Fed Court: Christian Videographers Don’t Have to Film Homo Wedding

Sorry Smelly,

But your religious beliefs do not override our laws

Sorry Jackass constitutional law over rides your pathetic little PA law. Fact
Constitutional law has repeatedly turned down any precedence of religious law over public law

You're a childish goddamn idiot. And you're dead wrong. Constitutional law is paramount

Gfy ya lying little fag
No Shit, Smelly

Constitutional Law says public law takes precedence over religious law

The Supremes didn't think so in Colorado you illiterate dumb fucker.

You're so stupid you're just a waste of oxygen, flamer

186,000 posts of complete BS

Actually they made a very limited decision Smelly
Hardly the Home Run you claim
Sorry Jackass constitutional law over rides your pathetic little PA law. Fact
Constitutional law has repeatedly turned down any precedence of religious law over public law

You're a childish goddamn idiot. And you're dead wrong. Constitutional law is paramount

Gfy ya lying little fag
No Shit, Smelly

Constitutional Law says public law takes precedence over religious law

The Supremes didn't think so in Colorado you illiterate dumb fucker.

You're so stupid you're just a waste of oxygen, flamer

186,000 posts of complete BS

Actually they made a very limited decision Smelly
Hardly the Home Run you claim

Keep dreaming ya goddamn loon.

Here's your award, furitloop. You continually make an ass out of yourself on here and everyone recognizes it. Grow up

Constitutional law has repeatedly turned down any precedence of religious law over public law

You're a childish goddamn idiot. And you're dead wrong. Constitutional law is paramount

Gfy ya lying little fag
No Shit, Smelly

Constitutional Law says public law takes precedence over religious law

The Supremes didn't think so in Colorado you illiterate dumb fucker.

You're so stupid you're just a waste of oxygen, flamer

186,000 posts of complete BS

Actually they made a very limited decision Smelly
Hardly the Home Run you claim

Keep dreaming ya goddamn loon.

Here's your award, furitloop. You continually make an ass out of yourself on here and everyone recognizes it. Grow up

Damn Smelly

You are certainly getting your panties in a bunch

Look up the unbiased records of failed gay marriage...its astronomical....
So right now

If a same sex couple want to get married, a baker can refuse to make a cake, a photographer can refuse to take pictures

What stops a banquet hall from refusing service, a limo company from denying service, a hotel refusing a room?

Defacto Jim Crow

We don’t serve gays here
Its disappointing one cant FORCE people to do things they dont want to do?
No one is forcing people to be videographers, or offer their services for sale to the public. Once they do offer their services to the public, though, they have to offer those services without discrimination. These folks are in an area that has P.A. laws prohibiting discrimination against gays. The court just gave them an exception because of their beliefs. Why? What is so special about THEIR beliefs?

Their religion is a belief. Their religion calls homosexuality an abomination, a sin. Who is to say that MY belief that gays are gross, although not an organized religion's belief, is not an equally valid reason to refuse to offer my services to someone gay?
Why do religions only get that carve out?


If it is valid to discriminate against gays because of your beliefs, why aren't all the other P.A. laws also equally open to such a carve out. If my belief that blacks are subhuman animals prompts me not to hire them, why is my belief any less valid than the exception that is granted to people not wanting to serve gays?

I realize you have a pretty extreme view on this matter, TN, and don't believe in any P.A. laws, but most people do not want to see the bad old days of the 1950's return. All men (people) are created equal in the eyes of the law. The law says we will treat them equally. The court that just made that ruling is allowing the videographers to break the law. Hence, disappointing.

There are plenty of "sins" in the Bible. Why is sodomy so much more emphasized, although it is very seldom mentioned, than adultery? Eating shellfish? Swearing at your parents? It is because people haven't gotten used to it. Homosexuality was ILLEGAL until the 1950's, wasn't it? You could be arrested for it? No one ever talked about it, that's for sure. Gays hid it. Now in less than a century we are allowing them to marry and have full blown weddings with cakes and dancing and videos. A lot of people aren't quite ready. Your kids probably will be.
Their business has no First Amendment rights

Anybody who believes somebody's labor is to be forced from them does not believe in the concepts of freedom and liberty.

You are free to work or not

Not according to you

If you don’t want to serve blacks, Jews or gays, nobody is forcing you to operate a business

As I said, anybody who believes somebody's labor is to be forced from them does not believe in the concepts of freedom and liberty. There is no reason for you to keep giving examples. It's more than clear where you stand.
No one is forcing people to be videographers, or offer their services for sale to the public. Once they do offer their services to the public, though, they have to offer those services without discrimination.

Coercion is not a choice.
Where is there any text in the Constitution that says any such thing? Which Article/Section, or which Amendment says that?

You are obviously a supporter of Sharia Law

I'll take that absurd non-sequitur as an admission that you cannot support your ridiculous claim that “Constitutional Law says public law takes precedence over religious law.”
So right now

If a same sex couple want to get married, a baker can refuse to make a cake, a photographer can refuse to take pictures

What stops a banquet hall from refusing service, a limo company from denying service, a hotel refusing a room?

Defacto Jim Crow

We don’t serve gays here

Nothing should stop them from refusing.

Nobody should be compelled by law to support that which one knows to be immoral.

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