Federal Government Caves to Right Wing Terrorists At Bundy Ranch

The left is losing their minds right now and we have to consider their level of freaking out while posting reply's on this thread.

First of all they have actually witnessed people countering their god the government and winning. It's why we see so many wishing the feds would have just stepped in and killed everyone because they can't get their way if people are successful at resisting the power of government. They can't win if you all don't submit.

The second thing they realize is the BLM would have never backed down if their people were fully on board with government force against a citizen. They backed out because behind the scenes the majority of their own people didn't think they should have been there and wouldn't fight. I guarantee the reason they backed off is most of their force didn't think they should have been there in the first place.

You can't contain an army to do your will when they are simply there for a paycheck and don't believe in the mission. This scares the shit out of the left. All of their you can't beat the government bullshit collapses if their own foot soldiers won't support their cause. This is why all of their we have the military screeching is such a load of bullshit and it scares them. They don't have the military, the BLM or even the street cops on their side.

Most people that take jobs like the military, police or BLM aren't there to kill citizens for not obeying stupid laws. They joined to help the people out as much as possible. You can have one asshole that will kill a pregnant woman at Ruby Ridge but you aren't going to get all of them to go along with it.

The BLM guys were more than happy to just leave, their next option was to join the other side. The left can't have that but it's reality.

Put it puts on display to the nuts that an armed response can be successful.

That's not a good thing.

It is successful which is why we can't allow ourselves to become disarmed


So when the Black Panthers or the Weathermen Underground were shooting cops, that was okay?

If the cops were coming to settle a dispute over cattle grazing rights.....you have to see the facts.

Once again, you show that you can reach for something that has no connection and try to use in it in some lame argument.
Conservatives didn't have any problem with "free speech zones" for Occupy.

Notice how the Conservatives now hate the PATRIOT Act because of big government overreach? Will repealing the USAPATRIOT Act be part of the Republican party platform in 2016?

The Occupy morons were interfering with people having access to their own property.

They were also committing vandalism, assaulting people, and turning parks into open sewers.

this thread is about Bundy not illegal immigration
The left is losing their minds right now and we have to consider their level of freaking out while posting reply's on this thread.

First of all they have actually witnessed people countering their god the government and winning. It's why we see so many wishing the feds would have just stepped in and killed everyone because they can't get their way if people are successful at resisting the power of government. They can't win if you all don't submit.

The second thing they realize is the BLM would have never backed down if their people were fully on board with government force against a citizen. They backed out because behind the scenes the majority of their own people didn't think they should have been there and wouldn't fight. I guarantee the reason they backed off is most of their force didn't think they should have been there in the first place.

You can't contain an army to do your will when they are simply there for a paycheck and don't believe in the mission. This scares the shit out of the left. All of their you can't beat the government bullshit collapses if their own foot soldiers won't support their cause. This is why all of their we have the military screeching is such a load of bullshit and it scares them. They don't have the military, the BLM or even the street cops on their side.

Most people that take jobs like the military, police or BLM aren't there to kill citizens for not obeying stupid laws. They joined to help the people out as much as possible. You can have one asshole that will kill a pregnant woman at Ruby Ridge but you aren't going to get all of them to go along with it.

The BLM guys were more than happy to just leave, their next option was to join the other side. The left can't have that but it's reality.

This is truly why it is already among the greatest and most influential events in American history.
The left is losing their minds right now and we have to consider their level of freaking out while posting reply's on this thread.

First of all they have actually witnessed people countering their god the government and winning. It's why we see so many wishing the feds would have just stepped in and killed everyone because they can't get their way if people are successful at resisting the power of government. They can't win if you all don't submit.

The second thing they realize is the BLM would have never backed down if their people were fully on board with government force against a citizen. They backed out because behind the scenes the majority of their own people didn't think they should have been there and wouldn't fight. I guarantee the reason they backed off is most of their force didn't think they should have been there in the first place.

You can't contain an army to do your will when they are simply there for a paycheck and don't believe in the mission. This scares the shit out of the left. All of their you can't beat the government bullshit collapses if their own foot soldiers won't support their cause. This is why all of their we have the military screeching is such a load of bullshit and it scares them. They don't have the military, the BLM or even the street cops on their side.

Most people that take jobs like the military, police or BLM aren't there to kill citizens for not obeying stupid laws. They joined to help the people out as much as possible. You can have one asshole that will kill a pregnant woman at Ruby Ridge but you aren't going to get all of them to go along with it.

The BLM guys were more than happy to just leave, their next option was to join the other side. The left can't have that but it's reality.

BLM accepted the terms of their surrender

they tried to renig on the deal

but the good people forced them to abide by the surrender deal down at the gate
When are all of you gun pussies going to stand up against the government on an issue that actually matters?

If you think something was accomplished in all this over a rich man's cows then just imagine the kind of mobilization that could take place if you decide to stop unconstitutional domestic spying.
Damn........gun nuts try to provoke Obama into a shoot out

Better luck next time boys

That is a silly proposition on it's face. Obama runs away from everything. Everyone knows that.

Oh for crying out loud. Obammy didn't have anything to do with this. The BLM did the right thing. What did you expect them to do gun down a bunch of folks on horseback? I have never seen so much disappointment over avoiding a bloodbath.

When are all of you gun pussies going to stand up against the government on an issue that actually matters?

If you think something was accomplished in all this over a rich man's cows then just imagine the kind of mobilization that could take place if you decide to stop unconstitutional domestic spying.

That would require actual shots being fired and people being willing to assume room temperature. 'Aka' a spine.
When are all of you gun pussies going to stand up against the government on an issue that actually matters?

If you think something was accomplished in all this over a rich man's cows then just imagine the kind of mobilization that could take place if you decide to stop unconstitutional domestic spying.

Laws only exist to the extent we allow them to stand.

Damn........gun nuts try to provoke Obama into a shoot out

Better luck next time boys

How does it feel to be perpetual losers?

You lost in Syria, lost in Crimea, are losing more of Ukraine by the day, and had to retreat from Bundy's grazing lands and return his cattle.

Does it suck to suck at life so much?

What did we lose?

Did we lose 5000 dead like Bush did by playing Cowboy in Iraq

The key to having power is to know when to use it. Using the power of the US against a bunch of cows is not good policy.
Damn........gun nuts try to provoke Obama into a shoot out

Better luck next time boys

How does it feel to be perpetual losers?

You lost in Syria, lost in Crimea, are losing more of Ukraine by the day, and had to retreat from Bundy's grazing lands and return his cattle.

Does it suck to suck at life so much?

What did we lose?

Did we lose 5000 dead like Bush did by playing Cowboy in Iraq

The key to having power is to know when to use it. Using the power of the US against a bunch of cows is not good policy.

"know when to hold em

know when to fold them

know when to walk away

know when to run"
How does it feel to be perpetual losers?

You lost in Syria, lost in Crimea, are losing more of Ukraine by the day, and had to retreat from Bundy's grazing lands and return his cattle.

Does it suck to suck at life so much?

What did we lose?

Did we lose 5000 dead like Bush did by playing Cowboy in Iraq

The key to having power is to know when to use it. Using the power of the US against a bunch of cows is not good policy.

"know when to hold em

know when to fold them

know when to walk away

know when to run"

Sound advice..

Because you should never count your money..when you are sitting at the table.

They'll be time enough for counting.

When the dealing's done.
How does it feel to be perpetual losers?

You lost in Syria, lost in Crimea, are losing more of Ukraine by the day, and had to retreat from Bundy's grazing lands and return his cattle.

Does it suck to suck at life so much?

What did we lose?

Did we lose 5000 dead like Bush did by playing Cowboy in Iraq

The key to having power is to know when to use it. Using the power of the US against a bunch of cows is not good policy.

"know when to hold em

know when to fold them

know when to walk away

know when to run"

Good advice

Much better than our previous President who insisted on doubling down on a losing hand
You can bet that this won’t be the end of the matter. While we have avoided this particular massacre of idiots via politics, they’re going to see it as “victory by gun.” That we as a nation have permitted them to win, by whatever means, will certainly embolden future insurgencies. That’s how terrorists think. We may yet see a massacre in Clark county…after it’s become the central hub for thousands of armed militant terrorists.

Congratulations, Kornze and Reid…you just made Mountain Meadows victorious, and gave the United States its very own Gaza Strip.

And imagine how our terrorist friends from the Middle East are going to respond when they discover that the United States won’t even handle the insurgency in its own back yard.
Federal Government Caves to Right Wing Terrorists At Bundy Ranch | Americans Against the Tea Party

Careful what you wish for..


Obama doesn't want the nationwide civil unrest to explode just yet.

Mr. Community Organizer will determine when the timing is right for HIS purposes.
What did we lose?

Did we lose 5000 dead like Bush did by playing Cowboy in Iraq

The key to having power is to know when to use it. Using the power of the US against a bunch of cows is not good policy.

"know when to hold em

know when to fold them

know when to walk away

know when to run"

Good advice

Much better than our previous President who insisted on doubling down on a losing hand

When you have gone to hook up with your 72 virgins Iraq will have calmed down quite a bit and the 30,000,000 will be free from Saddam's brutality and tyranny.

We experienced our violent revolution and have since enjoyed liberty.

Why would Iraq be different?

Focus on the Birth of Liberty in Iraq.

Not the Labor pains.
Glad him and his family survived this travesty, but it's not over. Big Brother is vindictive and evil. This man and his family need our prayers. It's far from over.

This isn't the only land BLM wants. There will be another battle in Texas before too long. What we need is a new government that does not persecute its people.
There won't be any battles. Hey anyone see that brave 'cowboy' bragging how they put the women and children out front to make sure they got shot first.
When are all of you gun pussies going to stand up against the government on an issue that actually matters?

Land grabs by Government thugs are a big deal, that would have been a terrible precedent. It's bad enough Kelo v New London allows for eminent domain, this would have allowed Government to seize land through regulations passed by unelected bureaucrats.

You're a Government shill and punk.

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