Fed up with GOP

Most Democrats (all of whom I know) support border security. As I do. However the way to go about doing it is to beef up the passive surveillance of those who overstay their visas (which is the largest percentage of people who are here illegally). View attachment 226061

Building a wall in hopes that it stops illegal immigration is simply put; stupid. If the blob would actually examine the facts; he would come to that conclusion (as would anyone) in 2 seconds.

But the wall isn’t about that. It’s about getting easily persuaded dumbasses who hate people of color riled up.
That is all it was ever about.
china has had their wall for over 2000 years and they don't have any mexicans.

Kind of like the GOP without the wall.
where is that country at?
Most Democrats (all of whom I know) support border security. As I do. However the way to go about doing it is to beef up the passive surveillance of those who overstay their visas (which is the largest percentage of people who are here illegally). View attachment 226061

Building a wall in hopes that it stops illegal immigration is simply put; stupid. If the blob would actually examine the facts; he would come to that conclusion (as would anyone) in 2 seconds.

But the wall isn’t about that. It’s about getting easily persuaded dumbasses who hate people of color riled up.
That is all it was ever about.
china has had their wall for over 2000 years and they don't have any mexicans.

Kind of like the GOP without the wall.
where is that country at?

Where is that country not?
Why do so many think that immigration is the only issue that people are voting on? This issue is barely on my radar. There are lots of issues out there. Me? I'm voting straight Democratic (Yes! I know how to spell), thanks to the republicans.
Actually, we do have drones watching the border. Aerostats, rotary aircraft, vehicle-mounted infrared cameras.

We don't need a physical wall. That presents too many problems since it would have to go through the yards of American citizens or else build the wall inland, putting Americans on the Mexican side of the wall.

An electronic wall is far more effective and efficient. It can be as high as you want it to be. The sky is literally the limit.
The Left love illegals because it’s the next best thing to slavery they can get.

Shut up and lick the toilet clean or I call the authorities.
If we provide them legal status or a path to citizenship, we take away their slavery.


You are the one who wants to keep them in bondage.

Actually we want to invoke full Marshall Law on the cockroaches...stop and identify and an immediate bus ride back to their shithole.....Yep, commi-lite shit. That’s what it’s gonna take to eradicate 29 million filthy subhumans. This task is not for “yeah but” nutless pussies like you..trust me.

That's what it all comes down to with you rambo wanna bees.
This is what you want to be

but this is what you really are
View attachment 226076

That’s funny stuff for third graders.
Actually I’m neither, unlike your broke, lowlife ass I pay lots of federal taxes, I pay people to do that shit for me. You wouldn’t understand bud.

If you say so.
80 percent of Americans support a path to legalization or citizenship for illegals. Including a majority of Republicans.

Those of you who oppose legalization or citizenship for illegals are in the tiny
Most Democrats (all of whom I know) support border security. As I do. However the way to go about doing it is to beef up the passive surveillance of those who overstay their visas (which is the largest percentage of people who are here illegally). View attachment 226061

Building a wall in hopes that it stops illegal immigration is simply put; stupid. If the blob would actually examine the facts; he would come to that conclusion (as would anyone) in 2 seconds.

But the wall isn’t about that. It’s about getting easily persuaded dumbasses who hate people of color riled up.
That is all it was ever about.

"I support border controls"

"Here is why we should not build the wall and address the issue... because there is a problem Y that is even bigger".

It went brilliantly, didn't it?

Now no sane American should believe these sort of idiots who say they supposedly support border controls, but right after default to worshiping no border.

You think the only way to control the border is to build a wall that won't work? That's just nuts.

Why do jails and prisons have walls and fences?
Probably because they don’t work...huh?

Because America is just like a... prison? K. Tells me a lot about you.

Hmm...my house has a giant wall around it just like Hussein Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s....I doubt our homes feel like prisons. Does yours?

I believe you because nobody ever lied about shit like that on the internet.
"I support border controls"

"Here is why we should not build the wall and address the issue... because there is a problem Y that is even bigger".

It went brilliantly, didn't it?

Now no sane American should believe these sort of idiots who say they supposedly support border controls, but right after default to worshiping no border.

You think the only way to control the border is to build a wall that won't work? That's just nuts.

Why do jails and prisons have walls and fences?
Probably because they don’t work...huh?

Because America is just like a... prison? K. Tells me a lot about you.

Hmm...my house has a giant wall around it just like Hussein Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s....I doubt our homes feel like prisons. Does yours?

I believe you because nobody ever lied about shit like that on the internet.

Why would people lie about having walls around their homes?
Why exactly is a wall a stupid thing?

Because it'll cost a fortune, steal land from people wh live there, and won't accomplish much of anything,

But hey...you want a fucking wall?

BUILD the fucking thing.

You have had Congress and the White House for two years. Just fucking do it and stop whining. No on is stopping your boondoggle except your OWN representatives

Most Democrats (all of whom I know) support border security. As I do. However the way to go about doing it is to beef up the passive surveillance of those who overstay their visas (which is the largest percentage of people who are here illegally). View attachment 226061

Building a wall in hopes that it stops illegal immigration is simply put; stupid. If the blob would actually examine the facts; he would come to that conclusion (as would anyone) in 2 seconds.

But the wall isn’t about that. It’s about getting easily persuaded dumbasses who hate people of color riled up.
That is all it was ever about.

because walls are so effective.

Mexican congressman Braulio Guerra sits atop the U.S.-Mexico border wall that divides Tijuana, Mexico, from California on March 1

No one here believes you could do that so...

Certainly would defeat the newest illegal strategy of trying to cross with children.
View attachment 226073

Why is it that the government has all these drones watching what the average US citizen is doing, but not the border?

What is wrong with this country?
Actually, we do have drones watching the border. Sheriff Arapaio had one.

Electronic surveillance systems are all along the border being used by CBP. They are mounted in aerostats, rotary aircraft, and vehicle-mounted towers.

We don't need a physical wall. That presents too many problems since it would have to go through the yards of American citizens or else build the wall inland, putting Americans on the Mexican side of the wall.

An electronic wall is far more effective and efficient. It can be as high as you want it to be. The sky is literally the limit.

Sorry, you're getting a real wall.

Why exactly is a wall a stupid thing?

Because it'll cost a fortune, steal land from people wh live there, and won't accomplish much of anything,

But hey...you want a fucking wall?

BUILD the fucking thing.

You have had Congress and the White House for two years. Just fucking do it and stop whining. No on is stopping your boondoggle except your OWN representatives

because walls are so effective.

Mexican congressman Braulio Guerra sits atop the U.S.-Mexico border wall that divides Tijuana, Mexico, from California on March 1

No one here believes you could do that so...

Certainly would defeat the newest illegal strategy of trying to cross with children.
View attachment 226073

Why is it that the government has all these drones watching what the average US citizen is doing, but not the border?

What is wrong with this country?
Actually, we do have drones watching the border. Sheriff Arapaio had one.

Electronic surveillance systems are all along the border being used by CBP. They are mounted in aerostats, rotary aircraft, and vehicle-mounted towers.

We don't need a physical wall. That presents too many problems since it would have to go through the yards of American citizens or else build the wall inland, putting Americans on the Mexican side of the wall.

An electronic wall is far more effective and efficient. It can be as high as you want it to be. The sky is literally the limit.

Sorry, you're getting a real wall.


Okee Dokee Let me know when that happens. I'm sure it will show up any day now.
Most Democrats (all of whom I know) support border security. As I do. However the way to go about doing it is to beef up the passive surveillance of those who overstay their visas (which is the largest percentage of people who are here illegally). View attachment 226061

Building a wall in hopes that it stops illegal immigration is simply put; stupid. If the blob would actually examine the facts; he would come to that conclusion (as would anyone) in 2 seconds.

But the wall isn’t about that. It’s about getting easily persuaded dumbasses who hate people of color riled up.
That is all it was ever about.

Stop being stupid. There is no bigotry in enforcing legal immigration
Terror attacks dropped 98% when Israel built a wall.

Walls work.

Factually incorrect. But if you want the US to resemble Israel…I guess that is what you’re getting; internal attacks, constant fear, xenophobia, armed encampment mentality….
Yeah, you’re right. It’s a 99% drop with the Israeli wall.

Leftist Politifact:

“The report notes that the number of people illegally crossing the Israel-Egypt border was more than 16,000 in 2011 and less than 20 in 2016, a 99 percent decrease.”

GOP senator says Israel border fence cut illegal immigration

America has internal attacks from Jew haters all of the time, so your rant is meaningless.
You said 98 percent of terror attacks dropped. You made that up.

What if it were 1% decline in terror?

Was the wall worth it?

How many lives are worth a wall?

I'm guessing you apply the same thinking to gun control laws, right?

Apples and oranges.

The right to have arms is protected by the Constitution as where illegals are illegal.

Speaking of which, how can Obama run guns across the border to drug lords and then try to take them away from law abiding citizens?
because walls are so effective.

Mexican congressman Braulio Guerra sits atop the U.S.-Mexico border wall that divides Tijuana, Mexico, from California on March 1

No one here believes you could do that so...

Certainly would defeat the newest illegal strategy of trying to cross with children.
View attachment 226073

Why is it that the government has all these drones watching what the average US citizen is doing, but not the border?

What is wrong with this country?

You probably need to ask the party that controls the house, senate, presidency, supreme court, and a lot of the state houses. Sounds like those useless bastards are really f**king up.
That is the same party which turned our country into a police state.

There isn't a single conservative thing about them. Which is why I am fed up with the GOP.

Wow, the GOP turned the US into a police state?

How did they do that?
No one here believes you could do that so...

Certainly would defeat the newest illegal strategy of trying to cross with children.
View attachment 226073

Why is it that the government has all these drones watching what the average US citizen is doing, but not the border?

What is wrong with this country?

You probably need to ask the party that controls the house, senate, presidency, supreme court, and a lot of the state houses. Sounds like those useless bastards are really f**king up.
That is the same party which turned our country into a police state.

There isn't a single conservative thing about them. Which is why I am fed up with the GOP.

Wow, the GOP turned the US into a police state?

How did they do that?
Factually incorrect. But if you want the US to resemble Israel…I guess that is what you’re getting; internal attacks, constant fear, xenophobia, armed encampment mentality….
Yeah, you’re right. It’s a 99% drop with the Israeli wall.

Leftist Politifact:

“The report notes that the number of people illegally crossing the Israel-Egypt border was more than 16,000 in 2011 and less than 20 in 2016, a 99 percent decrease.”

GOP senator says Israel border fence cut illegal immigration

America has internal attacks from Jew haters all of the time, so your rant is meaningless.
You said 98 percent of terror attacks dropped. You made that up.

What if it were 1% decline in terror?

Was the wall worth it?

How many lives are worth a wall?

I'm guessing you apply the same thinking to gun control laws, right?

Apples and oranges.

The right to have arms is protected by the Constitution as where illegals are illegal.

Speaking of which, how can Obama run guns across the border to drug lords and then try to take them away from law abiding citizens?
Gun control laws save lives.

How many lives are worth it?

The logic is identical.

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