Federal Agents search Jeffrey Clark's home

Trump is done. Stick a fork in him.

Looks like more than one Republican will be sharing a cell block with him.
Gee this the 5,678,567th time you filth have made this claim.
trump and his Big Lie are gone.. The repub party is moving on. But you stick with the LOSER!


Let's let you decide:



Or This:

It is over for trump. Clark may have pleaded the 5th over 100 times with the J6 committee...but it won't do him any good now.

This search would not have happened if a judge had not signed off on probable cause of a crime.

trump will throw Eastman and Clark under the bus. That is what Mafia Bosses for.

The court bases its decision on what the FBI claims in an affidavit.

You know, like the FISA warrants for the 'muh, Russia' fraud. Remember? Hmm?

It's pure harassment and an abuse of authority.
Attacking your political enemies using Jack Booted Thugs is nothing new.
This is why I believe the Democrats know their Goose is cooked if they lose control of congress again and lose the White House.

Biden's Stasi at work.

They never gave Peter Navarro the chance to surrender even though the charge was mere contemptr, but they allowed the more seriously charged Gillum to walk in with his attorney and surrender.
The court bases its decision on what the FBI claims in an affidavit.

You know, like the FISA warrants for the 'muh, Russia' fraud. Remember? Hmm?


Sad. :CryingCow:
Yeah....the swamp told him nobody stole anything.....but the fact that they discovered that Democrats used mules to stuff ballot boxes in key states. Thousands of mules. In states like AZ, PA, Michigan, WI, and Georgia....they figured they stuffed enough fake ballots to flip those states and give Trump over 300 electoral votes.
They discovered enough examples of it using their phone GPS data to prove that they were going to collection boxes in several different districts mostly at 3am....sometimes in broad daylight.
They turned over the data to the FBI which they claim they used to solve a murder.
ICE is currently tracking illegals using cell phone data from phones they gave to thousands of illegals waiting for their court dates.
China is also possibly using software in the Tik-Tok app to track our movements.

Notice how Barr giggled like Kamala Harris when he referenced '2000 Mules' in his testimony to the Joke 6 committee.

That was a classic by Barr, that he knows the election was stolen, but as a good little Bushite he was in on it when he refused any real investigation and basically covered it up.
Grasping at straws isn't heat. It's grasping at straws.
Republicans, Latinos, Independents, Gen. X, Asians, 1st. and 2nd amendment supporters, and anyone that buys gas and food are going to vote Trump...
How would you know they are grasping at straws? You don't.

Does it embarrass you at all that you make up these lies to tell yourself out loud, because you are smitten by an orange, criminal pile of shit?
Notice how Barr giggled like Kamala Harris when he referenced '2000 Mules' in his testimony to the Joke 6 committee.

That was a classic by Barr, that he knows the election was stolen, but as a good little Bushite he was in on it when he refused any real investigation and basically covered it up.

Who do you think gave the order for the FBI to search his house?

That would be Merrick Garland.

And he wouldn't have done that if there wasn't an active investigation of Donald Trump.

You cultists actually think he's n the clear don't you?
people from all over the country claimed to have witnessed election fraud ... whether there was fraud or not Trump wasnt the only person saying there was massive amounts of fraud during the election .

Anyone watching on Election Day night and early in the following morning saw them stop counting at around 11 PM EST then suddenly, after massive numbers of ballots with no chain of custody get delivered, they start counting again around 3 AM. In multiple states, as if on signal to stop, then hang around and wait, then start counting again.

I know I was watching as this went down.

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