Fed Raises Interest Rates Again

Deep State strikes again. Most Americans are completely clueless about the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is not their friend. The Federal Reserve does what's best for the Federal Reserve. It's not about America and its Citizens.

This move is just more manipulation. It's likely designed to cause another economic collapse, and Trump's demise. Folks really should look into the history of the Federal Reserve. It's a sad dark history.
Deep State strikes again. Most Americans are completely clueless about the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is not their friend. The Federal Reserve does what's best for the Federal Reserve. It's not about American and its Citizens. This move is just more manipulation. It's likely designed to cause another economic collapse, and Trump's demise. Folks really should look into the history of the Federal Reserve. It's a sad and dark history.
Of course, that's all moronic fantasy, and our excellent central banking system has produced the strongest and most stable economy in the history of the world.
Before conservatives were telling us that the fact that they're able to raise the interest rates was as sign of a BOOMIN' economy and Trump be praised!

Now, not-so-much, huh?
Deep State strikes again. Most Americans are completely clueless about the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is not their friend. The Federal Reserve does what's best for the Federal Reserve. It's not about American and its Citizens. This move is just more manipulation. It's likely designed to cause another economic collapse, and Trump's demise. Folks really should look into the history of the Federal Reserve. It's a sad and dark history.
Of course, that's all moronic fantasy, and our excellent central banking system has produced the strongest and most stable economy in the history of the world.

No it hasn't. It has created one bubble after the next.
Trump really needs to learn when to keep his fucking trap shut
he is his own worst enemy.....should get a spokesperson....
He has one. She parrots anything he says.
no different than any other press secretaries....just a mouth piece....but i am mostly meaning everything that doesnt go through her like what he tweets or says live....
Trump took their options away when he said that they shouldn't raise the rate.
If didn't raise the rate it looks like they bowed to political pressure, and they need to assert their independence.
Trump really needs to learn when to keep his fucking trap shut, which is pretty much all fucking day
i would like to think that our feds are not that petty as to give a flying fuck what people think when it comes to matters such as this.

"i know this will fuck shit up, but damn it, we must show trump who is boss!"

not gonna buy that bag of donuts.

I used to feel that way, but in this day and age I am no longer sure about such things not happening
don't think i'm too far behind but i'm holding out hope just the same. :)
Deep State strikes again. Most Americans are completely clueless about the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is not their friend. The Federal Reserve does what's best for the Federal Reserve. It's not about American and its Citizens. This move is just more manipulation. It's likely designed to cause another economic collapse, and Trump's demise. Folks really should look into the history of the Federal Reserve. It's a sad and dark history.
Of course, that's all moronic fantasy, and our excellent central banking system has produced the strongest and most stable economy in the history of the world.

Research the Federal Reserve a bit more. It's not your friend. It's a private bank that only serves the few Power-Elites' interests. This is just another manipulation of the economy, designed to cause another collapse. Economic Collapses are always good for the Federal Reserve. The US Government will bow an grovel to borrow more money. Just remember, Economic Collapses are good for the Federal Reserve. Research a bit and you'll see why.
Trump's one of the very few leaders in history to openly criticize the Fed. It doesn't usually end well for those who dare to do that. Some of those past leaders have met very ugly ends. I'm praying Trump survives.
The market drops 250 points in 15 minutes.

What the fuck are they thinking?

This was was unnecessary raise.
I agree. This was a bad call.

At least it was only 25 basis points instead of 50.
Well, the tax cut and increased spending have led, partially, to the uptick in consumer spending. We ask "WTF is the inflation" but we've been asking that since the 1990s. The fed is not going to get behind anything, and there's more than a good reason to tighten credit.
And the Fed simply cannot allow Trump to crow about bullying them into anything. As usual Trump's big mouth should stick to Big Mac's and Putin's cock.
Trump took their options away when he said that they shouldn't raise the rate.
If didn't raise the rate it looks like they bowed to political pressure, and they need to assert their independence.
Trump really needs to learn when to keep his fucking trap shut, which is pretty much all fucking day

The fed adjusts rates for political positioning now? You people are retarded. How the fuck you function at all is beyond me.
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Well fuck, anything to get rid of Trump, even sabotaging the economy.

Trump dared to take on the Fed. He's lucky he's still alive. Some past Presidents weren't as lucky. Americans really do need to become more informed about the Federal Reserve bank. The Fed can sink the US Economy anytime it chooses to do so.

It's a very dangerous destructive entity. This latest manipulation is likely designed to to make sure Trump isn't a threat to win in 2020. And folks need to understand that economic collapses are good for the Fed. They should do some research and see why. The Federal Reserve is not their friend.
Deep State strikes again. Most Americans are completely clueless about the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is not their friend. The Federal Reserve does what's best for the Federal Reserve. It's not about American and its Citizens. This move is just more manipulation. It's likely designed to cause another economic collapse, and Trump's demise. Folks really should look into the history of the Federal Reserve. It's a sad and dark history.
Of course, that's all moronic fantasy, and our excellent central banking system has produced the strongest and most stable economy in the history of the world.

No it hasn't. It has created one bubble after the next.
Central bankin has not done that . Our lax banking regs have.
We learn something new everyday from proguesses. All this time I thought rates were adjusted based on economics, but today we learned it's because of Trump.
Trump took their options away when he said that they shouldn't raise the rate.
If didn't raise the rate it looks like they bowed to political pressure, and they need to assert their independence.
Trump really needs to learn when to keep his fucking trap shut, which is pretty much all fucking day

The fed adjusts rates for political positioning now? Fuck you people are STUPID.
I don't know that he meant exactly that. The Fed had previously signaled a raise. Then Trump tried political pressure. Frankly if it weren't for the tax cuts and increased spending, I think you could make an argument for going neutral, but if there's a reason to raise rates to still below historical avg, the Fed cannot allow the impression that Trump's making them Arthur Burns again.

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