Feckless coward Mitch McConnell: ‘President Is Not Going to Be Removed from Office’

There is precedent for that. Nixon won a massive landslide victory then resigned in disgrace. Bush, Sr. had massive popularity numbers after Gulf War 1, then lost an election a few years later. You never know how political winds are going to shift. That being said, this administration is CERTAINLY handing the opposition a LOT of ammo for the next few election cycles.
Did either of them have over half the country call for their impeachment 6 months after becoming President?
this administration is CERTAINLY handing the opposition a LOT of ammo for the next few election cycles.
Yea! Like supporting the insurrection and the Big Lie, and antivaxing and… oh wait… that’s not them that’s the GOP.
Yea! Like supporting the insurrection and the Big Lie, and antivaxing and… oh wait… that’s not them that’s the GOP.
But, but, but, somebody else did something!!!! Face reality, they're in charge now and all the videos showing awful things happening will have their faces superimposed on them. Do you really think for a moment that the riot at the capitol will carry more weight than Afghans falling off of our planes, children being tossed over the fence in a desperate attempt to escape what everyone expects is coming? Get real.

Elections have consequences, and one of them is that the winner is held responsible for his/her decisions. It matters not what happened before.
You told everyone how you did 'much web-crawling'....'used every search term I could think of - no luck' , admitting that you are ignorant, incompetent, a liar, or all three....you called me a liar because I would not post a link, challenged me to do so. said there was no such link.....

So I just spanked that snowflake ass in front of everyone.....

I told you to go back to the kids table and come back when you could admit you were wrong and apologize like a man.....

'B...b...but...." :206:

That's what I get for expecting a fragile, egotistical, immature, spoiled child to be able to have it within himself to act like a mature adult.

Piss off, snowflake. You challenged, I answered, you got BURNED.

'Life is hard - its harder when you're stupid'
- John Wayne - I am now convinced he was talking specifically about YOU.
I wasnt convinced with your flimsy and non relevant links to shit that doesn’t support your claim BUT I was totally turned around by the way you CAPITALIZED words. To me that PROVED you are right when all evidence suggests you’re a buffoon.
Unless they lie about getting blown you mean!
Yeah, something about respect for the rule of law and quaint things like that. Of course, they still have some time to remove Quid Pro if his own party doesn't do it first.
Yea! Like supporting the insurrection and the Big Lie, and antivaxing and… oh wait… that’s not them that’s the GOP.
'Insurrection'? OH PLEASE, you puss - Americans trespassing in the Capitol, after Capitol police were filmed / photographed opening doors for the crowd to come in and escorting them through the Capitol? Please tell me you aren't really that gullible as to believe Pelosi's BS!

Antifa & BLM went from city to city looting, burning, pillaging, assaulting and murdering - they attempted to burn both local and federal police officers alive ... and where the f* were you and other snowflakes calling THIS / THESE an 'INSURRECTION'?

Democrats, VP Harris, Barry - they were paying the bail for these terrorists as fast as it was posted to get them back out on the streets to continue with their terrorist attacks. Barry helped pay the bail of 2 prominent Chicago lawyers who attempted to burn local policemen alive by throwing Molotov Cocktails on their car with them inside.

Harris called on these terrorists to continue their violence after the election...and they were more than happy to oblige.

Altogether these terrorists caused BVILLIONS of dollars in damages and permanently put out of businesses a lot of black-owned small businesses.

So STFU already about how the 1/6 violent protest was an 'insurrection'!


........................'Insurrection'............................................'FIERY, but Mostly Peaceful Protest'

How in the world does it make McConnell a feckless coward? This is a shameful attack on McConnell rather than a political opinion. He said "In the wake of the Afghanistan crisis". He didn't say Biden would never be removed. Anybody could tell you the same thing in a democrat congressional majority.

Kentucky....get this asshole the FUCK out of office. Biden should be IMMEDIATELY impeached.

Maybe McConnell is lying for 2022, then he will flip....just like the Dems in 2018. They all lied about not impeaching Trump for the election.

/——/ Do you think the DemocRAT controlled Congress and Senate will vote to remove a democRAT President? Seriously?
I wasnt convinced with your flimsy and non relevant links to shit that doesn’t support your claim BUT I was totally turned around by the way you CAPITALIZED words. To me that PROVED you are right when all evidence suggests you’re a buffoon.
So, much like the idiot who claimed I did not have a link and challenged me to produce one, you want to step up and try to be a smartass, trying your best to ignore / minimize the fact that he...and it seems you......were / are wrong.

I get it - you snowflake pusses are frail, fragile, throw temper tantrums when your delusions are challenged / shattered by fact. I am sorry you pusses are pissed that there are links proving I was / am right. I am not impressed by the same ol' tactic of snowflakes trying to attack the source when they are proven wrong or can't debunk what is being reported.

In the end, I don't care if you are offended. I don't care if you don't like the sources after you claim they didn't exist to begin with only to be proven wrong. Your childish insults don't phase me. So please take your bruised egos, and your sore behinds, and piss off.

Kentucky....get this asshole the FUCK out of office. Biden should be IMMEDIATELY impeached.

Maybe McConnell is lying for 2022, then he will flip....just like the Dems in 2018. They all lied about not impeaching Trump for the election.

Why should republicans bother trusting right-wingers? They have their own Republican doctrine, not right-wing fantasy.

Kentucky....get this asshole the FUCK out of office. Biden should be IMMEDIATELY impeached.

Maybe McConnell is lying for 2022, then he will flip....just like the Dems in 2018. They all lied about not impeaching Trump for the election.

The Senate can't impeach anyone, that starts in the House and the Republicans don't have the votes to impeach Biden. Even if the House had anywhere close to enough votes, the Senate trial there would be no conviction. The perfect scenario is coming, the Republicans just need to be patient.

Revenge is a dish best served cold, as they say.
Yeah, something about respect for the rule of law and quaint things like that. Of course, they still have some time to remove Quid Pro if his own party doesn't do it first.

He was still impeached over lying about a blowjob. Democrat absolved him and accepted the corruption associated with lying about a blow Job. They will own it forever.

The Neo-GOP on the other hand, accept the corruption associated with not only trying to use foreign military aid as leverage to get a foreign country to attack domestic political opponents with an announcement of a criminal investigation of those opponents, based on no evidence what so ever, but also for inciting the MAGAMOB siege, and strong arm assault of Congress during the ceremonial counting of the valid and certified states votes from the EC. They will own it forever.
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How in the world does it make McConnell a feckless coward? This is a shameful attack on McConnell rather than a political opinion. He said "In the wake of the Afghanistan crisis". He didn't say Biden would never be removed. Anybody could tell you the same thing in a democrat congressional majority.
Snowflakes are shallow and enjoy in engaging in personal attacks. They are not smart enough to think through things and ask themselves 'why'. The 'WHY' McConnell refuses to push for Impeachment has already been explained....by smarter, deeper thinking individuals. The OP is desperate to lash out at others as a distraction to Biden's horrifically failed presidency, which has been plagued by scandal after scandal since Day 1 - the worst being his abandoning Americans in Afghanistan.

While he definitely deserves to be Impeached, no one wants Harris anywhere near the Oval Office.

Kentucky....get this asshole the FUCK out of office. Biden should be IMMEDIATELY impeached.

Maybe McConnell is lying for 2022, then he will flip....just like the Dems in 2018. They all lied about not impeaching Trump for the election.

That's extreme wishful thinking since we have a 50/50 Senate and a Democrat VP.
The Senate can't impeach anyone, that starts in the House and the Republicans don't have the votes to impeach Biden. Even if the House had anywhere close to enough votes, the Senate trial there would be no conviction. The perfect scenario is coming, the Republicans just need to be patient.

Revenge is a dish best served cold, as they say.

McConnell should be advocating impeachment. PERIOD. ALL DAY, EVERY DAY.
'Insurrection'? OH PLEASE, you puss - Americans trespassing in the Capitol, after Capitol police were filmed / photographed opening doors for the crowd to come in and escorting them through the Capitol? Please tell me you aren't really that gullible as to believe Pelosi's BS!

Antifa & BLM went from city to city looting, burning, pillaging, assaulting and murdering - they attempted to burn both local and federal police officers alive ... and where the f* were you and other snowflakes calling THIS / THESE an 'INSURRECTION'?

Democrats, VP Harris, Barry - they were paying the bail for these terrorists as fast as it was posted to get them back out on the streets to continue with their terrorist attacks. Barry helped pay the bail of 2 prominent Chicago lawyers who attempted to burn local policemen alive by throwing Molotov Cocktails on their car with them inside.

Harris called on these terrorists to continue their violence after the election...and they were more than happy to oblige.

Altogether these terrorists caused BVILLIONS of dollars in damages and permanently put out of businesses a lot of black-owned small businesses.

So STFU already about how the 1/6 violent protest was an 'insurrection'!

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........................'Insurrection'............................................'FIERY, but Mostly Peaceful Protest'

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