Fed Raises Interest Rates Again

We learn something new everyday from proguesses. All this time I thought rates were adjusted based on economics, but today we learned it's because of Trump.

And they could be right for once. This latest Fed manipulation is likely designed to create an economic collapse to take Trump out once and for all. He's openly criticized the Fed. Only a few other leaders in history have dared to to that. And they met very ugly ends.

Most Americans have no idea what the Federal Reserve really is. I mostly blame our dumbed-down Government School System for that. But folks can do their own research. Once they do, they'll quickly realize the Federal Reserve is not their friend.
Then why did Trump get rid of Yellen and appoint his guy Powell?

Anyway you slice it, Trump has only himself to blame.

Nah, i blame the Fed. The President has limited influence on these matters. The Federal Reserve has a long dark history of collapsing the US Economy. Such Collapses benefit it greatly. Americans just need to become better informed about the Fed. It has far too much power.
If the fed thinks the economy is strong enough they are still increasing rates there is maybe a good side to it.
Just wish the market didn't tank on the news ,but that said I agree with you
I'm not sure about the timing. Trump should have not shot off his mouth, but he needs enemies like most of us need water. Well, bad analogy. Water is good for us. (-:

But it seems to me that consumer spending is increasing on credit more than wages. Possibly waiting to see how much spending goes on in the 1st qtr. But the fed said only two hikes in 2019, so it may wash
Economy is chugging along...Not gangbusters, but a better rate of growth than under the Mulatto Messiah...Housing sales have slowed down.....I have an idea, lets raise interest rates and stifle it all!

Fed raises interest rates, foresees fewer hikes next year

Guess losing over 3000 points in 2.5 months is not a Great Douche Twittable MAGA moment?
Why is that DOPers? The great Douche should take the credit., NO?
Economy is chugging along...Not gangbusters, but a better rate of growth than under the Mulatto Messiah...

Clearly you're not invested.
Clearly, I am...My construction generals all have more work than they can handle, and the scrubbiest of the scrubs in the trades all have jobs...That wasn't the case during the previous regime.

Clearly, you're not, or you'd see your rate of return has a minus sign in front of it.
Economy is chugging along...Not gangbusters, but a better rate of growth than under the Mulatto Messiah...Housing sales have slowed down.....I have an idea, lets raise interest rates and stifle it all!

Fed raises interest rates, foresees fewer hikes next year

Guess losing over 3000 points in 2.5 months is not a Great Douche Twittable MAGA moment?
Why is that DOPers? The great Douche should take the credit., NO?
View attachment 235612
We have a few pole smoking morons like you running around claiming all the good things that have been happening in the economy have been because of The Bamster...Which way you twits want it?
If the fed thinks the economy is strong enough they are still increasing rates there is maybe a good side to it.
Just wish the market didn't tank on the news ,but that said I agree with you
I'm not sure about the timing. Trump should have not shot off his mouth, but he needs enemies like most of us need water. Well, bad analogy. Water is good for us. (-:

But it seems to me that consumer spending is increasing on credit more than wages. Possibly waiting to see how much spending goes on in the 1st qtr. But the fed said only two hikes in 2019, so it may wash
With friends like trump we don't need any enemies ,,,,and perhaps with tax refunds hopefully in the works our economy can continue to look good
Question, did Trump increase annual deficits to $1+ Trillion or did the FED do that???

Trumps economic policies of massive borrowing, massive spending, and massive tax cuts are the problem not the FED.
Question, did Trump increase annual deficits to $1+ Trillion or did the FED do that???

Trumps economic policies of massive borrowing, massive spending, and massive tax cuts are the problem not the FED.

There was no need for this rise in the rates, things are slowing down and historically when the markets are sucking the Fed will take that into account
Economy is chugging along...Not gangbusters, but a better rate of growth than under the Mulatto Messiah...Housing sales have slowed down.....I have an idea, lets raise interest rates and stifle it all!

Fed raises interest rates, foresees fewer hikes next year

Guess losing over 3000 points in 2.5 months is not a Great Douche Twittable MAGA moment?
Why is that DOPers? The great Douche should take the credit., NO?
View attachment 235612
We have a few pole smoking morons like you running around claiming all the good things that have been happening in the economy have been because of The Bamster...Which way you twits want it?
The 2017 BS Tax Con is killing longterm JD growth. The 2017 Tax Scam needs to be repealed. The bills need to be paid. Cut military spending by 80% would be a good start.
Clearly, you're not, or you'd see your rate of return has a minus sign in front of it.
You think that $4 trillion that was created out of nothing to prop up the market the previous eight years was for free?
The Great Douche added 6 trillion plus more over 10 years they say. As this money is mostly going to stock buybacks. Well, if not repealed it be needless BS corp fraud.
Stupid move on the part of the Fed.
And stupid move for trump firing Yellen ?? Uh independent? lol
yeah it is ironic that Yellen was if anything more on the growth side than Powell. And Reagan screwed the pooch in going with Greenspan deregulation instead of sticking with the same monetarist view on credit while keeping bank regulations with Volker.
Many people think that raising the prime rate at this time might not have been the best thing for the US economy, in view of the tightening of the global economies in several areas around the world. I wonder if the Fed is as politicized as every other DC entity/organization appears to be. Did they do it to show their independence from Trump, even though it could lead to slower economic growth in 2019?

Seems odd they would raise interest rates when the economy is doing well.

I understand the basic issue, or think I do, which is that you raise interest rates to slow down the economy to avoid too much inflation. That is it in a nutshell, but the problem is that we don't have an inflation problem, at least not yet. So, I am assuming they are trying to get out in front of a runaway inflation train before it gets rolling too fast.

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