Federal Agents search Jeffrey Clark's home

Trump is a cancer. He lost the last election and that was before all of the BS stop the steal crap. Hell, he may be indicted when all of this is over. He would never win in 2024 and the Republicans would be insane to nominate him.
They got really pissed at him when he started busting underage prostitution rings using illegal immigrant children.
Or maybe the attorneys, endorsed by the attorney general, convinced a judge there was good reason to think that evidence of a crime would be found there.

Could that be it?
Let's reason this out. If there is good reason that Clark committed a crime, then his accomplice in that crime can only be one person. And we all know who that is.

I want to know who this Ken guy is who started at the DOJ on Dec 15, 2020. He was a plant that was placed to help trump overturn the election. What a corrupt man trump is.
Let's reason this out. If there is good reason that Clark committed a crime, then his accomplice in that crime can only be one person. And we all know who that is.

I want to know who this Ken guy is who started at the DOJ on Dec 15, 2020. He was a plant that was placed to help trump overturn the election. What a corrupt man trump is.
Yeah....or he's being framed again by the FBI.....just like Russian Collusion.
I guess you've never learned the lesson about why the court treats witnesses that commit perjury in court.....everything else they say can be considered a lie.
Same thing goes for the FBI. Once they got caught framing Trump and got away with it....what makes you think that they won't try it again?
You mean the Democrat controlled attorneys, endorsed by the Democrat controlled attorney general convinced a Democrat controlled judge to send the Feds to raid another citizens home. There I fixed it for you. :113:
So, are you claiming the attorneys (whose names you don't know) who went before the judge (whose name you don't know) just , what, had a good laugh with the judge and shaked with the judge on ransacking Clark's house for headlines?

Just a few winks, maybe? All of them -- attorneys and judges alike, whose names you don't even know -- corrupt to the bone?

Yes or no.

Think of the absurdity of what you are suggesting. Seriously. Think on it.
So, are you claiming the attorneys (whose names you don't know) who went before the judge (whose name you don't know) just , what, had a good laugh with the judge and shaked with the judge on ransacking Clark's house for headlines?

Just a few winks, maybe? All of them -- attorneys and judges alike, whose names you don't even know -- corrupt to the bone?

Yes or no.

Think of the absurdity of what you are suggesting. Seriously. Think on it.
You shouldn;t be happy about the FBI being operated like the Democrat Party's Gestapo. You are the one who needs to start thinking and stop reacting.
Let's reason this out. If there is good reason that Clark committed a crime, then his accomplice in that crime can only be one person. And we all know who that is.

I want to know who this Ken guy is who started at the DOJ on Dec 15, 2020. He was a plant that was placed to help trump overturn the election. What a corrupt man trump is.
You are pretty looney.
Or maybe the attorneys, endorsed by the attorney general, convinced a judge there was good reason to think that evidence of a crime would be found there.

Could that be it?
Nice deflection or watered down targeted cheery picked answer, because you know good and well that if the federal agent's would have been used like the Democrat's are using them now or over the last decade's, hell we wouldn't have barely a politician left to do their job in Washington on either side of the isle, otherwise if used by both parties in these ways in order to get political outcomes in their favor instead of righteous justice for all...

It's all political theater in order for one side or the other to try and act all innocent when attempting to get the upper hand, especially when we know that Washington has been a wash with sin for many many long decade's looking back on it. But one wonder's in the balance, who has been the worst for the country through it all ? I think the nation knows that answer, and it's going to show up big time come November.

You can defend, deflect, and lie about this stuff, but it won't help when the people have finally had enough. I think the nation is there, and Biden is so bad that the Democrat's are doing all they can to create some sort of doubt in the minds of the voter's using taxpayer's money to do so, but so far it's just enraged the people against the Democrat's, because they are no fool's when it comes to the part of government is supposed to promote the general welfare, and protect the freedom's, liberties, and the balance of justice for all that are good meritorious citizen's in our society.
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They got really pissed at him when he started busting underage prostitution rings using illegal immigrant children.
Yep that too... He was working for the nation to try and restore decency and value's, but the citizen's should know by now who truly had it's back, and who didn't with these Democrat's, and who doesn't now..

Trump had the nation's back (stood up for it), when the Democrat's are destroying it out of their selfish immature spoiled rotten wicked ways. A blind man or woman can easily see it, but there the Democrat's sit setting up their own traps in order to ensnare themselves with them.
You shouldn;t be happy about the FBI being operated like the Democrat Party's Gestapo. You are the one who needs to start thinking and stop reacting.
Ask Marjorie Taylor Greene, it's GAZPACHO.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene was ridiculed Wednesday after saying “gazpacho police” instead of “Gestapo” while criticizing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi over the select committee investigating the U.S. Capitol riot.

“Not only do we have the D.C. Jail, which is the D.C. Gulag, but now we have Nancy Pelosi‘s gazpacho police spying on members of Congress,” the Georgia Republican said on the One America News show “Real America with Dan Ball.”
Ask Marjorie Taylor Greene, it's GAZPACHO.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene was ridiculed Wednesday after saying “gazpacho police” instead of “Gestapo” while criticizing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi over the select committee investigating the U.S. Capitol riot.

“Not only do we have the D.C. Jail, which is the D.C. Gulag, but now we have Nancy Pelosi‘s gazpacho police spying on members of Congress,” the Georgia Republican said on the One America News show “Real America with Dan Ball.”
Come November you'll be the one's crying and whining, because you've put all your eggs in the fat leftist basket, and they're taking you down one of the bumpiest road's in the universe.

Buckle up cup cake, it's going to be a rough ride and your egg's won't survive it.
Yeah....the swamp told him nobody stole anything.....but the fact that they discovered that Democrats used mules to stuff ballot boxes in key states. Thousands of mules. In states like AZ, PA, Michigan, WI, and Georgia....they figured they stuffed enough fake ballots to flip those states and give Trump over 300 electoral votes.
They discovered enough examples of it using their phone GPS data to prove that they were going to collection boxes in several different districts mostly at 3am....sometimes in broad daylight.
They turned over the data to the FBI which they claim they used to solve a murder.
ICE is currently tracking illegals using cell phone data from phones they gave to thousands of illegals waiting for their court dates.
China is also possibly using software in the Tik-Tok app to track our movements.
Lol, his own people hand picked by him told him he lost. Hilarious
Lol, his own people hand picked by him told him he lost. Hilarious
Oh.....you really feel that Trump's people were all personally picked by Trump?
Trump was a new president who took advice from people who were out to hamper his administration.

When you're president you have to rely on others to do some things. It's called delegation of authority. You cannot do everything that needs to be done by yourself. That's why the president hires a White House Staff and a person to run that staff for them. And from what I understand....he had a couple of back-stabbing low-life swamp creatures running things that thought they knew how to be president better than Trump.

  • Gen Miley was his Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff, and he was tipping off the Chinese to Trump's every move.
  • John Kelly was his WH Chief of Staff and seemed to think he was smarter than the president. Trump went thru a string of back-stabbing Chiefs of Staff till Mark Meadows was hired
  • Trump had to fire his Sec of Defense James Mattis because he didn't agree with his stance on Afghanistan
  • Trump also had to fire his next Sec of Defense Mark Esper......and some of the crap he said about Trump would get anybody canned immediately. He also tried to prevent Trump from using active-duty troops to quell riots by invoking the insurrection act.
These people were not friends to Trump. They were swamp creatures...plain & simple.
You can't always micro-manage every hiring like Jimmy Carter tried to do. You have to delegate your authority to others.
Trump had to fight deeply entrenched Washington power brokers and congresscritters....and members of his own staff who participated in a coup. And now the Jan 6th committee is taking their hearsay testimony and trying to make it all sound like it's legit....when in fact most, if not all, of their testimony would never be admitted in a court of law.

The only time I can remember when the White House was in such turmoil was when Abraham Lincoln was president. They claim that his own Sec of Defense wanted to have him killed over the Emancipation Proclamation, and a general lack of respect for the man, this wouldn't be the first time in US history that a president was almost alone running a White House.
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What's this got to do with anything??

You don't have family members who hate and undermine you because they are evil, and therefore they had chosen to work for the dark side against good ???? Yes you know what I'm talking about.

Good can be surrounded by evil, and not know it. Especially in the political and/or business world.

Well this might have made sense if the quote and posters name would have been included in this post. USMB glitch... LOL
Go ahead...give us proof. Would that be Rudy proof or Pillow Man proof? Ha Ha Ha

If you consider yourself and America....consider this carefully:

The Constitution is known as ‘the law of the land.’

The U.S. Constitution calls itself the "supreme law of the land." This clause is taken to mean that when state constitutions or laws passed by state legislatures or the national Congress are found to conflict with the federal Constitution, they have no force.

The Constitution as Supreme Law

http://www.let.rug.nl › usa › outlines › government-1991

The fact is that the only document that Americans have agreed to be governed by is the Constitution. It is written in English….no ‘interpretation’ is required.

Wherein we find this:
Under the second clause of Article II of the Constitution, the legislatures of the several states have exclusive power to direct the manner in which the electors of President and Vice President shall be appointed.
Such appointment may be made by the legislatures directly, or by popular vote in districts, or by general ticket, as may be provided by the legislature.”

McPherson v. Blacker, 146 U.S. 1 (1892)


But....this occurred: courts altered voting rules.
“In Pennsylvania, the question was whether the state’s Supreme Court could override voting rules set by the state legislature. In North Carolina, the question was whether state election officials had the power to alter such voting rules.”

Sooo.....no, the election was not correctly decided, and we don't actually know who won the election.

Article VI, Paragraph 2 of the U.S. Constitution is commonly referred to as the Supremacy Clause. It establishes that the federal constitution, and federal law generally, take precedence over state laws, and even state constitutions.

Supremacy Clause | Wex | US Law

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