Fed Court: Christian Videographers Don’t Have to Film Homo Wedding

Amounts to a defacto return to Jim Crow

A Community can legally exclude gay couples

Right. Because being of a particular ethnicity is exactly the same thing as being an immoral, degenerate sexual pervert.

And yours is the side that is so fond of falsely accusing your opposition of racism.
Religious belief does not override the laws of the land
Catholics do not recognize divorce. They cannot use their religion to discriminate against divorced people.
Keep beating your little drum. Religious belief does NOT override the laws of the land.
Catholics are NOT using their religion to discriminate and the First Amendment is just as important in insuring the religious aren't trampled over by thick headed ideologues like yourself as the right to have your gay wedding cake made.

In fact it's much much more important. Again, how much does it offend you when Trump supporters are refused accommodation in public businesses?
Why would it only apply to weddings? Can a restaurant refuse service to a married gay couple for religious reasons?
Can a hotel refuse to rent to homosexuals?
Can a doctor refuse to treat a gay person?

You do not see the difference between refusing to actively provide goods or services in direct support of something that is immoral; and discriminating against someone for traits that have nothing whatsoever to do with the goods or services being sought.
If you are not willing to follow the laws on public accommodation, then don’t go into business

Revelation 13:16-17.

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Next up

Denial of service to same sex weddings by:

Reception halls
Wedding invitations
Wedding dress and Tuxedo rentals

I certainly hope so.

No merchant, and no business, should ever be compelled to provide support to that which they know to be immoral.

Can they refuse to serve a mixed race couple?
A couple living in sin?
If you are not willing to follow the laws on public accommodation, then don’t go into business

Revelation 13:16-17.

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
So you got something against tattoos ??
Not hypothetical at all

The court allowing a persons religious beliefs to decide whether they provide service to a person sets a legal precedent
The "precedent" for someone to follow the dictates of his religion was set when the First Amendment was drafted
and included in the Bill of Rights.
Which other amendments would you do away with?

Religious belief does not override the laws of the land
Catholics do not recognize divorce. They cannot use their religion to discriminate against divorced people.

Religious freedom IS the law of the land
Not hypothetical at all

The court allowing a persons religious beliefs to decide whether they provide service to a person sets a legal precedent
The "precedent" for someone to follow the dictates of his religion was set when the First Amendment was drafted
and included in the Bill of Rights.
Which other amendments would you do away with?

Religious belief does not override the laws of the land
Catholics do not recognize divorce. They cannot use their religion to discriminate against divorced people.

Religious freedom IS the law of the land
Sorry Smelly,

But your religious beliefs do not override our laws
Not hypothetical at all

The court allowing a persons religious beliefs to decide whether they provide service to a person sets a legal precedent
The "precedent" for someone to follow the dictates of his religion was set when the First Amendment was drafted
and included in the Bill of Rights.
Which other amendments would you do away with?

Religious belief does not override the laws of the land
Catholics do not recognize divorce. They cannot use their religion to discriminate against divorced people.

Religious freedom IS the law of the land
Sorry Smelly,

But your religious beliefs do not override our laws

Sorry Jackass constitutional law over rides your pathetic little PA law. Fact
Not hypothetical at all

The court allowing a persons religious beliefs to decide whether they provide service to a person sets a legal precedent
The "precedent" for someone to follow the dictates of his religion was set when the First Amendment was drafted
and included in the Bill of Rights.
Which other amendments would you do away with?

Religious belief does not override the laws of the land
Catholics do not recognize divorce. They cannot use their religion to discriminate against divorced people.

Religious freedom IS the law of the land
Sorry Smelly,

But your religious beliefs do not override our laws

Sorry Jackass constitutional law over rides your pathetic little PA law. Fact
Constitutional law has repeatedly turned down any precedence of religious law over public law

As much as you would like, we do not allow public stoning
The "precedent" for someone to follow the dictates of his religion was set when the First Amendment was drafted
and included in the Bill of Rights.
Which other amendments would you do away with?

Religious belief does not override the laws of the land
Catholics do not recognize divorce. They cannot use their religion to discriminate against divorced people.

Religious freedom IS the law of the land
Sorry Smelly,

But your religious beliefs do not override our laws

Sorry Jackass constitutional law over rides your pathetic little PA law. Fact
Constitutional law has repeatedly turned down any precedence of religious law over public law

You're a childish goddamn idiot. And you're dead wrong. Constitutional law is paramount

Gfy ya lying little fag
Constitutional law has repeatedly turned down any precedence of religious law over public law
The Colorado baker has something to say about that. Pull your head out of your ass and look what is going on around you.
No one can be compelled to violate their religious beliefs.

You cannot force me to make your little gay cake for your wedding. GFY.
Religious belief does not override the laws of the land
Catholics do not recognize divorce. They cannot use their religion to discriminate against divorced people.

Religious freedom IS the law of the land
Sorry Smelly,

But your religious beliefs do not override our laws

Sorry Jackass constitutional law over rides your pathetic little PA law. Fact
Constitutional law has repeatedly turned down any precedence of religious law over public law

You're a childish goddamn idiot. And you're dead wrong. Constitutional law is paramount

Gfy ya lying little fag
No Shit, Smelly

Constitutional Law says public law takes precedence over religious law
Constitutional law has repeatedly turned down any precedence of religious law over public law
The Colorado baker has something to say about that. Pull your head out of your ass and look what is going on around you.
No one can be compelled to violate their religious beliefs.

No one is compelling you to be in business

Ultimately the Supreme Court will have to decide whether a religious belief is allowed to supersede Civil Rights

It can open a can of worms for persecution
No one is compelling you to be in business
An absolute non sequitur.

Ultimately the Supreme Court will have to decide whether a religious belief is allowed to supersede Civil Rights
A, it already has (wake up, moron). And B, you have no civil right to force me to be your little cake monkey.
Get yer frickin' cake somewhere else. You cannot compel me to ignore my deeply held religious convictions.

It can open a can of worms for persecution
I don't see Jim Crow-like chaos in the wake of the
Colorado baker decision.
No one is compelling you to be in business
An absolute non sequitur.

Ultimately the Supreme Court will have to decide whether a religious belief is allowed to supersede Civil Rights
A, it already has (wake up, moron). And B, you have no civil right to force me to be your little cake monkey.
Get yer frickin' cake somewhere else. You cannot compel me to ignore my deeply held religious convictions.

It can open a can of worms for persecution
I don't see Jim Crow-like chaos in the wake of the
Colorado baker decision.
The Supreme Court has not weighed in
They punted on the cake case

Ultimately they will have to decide
This is more than cakes
Religious freedom IS the law of the land
Sorry Smelly,

But your religious beliefs do not override our laws

Sorry Jackass constitutional law over rides your pathetic little PA law. Fact
Constitutional law has repeatedly turned down any precedence of religious law over public law

You're a childish goddamn idiot. And you're dead wrong. Constitutional law is paramount

Gfy ya lying little fag
No Shit, Smelly

Constitutional Law says public law takes precedence over religious law

The Supremes didn't think so in Colorado you illiterate dumb fucker.

You're so stupid you're just a waste of oxygen, flamer

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