FBI stops militia plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer

"The militia group is not identified in the court filing."

A few nutbars getting together to fantasize isn't much of a criminal conspiracy.

Unless they are BLM or Antifa
BLM and Panitfa have actually conspired out in the open in social media, and the Keystone Kops at the FBI did absolutely zilch.

So pardon me if I'm as skeptical as fuck about this "conspiracy".
And I am sure you have plenty of FBI arrests to back that up
Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.
I wonder if any of the yahoos on this site, who support Trump, could be involved with the plot.
They definitely fit the profile of someone who could do such a thing.
Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.
I wonder if any of the yahoos on this site, who support Trump, could be involved with the plot.
They definitely fit the profile of someone who could do such a thing.
Why? If I was going to kidnap some lady she wouldn't be one that rides a broom.
"The militia group is not identified in the court filing."

A few nutbars getting together to fantasize isn't much of a criminal conspiracy.

Unless they are BLM or Antifa
BLM and Panitfa have actually conspired out in the open in social media, and the Keystone Kops at the FBI did absolutely zilch.

So pardon me if I'm as skeptical as fuck about this "conspiracy".
And I am sure you have plenty of FBI arrests to back that up
Joe Salvati, Louie Greco, Peter Limon, and Henry Tameleo were all curiously unavailble for comment.
Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.
I wonder if any of the yahoos on this site, who support Trump, could be involved with the plot.
They definitely fit the profile of someone who could do such a thing.

None but there are plenty of leftists here who love blm and antifa and support marxism.
Whitmer made bull shit rules and now she is blaming everyone else but herself and her own fascist motives..
It’s our constitutional right to over throw the government.. democrats should be communist black listed

But please take note......

When democrats revoke your Constitutional Rights and threaten your life and liberty......

ANY and ALL action by you in response will be considered "criminal" and the force of the military will be levied against you.
I thought Obama revoked all of your rights already??

He didn't?

And before Obama, didn't Clinton revoke all of your rights??

He didn't either??

Or are you just being a hyperbolic bitch like reactionary conservatives have always been

Funny how when elected officials actually opine about taking away constitutional rights...you dick suckers are silent...

View attachment 398747
Why are you so pizzed off for? Did it ever occur to you that there may be in the approximately half the population you abhor, men with real leadership abilities that we never heard of? It may not mean those guys caught. With the FBI involved their group or groups must not be large. But I would believe that many people if not involved would be sympathetic to them. All the money and resources and diversity, PC and quotas and we get nazis for your leadership. We have a growing amount of males in all cultures falling behind in this brave new world. At some point they will be ripe for real violence. So when you give all the women all the important jobs and the dangerous ones, we can be happy to know that the seeds of internal destruction are here now. Germinating into potential minions of a powerful leader or pure terrorism cells and groups.
Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.
I wonder if any of the yahoos on this site, who support Trump, could be involved with the plot.
They definitely fit the profile of someone who could do such a thing.
Nah, the yahoos here are just a bunch of pussies that are afraid to even go outside.
Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.
I'd say it's bullshit. If some serious people wanted to take her down they would have. The media is already claiming Trump encouraged it. Fake news.
Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.
I wonder if any of the yahoos on this site, who support Trump, could be involved with the plot.
They definitely fit the profile of someone who could do such a thing.
Nah, the yahoos here are just a bunch of pussies that are afraid to even go outside.
Those are your yahoos though right?
Three died in CHOP, a couple in Portland, at least 30 to 40 this summer. What does it matter? I condemn all of the violence and the left and right. I see both extremes as dangerous to America. If you want to play the “we’re bad but they are worse” game go ahead and defend and justify. It is on you and those on the right and the left just like you.
I asked you for specific facts, not which party did what.

What are the victims' names, which cities have been burned down?

Simple specific facts like that is what I'm concerned about.

Are you able to answer these questions, or no?
Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.
I wonder if any of the yahoos on this site, who support Trump, could be involved with the plot.
They definitely fit the profile of someone who could do such a thing.
Nah, the yahoos here are just a bunch of pussies that are afraid to even go outside.
Those are your yahoos though right?
Wrong, stupid.

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