FEC dems trying to shut down fox news during the election!

Rupert Murdoch is a foreign born terrorist, brainwashing the American public. Anyone who uses any of the media owned by Newscorp should be put on a terrorist watchlist and investigated for high treason.

You sound like one of Castro's regime.
This is the true voice of the "progessive" movement. They are nothing but leftists like all over the world. Look at this one, he'd shoot his enemies if he could get someone to do it for him.

It is your terrorist owned Newscorp and its axis of evil Fox News, Wall street Journal and NY post that commits treason against the state on a daily basis. They only exist because they have bribed the courts to allow their treasonous lies to be broadcast and printed. This corruption must end! The terrorist Rupert Murdoch must be brought to justice!
CNN is owned by TimeWarner a proud american company not a foreign terrorist owned network like Newscorp

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! The head of Time Warner has a seat at the CFR, the most anti-American, pro-globalist organization that there is. HOLY f---k but are you stooooopid!!!

If you do not know what the Council On Foreign Relations is, what it's purpose is and whom founded it, you are tooo fucking stupid to even be posting here.
IT'S A CONSPIRACEE!!!! The only conspiracy is a natural one, greedy idiot GOP billionaires slowly robbing the middle class and the country blind and duping the rubes with bs...

George Soros isn't part of the GOP...he is a leftard and a commie. Fuck the commies and their little leftard minions like yourself.
I thought he was a Nazi lol...
you do have to begin to wonder if the free airtime they give to trump - and the hour long commercial m-f 10p-11p eastern isn't running afoul of campaign finance rules
Nope. Hillary is invited too but never appears in anything that is less than adoring. So you can wonder, being the idiot that you are, but if someone doesn't show that's their problem, not the media outlet's.
easyt is simply wrong on the OP, and Dale Smith is a spoofery of posting.
Nice OPINION...but my comments come straight from CNN, FOX, & the FEC itself. Read the frickin'proposal written by the libtard female FEC member. Don't just spew ignorance - educate yourself.
The fact that so many Americans support Hillary after she has further victimized female victims of sexual assaults/harassments/rapes, allied herself with Al Qaeida, broke laws, endangered natl security, etc shows America is in steep decline.

We are a natIOn that has lost its morals, lost its ethics, lost its sense of right and wrong, lost its high...or even medium...standards, has lost its SOUL.

Will the last American out please bring the flag?!
Aren't Trump's "morals" what is common to America now, all out for number one like Trump?
Look out for #1 is on the Clinton family crest.

Trump is representing American frustration with corrupt, self-serving career politicians like Hillary.
you do have to begin to wonder if the free airtime they give to trump - and the hour long commercial m-f 10p-11p eastern isn't running afoul of campaign finance rules
Nope. Hillary is invited too but never appears in anything that is less than adoring. So you can wonder, being the idiot that you are, but if someone doesn't show that's their problem, not the media outlet's.
that may in fact be the answer.

i just think there is a clear monetary value for the air time fox gives to trump that would not be tje same for clinton
No, FEC is not trying to shut down Fox.
you do have to begin to wonder if the free airtime they give to trump - and the hour long commercial m-f 10p-11p eastern isn't running afoul of campaign finance rules
It's not just Fox -- CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS - they have gung in every word Trump utters, has sucked off his popularity. THEY ALL GAVE him more air time.
The fact that so many Americans support Hillary after she has further victimized female victims of sexual assaults/harassments/rapes, allied herself with Al Qaeida, broke laws, endangered natl security, etc shows America is in steep decline.

We are a natIOn that has lost its morals, lost its ethics, lost its sense of right and wrong, lost its high...or even medium...standards, has lost its SOUL.

Will the last American out please bring the flag?!
Do tell, aren't Trump's "morals" what is common to America now, all out for number one like Trump is?

Trump's history of generosity to the common man is much better than that of the Clinton's and their slush fund cleverly disguised as a tax free foundation.
Trump has never done anything in his life that wasn't for Trump. When he gives away a buck he expects ten returned in media coverage. He is generous, to himself.

Oh, he is just like Clinton and Obama!
The fact that so many Americans support Hillary after she has further victimized female victims of sexual assaults/harassments/rapes, allied herself with Al Qaeida, broke laws, endangered natl security, etc shows America is in steep decline.

We are a natIOn that has lost its morals, lost its ethics, lost its sense of right and wrong, lost its high...or even medium...standards, has lost its SOUL.

Will the last American out please bring the flag?!
Do tell, aren't Trump's "morals" what is common to America now, all out for number one like Trump is?

Trump's history of generosity to the common man is much better than that of the Clinton's and their slush fund cleverly disguised as a tax free foundation.
Trump has never done anything in his life that wasn't for Trump. When he gives away a buck he expects ten returned in media coverage. He is generous, to himself.

I remember when Trump bought a giant private yacht in the eighties and think it was the biggest or one of the biggest private luxury yachts in the world. Trump rode around in it for a while but fuel costs were killing him and he sold it for a loss. Trump should have bought a sail boat luxury yacht and used free wind energy while teaching his children how to be real sailors.

He bought a yacht! Big news there bud, wow, incredible breaking news! Thanks for sharing.
what about shutting down CNN? no one deserves such cruel and unusual punishment at the airport !!!!!
CNN is owned by TimeWarner a proud american company not a foreign terrorist owned network like Newscorp
And this 'fine American company' publicly - live on TV - admitted it is NOT a 'news' organization but is a complete liberal / Hillary propoganda outlet that has given Hillary a pass in every scandal and has done all they can do to help her win. By their own admission they are NOT a 'media / news' organization!
It is your terrorist owned Newscorp and its axis of evil Fox News, Wall street Journal and NY post that commits treason against the state on a daily basis. They only exist because they have bribed the courts to allow their treasonous lies to be broadcast and printed. This corruption must end! The terrorist Rupert Murdoch must be brought to justice!

You are either a paid shill or you are just a left wing nut job.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! The head of Time Warner has a seat at the CFR, the most anti-American, pro-globalist organization that there is. HOLY f---k but are you stooooopid!!!

If you do not know what the Council On Foreign Relations is, what it's purpose is and whom founded it, you are tooo fucking stupid to even be posting here.
IT'S A CONSPIRACEE!!!! The only conspiracy is a natural one, greedy idiot GOP billionaires slowly robbing the middle class and the country blind and duping the rubes with bs...

George Soros isn't part of the GOP...he is a leftard and a commie. Fuck the commies and their little leftard minions like yourself.
I thought he was a Nazi lol...

Fascism and communism....what is the difference? Not much because all control ends up in the hands of the totalitarian state, does it not??

If you do not know what the Council On Foreign Relations is, what it's purpose is and whom founded it, you are tooo fucking stupid to even be posting here.
IT'S A CONSPIRACEE!!!! The only conspiracy is a natural one, greedy idiot GOP billionaires slowly robbing the middle class and the country blind and duping the rubes with bs...

George Soros isn't part of the GOP...he is a leftard and a commie. Fuck the commies and their little leftard minions like yourself.
I thought he was a Nazi lol...

Fascism and communism....what is the difference? Not much because all control ends up in the hands of the totalitarian state, does it not??
Well, fascism is capitalist. REAL command capitalism! But most just go along...

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