FBI Spy Video Shows Kyle Rittenhouse Being Chased Down at Kenosha Riot...Which Explains Why You've Never Seen It

That is where you are wrong.

It DOES go to show that Rittenhouse, the non-criminal, did not provoke the attack. Read the statute I posted.

Rittenhouse can claim self defense.

He cannot claim self defense due to him being afraid of Rosenbaum because of Rosenbaum's past.

Of course he can claim self defense. But many on the pro-Rittenhouse side keep mentioning Rosenbaum's criminal past, as if his criminal past matters in Rittenhouse's decision to shoot him. It doesn't. Only Rosenbaum's actions that night impacted Rittenhouse's decision.

I have no problem with a claim of self defense, as long as it's made on the correct basis. Rosenbaum being a child molester is not a correct basis on which Rittenhouse can base his self defense claim...
Have to convict him in the public to broaden the narrative.

Going to get real nasty if a jury says we can’t defend ourselves.


The NY Times had the video on their website days before the "FBI Video" was "released".

I even made a thread about it.

Do you guys think the FBI was actually there at a protest in Kenosha? Wow.
Everyone that is against the grain are being spied on. And so they are videos of them being filmed everywhere they go. That is the reason why they labeled these people as domestic terrorists. So that they can spy on them.

Because as we all know, all evidence is always released BEFORE a trial.

You have to be one of the dumbest fuckers on this board. And that is saying a lot.
The government (prosecution and law enforcement) is required to release all of its evidence to the defense BEFORE the trial begins. The drone video is clearly exculpatory evidence that shows charges should never have been preferred. That’s why the prosecution tried to hide it.
You're thick.

I never disagreed with you on that point.

I'm saying that, unless Rittenhouse knew about Rosenbaum's past, Rittenhouse cannot base his claim of self defense on Rosenbaum's past...
I don't know how to make it any clearer.

A person who committed willful criminal acts in the past is more likely to be the aggressor than someone who hasn't. That is the point. I does not matter one fucking bit what Rittenhouse knew.

Now, who is thick?
Rittenhouse can claim self defense.

He cannot claim self defense due to him being afraid of Rosenbaum because of Rosenbaum's past.

Of course he can claim self defense. But many on the pro-Rittenhouse side keep mentioning Rosenbaum's criminal past, as if his criminal past matters in Rittenhouse's decision to shoot him. It doesn't. Only Rosenbaum's actions that night impacted Rittenhouse's decision.

I have no problem with a claim of self defense, as long as it's made on the correct basis. Rosenbaum being a child molester is not a correct basis on which Rittenhouse can base his self defense claim...
That is not the point made be me or the defense.

criminal in the past = most likely a criminal now and likely the aggressor vs. no criminal past

Is there ANY other way I can say it?

We don't give a FUCK what Rittenhouse knew.

criminal vs. non-criminal and a dispute over who was the aggressor

Evidence of criminal's criminal history tends to prove that it is more likely than not that criminal was the aggressor here. It does not matter what non-criminal knew about criminal.

Let me try to think of another way to state this so you understand.
Let's state it this way:

Joe Biden = known pants shitter
potty-trained 4-year-old = not a pants shitter

We smell shit.

Who is more likely to be the culprit?

Thus, evidence of Biden's recent pants shitting after being potty-trained 70+ years ago is relevant to prove that it is his shit we are currently smelling.
Evidence of criminal's criminal history tends to prove that it is more likely than not that criminal was the aggressor here.


The prosecutor did a rather masterful job yesterday with two things while Rittenhouse was on the stand.

First, he ran down a lit of everything Rosewnbaum was believed to have done that night and got Rittenhouse to admit that deadly force would not have been appropriate to stop any of those actions. Then he got Rittenhouse to admit that Rosenbaum was unarmed.

In a sea of missteps by the prosecution, that was powerful.

Also, Rittenhouse testified that after he shot Rosenbaum, the mob started to descend on him. He said instead of rendering aid to Rosenbaum, he fled the scene because he was in fear for his life. Yet the video of Rittenhouse running away from where he shot Rosenbaum didn't show anyone chasing him.

If Rittenhouse gets convicted, those will be two reasons why...
Have to convict him in the public to broaden the narrative.

Going to get real nasty if a jury says we can’t defend ourselves.

The prosecution blew their own case out of the water by showing the video during closing arguments.
Clearly Rosenbaum was chasing down Kyle Rittenhouse and was throwing stuff at him....screaming at him....he was closing in on him fast.....and the Prosecution was trying to slow down the video to make each shot a different matter of intent.
The first and the last shot all was the same intent....attempting to defend himself from being injured or killed by Rosenbaum.

Kenosha: All Three Anarchist Rioters Shot Have Violent Criminal Histories​

By TS on August 27, 2020 • ( 10 )

A pedophile shouted “Shoot me, N*gga!”.

He was shot.

And…WTF is with all the pedophiles in the BLM and Antifia movements? Is it PLM?…~TS


By Eric Striker | National Justice

A 17-year-old boy was charged with murder in the first degree after opening fire on three anarchist rioters in two seperate incidents.

The accused, Kyle Rittenhouse, is from Antioch, Illinois, just 21 miles from Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Rittenhouse traveled to Kenosha with his AR-15 in order to protect small business owners and citizens who were being victimized after being abandoned by their state government and police.

Footage obtained by anti-extremism watchdog AntifaWatch shows the first shooting. In the video, a masked man named Joseph D. Rosenbaum is shown chasing Rittenhouse and throwing what some have claimed may have been an improvised explosive, but this has not yet been confirmed. Rittenhouse then shot Rosenbaum in the head as he charged and tried to take his rifle, an injury the attacker later died of.

Earlier in the night, Rosenbaum, who is Jewish, was shown violently antagonizing the armed men, shouting “Shoot me, N*gga!”

After Rosenbaum was shot, a mob of anarchists pursued Rittenhouse as he attempted to flee. The young man then fell to the ground as the “antifa” members began attacking him. Rittenhouse opened fire against two of the attackers, one who was armed with a handgun.

One member of the gang, Anthony W. Huber, died after being shot in the chest. The armed assailant, Gaige Paul Grosskreutz, suffered a gruesome gunshot wound to the arm but survived.

The media has jumped into action to paint Rittenhouse as a white supremacist domestic terrorist and the anarchists who were shot as innocent “peaceful protesters.” But the facts bring this narrative into question.

Joseph Don Rosenbaum


According to public records, Joseph “Jojo” Rosenbaum has a long history of violence.

Rosenbaum was convicted in Arizona in 2002 for committing an act of sexual misconduct with a child.

According to his entry in the sex offender registry, he was a level 3 offender, meaning he was at a high risk of reoffending and a general danger to his surroundings.

Arizona Department of Corrections records reveal that Rosenbaum spent 12 1/2 years in prison after being convicted of two counts of 3rd degree sexual misconduct against a minor and one count of interfering with a monitoring device. For sexual misconduct with a minor to reach the level of class 3 felony, the victim must be under the age of 15.

More telling is Rosenbaum’s 42 seperate disciplinary infractions while incarcerated, including numerous assaults, committing sex acts, manufacturing a weapon, and arson. He was then released in 2016.

According to records from the Wisconsin Circuit Court, Rosenbaum had pending charges for battery as domestic abuse filed just last month.

Anthony W. Huber


Anthony M. Huber, the second anarchist who died at the scene, is being promoted as a hero by for-profit “charity” business Go Fund Me. His girlfriend has raised almost $70,000 in his name.

Public records show that Huber was in fact a violent criminal with a history of abusing his loved ones.

In 2012, Huber pled guilty to false imprisonment with a dangerous weapon and strangulation as domestic abuse. He appears to have violated the terms of his probation in 2016 and was sentenced to two years in state prison, much of it settled with time served. Huber was arrested again in 2018 for battery.

The woman fundraising in his name, Hannah J Gittings, currently has a warrant out for her arrest for refusing a breathalyzer while driving drunk and driving with a revoked license.

Gaige Paul Grosskreutz


Gaige P. Grosskreutz, a pistol wielding anarchist who was shot in the arm while attacking the teenaged Rittenhouse, was charged with felony burglary and theft in 2013. He violated his probation just 4 months later. He has another arrest from 2017.

It is unclear from public records if Grosskreutz was ever convicted of a felony. If so, his possession of a firearm is a serious offense that could net him 10 years in prison.

According to a media puff piece, Grosskreutz was a professional activist with Milwaukee based “People’s Revolution,” a more extreme breakaway from the Black Lives Matter NGO.

Virtually no mainstream media reporting on this incident has mentioned any of this information when reporting on GrossKreutz, Rosenbaum or Huber.

The strong anti-social and violent streak exemplified by these individuals — who were active participants in a violent riot and clear instigators in the shootings –is common among the rank-and-file of “antifa.”

Journalists hired by elite media may side with them against a 17-year-old boy engaging in self-defense, but it remains to be seen if America will.

Prosecutors Move For Mistrial As Jury Has Been Tainted By Clear Video Evidence Of Kyle Rittenhouse Defending Himself
November 8th, 2021 - BabylonBee.com


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KENOSHA, WI—Prosecutors in the Kyle Rittenhouse murder trial have asked the judge to declare a mistrial after the defense team produced clear video evidence of Rittenhouse defending himself against a wave of violent Communists.

"This isn't fair!" said the prosecuting attorney. "This clear, undeniable video evidence of Rittenhouse epically sending wave after wave of zombie-like Antifa thugs back to the abyss from whence they came—entirely in self-defense, we might add—has permanently tainted this case."
Sources say that as the video played, the entire court oohed and ahhed at the sight of the epic chad Kyle Rittenhouse defending the safety of his friends and neighbors against "a bloodthirsty horde of white Commies and child molesters" who were trying to burn down the city.
As the video faded to black, the entire jury rose to their feet in applause, chanting "KYLE! KYLE! KYLE!"
The prosecutors have requested a retrial in Serbia where they don't speak English or have video screens to play video evidence. "If we don't do this," they said, "white supremacy has won."
Oh.....and make sure there are no pictures of you holding a gun online.....because the left will try to use this if you shoot someone in self-defense.

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