Fed Raises Interest Rates Again

The market drops 250 points in 15 minutes.

What the fuck are they thinking?

This was was unnecessary raise.

The Globalist Deep State Status Quo wants to destroy Trump by Any Means Necessary.
Wasn't the Fed Chair appointed by Trump?

Economy is chugging along...Not gangbusters, but a better rate of growth than under the Mulatto Messiah...Housing sales have slowed down.....I have an idea, lets raise interest rates and stifle it all!

Fed raises interest rates, foresees fewer hikes next year

For all the positive stuff trump has done,he STILL has yet to be brave and do something none of our previous coward presidents had the guts to do.Reinstate kennedys executive order he signed that was on the verge of banning the federal reserve but got stopped by traiter LBJ when he got sworn in and reversed the process of the exacutive order. the FED is the REASON the world is in the mess it is. Get rid of them and we have a much morfe peaceful WORLD.

It was Lincolns undoing as well when he also tried to take them on before they were called the fed.
The market drops 250 points in 15 minutes.

What the fuck are they thinking?

This was was unnecessary raise.

The Globalist Deep State Status Quo wants to destroy Trump by Any Means Necessary.
Wasn't the Fed Chair appointed by Trump?


If you think that the Fed Chair is acting alone, you are sorely mistaken.

The Fed is controlled by Global banking interests. If you had the intellectual capacity, I'd recommend that you read "The Creature from Jekyll Island" - but I doubt that you'd grok it.
The market drops 250 points in 15 minutes.

What the fuck are they thinking?

This was was unnecessary raise.

The Globalist Deep State Status Quo wants to destroy Trump by Any Means Necessary.

He already reversed Obomination and Bushwackers mideast policy to start wars in the middle east.Obozo expanded what Bush got started and Trump is reversing them.That has got the deep state pissed. as I just said,I am hopeful he will be the first president since our last great president and last REAL one we had not a puppet for the deep state who stood up to them by signing an executive order that was in the process of eliminating the fed that johnson reversed upon getting elected. for five months our money was backed by REAL money gold in 1963.

All that changed on nov 22nd 1963. Will the Donald have the balls to stand up them and reinstate the executive order? we shall find out within two years.I give him till the end of his term to really show he really IS for America and the people instead of the bankers. we can only hope he has the guts to do so.
The only way there’s pressure on wages is if the employment market is spread thin
Not necessarily true, and I also named 2 other factors besides wages.

And no, it's a myth that revenues have increased. You are referring only to income tax. Wait for the full reports. The same error was made earlier in the year.
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Economy is chugging along...Not gangbusters, but a better rate of growth than under the Mulatto Messiah...Housing sales have slowed down.....I have an idea, lets raise interest rates and stifle it all!

Fed raises interest rates, foresees fewer hikes next year
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

"The Federal Reserve leaned dovish during its latest policy meeting.

'Financial markets wanted more.

"The S&P 500 tumbled to a 15-month low and investors flooded into Treasuries after Fed Chairman Jerome Powell signaled the central bank saw little threat to the economy from the recent turmoil on financial markets.

Will the US investor class turn on Trump before 2020?
The market drops 250 points in 15 minutes.

What the fuck are they thinking?

This was was unnecessary raise.

That if there is a recession, they need a little room to work with. It was a quarter point bump. If a quarter point was all it took to stifle the 'miracle economy', then clearly it was a lousy miracle.

You should be embarrassed by your stupidity. True Republican ignorance right here, what a fool.


The FED cut rates to ZERO under Bush because he blew up the economy. The FED did not cut rates 1 time under Obama.
The FED raised rates under Obama because Obama fixed the republican mess that he inherited. Your entire statement is 100% false, you need to do some homework.

It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”
-Mark Twain
My mistake" The Fed raised interest rates once in eight years during the Obama years. After Raising Rates Once During The Obama Years, The Fed Promises Constant Rate Hikes During The Trump Era
This shows how rates have been hiked with Trump in office. My point stands, fool.

You should be embarrassed by your stupidity. True Republican ignorance right here, what a fool.


The FED cut rates to ZERO under Bush because he blew up the economy. The FED did not cut rates 1 time under Obama.
The FED raised rates under Obama because Obama fixed the republican mess that he inherited. Your entire statement is 100% false, you need to do some homework.

It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”
-Mark Twain
My mistake" The Fed raised interest rates once in eight years during the Obama years. After Raising Rates Once During The Obama Years, The Fed Promises Constant Rate Hikes During The Trump Era
This shows how rates have been hiked with Trump in office. My point stands, fool.
Well you tried to claim that they cut rates under Obama, which was false, and they started raising under Obama.

SO you think that we should just have rates at 0.25-.5% without raising them?? This is why you don't increase annual deficits by $800 Billion a year 8+ years into an economic expansion like Trump did.

Trump's economic policies are disastrous and when his massive borrowing and spending crashes the economy, just like Bush, we will be in big trouble.

You should try educating yourself, here this might help:

What is David Stockman just some liberal?? Bush and Trump, 2 complete disasters.

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