FBI's Most Wanted MAGA PICS

Authorities are predicting hundreds of arrests...because these cretins were maskless in a building covered in cameras
There has been an identification of "fire extinguisher guy" who MAY have killed that policeman

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Arrests are being made. Send them to GITMO!

I bet they do not release many names because many will be known Anti_fa or BLM.

You're a dumbass and a traitor. Fuck off.

What makes me a traitor? This should be precious.

You support these traitors.

I do not support Anti-Fa. That is who they were.

Wow! You're just not too bright, are you?

They have already debunked the Antifa narrative...everyone ID'ed has solid Trumpanzee credentials. Not that it really would matter if some Antifa were there..they too broke the law, if they were there..and they too will face the consequences.

None of that addresses the fact..fact...that Trump dispatched them to the Capital--he inflamed them and wound them up..and pointed them at the Congress.

Or did the antifa lizard people put thoughts in his brain..made him do it?

Trump didn't send anyone to the capital. Trump supporters did that on their own. You of course will blame Trump. Typical.

BLM and Antifa were there. In fact there is a pic of the guy in antlers who's a known Antifa guy.

Reality sure ain't your strong suit but make believe is.

You mean this guy?

View attachment 439281
Sorry sugar, he's all yours. He's a Q Anon guy (and he's not happy about being called Antifa)

he's an Environment freak-----------who doesn't hold a job---sounds like a dem to me.

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