Fed Raises Interest Rates Again

Many people think that raising the prime rate at this time might not have been the best thing for the US economy, in view of the tightening of the global economies in several areas around the world. I wonder if the Fed is as politicized as every other DC entity/organization appears to be. Did they do it to show their independence from Trump, even though it could lead to slower economic growth in 2019?

Seems odd they would raise interest rates when the economy is doing well.

I understand the basic issue, or think I do, which is that you raise interest rates to slow down the economy to avoid too much inflation. That is it in a nutshell, but the problem is that we don't have an inflation problem, at least not yet. So, I am assuming they are trying to get out in front of a runaway inflation train before it gets rolling too fast.
The Federal Reserve is another dark Secret Society entity. It's above the law. It has far too much power.

JFK opposed the Federal Reserve System.

Trump took their options away when he said that they shouldn't raise the rate.
If didn't raise the rate it looks like they bowed to political pressure, and they need to assert their independence.
Trump really needs to learn when to keep his fucking trap shut, which is pretty much all fucking day
i would like to think that our feds are not that petty as to give a flying fuck what people think when it comes to matters such as this.

"i know this will fuck shit up, but damn it, we must show trump who is boss!"

not gonna buy that bag of donuts.
Shit. This is one of those weird times when I am full agreement with iceberg.

Alert the media!
Obama in office...Fed consistently lowers interest rates.
Trump in office...Fed consistently raises interest rates.

Somebody find me a benign reason for this pattern.
Obama in office...Fed consistently lowers interest rates.
Trump in office...Fed consistently raises interest rates.

Somebody find me a benign reason for this pattern.

You should be embarrassed by your stupidity. True Republican ignorance right here, what a fool.


The FED cut rates to ZERO under Bush because he blew up the economy. The FED did not cut rates 1 time under Obama.
The FED raised rates under Obama because Obama fixed the republican mess that he inherited. Your entire statement is 100% false, you need to do some homework.

It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”
-Mark Twain
The market drops 250 points in 15 minutes.

What the fuck are they thinking?

This was was unnecessary raise.
I agree. This was a bad call.

At least it was only 25 basis points instead of 50.
No, it was the right call, and they have waited too long to raise the rates.

^^^True statement. They’re going to have to deal with hyperinflation thanks to the dems. The Fed needs to take action. Not everything is about Trump
The market drops 250 points in 15 minutes.

What the fuck are they thinking?

This was was unnecessary raise.

It's also panic selling by weak kneed investors. This is the same thing that happens every time the Ayatollah of Iran sneezes.

Simply put, the US economy typically slows down when interest rates are raised.

Interestingly, social commentator Michael Snyder had some keen insight about this very subject two years ago:

The funny thing is that the Federal Reserve could have been raising rates all throughout 2016, but they held off because they didn’t want to hurt Hillary Clinton’s chances of winning the election.

And during Barack Obama’s eight years, there has only been one rate increase the entire time up until this point.

But now that Donald Trump is headed for the White House, the Federal Reserve has decided that now would be a wonderful time to raise interest rates.

In other words, the swamp is more than willing to crash the US economy – and financially hurt everyone in middle America – to damage Trump.

Remember when Bill Maher was hoping for the economy to crash while Trump’s in office? Watch below:

Fed Defies Trump, Wall Street by Raising Rates

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