FBI still abusing Section 702, now against a Senator, judge


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Out of control.

Not a dime for a new HQ. Downsize it. Relocate HQ far, far away from the Beltway.

We previously learned that the FBI had illegally searched hundreds of thousands of citizens’ private banking records and other online data without obtaining warrants in a clear abuse of the Bureau’s FISA Section 702 authority. FBI boss Christopher Wray assured a House committee that “reforms” had been put in place so there would be “fewer incidents” of this illegal activity. But this week’s news suggests that his alleged efforts haven’t addressed the problem. A new report reveals that the FBI searched the data of a U.S. Senator, a state senator, and a judge. All of this was reportedly done without obtaining a warrant. If anyone needed yet another reminder that Section 702 needs to be seriously modified before it is reauthorized, look no further. (Associated Press)

FBI employees wrongly searched foreign surveillance data for the last names of a U.S. senator and a state senator, according to a court opinion released Friday. The disclosure could further complicate Biden administration efforts to renew a major spy program that already faces bipartisan opposition in Congress.

Another FBI employee improperly queried the Social Security number of a state judge who alleged civil rights violations by a municipal chief of police, according to the opinion by the chief judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

News of the latest violations comes as the Biden administration faces a difficult battle in persuading Congress to renew Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which allows spy agencies to collect swaths of emails and other communications.

The government isn’t releasing the names of the officials who were improperly searched, but they have all been privately informed that the incursions took place. The case of the unnamed state judge who was searched is particularly disturbing. Was it merely a coincidence that the judge was in the process of investigating a municipal chief of police who had been accused of civil rights violations? That seems unlikely, to say the least.


It can’t be filled with the same corrupt political hacks currently in leadership. There needs to be a purge, big time, to make an emphatic point that the Dems / Marxists are no longer using that agency as the Biden politburo mouthpiece.
I don't know.....Making them all move to AL is a pretty darn emphatic point. ;)

Particular attention needs to be paid to making sure the director's office is moved there.....Same with their Quantico facility. The Hoover Building can be turned into a museum and records storage.
I don't know.....Making them all move to AL is a pretty darn emphatic point. ;)

Particular attention needs to be paid to making sure the director's office is moved there.....Same with their Quantico facility. The Hoover Building can be turned into a museum and records storage.
I hear you. I just don’t think moving Chris ‘I can’t speak to that’ Wray” to Alabama will change anything about the FBI.
`` What was supposed to be a secure and closely supervised tool for going after foreign enemies continues to be used to surveil domestic political opponents. Under conditions where these agencies are heavily politicized, how hard would it be for a political party to gain access to such materials? I assume that it’s happened more than once already.
There’s a long secret history here and we only know some of the more recent phenomena involving Trump and Russiagate, but FISA abuses long predate Trump.``

Obviously, those investigated were not `Democrats` and also included certain journalists' that did not tote the Democrat ideological line..
Grievously, the highest law enforcement agency has been deliberately breaking the law for ideological political purposes. And none of them are in federal prison.
Unfortunately, domestic political opponents are now considered to be enemies of the state. Look at what they are doing to President Trump.
It smacks of the same kind of tactics used in third world dumps like the KGB in their last throes of the 1980`s.
Makes you wonder who is driving all this.
Out of control.

Not a dime for a new HQ. Downsize it. Relocate HQ far, far away from the Beltway.

We previously learned that the FBI had illegally searched hundreds of thousands of citizens’ private banking records and other online data without obtaining warrants in a clear abuse of the Bureau’s FISA Section 702 authority. FBI boss Christopher Wray assured a House committee that “reforms” had been put in place so there would be “fewer incidents” of this illegal activity. But this week’s news suggests that his alleged efforts haven’t addressed the problem. A new report reveals that the FBI searched the data of a U.S. Senator, a state senator, and a judge. All of this was reportedly done without obtaining a warrant. If anyone needed yet another reminder that Section 702 needs to be seriously modified before it is reauthorized, look no further. (Associated Press)
The government isn’t releasing the names of the officials who were improperly searched, but they have all been privately informed that the incursions took place. The case of the unnamed state judge who was searched is particularly disturbing. Was it merely a coincidence that the judge was in the process of investigating a municipal chief of police who had been accused of civil rights violations? That seems unlikely, to say the least.

The FBI is wholly corrupt and needs to be completely shut down; de-fanged; deeply investigated; cleaned out; restructured (with transparent oversight); and set straight.
It can’t be filled with the same corrupt political hacks currently in leadership. There needs to be a purge, big time, to make an emphatic point that the Dems / Marxists are no longer using that agency as the Biden politburo mouthpiece.
The FBI needs to go. I tis rotten to the core and has been almost since day one.
The politicians need to be kicked out of all the historic buildings in the capitol.

Give them one secure giant high rise building. It will be easier to protect and it will be cheaper to maintain. It will be cheaper to heat and cool .

The nice old capitol buildings the politicians can not protect can be turned into museums in a grand park.

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