FBI stops militia plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer

Whitmer made bull shit rules and now she is blaming everyone else but herself and her own fascist motives..
Since Hildabeest ended up turning to such a pathetic little clown, there was a power vacuum at the position of "Most Contemptible Woman in Murica" and she stepped up to take the title.
BLM has beaten, assaulted hundreds of people and killed several. Antifa is another worthless anti american group of excrement who burns and destroys property. Get your facts straight.
List the names of the victims please.

Or even a link to them.

Remember, your link has to tie ANTIFA or #BlackLivesMatter to these crimes.

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Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.
I wonder if any of the yahoos on this site, who support Trump, could be involved with the plot.
They definitely fit the profile of someone who could do such a thing.
Anyone see bri around?
Like I said....It wouldn't be beyond the spooks at the FBI to go along with such a frame-up.

They have absolutely zero credibility as a legit LE agency anymore.

Yep, and in addition to that, the US can legally propagandize its own citizens, since 2013. I'm kind of amazed that there are still so many people who automatically believe whatever they're told. We are at a time when it is necessary to question EVERYTHING.
Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.

Kidnap? What were they going to do...ransom her back to the State for wolverine meat or something? I don't know what they grow in Michigan....
"The militia group is not identified in the court filing."

A few nutbars getting together to fantasize isn't much of a criminal conspiracy.


Translation: when it comes rightwing radicals...it's only a few guys fantasizing...when it comes to leftwing radicals, it's a coup.

Hear this every time.

The clowns trying to kidnap her are AFTIFA cop hating thugs. Anarchists with a flag hanging on the wall behind him. The same flag AFTIFA flys.

You guys get clowned again.

Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.

Kidnap? What were they going to do...ransom her back to the State for wolverine meat or something? I don't know what they grow in Michigan....
No they were going to mulch her
I was about to post that we haven't had a well publicized kidnapping story in this country since Frank Sinatra Jr. But then I remembered Patty Hearst.

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