FBI was tipped about Uvalde shooter day before.

Yes, the one event in a vacuum, with the benefit of hindsight. I addressed this more than once.

In what we call "reality", the FBI gets mountains of such tips and CAN NOT and WILL NOT aggressively follow up on them all in the way you suggest.

You are living in fantasyland to think otherwise.
Wrong. But even if you were right, here in the actual real world, the complacency you claim is the SOP is utterly unacceptable.

Your acceptance of such an absurd state of affairs (in the very remote chance that you were correct in the first place) is a serious problem. Our people have a perfectly valid right to demand better of our supposedly premier law enforcement agency.
But even if you were right, here in the actual real world, the complacency you claim is the SOP is utterly unacceptable.
That's not complacency. That's the effect of limited resources. You could double their resources, and still the fantasy you imagine would and could not happen. Sorry. You have lost your grip on reality, in this case.
That's not complacency. That's the effect of limited resources. You could double their resources, and still the fantasy you imagine would and could not happen. Sorry. You have lost your grip on reality, in this case.
No. It’s complacency. In the face of a threat, damn the other investigations for the moment. All hands on deck. And what I spoke of isn’t a fantasy at all. Your spin on that is just that: useless spin.

I’m sorry you have never had a grip on reality. The scenario you contend somehow constitutes “reality” simply isn’t.
No. It’s complacency.
No, that's idiotic, for precisely the reasons mentioned. Unless you are blaming the American public and government for being complacent for not giving them 10 or 100 times the resources they have.

Enjoy fantasyland. In what we call "reality", the FBI cannot and therefore will not aggressively follow up on every tip in the manner you suggest. So piss in the wind alll day, you achieve nothing but embarrasisng yourself.
Why would they be looking for her? She took screenshots and notified authorities.
You keep bringing it up. Where SHE is doesn’t mean shit. Yet another example of the FBI dropping the ball. Seems to be a pattern when it comes to these people...
You keep bringing it up. Where SHE is doesn’t mean shit. Yet another example of the FBI dropping the ball. Seems to be a pattern when it comes to these people...
It was less than an hour before he went into the school. It was also on Facebook.
The world you RWI's live in is quite the Fantasy.

A wacko shoots up a school and you idiots blame the FBI and the School.

Buy more GUNS. Save the World. <<<<<<<< Fucking Lunacy.

You blame an inanimate object. That’s lunacy!
No, that's idiotic, for precisely the reasons mentioned. Unless you are blaming the American public and government for being complacent for not giving them 10 or 100 times the resources they have.

Enjoy fantasyland. In what we call "reality", the FBI cannot and therefore will not aggressively follow up on every tip in the manner you suggest. So piss in the wind alll day, you achieve nothing but embarrasisng yourself.
If you were inclined to be reasonable you might simply say, “I disagree.” But no. With you it is far easier and less productive to say shit like “that’s idiotic” or “ fantasy land.”

I thought I saw a glimmer of hope for you. I thought it might turn out that you were capable of being reasonable and mature. I was wrong. Oh well.

More substantively, you remain wrong. There is clearly no point served in trying to discuss it substantively with you. So I won’t bother. I consider you as being dismissible. And now, adieu.
But you see, my friend, there are degrees of 'advanced', nuances to 'advanced'.
Meaning time, mostly.
There are no degrees to “advanced” warning.

OK, good poster BackAgain, let's cut to the chase about this 'degrees of advanced warning' stuff.

  • When did this supposed 'girl' communicate with the thought-to-be-the-shooter who was using a fake name?
  • And when did she realize that messaging from him was problematic?
  • And when she came to that realization who did she convey it to?
  • And when did she do that?
  • And if you know the when of that......well, where does it fit relative to when the shooter entered the school?
  • And when did authorities realize that the complained-about poster was the shooter? And was this girl's correspondent, in fact, the shooter?

Lastly, how do you know any of what you allege you know?
Meaning, who or what are your sources?
Will you link us to them.....so we can read the information ourselves.
Not that we don't trust your avatar.......but you know the drill, trust but verify.

Saddle up, comrade.
"Go fuck yourself with your misinformed advice. One of your antigun leftist more than likely funded the shooter to further advance your antigun agenda."
So, good poster "big1775" are you backing off your claim that the "FBI" wants dead kids in order to take American's guns?

You have not explicitly disavowed that claim of yours, so I'm curious.

Too, you have offered that it was one or more "leftists" sacrificing one of theirs into doing it as a false flag murder spree. Did the forum get your messaging right on that rationale of yours?

But now, are you moving away from the false-flag option to blame some unnamed 'leftist' hiring the big kid to kill the little kids?
That goal post of yours seems to be on clown wheels that can pivot in any direction.

Or, you are you simply feckless and indecisive?

Regardless, the forum is eager to hear who you will blame next for those 19 dead Uvalde kids.

(May they rest in peace, and their families eventually find solace.)
Indians mutilated their enemies, and that goes for their Indian enemies too.
(this ain't exactly a thread-hijack....as someone else brought up this Indian-killing stuff)

Oh sure, there are plenty of historical accounts of that happening --- Indian torture and mutilation.
Also plenty of historical accounts of white folks mutilating Indians, and whites.

ps...if you want a really good read on that merde', pick up Duncan's book ' Hernando De Soto A Savage Quest in the Americas'.

De Soto's entrada into Florida and the southeast quadrant of America in the late 1530's......takes 'savagery' to a pretty disgusting level.
De Soto was a monster. As were many of his contemporaries in the period of the 'entrada'.

It always surprised me (after I read the 'DeSoto Chronicles') that there were southern communities proudly erecting statues to this murderous bloke. They were proclaiming with these statues and parades that he was a white guy bringing "Christianity" to the aborigines.

All the while, blithely ignoring the piles of hands and arms he had his men cut off Indians who didn't give him food or women.

Also, blithely ignoring the raping ---by the hundreds, perhaps thousands ---of aboriginal women.

Thankfully, Christianist now practice a flavor of that religion that is a bit more gentle than DeSoto's version.

So there is that.

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