Federal abuses on Obama's watch represent a growing blight on his legacy

Yup, Monica Crowley has done a fine job of spinning the story the right wing has been creating and building and sprouting, and regurgitating with the help of complicit Congress critters, for months and months in her OPINION piece that she plopped in to The Hill.

There is an awful lot of innuendo, but quite shy on facts and depth and proof... all talk.

I'm not saying our FBI or NSA or any intelligence agency is perfect..they are humans running it, so of course they are not perfect...but trying to make Obama THE MONSTER for it all is really all that's left for the right wing to do to rile their troops, against 'the black president'...

It would have been a complete dereliction of duty for our intelligence agencies to NOT follow thru with the Russian interference in our election process and possible coordination with Team Trump.

No one in those departments did anything to hurt the election process and Trump's run....and win.... if that was the alleged goal... While the FBI/Comey seems to have done everything to sabotage Hillary's run....just doesn't fit in to Monica's story I suppose.....?

No one in the FBI did anything to hurt Trump or prevent him from winning during the election cycle, they held back in telling us that Trump team was under FBI investigation...

Why would they do that, if their goal was to keep Trump from winning?

They ushered him in, for goodness sake.
You have an extremely irrational and twisted way of thinking.
"In all of the discussions about the political weaponization of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI, alleged corruption at the highest echelons of those agencies and serial abuse of the secret FISA process surrounding the 2016 election, one name has been conspicuously absent: President Barack Obama.

High-ranking officials and other major players in those agencies — which Obama oversaw — are increasingly embroiled in the growing scandal: James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Andrew McCabe, Andrew Weissmann, Sally Yates, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr.

Given the tight control Obama exercised over every part of his administration and agenda, the idea that any of these appointees and loyalists freelanced their activities without at least his tacit approval or that of his White House strains credulity." - source
People who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones
Do I think trump is trying to force the FBI into doing his bidding? Yes. Do I think Obama did the exact same thing? Yes. Both parties do it. Somehow, the corporately owned MSM seems to give Obama a pass on this instead, giving people the impression that only trump has/is doing it. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have no love for trump, nor Obama. Both parties are corrupt.

While not an in-depth article, it does outline the general characteristics of what Obama was up to. His fan base as as equally filled with zealots as trumps. He was hardly a saint the MSM pictures him to be.
Other than being the first non-white POTUS, Obama's legacy has dwindled close to oblivion. He is the least consequential president since Gerald Ford, and that includes Carter.
Obama left behind a legacy of children murdering children. Of people who have no right to be in this country openly protesting this country INSIDE of this country. A legacy of hatred and division in the NFL. A legacy of setting back race relations in this country 50 years. Now there is racism where there was none.
This is the Transformation of America Obama spoke of.

Here is my summation of the Obama years....

Lying to American's about health care, lying us into illegal wars, lying about dead Americans, covertly promoting cop killing, using the IRS to deny Americans their rights, arming ISIS and protecting them, discounting Islamic terror, calling Islamic mass murder workplace violence, releasing terrorists to murder again, exchanging terrorists for a traitor, attacking the Bill of Rights, using gun crime to promote gun confiscation, gun running to the drug cartels, Facilitating Illegal Immigration, Encouraging Racial Polarization and inflaming racial tension.

He should have been impeached for Fast & Furious in his first year, but since the Rs are a bunch of criminals just like him, they protect each other.
Yup, Monica Crowley has done a fine job of spinning the story the right wing has been creating and building and sprouting, and regurgitating with the help of complicit Congress critters, for months and months in her OPINION piece that she plopped in to The Hill.There is an awful lot of innuendo, but quite shy on facts and depth and proof... all talk.I'm not saying our FBI or NSA or any intelligence agency is perfect..they are humans running it, so of course they are not perfect...but trying to make Obama THE MONSTER for it all is really all that's left for the right wing to do to rile their troops, against 'the black president'...It would have been a complete dereliction of duty for our intelligence agencies to NOT follow thru with the Russian interference in our election process and possible coordination with Team Trump.No one in those departments did anything to hurt the election process and Trump's run....and win.... if that was the alleged goal... While the FBI/Comey seems to have done everything to sabotage Hillary's run....just doesn't fit in to Monica's story I suppose.....?No one in the FBI did anything to hurt Trump or prevent him from winning during the election cycle, they held back in telling us that Trump team was under FBI investigation...Why would they do that, if their goal was to keep Trump from winning?They ushered him in, for goodness sake.
While I don't care for nor always agree with Monica Crowley, she has infinitely more credibility than 90% of all online posters. This was an opinion piece, not research nor an academic argument. Using logic and verifiable facts, she backs up her opinions, something almost no one does, online at least. While I don't have the time or inclination check out her facts, many are abundantly clear enough to give the reader enough information to justify why these things influence her opinion, even if it appears biased.
"In all of the discussions about the political weaponization of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI, alleged corruption at the highest echelons of those agencies and serial abuse of the secret FISA process surrounding the 2016 election, one name has been conspicuously absent: President Barack Obama.

High-ranking officials and other major players in those agencies — which Obama oversaw — are increasingly embroiled in the growing scandal: James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Andrew McCabe, Andrew Weissmann, Sally Yates, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr.

Given the tight control Obama exercised over every part of his administration and agenda, the idea that any of these appointees and loyalists freelanced their activities without at least his tacit approval or that of his White House strains credulity." - source
People who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones
Do I think trump is trying to force the FBI into doing his bidding? Yes. Do I think Obama did the exact same thing? Yes. Both parties do it. Somehow, the corporately owned MSM seems to give Obama a pass on this instead, giving people the impression that only trump has/is doing it. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have no love for trump, nor Obama. Both parties are corrupt.

While not an in-depth article, it does outline the general characteristics of what Obama was up to. His fan base as as equally filled with zealots as trumps. He was hardly a saint the MSM pictures him to be.
Other than being the first non-white POTUS, Obama's legacy has dwindled close to oblivion. He is the least consequential president since Gerald Ford, and that includes Carter.
Obama left behind a legacy of children murdering children. Of people who have no right to be in this country openly protesting this country INSIDE of this country. A legacy of hatred and division in the NFL. A legacy of setting back race relations in this country 50 years. Now there is racism where there was none.
This is the Transformation of America Obama spoke of.

Here is my summation of the Obama years....

Lying to American's about health care, lying us into illegal wars, lying about dead Americans, covertly promoting cop killing, using the IRS to deny Americans their rights, arming ISIS and protecting them, discounting Islamic terror, calling Islamic mass murder workplace violence, releasing terrorists to murder again, exchanging terrorists for a traitor, attacking the Bill of Rights, using gun crime to promote gun confiscation, gun running to the drug cartels, Facilitating Illegal Immigration, Encouraging Racial Polarization and inflaming racial tension.

He should have been impeached for Fast & Furious in his first year, but since the Rs are a bunch of criminals just like him, they protect each other.
It's easy to poke holes in anyone's record. Simply put, Obama had no major fuck-ups but accomplished very little in his years. He lacked dthe courage of any convictions he might have once had, and we're lkely the better for it.
"In all of the discussions about the political weaponization of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI, alleged corruption at the highest echelons of those agencies and serial abuse of the secret FISA process surrounding the 2016 election, one name has been conspicuously absent: President Barack Obama.

High-ranking officials and other major players in those agencies — which Obama oversaw — are increasingly embroiled in the growing scandal: James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Andrew McCabe, Andrew Weissmann, Sally Yates, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr.

Given the tight control Obama exercised over every part of his administration and agenda, the idea that any of these appointees and loyalists freelanced their activities without at least his tacit approval or that of his White House strains credulity." - source
People who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones
Do I think trump is trying to force the FBI into doing his bidding? Yes. Do I think Obama did the exact same thing? Yes. Both parties do it. Somehow, the corporately owned MSM seems to give Obama a pass on this instead, giving people the impression that only trump has/is doing it. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have no love for trump, nor Obama. Both parties are corrupt.

While not an in-depth article, it does outline the general characteristics of what Obama was up to. His fan base as as equally filled with zealots as trumps. He was hardly a saint the MSM pictures him to be.

"In all of the discussions about the political weaponization of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI, alleged corruption at the highest echelons of those agencies and serial abuse of the secret FISA process surrounding the 2016 election, one name has been conspicuously absent: President Barack Obama.

High-ranking officials and other major players in those agencies — which Obama oversaw — are increasingly embroiled in the growing scandal: James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Andrew McCabe, Andrew Weissmann, Sally Yates, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr.

Given the tight control Obama exercised over every part of his administration and agenda, the idea that any of these appointees and loyalists freelanced their activities without at least his tacit approval or that of his White House strains credulity." - source
People who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones
Do I think trump is trying to force the FBI into doing his bidding? Yes. Do I think Obama did the exact same thing? Yes. Both parties do it. Somehow, the corporately owned MSM seems to give Obama a pass on this instead, giving people the impression that only trump has/is doing it. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have no love for trump, nor Obama. Both parties are corrupt.

While not an in-depth article, it does outline the general characteristics of what Obama was up to. His fan base as as equally filled with zealots as trumps. He was hardly a saint the MSM pictures him to be.
Other than being the first non-white POTUS, Obama's legacy has dwindled close to oblivion. He is the least consequential president since Gerald Ford, and that includes Carter.
Obama left behind a legacy of children murdering children. Of people who have no right to be in this country openly protesting this country INSIDE of this country. A legacy of hatred and division in the NFL. A legacy of setting back race relations in this country 50 years. Now there is racism where there was none.
This is the Transformation of America Obama spoke of.

Here is my summation of the Obama years....

Lying to American's about health care, lying us into illegal wars, lying about dead Americans, covertly promoting cop killing, using the IRS to deny Americans their rights, arming ISIS and protecting them, discounting Islamic terror, calling Islamic mass murder workplace violence, releasing terrorists to murder again, exchanging terrorists for a traitor, attacking the Bill of Rights, using gun crime to promote gun confiscation, gun running to the drug cartels, Facilitating Illegal Immigration, Encouraging Racial Polarization and inflaming racial tension.

He should have been impeached for Fast & Furious in his first year, but since the Rs are a bunch of criminals just like him, they protect each other.
It's easy to poke holes in anyone's record. Simply put, Obama had no major fuck-ups but accomplished very little in his years. He lacked dthe courage of any convictions he might have once had, and we're lkely the better for it.
I can't agree.

I think he had multiple MAJOR fuck ups, but when 95% of the MSM adores you and the opposing party is afraid of you, you can get away with anything.
While I don't care for nor always agree with Monica Crowley, she has infinitely more credibility than 90% of all online posters. This was an opinion piece, not research nor an academic argument. Using logic and verifiable facts, she backs up her opinions, something almost no one does, online at least. While I don't have the time or inclination check out her facts, many are abundantly clear enough to give the reader enough information to justify why these things influence her opinion, even if it appears biased.

I have just gained an incredible amount of respect for you. I might disagree with everything else you've ever posted, and everything you post from now on, but you've proven that you're not just another liberal zealot. You're willing to think independently.

People who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones
Do I think trump is trying to force the FBI into doing his bidding? Yes. Do I think Obama did the exact same thing? Yes. Both parties do it. Somehow, the corporately owned MSM seems to give Obama a pass on this instead, giving people the impression that only trump has/is doing it. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have no love for trump, nor Obama. Both parties are corrupt.

While not an in-depth article, it does outline the general characteristics of what Obama was up to. His fan base as as equally filled with zealots as trumps. He was hardly a saint the MSM pictures him to be.
Other than being the first non-white POTUS, Obama's legacy has dwindled close to oblivion. He is the least consequential president since Gerald Ford, and that includes Carter.
Obama left behind a legacy of children murdering children. Of people who have no right to be in this country openly protesting this country INSIDE of this country. A legacy of hatred and division in the NFL. A legacy of setting back race relations in this country 50 years. Now there is racism where there was none.
This is the Transformation of America Obama spoke of.

Here is my summation of the Obama years....

Lying to American's about health care, lying us into illegal wars, lying about dead Americans, covertly promoting cop killing, using the IRS to deny Americans their rights, arming ISIS and protecting them, discounting Islamic terror, calling Islamic mass murder workplace violence, releasing terrorists to murder again, exchanging terrorists for a traitor, attacking the Bill of Rights, using gun crime to promote gun confiscation, gun running to the drug cartels, Facilitating Illegal Immigration, Encouraging Racial Polarization and inflaming racial tension.

He should have been impeached for Fast & Furious in his first year, but since the Rs are a bunch of criminals just like him, they protect each other.
It's easy to poke holes in anyone's record. Simply put, Obama had no major fuck-ups but accomplished very little in his years. He lacked dthe courage of any convictions he might have once had, and we're lkely the better for it.
I can't agree.

I think he had multiple MAJOR fuck ups, but when 95% of the MSM adores you and the opposing party is afraid of you, you can get away with anything.
Do you really think the MSM would allow Trump to lie about keeping your doctor or claiming Benghazi was caused by a video?

I don't and I am glad the MSM is all over Trump. If the media protects the POTUS, like they did with Obama, he has way too much power.
Obama left behind a legacy of children murdering children. Of people who have no right to be in this country openly protesting this country INSIDE of this country. A legacy of hatred and division in the NFL. A legacy of setting back race relations in this country 50 years. Now there is racism where there was none.

Yup, them black people, complaining about cops shooting them in the back! FUcking Obama complaining about that. Clearly, they'd be happy with the cops shooting them in the back if Obama hadn't complained about it.
Going to the race card early...aren't you, Joey! Don't blame you though...tough to argue against the OP's point...isn't it?
"In all of the discussions about the political weaponization of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI, alleged corruption at the highest echelons of those agencies and serial abuse of the secret FISA process surrounding the 2016 election, one name has been conspicuously absent: President Barack Obama.

High-ranking officials and other major players in those agencies — which Obama oversaw — are increasingly embroiled in the growing scandal: James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Andrew McCabe, Andrew Weissmann, Sally Yates, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr.

Given the tight control Obama exercised over every part of his administration and agenda, the idea that any of these appointees and loyalists freelanced their activities without at least his tacit approval or that of his White House strains credulity." - source
People who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones
Do I think trump is trying to force the FBI into doing his bidding? Yes. Do I think Obama did the exact same thing? Yes. Both parties do it. Somehow, the corporately owned MSM seems to give Obama a pass on this instead, giving people the impression that only trump has/is doing it. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have no love for trump, nor Obama. Both parties are corrupt.

While not an in-depth article, it does outline the general characteristics of what Obama was up to. His fan base as as equally filled with zealots as trumps. He was hardly a saint the MSM pictures him to be.
Other than being the first non-white POTUS, Obama's legacy has dwindled close to oblivion. He is the least consequential president since Gerald Ford, and that includes Carter.
Obama left behind a legacy of children murdering children. Of people who have no right to be in this country openly protesting this country INSIDE of this country. A legacy of hatred and division in the NFL. A legacy of setting back race relations in this country 50 years. Now there is racism where there was none.
This is the Transformation of America Obama spoke of.

Here is my summation of the Obama years....

Lying to American's about health care, lying us into illegal wars, lying about dead Americans, covertly promoting cop killing, using the IRS to deny Americans their rights, arming ISIS and protecting them, discounting Islamic terror, calling Islamic mass murder workplace violence, releasing terrorists to murder again, exchanging terrorists for a traitor, attacking the Bill of Rights, using gun crime to promote gun confiscation, gun running to the drug cartels, Facilitating Illegal Immigration, Encouraging Racial Polarization and inflaming racial tension.

He should have been impeached for Fast & Furious in his first year, but since the Rs are a bunch of criminals just like him, they protect each other.
It's easy to poke holes in anyone's record. Simply put, Obama had no major fuck-ups but accomplished very little in his years. He lacked dthe courage of any convictions he might have once had, and we're lkely the better for it.

The IRS scandal wasn't a major fuck up?

Fast & Furious wasn't a major fuck up?

The Clinton E-mail investigation wasn't a major fuck up?

Using a phony dossier you know was paid for by the candidate of your party to get a FISA warrant to spy on the campaign of her opponent wasn't a major fuck up?

With all due respect, Meathead...what WOULD be a major fuck up to you?

People who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones
Do I think trump is trying to force the FBI into doing his bidding? Yes. Do I think Obama did the exact same thing? Yes. Both parties do it. Somehow, the corporately owned MSM seems to give Obama a pass on this instead, giving people the impression that only trump has/is doing it. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have no love for trump, nor Obama. Both parties are corrupt.

While not an in-depth article, it does outline the general characteristics of what Obama was up to. His fan base as as equally filled with zealots as trumps. He was hardly a saint the MSM pictures him to be.
Other than being the first non-white POTUS, Obama's legacy has dwindled close to oblivion. He is the least consequential president since Gerald Ford, and that includes Carter.
Obama left behind a legacy of children murdering children. Of people who have no right to be in this country openly protesting this country INSIDE of this country. A legacy of hatred and division in the NFL. A legacy of setting back race relations in this country 50 years. Now there is racism where there was none.
This is the Transformation of America Obama spoke of.

Here is my summation of the Obama years....

Lying to American's about health care, lying us into illegal wars, lying about dead Americans, covertly promoting cop killing, using the IRS to deny Americans their rights, arming ISIS and protecting them, discounting Islamic terror, calling Islamic mass murder workplace violence, releasing terrorists to murder again, exchanging terrorists for a traitor, attacking the Bill of Rights, using gun crime to promote gun confiscation, gun running to the drug cartels, Facilitating Illegal Immigration, Encouraging Racial Polarization and inflaming racial tension.

He should have been impeached for Fast & Furious in his first year, but since the Rs are a bunch of criminals just like him, they protect each other.
It's easy to poke holes in anyone's record. Simply put, Obama had no major fuck-ups but accomplished very little in his years. He lacked dthe courage of any convictions he might have once had, and we're lkely the better for it.

The IRS scandal wasn't a major fuck up?

Fast & Furious wasn't a major fuck up?

The Clinton E-mail investigation wasn't a major fuck up?

Using a phony dossier you know was paid for by the candidate of your party to get a FISA warrant to spy on the campaign of her opponent wasn't a major fuck up?

With all due respect, Meathead...what WOULD be a major fuck up to you?

We know that many Americans want to believe Obama was a good POTUS. They KNOW W and The Donald suck major, but think Obama good. I really don't know how they can hold these opposing opinions logically, but they do.

It is probably a combination partisanship, ignorance, and brainwashing by a biased media.

People who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones
Do I think trump is trying to force the FBI into doing his bidding? Yes. Do I think Obama did the exact same thing? Yes. Both parties do it. Somehow, the corporately owned MSM seems to give Obama a pass on this instead, giving people the impression that only trump has/is doing it. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have no love for trump, nor Obama. Both parties are corrupt.

While not an in-depth article, it does outline the general characteristics of what Obama was up to. His fan base as as equally filled with zealots as trumps. He was hardly a saint the MSM pictures him to be.
Other than being the first non-white POTUS, Obama's legacy has dwindled close to oblivion. He is the least consequential president since Gerald Ford, and that includes Carter.
Obama left behind a legacy of children murdering children. Of people who have no right to be in this country openly protesting this country INSIDE of this country. A legacy of hatred and division in the NFL. A legacy of setting back race relations in this country 50 years. Now there is racism where there was none.
This is the Transformation of America Obama spoke of.

Here is my summation of the Obama years....

Lying to American's about health care, lying us into illegal wars, lying about dead Americans, covertly promoting cop killing, using the IRS to deny Americans their rights, arming ISIS and protecting them, discounting Islamic terror, calling Islamic mass murder workplace violence, releasing terrorists to murder again, exchanging terrorists for a traitor, attacking the Bill of Rights, using gun crime to promote gun confiscation, gun running to the drug cartels, Facilitating Illegal Immigration, Encouraging Racial Polarization and inflaming racial tension.

He should have been impeached for Fast & Furious in his first year, but since the Rs are a bunch of criminals just like him, they protect each other.
It's easy to poke holes in anyone's record. Simply put, Obama had no major fuck-ups but accomplished very little in his years. He lacked dthe courage of any convictions he might have once had, and we're lkely the better for it.

The IRS scandal wasn't a major fuck up?

Fast & Furious wasn't a major fuck up?

The Clinton E-mail investigation wasn't a major fuck up?

Using a phony dossier you know was paid for by the candidate of your party to get a FISA warrant to spy on the campaign of her opponent wasn't a major fuck up?

With all due respect, Meathead...what WOULD be a major fuck up to you?
...and really can you imagine the shit storm the MSM would put on Trump's head, if he did ANYTHING close to what BO got away with?

So, we can be thankful the MSM is finally doing it's job when an R is in office, even though much of their reporting is fake, unverifiable, and biased.
It wasn't rocket science to figure out his agenda: set up a permanent dictatorship operated by the Democratic Party's radical racist wing, complete with Maoist style 'purges' and 'ethnic cleansing'. Their arrogance when they thought Hillary was a guaranteed winner because they thought they had all the fixes in is telling , as was Holder as AG running interference for thugs like the Black Panthers, just to name one.

I don't see any similarity between what OBama was doing, as a traitor and neo-fascist selling us all out to various international criminal syndicates, re the FBI versus what Trump is doing re the vermin running that fake 'investigation', which is merely self-defense from a corrupt criminal cartel that needs massive house cleaning and numerous RICO indictments across the entire top tiers of the last 'administration'.

Where the hell is Sessions?
Obama left behind a legacy of children murdering children. Of people who have no right to be in this country openly protesting this country INSIDE of this country. A legacy of hatred and division in the NFL. A legacy of setting back race relations in this country 50 years. Now there is racism where there was none.

Yup, them black people, complaining about cops shooting them in the back! FUcking Obama complaining about that. Clearly, they'd be happy with the cops shooting them in the back if Obama hadn't complained about it.
WEird.....many of the shootings you're talking about were black cops.

lol Joe is one of the dumber, more clueless and uninformed trolls here, even for a Democrat. They gave up sending him the memos.

People who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones
Do I think trump is trying to force the FBI into doing his bidding? Yes. Do I think Obama did the exact same thing? Yes. Both parties do it. Somehow, the corporately owned MSM seems to give Obama a pass on this instead, giving people the impression that only trump has/is doing it. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have no love for trump, nor Obama. Both parties are corrupt.

While not an in-depth article, it does outline the general characteristics of what Obama was up to. His fan base as as equally filled with zealots as trumps. He was hardly a saint the MSM pictures him to be.
Other than being the first non-white POTUS, Obama's legacy has dwindled close to oblivion. He is the least consequential president since Gerald Ford, and that includes Carter.
Obama left behind a legacy of children murdering children. Of people who have no right to be in this country openly protesting this country INSIDE of this country. A legacy of hatred and division in the NFL. A legacy of setting back race relations in this country 50 years. Now there is racism where there was none.
This is the Transformation of America Obama spoke of.

Here is my summation of the Obama years....

Lying to American's about health care, lying us into illegal wars, lying about dead Americans, covertly promoting cop killing, using the IRS to deny Americans their rights, arming ISIS and protecting them, discounting Islamic terror, calling Islamic mass murder workplace violence, releasing terrorists to murder again, exchanging terrorists for a traitor, attacking the Bill of Rights, using gun crime to promote gun confiscation, gun running to the drug cartels, Facilitating Illegal Immigration, Encouraging Racial Polarization and inflaming racial tension.

He should have been impeached for Fast & Furious in his first year, but since the Rs are a bunch of criminals just like him, they protect each other.
It's easy to poke holes in anyone's record. Simply put, Obama had no major fuck-ups but accomplished very little in his years. He lacked dthe courage of any convictions he might have once had, and we're lkely the better for it.

The IRS scandal wasn't a major fuck up?

Fast & Furious wasn't a major fuck up?

The Clinton E-mail investigation wasn't a major fuck up?

Using a phony dossier you know was paid for by the candidate of your party to get a FISA warrant to spy on the campaign of her opponent wasn't a major fuck up?

With all due respect, Meathead...what WOULD be a major fuck up to you?
Wars and military disasters can be major fuck ups. Short of that avertable economic upheaval. I'd like to add a caveat on this. If the ensuing years result in a major schism of the country, bordering on and including civil war, Obama will find his place in the dregs of history. As the presidents between Jackson and Lincoln with the exception of Polk, he would have impotently watched as the country was torn assunder.
I have the facts Joe...you don't.

I've heard the Shit conversation. I've seen the transcript of the Warner
conversation. We've all seen that the FBI knew the Clinton campaign
financed the foreign agents. We heard about the spies last week.

Deal with it my man. Or (s)he, or whatever you believe you are today.

Okay, buddy, here's the thing. No matter how much shit you fling against the wall, the fact it, it's Trump's buddies who are copping pleas and being indicted.

I'm sure they have tons of proof.

but it's only been a year...

Four indictments so far, um, yeah, they have plenty of proof.

Four indictments for what?

Nothing to do with colluding with the Russians. Nothing about
obstruction of Justice.

Rosenstein told Mueller to find a crime. I always was under the impression
that a Special Council was needed to independently review a crime. Not
try and find anything.

The fact is...The only folks that have been colluding with the Russians are
the democrats
I have the facts Joe...you don't.

I've heard the Shit conversation. I've seen the transcript of the Warner
conversation. We've all seen that the FBI knew the Clinton campaign
financed the foreign agents. We heard about the spies last week.

Deal with it my man. Or (s)he, or whatever you believe you are today.

Okay, buddy, here's the thing. No matter how much shit you fling against the wall, the fact it, it's Trump's buddies who are copping pleas and being indicted.

I'm sure they have tons of proof.

but it's only been a year...

Four indictments so far, um, yeah, they have plenty of proof.

Four indictments for what?

Nothing to do with colluding with the Russians. Nothing about
obstruction of Justice.

Rosenstein told Mueller to find a crime. I always was under the impression
that a Special Council was needed to independently review a crime. Not
try and find anything.

The fact is...The only folks that have been colluding with the Russians are
the democrats
Joe knows trump is guilty b/c the media told him so.

He's incapable of free thought.

hell, he still thinks oj , Zimmerman, etc, etc did it and no amount of not guilty verdicts will dissuade him

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