Federal Agents search Jeffrey Clark's home


Remember when Nixon was impeached for telling the DOJ agencies to stop investigating members of his administration?

Remember when Trump admitted the same on live TV?

Good stuff.
It seems trump is not only approaching the edge of locality....He has gone completely completely over and knocked down the walls of justice.

The repub party better walk....no run away from this man, a cancer on the United States. But they don't know how to get rid of him.
trump and his Big Lie are gone.. The repub party is moving on.
Actually not.

Trump is the head of the GOP and the Big Lie is alive and well – Texas Republicans are proof of that.

And 1/6 wasn’t an isolated incident – conservatives continue to propagate lies about ‘fraud’ and work to undermine the political process.

America’s democracy is under constant attack from the right.
Grasping at straws isn't heat. It's grasping at straws.
Republicans, Latinos, Independents, Gen. X, Asians, 1st. and 2nd amendment supporters, and anyone that buys gas and food are going to vote Trump...

The evidence is objective, documented, and compelling – Trump in fact sought to lawlessly overturn a fair, accurate, and Constitutional election reflecting the will of the people via a treasonous coup.

Trump was going to make an incompetent, unqualified partisan sycophant the AG who would pursue baseless claims of voter ‘fraud’ in an effort to cling to power.

Anyone who supports and defends Trump is just as lawless and treasonous.
Are you watching the hearing? trump is a sleazy man. He wanted Clark to do what he wanted Zylenky in Ukraine to do. He wanted him to send a letter to Georgia stating that they needed to investigate fraud.

trump wanted to place doubt in the public's mind. Just like he tried to get an investigation announced in Hunter Biden.

These are Mafia tactics....
god damn dude - roll in that shit.

You know I only offer facts......that's why you hitched up your skirt and scampered away.
You offer drivel. Cut n Paste walls of repetitive talking points (drivel) sourced from politically biased 'think tanks', and by 'think tanks', I mean the blogs of fellow magaturd idiots.

You will now proceed to prove me correct. Go.
Are you watching the hearing? trump is a sleazy man. He wanted Clark to do what he wanted Zylenky in Ukraine to do. He wanted him to send a letter to Georgia stating that they needed to investigate fraud.

trump wanted to place doubt in the public's mind. Just like he tried to get an investigation announced in Hunter Biden.

These are Mafia tactics....
Yeah....this is what they've been doing to him since he came down that escalator....and you dumb-asses keep lapping it up like Collies.

Hunter Biden got caught smoking crack and screwing with underage girls. We've all seen the videos and the pictures.
Now we discover that Biden's daughter ratted him out in her diary for molesting her.
It's pure harassment and an abuse of authority.
Attacking your political enemies using Jack Booted Thugs is nothing new.
This is why I believe the Democrats know their Goose is cooked if they lose control of congress again and lose the White House.
We need ro play by their rules once they're booted out of office
Who do you think gave the order for the FBI to search his house?

That would be Merrick Garland.

And he wouldn't have done that if there wasn't an active investigation of Donald Trump.

You cultists actually think he's n the clear don't you?
Notice how Barr giggled like Kamala Harris when he referenced '2000 Mules' in his testimony to the Joke 6 committee.

That was a classic by Barr, that he knows the election was stolen, but as a good little Bushite he was in on it when he refused any real investigation and basically covered it up.
They had to get Trump gone, and I said it right after Trump won in 2016, otherwise that they would burn this place to the ground before they allowed sanity to come back to this nation via Trump, and especially with him promoting fiscal responsibility again, job's job's job's, and to secure the southern border in order to give American worker's a chance again, drain the swamp, straighten out the V.A. right to try, gas independence, natural gas independence, reform our foreign policies, deal with threat's from abroad, promote America first, but also keep world trade alive but fair, stopped allowing foreign nation's to trash our people and country, put Christ back in Christmas, promoted religious liberties, freedom's, and security through strength, and had a no tolerance approach to those who want to be our enemies whether here or abroad.

Exhibit A - The Biden administration is completely inept, and they are taking America for a ride on the crazy train.

Enough said.
They had to get Trump gone, and I said it right after Trump won in 2016, otherwise that they would burn this place to the ground before they allowed sanity to come back to this nation via Trump, and especially with him promoting fiscal responsibility again, job's job's job's, and to secure the southern border in order to give American worker's a chance again, drain the swamp, straighten out the V.A. right to try, gas independence, natural gas independence, reform our foreign policies, deal with threat's from abroad, promote America first, but also keep world trade alive but fair, stopped allowing foreign nation's to trash our people and country, put Christ back in Christmas, promoted religious liberties, freedom's, and security through strength, and had a no tolerance approach to those who want to be our enemies whether here or abroad.

Exhibit A - The Biden administration is completely inept, and they are taking America for a ride on the crazy train.

Enough said.
Of course, that's all just cultist coping mechanism to shield one's self from the realization that Trump is an unfit criminal.

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