FBI was tipped about Uvalde shooter day before.

Sure, Captain Obvious, sure.
But therein lies the rub.
You see, there are different degrees of 'advanced' in your 'advanced warning'.
Listen idiot. I’m not talking about a hypothetical. I’m talking about the information that was allegedly conveyed in advance. If you choose not to distinguish between facts and hypotheticals, then you’re even dumber than you’ve seemed. And that’s pretty damn fully retarded.
They probably aren't going to do that every time some pissed off gamer says he is going to shoot up a school.
Probably not. But it sure seems like it was worth the trouble of investigating. Is there any hint of any glimmer of a reason to believe that anyone in the FBI did anything at all with the warning?

Maybe. But I haven’t seen or heard of it. So, I’m not sure what your point is.
"As I said you leftists are so devoid of reality it's not a far stretch one of your own would take a hit and do something like this just to advance the gun control agenda."

I'm pretty skeptical of this imagined epithet of "leftist". Particularly so with it being applied to my avatar..
But let's move on from that particular boogeyman of poor poster 'bigre1775'.......and let's take note of the moveable goalpost he wants to hide behind.

To wit, he's alleged the FBI, including the many many parents within the FBI, 'want dead children' as a policy goal...and when he got a smidgen of pushback on that nutjobbery, well, he changes his goalpost to now being "one of your own taking a hit" ...to advance gun control.

"One" taking a hit meaning what? Being shot? Sacrificing a son or daughter to be shot?

At any rate, in good poster 'bigre1775' narrow world of RemOil and barrel swabs he's gone from all of the FBI (including the aforementioned parents) being responsible for mass shootings to now some anonymous false-flag 'leftist' being the shooter (at Uvalde?) (at Sandy Hook?) (at Marjorie Stoneman?).

Tell us, good poster 'bigre1775', do you really believe those dead 6yr olds at Sandy Hook were crisis actors? Same for the dead 9yr olds in Uvalde?

Free advice, amigo: As a gun advocate you need to tread a bit more responsibly.
You are making all gun owners look like crazed gripper nutjobs.
No disrespect intended.

(underlining by my me)
I’m not talking about a hypothetical. I’m talking about the information that was allegedly conveyed in advance......

Yes, poster BackAgain, mein freund, my avatar and likely all of the forum are aware you are talking about supposed 'advanced information'.

We all know that.
But you see, my friend, there are degrees of 'advanced', nuances to 'advanced'.
Meaning time, mostly.

So if this proves true, that some gal somewhere in Germany alleges she communicated with some anonymous gamer who said threatening things about a school somewhere.....well, how much time did anyone have to vet her tale?

The gaming corporation that controlled the website?
And then the time it took to determine if it was serious and not just another teenage gun-nut fantasizing under a false name on a website?
And to who ---and when ---- did anybody convey that to authorities in the country they determined the poster was gaming from? And the supposed targeted school? In which state, province, region?

In short, amigo, there are real world realities that you seem to be blissfully unaware of.
But yet, you take your paranoia over FBI-boogeymen out for a little whirl&twirl on American social media.

In short, you are being irresponsible and reckless.

And contributing to the grievance-vibe that thrives in American social media venues.
Exactly the same as the poster I just responded to above, poster 'big1775'.
Listen idiot. I’m not talking about a hypothetical. I’m talking about the information that was allegedly conveyed in advance. If you choose not to distinguish between facts and hypotheticals, then you’re even dumber than you’ve seemed. And that’s pretty damn fully retarded.
In advance by about an hour before he entered the school.
Hey Biff we got a tranny fixin' to shoot up an elementary school...

Fuck that noise Skippy, we almost got this dude talked into helping us kidnap a governor when he gets off work Tuesday..... besides we're all gonna fuck Lisa again after work...

This pathetic sham needs to be completely dismantled.

I'm pretty skeptical of this imagined epithet of "leftist". Particularly so with it being applied to my avatar..
But let's move on from that particular boogeyman of poor poster 'bigre1775'.......and let's take note of the moveable goalpost he wants to hide behind.

To wit, he's alleged the FBI, including the many many parents within the FBI, 'want dead children' as a policy goal...and when he got a smidgen of pushback on that nutjobbery, well, he changes his goalpost to now being "one of your own taking a hit" ...to advance gun control.

"One" taking a hit meaning what? Being shot? Sacrificing a son or daughter to be shot?

At any rate, in good poster 'bigre1775' narrow world of RemOil and barrel swabs he's gone from all of the FBI (including the aforementioned parents) being responsible for mass shootings to now some anonymous false-flag 'leftist' being the shooter (at Uvalde?) (at Sandy Hook?) (at Marjorie Stoneman?).

Tell us, good poster 'bigre1775', do you really believe those dead 6yr olds at Sandy Hook were crisis actors? Same for the dead 9yr olds in Uvalde?

Free advice, amigo: As a gun advocate you need to tread a bit more responsibly.
You are making all gun owners look like crazed gripper nutjobs.
No disrespect intended.

(underlining by my me)

Yes, poster BackAgain, mein freund, my avatar and likely all of the forum are aware you are talking about supposed 'advanced information'.

We all know that.
But you see, my friend, there are degrees of 'advanced', nuances to 'advanced'.
Meaning time, mostly.

So if this proves true, that some gal somewhere in Germany alleges she communicated with some anonymous gamer who said threatening things about a school somewhere.....well, how much time did anyone have to vet her tale?

The gaming corporation that controlled the website?
And then the time it took to determine if it was serious and not just another teenage gun-nut fantasizing under a false name on a website?
And to who ---and when ---- did anybody convey that to authorities in the country they determined the poster was gaming from? And the supposed targeted school? In which state, province, region?

In short, amigo, there are real world realities that you seem to be blissfully unaware of.
But yet, you take your paranoia over FBI-boogeymen out for a little whirl&twirl on American social media.

In short, you are being irresponsible and reckless.

And contributing to the grievance-vibe that thrives in American social media venues.
Exactly the same as the poster I just responded to above, poster 'big1775'.
I can't wait to hear your defense of the FBI in the Nikolas Cruz case.

On September 24 the FBI was notified that a guy with the username, “nikolas cruz” made the comment on You Tube that: “I’m going to be a professional school shooter." Then on January 5, a person close to Cruz contacted the FBI to report concerns about him doing something like a schools shooting. So they knew that a guy named Nicolas Cruz wanted to be a school shooter, and that a person close to Cruz was concerned about him doing that very thing. So there was no mystery concerning who Nikolas Cruz was, as the person close to Cruz made that clear.

A verbal or written threat to kill or do bodily harm is a felony. The FBI was directed to proof of that threat and of the name on the You Tube account. That was the evidence they needed to get the subpoena. The later tip they received from the caller who knew Cruz is proof that they knew who and where he was. She directed them to his disturbing Instagram posts which showed, among other things, his arsenal. So they had his written threat to kill school kids, and they had the tip from someone else who knew him.


According to the FBI, The information should have been assessed as a "potential threat to life," the bureau said. The FBI failed to act on a tip about Nikolas Cruz, the confessed shooter in the Parkland, Florida, school massacre, the bureau said in a statement.

Go ahead and defend.
Last edited:

I'm pretty skeptical of this imagined epithet of "leftist". Particularly so with it being applied to my avatar..
But let's move on from that particular boogeyman of poor poster 'bigre1775'.......and let's take note of the moveable goalpost he wants to hide behind.

To wit, he's alleged the FBI, including the many many parents within the FBI, 'want dead children' as a policy goal...and when he got a smidgen of pushback on that nutjobbery, well, he changes his goalpost to now being "one of your own taking a hit" ...to advance gun control.

"One" taking a hit meaning what? Being shot? Sacrificing a son or daughter to be shot?

At any rate, in good poster 'bigre1775' narrow world of RemOil and barrel swabs he's gone from all of the FBI (including the aforementioned parents) being responsible for mass shootings to now some anonymous false-flag 'leftist' being the shooter (at Uvalde?) (at Sandy Hook?) (at Marjorie Stoneman?).

Tell us, good poster 'bigre1775', do you really believe those dead 6yr olds at Sandy Hook were crisis actors? Same for the dead 9yr olds in Uvalde?

Free advice, amigo: As a gun advocate you need to tread a bit more responsibly.
You are making all gun owners look like crazed gripper nutjobs.
No disrespect intended.

(underlining by my me)

Yes, poster BackAgain, mein freund, my avatar and likely all of the forum are aware you are talking about supposed 'advanced information'.

We all know that.
But you see, my friend, there are degrees of 'advanced', nuances to 'advanced'.
Meaning time, mostly.

So if this proves true, that some gal somewhere in Germany alleges she communicated with some anonymous gamer who said threatening things about a school somewhere.....well, how much time did anyone have to vet her tale?

The gaming corporation that controlled the website?
And then the time it took to determine if it was serious and not just another teenage gun-nut fantasizing under a false name on a website?
And to who ---and when ---- did anybody convey that to authorities in the country they determined the poster was gaming from? And the supposed targeted school? In which state, province, region?

In short, amigo, there are real world realities that you seem to be blissfully unaware of.
But yet, you take your paranoia over FBI-boogeymen out for a little whirl&twirl on American social media.

In short, you are being irresponsible and reckless.

And contributing to the grievance-vibe that thrives in American social media venues.
Exactly the same as the poster I just responded to above, poster 'big1775'.
Go fuck yourself with your misinformed advice. One of your antigun leftist more than likely funded the shooter to further advance your antigun agenda. You antiguners are that desperate and do fucking delusional

I'm pretty skeptical of this imagined epithet of "leftist". Particularly so with it being applied to my avatar..
But let's move on from that particular boogeyman of poor poster 'bigre1775'.......and let's take note of the moveable goalpost he wants to hide behind.

To wit, he's alleged the FBI, including the many many parents within the FBI, 'want dead children' as a policy goal...and when he got a smidgen of pushback on that nutjobbery, well, he changes his goalpost to now being "one of your own taking a hit" ...to advance gun control.

"One" taking a hit meaning what? Being shot? Sacrificing a son or daughter to be shot?

At any rate, in good poster 'bigre1775' narrow world of RemOil and barrel swabs he's gone from all of the FBI (including the aforementioned parents) being responsible for mass shootings to now some anonymous false-flag 'leftist' being the shooter (at Uvalde?) (at Sandy Hook?) (at Marjorie Stoneman?).

Tell us, good poster 'bigre1775', do you really believe those dead 6yr olds at Sandy Hook were crisis actors? Same for the dead 9yr olds in Uvalde?

Free advice, amigo: As a gun advocate you need to tread a bit more responsibly.
You are making all gun owners look like crazed gripper nutjobs.
No disrespect intended.

(underlining by my me)

Yes, poster BackAgain, mein freund, my avatar and likely all of the forum are aware you are talking about supposed 'advanced information'.

We all know that.
But you see, my friend, there are degrees of 'advanced', nuances to 'advanced'.
Meaning time, mostly.

So if this proves true, that some gal somewhere in Germany alleges she communicated with some anonymous gamer who said threatening things about a school somewhere.....well, how much time did anyone have to vet her tale?

The gaming corporation that controlled the website?
And then the time it took to determine if it was serious and not just another teenage gun-nut fantasizing under a false name on a website?
And to who ---and when ---- did anybody convey that to authorities in the country they determined the poster was gaming from? And the supposed targeted school? In which state, province, region?

In short, amigo, there are real world realities that you seem to be blissfully unaware of.
But yet, you take your paranoia over FBI-boogeymen out for a little whirl&twirl on American social media.

In short, you are being irresponsible and reckless.

And contributing to the grievance-vibe that thrives in American social media venues.
Exactly the same as the poster I just responded to above, poster 'big1775'.
Your avatar doesn’t speak. You speak under the name you chose as your username. An avatar is an associated image. You don’t even have an avatar.

Putting aside your precious little posing and posturing, let’s discuss the balance of your pointless: You’re wrong.

There are no degrees to “advanced” warning. A kid told the FBI about the specific concerns. Given events in the last few years, ANY heads up that comes before such a tragic incident (i.e., in advance of the incident) is advanced warning. Period. Your present quibble is annoyingly irrelevant.

And, despite your pontificating tendency to feign superior intellect, you are too dim-witted to even address the actual point. Let me simplify it for a person of your limited intellect. Regardless of how specific or non-specific the prior warning was, it was worth further INVESTIGATION. Had that been done, it is not a given (but it certainly improves the prospect) that the specifics might have been uncovered with enough lead-time to earn those poor people. Local law enforcement might have gotten there AHEAD of time. That’s the virtue of advanced warning.

As to your concern about use of the term “leftist.” My reply to your “concern” is “get over yourself.” You may choose to deny reality, but it remains reality all the same that the term “leftist” does have actual meaning. It isn’t a tool with surgical precision, maybe; but it does refer to a mindset that is unquestionably different than the mindset of the right.

You, on the left, do tend to react in a shitty fashion by seeking to make partisan political points after any such tragedy. You seek to make use of the tragedy and you seek to employ the obvious and understandable emotional aspect of the reaction to TAKE ADVANTAGE of the emotion rather than to waste a moment of that feeling.

I recently advised rightwinger and I share it with you. The notion of grappling with any possible legislative “solution” comes with associated difficulties. So, despite your urgent desire to make quick use of the emotion of the moment, the reality is that any proposed legislation will HAVE to hammer-out terms, conditions, and procedural and substantive safeguards. And yes. It does take time. Seeking to rush-through a bill to seize the immediate moment (and the emotion) is going to continue to be denied.

That’s not my “avatar” talking; nor is it my username. It’s just me. And I’m happy to debate any part of it — but on the level. I will continue to reject your efforts to invoke fallacy and hyperbole.
Probably not. But it sure seems like it was worth the trouble of investigating. Is there any hint of any glimmer of a reason to believe that anyone in the FBI did anything at all with the warning?

Maybe. But I haven’t seen or heard of it. So, I’m not sure what your point is.
Well, given the short time frame, my point is that the response that would have been required to prevent this is just not something to be expected.
Well, given the short time frame, my point is that the response that would have been required to prevent this is just not something to be expected.
We don’t know that. Some investigation and any sense of urgency could have moved mountains.
We don’t know that. Some investigation and any sense of urgency could have moved mountains.
Yes, we do know that. Which school were they supposed to lockdown? There are lots of schools. Are you suggesting the FBI run out and arrest, within hours, every pissed off gamer that says he will go shoot up a school? Yes, we indeed know that is not going to happen. And if we are dumb enough to think that it will and do not look elsewhere for better solutions, we are a stupid, incapable country.
Yes, we do know that. Which school were they supposed to lockdown? There are lots of schools. Are you suggesting the FBI run out and arrest, within hours, every pissed off gamer that says he will go shoot up a school? Yes, we indeed know that is not going to happen. And if we are dumb enough to think that it will and do not look elsewhere for better solutions, we are a stupid, incapable country.
No. I suggested and am still suggesting that they could have should have investigated. Hell; I always think that under such conditions, investigation needs to precede any arrests.

Here the questions are: did they know who contacted them with the info? I believe that’s obviously a “yes.”

Could they have thereby determined what game was being played on what platform? Again, yes.

Could they have then quickly gotten in contact with the game’s servers? Yep. May not have even required an emergency warrant.

Once obtained, could they have quickly seen who was on line playing the game. Absolutely.

Having identified the user, they would have no trouble getting his IP ADDRESS. From that point it would have been easy Tiger the address’s and the community.

When the FBI then reaches out to LEOs, a much more rapid response (possibly ahead of the arrival of the shooter) might have been possible. I mean, if they know his name and community they could quickly check his social media. There were those “clue” things there. I know. I saw one of the pictures.

I don’t have the exact warnings she gave the FBI. But there was I understand a reference to shooting up a school. Schools could have been out in advanced lock down.

Is any of this a guarantee that any of it would have happened in time? No. But damn. Efforts could have been made. And should have been made.

(Additionally, any LEOs who were there and failed to take action immediately while the idiot was inside doing his thing should be charged at least administratively. Maybe even prosecuted criminally. But that’s a different problem.)
I suggested and am still suggesting that they could have should have investigated.
Okay, but my point is that this action would not, in 24 hours, have prevented these events. It's an unrealistic expectation to think it would or should. They get 100s of tips every day. They don't have the resources to aggressively and immediately pounce on them and detain all the people. It's just not going to happen.

Pulling one incident and placing it in a vacuum, with the benefit of hindsight, is easy and lazy. And not a realistic representation of how each of 10s of 100s of tips a year should be handled.

So we better look elsewhere for something better.
Okay, but my point is that this action would not, in 24 hours, have prevented these events. It's an unrealistic expectation to think it would or should. They get 100s of tips every day. They don't have the resources to aggressively and immediately pounce on them and detain all the people. It's just not going to happen.

Pulling one incident and placing it in a vacuum, with the benefit of hindsight, is easy and lazy. And not a realistic representation of how each of 10s of 100s of tips a year should be handled.

So we better look elsewhere for something better.
And I disagree. I maintains that it could have all happened within two hours or less. And if nothing else, it should have been attempted.
I maintains that it could have all happened within two hours or less.
Yes, the one event in a vacuum, with the benefit of hindsight. I addressed this more than once.

In what we call "reality", the FBI gets mountains of such tips and CAN NOT and WILL NOT aggressively follow up on them all in the way you suggest.

You are living in fantasyland to think otherwise.
Not to defend the FBI, but just what the fuck would you expect them to do with a tip like that?

She doesn't know his real name, she doesn't know where he lives, and what he typed in the postchat was, "what if i shoot up a school tomorrow” (from the link).

For all we and the FBI know, the person who typed that is still out there playing games and typing stupid shit...
Yeah, this means nothing unless they can find out who the kid was. I bet thousands of threats a day like that and worse are made online by teens. What a terrible culture we've fallen into.

It appears he had been texting several girls on-line and they all heard him say crazy things.

The dead cat thing is another giveaway, most serial killers start by killing animals.
You'd be surprised how many teenage boys try to get contact with anyone they can HOPE is female through games. When I played Dead Souls Xbox kept "giving" me "free access" to Xbox Gold for a month ---- which I hated because it opened the game up to all these kids. What they could say was strictly limited, but wow, were they creative!! I will never join Xbox Gold voluntarily ---- same deal with Division II, quite a neat game, but in every assembly sort of place one was swarmed by avatars trying to "link up."

It was better in PUBG --- there people just wanted to kill me.

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