FEC fines DNC and Clinton for Trump dossier hoax

The left is full of dummies who believed that horse shit.

They also believed that Hunter's Laptop was Russia Misinformation.

They are too dumb to participate in self-government.

We should remove their right to vote and make them slaves.
The left is full of dummies who believed that horse shit.

They also believed that Hunter's Laptop was Russia Misinformation.

They are too dumb to participate in self-government.

We should remove their right to vote and make them slaves.

Do we notice how everything is starting to fall apart for Biden and Hillary?

Know what this means!

They Left is going to throw Ho-Ho under the bus, along with insuring that Hillary doesn't have a chance in hell of filling the political vacuum left behind. Politics 101, kill 2 birds with one stone, or at least destroy them at the same time.

I expect John Kerry to be elevated and recycled for 2024. He checks all the boxes for the Left, and they believe he can be sold to Americans as a moderate!
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Do we notice how everything is starting to fall apart for Biden and Hillary?

Know what this means!

They Left is going to throw Ho-Ho under the bus, along with insuring that Hillary doesn't have a chance in hell of filling the political vacuum left behind. Politics 101, kill 2 birds with one stone, or at least destroy them at the same time.

I expect John Kerry to be elevated and recycled for 2024. He checks all the boxes for the Left, and they believe he can be sold to Americans as a moderate!

With all the crap that Hitlery has done, wars, spending, establishment connections and the lying, it's a wonder she hasn't been cancelled yet.
With all the crap that Hitlery has done, wars, spending, establishment connections and the lying, it's a wonder she hasn't been cancelled yet.

The Left is going to cancel her and Ho-Ho for their own survival, it is more than obvious. In modern times, we have NEVER seen poll numbers like this. The Left is going to cut bait and run, pointing fingers at these 2, trying to deflect the stench off themselves, so they can live to fight another day.

Is it not amazing! For all the GOP effort put forth, the architects of Ho-Ho and Hilly going down, is going to be their own people. While I have no sympathy for either of them, it shows how damn RUTHLESS the Leftists are when challenging their power when they can try and lay total blame, on someone else.
autta use this as a spring board into a grand jury into the clinton foundation, since donations have dried up on that scam

They laundered millions through that law firm and are only fined 113,000 in total. If it were a common man they'd be in jail.

As long as your political affiliation can influence the outcome, huh?
So just to make sure I have your position on this correctly:

Misdemeanor Assault with no jail time, and an $8000 fine is the same as Felony Assault with 10 years in federal jail?

It's all equal to you?

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