Fed Raises Interest Rates Again

The Fed has a consistent history of raising the prime during Republican administrations

I pointed that out during the election, but no one believed me.
The FED has been saying all year they were going to raise 4 times, There was an 88% chance of a raise, this is nothing new. There is no conspiracy, everyone knew they were going to raise.

That said Trump should have kept Janet Yellen, he stupidly got rid of her because she was an Obama appointee. Powell is Trump's guy and he only has himself to blame.

Didn't he say he would appoint the best and brightest?? Can anyone really say that he has done that?
We learn something new everyday from proguesses. All this time I thought rates were adjusted based on economics, but today we learned it's because of Trump.

And they could be right for once. This latest Fed manipulation is likely designed to create an economic collapse to take Trump out once and for all. He's openly criticized the Fed. Only a few other leaders in history have dared to to that. And they met very ugly ends.

Most Americans have no idea what the Federal Reserve really is. I mostly blame our dumbed-down Government School System for that. But folks can do their own research. Once they do, they'll quickly realize the Federal Reserve is not their friend.
DOW only off 470 and NAS 184 at 3;07PM
Yeah, interest rates aren't gonna do much. Not at the rates we have now. The Fed is not trying to tank the economy to kill runaway inflation.

Equites are wondering how long the run up can go. Oil's been falling, and now has price support. Trump's got a trade war with China and is "giving" Farmers 12 billion a year. And China may go into recession and even deflation.

can you get a rate of return in fixed income? That's the question
So even though the economy is great, the sky is falling according to you guys. I know I won’t make any friends saying this but I could care less about the stock market. Yes there are pension funds, blah blah blah, bit the market was way too overheated and over valued. This may actually be a good thing for the long run. The rate hike I don’t know but it should have been raised years ago. I am old enough to remember when 7% was considered a good mortgage rate. A world slowdown is not trumps fault although the tariff war exacerbates the trend. Look at it this way. Finally some of these masters of the universe are going to have to sacrifice something along with soybean farmers to try and stop China from screwing us so bad. I got no problem with that. As far as trump jawboning the fed, I got no problem with that either. Let’s review. Unemployment is at record lows. Growth is better than during any Obama year. Paychecks are increasing. But all you guys can talk about is how stupid trump is. The template for the next two years.
DOW only off 470 and NAS 184 at 3;07PM

Yes, the Federal Reserve may have created another awful economic collapse. It's done that all throughout history. This one is likely designed to take the current President out once and for all. Collapse the US Economy, it may render him a non-threat in 2020.

Economic Collapses are always good for the Federal Reserve. That's why it creates so many of them. In no time, the US Government will come grovelling to borrow more money. I guess we'll see if Trump survives this latest Deep State attack. Stay tuned.
Before conservatives were telling us that the fact that they're able to raise the interest rates was as sign of a BOOMIN' economy and Trump be praised!

Now, not-so-much, huh?
I detest the whole Fed money counterfeiting scam, from front to back....They stuffed $4 trillion into Wall Street to prop up its numbers, at a rate near zero...Now they're raising rates on money it cost them nothing to create.
DOW only off 470 and NAS 184 at 3;07PM
Yeah, interest rates aren't gonna do much. Not at the rates we have now. The Fed is not trying to tank the economy to kill runaway inflation.

Equites are wondering how long the run up can go. Oil's been falling, and now has price support. Trump's got a trade war with China and is "giving" Farmers 12 billion a year. And China may go into recession and even deflation.

can you get a rate of return in fixed income? That's the question
Guess people were hoping for a more dovish response
If the fed thinks the economy is strong enough they are still increasing rates there is maybe a good side to it.
We learn something new everyday from proguesses. All this time I thought rates were adjusted based on economics, but today we learned it's because of Trump.

And they could be right for once. This latest Fed manipulation is likely designed to create an economic collapse to take Trump out once and for all. He's openly criticized the Fed. Only a few other leaders in history have dared to to that. And they met very ugly ends.

Most Americans have no idea what the Federal Reserve really is. I mostly blame our dumbed-down Government School System for that. But folks can do their own research. Once they do, they'll quickly realize the Federal Reserve is not their friend.
Then why did Trump get rid of Yellen and appoint his guy Powell?

Anyway you slice it, Trump has only himself to blame.
Economy is chugging along...Not gangbusters, but a better rate of growth than under the Mulatto Messiah...

Clearly you're not invested.
Clearly, I am...My construction generals all have more work than they can handle, and the scrubbiest of the scrubs in the trades all have jobs...That wasn't the case during the previous regime.
Many people think that raising the prime rate at this time might not have been the best thing for the US economy, in view of the tightening of the global economies in several areas around the world. I wonder if the Fed is as politicized as every other DC entity/organization appears to be. Did they do it to show their independence from Trump, even though it could lead to slower economic growth in 2019?

Seems odd they would raise interest rates when the economy is doing well.
Economy is chugging along...Not gangbusters, but a better rate of growth than under the Mulatto Messiah...

Clearly you're not invested.
Clearly, I am...My construction generals all have more work than they can handle, and the scrubbiest of the scrubs in the trades all have jobs...That wasn't the case during the previous regime.

I agree. All those shovel ready jobs Barry promised just weren't, well Shovel ready.

Where I live buildings are going up all over the place and people are working.

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