Federal Government Caves to Right Wing Terrorists At Bundy Ranch

"know when to hold em

know when to fold them

know when to walk away

know when to run"

Good advice

Much better than our previous President who insisted on doubling down on a losing hand

When you have gone to hook up with your 72 virgins Iraq will have calmed down quite a bit and the 30,000,000 will be free from Saddam's brutality and tyranny.

We experienced our violent revolution and have since enjoyed liberty.

Why would Iraq be different?

Focus on the Birth of Liberty in Iraq.

Not the Labor pains.

That takes the freaking cake.

The invasion of Iraq was not a revolution.

It was an invasion.

You really should learn the difference.
I doubt very seriously that this is over. The feds left to avoid an armed confrontation.

Bundy didn't win grazing rights to public lands, and half of his cattle were removed. The feds can always come back and remove the rest.

The Sheriff says no. They can't come back. He's has enough.
That's neat, he has zero authority over federal police agencies.
I'd simply summon Bundy to court and when he shows up arrest him.. no fuss, no bloodshed.

That or I would round up enough troops surround his house and any dumbass that came to help and starve him out.

Or nuke him

Typical progressive response to someone standing up to your authoritah! Kill them. Heydrich would have loved you...
Damn........gun nuts try to provoke Obama into a shoot out

Better luck next time boys

How does it feel to be perpetual losers?

You lost in Syria, lost in Crimea, are losing more of Ukraine by the day, and had to retreat from Bundy's grazing lands and return his cattle.

Does it suck to suck at life so much?

What did we lose?

Did we lose 5000 dead like Bush did by playing Cowboy in Iraq

The key to having power is to know when to use it. Using the power of the US against a bunch of cows is not good policy.

I believe more have been killed under Obama than Bush....Just sayin...
As tragic as the loss of life would be, exposing obama's US would not only spark a serious uprising but end the regime's relationship with every other nation in the world. The US killing it's own people right after the spying abuses it did to other countries would have this a rogue nation. One to be stopped by any means necessary.
I say this with all do respect, and as someone who supported the "concept" behind OWS, and many other left based protests, especially having to do with police brutality.

The dumb comments I see is why when the left protests, they get pepper sprayed, bloodied, lose their voices, and many end up in jail anyways. That is about it. Nothing gets done, not even a momentary "moral victory". When was the last time anyone on the left could actually say, they stood up to "the man".

For anyone with any brains, you should take notes. Yes, the "inbred, hick, cowboys" (and any other anti-white name you can think of) fended off 200 armed mercenaries, with an 84 vehicle convoy in the middle of the desert, not a highly built up urban area.

You guys should be applauding, considering the guys they were facing, were the same brutish mercenaries used as private military contractors, throughout the rest of the world. They would also be the ones used to crack your skulls at the next OWS event, or any other similar non-corporate/government sanctioned demonstration. They are also using the same "regulatory arguments" that will be the cause of the next 700 billion dollar bail out.

But of course, let your seething hate of anyone with white skin, or middle America, or "republicans", or "whatever", force you to hit every tree while aimlessly running through the forest.
Nice spin. They didn't fend off anything. They knew they were not going to get gunned down. Otherwise they wouldn't have put their kids and wives out front.
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Nice spin. They didn't fend off anything. They knew they were not going to get gunned down. Otherwise they wouldn't have put their kids and wive out front.

Either you don't keep up with past/current events, or you are being deliberately argumentative, because there is plenty of evidence of local, state, and federal officials using deadly force on people within all demographics, armed or unarmed, both past and present.

To say that any outcome was certain is not being genuine.
History shows the feds prefer to kill women and children and, once they're out of the way, continue with the menfolk. Ya gotta admit, they aim well!

Yes, they do aim for the INNOCENT first!

Nice spin. They didn't fend off anything. They knew they were not going to get gunned down. Otherwise they wouldn't have put their kids and wive out front.

Either you don't keep up with past/current events, or you are being deliberately argumentative, because there is plenty of evidence of local, state, and federal officials using deadly force on people within all demographics, armed or unarmed, both past and present.

To say that any outcome was certain is not being genuine.

Again nice spin. Past events are irrelevant. Only only an idiot would gun down a bunch of kids over cattle. As I said the 'cowboys' were bragging how they were hoping their wives would get shot up on tv. They were egging them on. The BLM did the right thing by leaving. Plenty of ways to get this ass later.
Nice spin. They didn't fend off anything. They knew they were not going to get gunned down. Otherwise they wouldn't have put their kids and wives out front.

The wives volunteered, and no kids were in front.

If anything, this was the only thing keeping the men on the front lines alive, even though the hidden Patriots in sniping locations would have mutually massacred the feds in response (who then would have been hit with air power and guided rocketry/artillery due to bullet detection systems in an open desert, which would have then caused mass unrest and secession from the Union on State and County levels and mass defection in the military ranks and dissolution of the US Armed Forces and as a result the collapse of the US dollar and the instantaneous evaporation of the welfare state.... HOLY SHIT SON)
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Nice spin. They didn't fend off anything. They knew they were not going to get gunned down. Otherwise they wouldn't have put their kids and wives out front.

The wives volunteered, and no kids were in front.

If anything, this was the only thing keeping the men on the front lines alive, even though the hidden Patriots in sniping locations would have mutually massacred the feds in response (who then would have been hit with air power and guided rocketry/artillery due to bullet detection systems in an open desert, which would have then caused mass unrest and secession from the Union on State and County levels and mass defection in the military ranks and dissolution of the US Armed Forces and as a result the collapse of the US dollar and the instantaneous evaporation of the welfare state.... HOLY SHIT SON)

Fucking pipe dream.

And you do realize you are defending a rich dude involved in a criminal act.

Nice spin. They didn't fend off anything. They knew they were not going to get gunned down. Otherwise they wouldn't have put their kids and wives out front.

The wives volunteered, and no kids were in front.

If anything, this was the only thing keeping the men on the front lines alive, even though the hidden Patriots in sniping locations would have mutually massacred the feds in response (who then would have been hit with air power and guided rocketry/artillery due to bullet detection systems in an open desert, which would have then caused mass unrest and secession from the Union on State and County levels and mass defection in the military ranks and dissolution of the US Armed Forces and as a result the collapse of the US dollar and the instantaneous evaporation of the welfare state.... HOLY SHIT SON)

Fucking pipe dream.

And you do realize you are defending a rich dude involved in a criminal act.


I would rather defend a rancher feeding his cows than defend the lefts right to allow illegal immigration

It is not a coincidence that the people who are defending the tax evader and law breaker in the case are the same people who find Putin so strong and inspiring. This guy IS NOT A PATRIOT! He is a criminal that is stealing tax money. Our tax dollars make up for the million plus dollars that this rich rancher owes.
Place a lien on his ranch. If he cannot pay it, sell it to the highest bidder. Then the Feds wouldn't even have to go back to Nevada. Handle it in the courts.
It is not a coincidence that the people who are defending the tax evader and law breaker in the case are the same people who find Putin so strong and inspiring. This guy IS NOT A PATRIOT! He is a criminal that is stealing tax money. Our tax dollars make up for the million plus dollars that this rich rancher owes.

So are illegal alien criminals. Let's round them all up too.

You can bet that this won’t be the end of the matter. While we have avoided this particular massacre of idiots via politics, they’re going to see it as “victory by gun.” That we as a nation have permitted them to win, by whatever means, will certainly embolden future insurgencies. That’s how terrorists think. We may yet see a massacre in Clark county…after it’s become the central hub for thousands of armed militant terrorists.

Congratulations, Kornze and Reid…you just made Mountain Meadows victorious, and gave the United States its very own Gaza Strip.

And imagine how our terrorist friends from the Middle East are going to respond when they discover that the United States won’t even handle the insurgency in its own back yard.
Federal Government Caves to Right Wing Terrorists At Bundy Ranch | Americans Against the Tea Party

Careful what you wish for..


how lovely, you're cheering for the government to take over someone's property with force..
I hope they come for your home and property next...that article is sick and what does the Tea Party have to do with anything

You're so UnAmercian
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