Fed up with GOP

Border Security Poll Results

How hard is it for the GOP to get this message out?

This poll shows that 71% of Americans favor border security, yet they are continually dragged down the rabbit hole of white nationalists.

ONLY 9% of Americans support the White Nationalist movement, which is a racist movement.

And yes, White Nationalists support border control as well, in addition to the other 62% of Americans who do not support their movement, but both for different reasons. Other reasons are that America is overtaxed with its Nanny State and there are violent and evil immigrants that do cross that border like MS 13, along with the issues of the drug trafficking and human trafficking that are in epidemic levels today.

How hard is this to make a case for? Democrats are even warned not to bring up the issue of border security, because they know that if the voters were informed, they would stand no chance in a democratic election, so they lie and race bait to survive.

So you cannot be white and love your country? What’s wrong with that? Better than being a Nationalist Socialist like the Democrats.

The term White Nationalist denotes racism.

You can be white and can be proud of your country and be a nationalist without being a racist, but again, the term White Nationalist denotes racism.

As I have shown, only about 9% of those who want to secure the border, want to do so because of racism. Feeding into that you will have to fight the other 62% of those who want to secure the border along side the rest who don't

Politically, that is suicide and ignorant.
Doesn’t “Black Lives Matter” denote racism?
Border Security Poll Results

How hard is it for the GOP to get this message out?

This poll shows that 71% of Americans favor border security, yet they are continually dragged down the rabbit hole of white nationalists.

ONLY 9% of Americans support the White Nationalist movement, which is a racist movement.

And yes, White Nationalists support border control as well, in addition to the other 62% of Americans who do not support their movement, but both for different reasons. Other reasons are that America is overtaxed with its Nanny State and there are violent and evil immigrants that do cross that border like MS 13, along with the issues of the drug trafficking and human trafficking that are in epidemic levels today.

How hard is this to make a case for? Democrats are even warned not to bring up the issue of border security, because they know that if the voters were informed, they would stand no chance in a democratic election, so they lie and race bait to survive.

So you cannot be white and love your country? What’s wrong with that? Better than being a Nationalist Socialist like the Democrats.

The term White Nationalist denotes racism.

You can be white and can be proud of your country and be a nationalist without being a racist, but again, the term White Nationalist denotes racism.

As I have shown, only about 9% of those who want to secure the border, want to do so because of racism. Feeding into that you will have to fight the other 62% of those who want to secure the border along side the rest who don't

Politically, that is suicide and ignorant.
Doesn’t “Black Lives Matter” denote racism?

The DNC secretly labeled them a terrorist group and told their operative not to promise them anything. Just nod and smile.

But the culture does not view them necessarily as racist.

You have the added problem of history here. Historically blacks are viewed to have been more at a disadvantage than whites, so racism is seen as a worse thing coming from a white than a black.

I know that the logistics of this is insane, but it is what it is. People should be judged on who they are and what they do and say instead of all this other crap, but it is what it is.
Border Security Poll Results

How hard is it for the GOP to get this message out?

This poll shows that 71% of Americans favor border security, yet they are continually dragged down the rabbit hole of white nationalists.

ONLY 9% of Americans support the White Nationalist movement, which is a racist movement.

And yes, White Nationalists support border control as well, in addition to the other 62% of Americans who do not support their movement, but both for different reasons. Other reasons are that America is overtaxed with its Nanny State and there are violent and evil immigrants that do cross that border like MS 13, along with the issues of the drug trafficking and human trafficking that are in epidemic levels today.

How hard is this to make a case for? Democrats are even warned not to bring up the issue of border security, because they know that if the voters were informed, they would stand no chance in a democratic election, so they lie and race bait to survive.



Border crossings are at an all time low.

The border is secure.

We need every immigrant who is here to help fuel our economy.

These people do not want to hurt you.

Most Americans know this.

So, if you clamor for more border security, you are either a moron or a bigot.

Not a great choice.

Border crossing are at an all time low? Why is that do you reckon? Could it be that it is because Trump is in office?

The border is secure? Based on what evidence? What does "secure" mean exactly?

These people don't want to hurt me? The issue is not about what they do and don't want to do, the issue is controlling who comes across, some of which do and have hurt other Americans.

Most Americans know these things? As I have shown, about 71% say we need to secure the border.

As for the bigot comment, I've already shown that to be a Strawman unless you wish to dispute the percentages of people who are racist who want to secure the border vs. those that are just concerned about uncontrolled immigration.

No. Asshole. They were going down all during Obama’s terms.

Try harder.
Obama administration advocated that illegals use the excuse of being political refugees. They did not count those numbers. Your easily manipulated aren’t you idiot? Obama administration cooked the books and the numbers.

Prove that.
Border Security Poll Results

How hard is it for the GOP to get this message out?

This poll shows that 71% of Americans favor border security, yet they are continually dragged down the rabbit hole of white nationalists.

ONLY 9% of Americans support the White Nationalist movement, which is a racist movement.

And yes, White Nationalists support border control as well, in addition to the other 62% of Americans who do not support their movement, but both for different reasons. Other reasons are that America is overtaxed with its Nanny State and there are violent and evil immigrants that do cross that border like MS 13, along with the issues of the drug trafficking and human trafficking that are in epidemic levels today.

How hard is this to make a case for? Democrats are even warned not to bring up the issue of border security, because they know that if the voters were informed, they would stand no chance in a democratic election, so they lie and race bait to survive.



Border crossings are at an all time low.

The border is secure.

We need every immigrant who is here to help fuel our economy.

These people do not want to hurt you.

Most Americans know this.

So, if you clamor for more border security, you are either a moron or a bigot.

Not a great choice.

Border crossing are at an all time low? Why is that do you reckon? Could it be that it is because Trump is in office?

The border is secure? Based on what evidence? What does "secure" mean exactly?

These people don't want to hurt me? The issue is not about what they do and don't want to do, the issue is controlling who comes across, some of which do and have hurt other Americans.

Most Americans know these things? As I have shown, about 71% say we need to secure the border.

As for the bigot comment, I've already shown that to be a Strawman unless you wish to dispute the percentages of people who are racist who want to secure the border vs. those that are just concerned about uncontrolled immigration.

No. Asshole. They were going down all during Obama’s terms.

Try harder.
Obama administration advocated that illegals use the excuse of being political refugees. They did not count those numbers. Your easily manipulated aren’t you idiot? Obama administration cooked the books and the numbers.

Prove that.
Change the terminology and make-up whatever numbers you want. Republicans and Democrat administrations do it. But your so brainwashed over Obama you can’t see it.
Lies, damned lies, and Obama’s deportation statistics
Most Democrats (all of whom I know) support border security. As I do. However the way to go about doing it is to beef up the passive surveillance of those who overstay their visas (which is the largest percentage of people who are here illegally). View attachment 226061

Building a wall in hopes that it stops illegal immigration is simply put; stupid. If the blob would actually examine the facts; he would come to that conclusion (as would anyone) in 2 seconds.

But the wall isn’t about that. It’s about getting easily persuaded dumbasses who hate people of color riled up.
That is all it was ever about.
china has had their wall for over 2000 years and they don't have any mexicans.
And China built their wall in just 5 years.
You have to understand, Obama was all about exploiting race. When blacks were killed by police officers, or when his professor friend was stopped from trying to break into his own home because he did not have his keys, Obama hopped on the race train to blame whitey.

In fact, Obama refused to mention the words "Islamic terrorism" when Muslims caused acts of terror, because he did not want innocent Muslims to suffer at the hands of those who were angry.

However, when white police officers were being assassinated around the country, he refused to back down from his race baiting and continued to feed into the notion that all law enforcement was racist. He does get points for apologizing about the police officers who stopped his black professor friend from trying to break into his house, but that was about it.

There you have it. Innocent police officers being shot around the country but the press does not call him on it, but Trump mentions George Soros funding the caravan and all hell breaks lose who a nut opens fire in a synagogue by blaming Trump?

Most Democrats (all of whom I know) support border security. As I do. However the way to go about doing it is to beef up the passive surveillance of those who overstay their visas (which is the largest percentage of people who are here illegally). View attachment 226061

Building a wall in hopes that it stops illegal immigration is simply put; stupid. If the blob would actually examine the facts; he would come to that conclusion (as would anyone) in 2 seconds.

But the wall isn’t about that. It’s about getting easily persuaded dumbasses who hate people of color riled up.
That is all it was ever about.
china has had their wall for over 2000 years and they don't have any mexicans.
And China built their wall in just 5 years.

The former USSR had a wall as well, much longer than the Mexican border and they defended it just fine. It kept pretty much all of them in prison under lock and key.

Where there is a will, there is a way.

It's like I've always said, the only way the Swamp builds the wall is to try and keep us all in the country.
Border Security Poll Results

How hard is it for the GOP to get this message out?

This poll shows that 71% of Americans favor border security, yet they are continually dragged down the rabbit hole of white nationalists.

ONLY 9% of Americans support the White Nationalist movement, which is a racist movement.

And yes, White Nationalists support border control as well, in addition to the other 62% of Americans who do not support their movement, but both for different reasons. Other reasons are that America is overtaxed with its Nanny State and there are violent and evil immigrants that do cross that border like MS 13, along with the issues of the drug trafficking and human trafficking that are in epidemic levels today.

How hard is this to make a case for? Democrats are even warned not to bring up the issue of border security, because they know that if the voters were informed, they would stand no chance in a democratic election, so they lie and race bait to survive.

80 percent of Americans support a path to legalization or citizenship for illegals. Including a majority of Republicans.

Those of you who oppose legalization or citizenship for illegals are in the tiny minority with the White Nationalists.

Something to think about.

There is no point in discussing this until the border is secured.

Once it is, then perhaps we can have this discussion as to who gets in and who does not.

Border security and immigration are two different issues

For your information there's already a wall at our border. At least where one can be built.

Click the link below, then scroll through all the many photos of the wall that's already at our border.

We don't need another one. If the one we have now isn't stopping people then learn from the failure and realize no wall is going to stop people and it's much wiser to try a different approach. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is very stupid.

photos of us border wall. - Bing images
Most Democrats (all of whom I know) support border security. As I do. However the way to go about doing it is to beef up the passive surveillance of those who overstay their visas (which is the largest percentage of people who are here illegally). View attachment 226061

Building a wall in hopes that it stops illegal immigration is simply put; stupid. If the blob would actually examine the facts; he would come to that conclusion (as would anyone) in 2 seconds.

But the wall isn’t about that. It’s about getting easily persuaded dumbasses who hate people of color riled up.
That is all it was ever about.

because walls are so effective.

Mexican congressman Braulio Guerra sits atop the U.S.-Mexico border wall that divides Tijuana, Mexico, from California on March 1
interesting. i see many videos of him up there but i see none of him climbing the wall itself. not saying he didn't, just for some reason those actions were not video worthy in the final edit.

you know - prove you can climb a wall by showing you climbing it...
Why do so many think that immigration is the only issue that people are voting on? This issue is barely on my radar. There are lots of issues out there. Me? I'm voting straight Democratic (Yes! I know how to spell), thanks to the republicans.

Immigration is very low priority for most Americans. What most Americans care about is health care.

We don't hear the republicans talking about health care anymore. They know that conservative policy on heath care is a losing situation for them.
Most Democrats (all of whom I know) support border security. As I do. However the way to go about doing it is to beef up the passive surveillance of those who overstay their visas (which is the largest percentage of people who are here illegally). View attachment 226061

Building a wall in hopes that it stops illegal immigration is simply put; stupid. If the blob would actually examine the facts; he would come to that conclusion (as would anyone) in 2 seconds.

But the wall isn’t about that. It’s about getting easily persuaded dumbasses who hate people of color riled up.
That is all it was ever about.
china has had their wall for over 2000 years and they don't have any mexicans.
And China built their wall in just 5 years.

The former USSR had a wall as well, much longer than the Mexican border and they defended it just fine. It kept pretty much all of them in prison under lock and key.

Where there is a will, there is a way.

It's like I've always said, the only way the Swamp builds the wall is to try and keep us all in the country.

Wow…you mean we can be just like the former Soviet State. Yea!!!!

I thought we were going to make America great…not like the failed relic of communism. Oh well, you elect a wannabe dictator; you get people who will give away their rights such as yourself.
Border Security Poll Results

How hard is it for the GOP to get this message out?

This poll shows that 71% of Americans favor border security, yet they are continually dragged down the rabbit hole of white nationalists.

ONLY 9% of Americans support the White Nationalist movement, which is a racist movement.

And yes, White Nationalists support border control as well, in addition to the other 62% of Americans who do not support their movement, but both for different reasons. Other reasons are that America is overtaxed with its Nanny State and there are violent and evil immigrants that do cross that border like MS 13, along with the issues of the drug trafficking and human trafficking that are in epidemic levels today.

How hard is this to make a case for? Democrats are even warned not to bring up the issue of border security, because they know that if the voters were informed, they would stand no chance in a democratic election, so they lie and race bait to survive.

80 percent of Americans support a path to legalization or citizenship for illegals. Including a majority of Republicans.

Those of you who oppose legalization or citizenship for illegals are in the tiny minority with the White Nationalists.

Something to think about.

You fucking LibTardians are hilarious...we all love wetbacks but we elected a POTUS on his “FUCK WETBACKS” message almost exclusively.
You are not to be taken seriously by anyone sane and I’ve proven that over and over again. Get back to running errands for mama in that 1976 Gremlin.
The back seat of a 1976 Gremlin is where you were conceived.

As a matter of fact, I bet your daddy still drives it, even with that big stain --- a leftover part of the future you --- on that backseat.
Border Security Poll Results

How hard is it for the GOP to get this message out?

This poll shows that 71% of Americans favor border security, yet they are continually dragged down the rabbit hole of white nationalists.

ONLY 9% of Americans support the White Nationalist movement, which is a racist movement.

And yes, White Nationalists support border control as well, in addition to the other 62% of Americans who do not support their movement, but both for different reasons. Other reasons are that America is overtaxed with its Nanny State and there are violent and evil immigrants that do cross that border like MS 13, along with the issues of the drug trafficking and human trafficking that are in epidemic levels today.

How hard is this to make a case for? Democrats are even warned not to bring up the issue of border security, because they know that if the voters were informed, they would stand no chance in a democratic election, so they lie and race bait to survive.


According to a FOX NEWS poll, health care is the number one issue in the country today, and that bodes very bad for Republicans. Immigration is way down on the list.
Fox News Poll: Health care boosts Democrats in upcoming midterm elections

Trump's POS wall isn't going anywhere. You built a 1000 mile wall it will have a 1000 tunnels underneath it as soon as it's built. This 2-1/2 minute video at the end will tell you about the 240 tunnels they have found in the San Diego region alone.


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels - Los Angeles Times

The only way to really secure the border is with high tech motion detectors and more border patrol stations that can respond quickly to an alert. Something that can be seen, can, and will always be compromised. Something that can't be seen won't even be attempted.

Which is why you should vote BLUE this midterm--because that is exactly what Chuck Schumer & Nancy Pelosi offered Trump over the DACA bill and Triump turned it down flat--because he wants "his" big beautiful POS wall.

So the only one who is stopping border security is TRUMP himself.

IOW there's no one that doesn't want a secure border, the argument is the technique used to secure it.
Most Democrats (all of whom I know) support border security. As I do. However the way to go about doing it is to beef up the passive surveillance of those who overstay their visas (which is the largest percentage of people who are here illegally). View attachment 226061

Building a wall in hopes that it stops illegal immigration is simply put; stupid. If the blob would actually examine the facts; he would come to that conclusion (as would anyone) in 2 seconds.

But the wall isn’t about that. It’s about getting easily persuaded dumbasses who hate people of color riled up.
That is all it was ever about.

because walls are so effective.

Mexican congressman Braulio Guerra sits atop the U.S.-Mexico border wall that divides Tijuana, Mexico, from California on March 1
interesting. i see many videos of him up there but i see none of him climbing the wall itself. not saying he didn't, just for some reason those actions were not video worthy in the final edit.

you know - prove you can climb a wall by showing you climbing it...

That's an odd way to look at it, but if that's what blows your skirt up, I don't care. Bottom line That wall don't work no matter how much you want it to.
Most Democrats (all of whom I know) support border security. As I do. However the way to go about doing it is to beef up the passive surveillance of those who overstay their visas (which is the largest percentage of people who are here illegally). View attachment 226061

Building a wall in hopes that it stops illegal immigration is simply put; stupid. If the blob would actually examine the facts; he would come to that conclusion (as would anyone) in 2 seconds.

But the wall isn’t about that. It’s about getting easily persuaded dumbasses who hate people of color riled up.
That is all it was ever about.

because walls are so effective.

Mexican congressman Braulio Guerra sits atop the U.S.-Mexico border wall that divides Tijuana, Mexico, from California on March 1
interesting. i see many videos of him up there but i see none of him climbing the wall itself. not saying he didn't, just for some reason those actions were not video worthy in the final edit.

you know - prove you can climb a wall by showing you climbing it...

That's an odd way to look at it, but if that's what blows your skirt up, I don't care. Bottom line That wall don't work no matter how much you want it to.
then simply find me a video of him actually climbing the damn wall.
Most Democrats (all of whom I know) support border security. As I do. However the way to go about doing it is to beef up the passive surveillance of those who overstay their visas (which is the largest percentage of people who are here illegally). View attachment 226061

Building a wall in hopes that it stops illegal immigration is simply put; stupid. If the blob would actually examine the facts; he would come to that conclusion (as would anyone) in 2 seconds.

But the wall isn’t about that. It’s about getting easily persuaded dumbasses who hate people of color riled up.
That is all it was ever about.

because walls are so effective.

Mexican congressman Braulio Guerra sits atop the U.S.-Mexico border wall that divides Tijuana, Mexico, from California on March 1
interesting. i see many videos of him up there but i see none of him climbing the wall itself. not saying he didn't, just for some reason those actions were not video worthy in the final edit.

you know - prove you can climb a wall by showing you climbing it...

That's an odd way to look at it, but if that's what blows your skirt up, I don't care. Bottom line That wall don't work no matter how much you want it to.

Well hold on a brief second.

Walls do one thing. They limit payload in many cases. Eventually someone is going to breach the wall with a vehicle—at which point I’ll look forward to the 2aguy approach of, “we had a wall, what happened”. However for most crossing the wall, they will be limited to carrying whatever they can carry. And if it’s a kilo of cocaine, that’s better than 20 kilos. If it is a pound of pot, that’s better than 20 pounds. If it is a pound of plutonium..,

So the immigration angle is patently stupid.

The value angle is less so
Most Democrats (all of whom I know) support border security. As I do. However the way to go about doing it is to beef up the passive surveillance of those who overstay their visas (which is the largest percentage of people who are here illegally). View attachment 226061

Building a wall in hopes that it stops illegal immigration is simply put; stupid. If the blob would actually examine the facts; he would come to that conclusion (as would anyone) in 2 seconds.

But the wall isn’t about that. It’s about getting easily persuaded dumbasses who hate people of color riled up.
That is all it was ever about.

because walls are so effective.

Mexican congressman Braulio Guerra sits atop the U.S.-Mexico border wall that divides Tijuana, Mexico, from California on March 1
interesting. i see many videos of him up there but i see none of him climbing the wall itself. not saying he didn't, just for some reason those actions were not video worthy in the final edit.

you know - prove you can climb a wall by showing you climbing it...

That's an odd way to look at it, but if that's what blows your skirt up, I don't care. Bottom line That wall don't work no matter how much you want it to.
then simply find me a video of him actually climbing the damn wall.

I assume that sense he is on top of it, he got up there somehow. If you want a video of him climbing, then look it up. That's just too silly for me to bother with.
Most Democrats (all of whom I know) support border security. As I do. However the way to go about doing it is to beef up the passive surveillance of those who overstay their visas (which is the largest percentage of people who are here illegally). View attachment 226061

Building a wall in hopes that it stops illegal immigration is simply put; stupid. If the blob would actually examine the facts; he would come to that conclusion (as would anyone) in 2 seconds.

But the wall isn’t about that. It’s about getting easily persuaded dumbasses who hate people of color riled up.
That is all it was ever about.

because walls are so effective.

Mexican congressman Braulio Guerra sits atop the U.S.-Mexico border wall that divides Tijuana, Mexico, from California on March 1
interesting. i see many videos of him up there but i see none of him climbing the wall itself. not saying he didn't, just for some reason those actions were not video worthy in the final edit.

you know - prove you can climb a wall by showing you climbing it...

That's an odd way to look at it, but if that's what blows your skirt up, I don't care. Bottom line That wall don't work no matter how much you want it to.

Well hold on a brief second.

Walls do one thing. They limit payload in many cases. Eventually someone is going to breach the wall with a vehicle—at which point I’ll look forward to the 2aguy approach of, “we had a wall, what happened”. However for most crossing the wall, they will be limited to carrying whatever they can carry. And if it’s a kilo of cocaine, that’s better than 20 kilos. If it is a pound of pot, that’s better than 20 pounds. If it is a pound of plutonium..,

So the immigration angle is patently stupid.

The value angle is less so

A couple of kelos of cocaine, or about 4.5 pounds is worth about $50,0000 according to the interwebs. I don't think that would be much of a problem. I don't think they will be climbing with bales of pot, but with it being legalized here, that market will probably fade before too long anyway.

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