that featured equal pay to whites, because they gained a bigger share of the market. The papers would have raved about it if Trump hadn't decided to join the Republican force as President. The newspapers benefited from great big Soros funding if they fell behind when their reporters didn't exactly tell the truth to benefit the Democrats and to get rid of Republicans by the filthiest dirty tricks ever played to destroy an innocent man. They did his history back to 60 years earlier. All the reporters obedient to Biden/Soros/Pelosi/Hillary/Obama Deep State used the verbiage ordered, "insurrection," which coincided with a 200-year-old law passed when a rival wanted a recount of the third POTUS. Good gollies. The only direct death in the protest was that of Ashli Babbitt who was trying to turn the Republican protesters out because as a military veteran, she smelled a rat. She was trying to save her fellow protesters like a good soldier could and did. Her good deed was more than vociferously stopped. The Capitol cops, at the behest of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (their boss) murdered an unarmed protester for trying to get her fellow protests outta there. And she's not here to tell her story. She carried NO WEAPON WHATSOEVER. I smell a rat, too. :cranky:
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None of these people possessed the actual sniper rifle
How do you know. Apparently the people who knew the victim of the murder knew him better than the FBI did. Run along Moron Mike, you or your article didn't show a credible threat of any kind. It is a murder. But the democrats seem to know all about murder. Epstein, Babbitt and now this old guy that stated his mind online. When you support the murder of children in the womb, I guess anyone is fair game.
You missed Nancy Pelosi? She said she was going to "Punch Trump out" with re to the carefully-planned January 6 peaceful protest by Republicans in order to humiliate President Trump, incarcerate and remove voting privileges from Republicans by renovating the old law of prisoners not able to vote after getting out of prison. I've heard different people claim 600 were incarcerated after judgment and that 2,000 were arrested and incarcerated for months into years. And indeed, Pelosi was called by President Trump to accept the national guard, up to several thousands if she felt protection was needed. Pelosi declined because I think she feared her little deep state henchman plan would give her no order power to sneak in a cop to route Republicans inside, another cop to shoot to kill a Republican who advanced too soon, who happened to be an American veteran of a foreign war, who was unarmed and shot dead while she was trying to get the Republicans out of the Capitol building, and they shot her as she was approaching the first ones who fell for the welcome wagon cop's invitation to step right in to the "People's House." I think the plot was devised in the DNC War Room for the perfect kill of Donald Trump the increased-pay job getter for minorities and people on welfare in particular, and whoever could fill the job best. The black persons were given just as high pay as whites, and he also worked on businesses who hired blacks to up their pay, and he was convincing and he won for persons of color the first and best win on planned equal pay for all Americans. With all those good things Trump did that didn't get Page 1 in the loony leftist lockstep Press who get jobs because they're Democrats, and they get Soros bonuses when they score a lowering of credulity of Donald Trump's earnest promotion of the American middle-class person of all stripes to help them achieve the American dream. They say it paid the businesses who did give jobs to minorities that featured equal pay to whites, because they gained a bigger share of the market. The papers would have raved about it if Trump hadn't decided to join the Republican force as President. The newspapers benefited from great big Soros funding if they fell behind when their reporters didn't exactly tell the truth to benefit the Democrats and to get rid of Republicans by the filthiest dirty tricks ever played to destroy an innocent man. They did his history back to 60 years earlier. Good gollies.
Conspiracy theory much?
False equivalencies.
None of these people possessed the actual sniper rifle and other gear in addition to threatening to "snipe" the POTUS with said rifle at a specific time (when POTUS travels to their state.)
This bullshit is just more whataboutism.
If you don't want whataboutism, then start being objective about your choices, moron. Your head is so far up your own ass that you couldn't see reality unless it was 12" up your colon.
How do you know. Apparently the people who knew the victim of the murder knew him better than the FBI did. Run along Moron Mike, you or your article didn't show a credible threat of any kind. It is a murder. But the democrats seem to know all about murder. Epstein, Babbitt and now this old guy that stated his mind online. When you support the murder of children in the womb, I guess anyone is fair game.
Aren't you guys looking a bit desperate with the martyrs you attach yourselves to?
Just a weird gaggle of generic losers: Trump, Babbit, and now this guy.
I guess that's all you can do when your political party is morally bankrupt, bereft of actual policy ideas, and headed for exctinction.
Overuse your victim cards huh?

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