Federal Government Caves to Right Wing Terrorists At Bundy Ranch

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=twLKRu4YLM0]Tomorrow belongs to me HQ der morgige Tag ist mein - YouTube[/ame]
That's pretty much what I was trying to imply without the hyperbole. This whole situation, both sides, is made up of my-way-or-the-highway assholes who would not know how to negotiate a peaceful end if their lives depended on it and it just might. You people really need to learn how to pick your battles.

It should have never come to a 'Battle.' This is a good man. He's not a 'Crazed Cult Leader', 'Militiaman', or 'Terrorist.' Shame on Big Brother.

Grazing your cattle on other people's land has always been considered theft, why do you think this man has a right to continue stealing?

Because he paid the state required grazing fee.
'Dirty' Harry Reid and Big Brother are the thieves in this. To hell with em.

You didn't answer the question. The man was not stealing from Harry Reid, he was stealing from The People, explain why we should just let him. Before you do consider if people just poached logs or mined off public lands because they felt entitled to it, what would become of our public lands? Shouldn't the government take steps to protect them from profiteers who would just ruin them and walk away?

Not trying to offend, but you Communist Occupiers do seem to be very confused and hypocritical on this one. You should have defended this poor guy and his family. But instead you guys called for his head. You really should reflect more on this.

Nevada is an Open Range State. Period.

The man had rights granted to him before the BLM even existed.

Something about Ex Post Facto in the Constitution isn't there?

As far as Federal Judges ruling against him. FUCK Federal Judges.

Who the FUCK do you think they're gonna rule for.

BLM let this get out of hand. Right, wrong or indifferent, they let it get out of control.

And somebody, please explain to me what these cattle were stealing? Grass? Are you people on the left that incredibly stupid.... Dumb question.

If the Feds wanted their land kept private, with no cattle grazing it, they should have fenced it.

Funny how the people who claim to be for freedom and rights always come down on the side of the Nazi tactics ourt government uses against our own people.

Just like at Waco. Just like at Ruby Ridge.

The usual suspects are what I have been saying they are for decades..... They're the reincarnation of Nazis, their ideological forefathers.

I'm seriously not being sardonic or sarcastic or snarky or taking jabs... the dimocrap party has evolved into the Nazi Party.

All they're lacking is the power. And they may have it soon if you people don't wake up.

You don't give Nazis power. You just don't do it. No matter what kind of pretty song they play for you. You just don't do it
I really am happy this man and his family have survived this travesty. But i fear it's only temporary. Big Brother doesn't like to lose. He's vindictive and evil. Keep in mind, we're living in an era where our President routinely arrests Journalists and Filmmakers. Big Brother will continue harassing this man and his family. Sadly, i don't think it's gonna end well for this man. I'll pray for him.
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It should have never come to a 'Battle.' This is a good man. He's not a 'Crazed Cult Leader', 'Militiaman', or 'Terrorist.' Shame on Big Brother.

Grazing your cattle on other people's land has always been considered theft, why do you think this man has a right to continue stealing?

Because he paid the state required grazing fee.

Nevada is an Open Range State

'Dirty' Harry Reid and Big Brother are the thieves in this. To hell with em.

You didn't answer the question. The man was not stealing from Harry Reid, he was stealing from The People, explain why we should just let him. Before you do consider if people just poached logs or mined off public lands because they felt entitled to it, what would become of our public lands? Shouldn't the government take steps to protect them from profiteers who would just ruin them and walk away?

Not trying to offend, but you Communist Occupiers do seem to be very confused and hypocritical on this one. You should have defended this poor guy and his family. But instead you guys called for his head. You really should reflect more on this.

Truthfully I am torn, I feel the federal response was too much but I still wonder why the rancher felt entitled to graze on that land and why all those assholes decided to get involved. If he was cutting timber or blasting holes or diverting water I do not think anyone would complain about the feds stopping him, what makes cattle different? They screw up large areas of land and pollute water as much as any logging or mining operation.
I really am happy this man and his family have survived this travesty. But i fear it's only temporary. Big Brother doesn't like to lose. He's vindictive and evil. Keep in mind, we're living in an era where our President routinely arrests Journalists and Filmmakers. Big Brother will continue harassing this man and his family. Sadly, i don't think it's gonna end well for this man. I'll pray for him.

You can pray. I'm cleaning my guns.

You want shit like this to end?

Vote. And make your vote count.

Don't flush your vote down the toilet in a futile effort. Vote for somebody that has a chance.

Most importantly..... Vote AGAINST the scum of the Earth.... dimocraps.

You don't have to like the Republican candidate, but you gotta vote against the scummiest, scumbag motherfucking Nazis of the dimocrap party.

No patriotic American can honestly defend SHIT like this. Except for one group....

dimocrap scum. Every time.
You didn't answer the question. The man was not stealing from Harry Reid, he was stealing from The People, explain why we should just let him. Before you do consider if people just poached logs or mined off public lands because they felt entitled to it, what would become of our public lands? Shouldn't the government take steps to protect them from profiteers who would just ruin them and walk away?

Not trying to offend, but you Communist Occupiers do seem to be very confused and hypocritical on this one. You should have defended this poor guy and his family. But instead you guys called for his head. You really should reflect more on this.

Truthfully I am torn, I feel the federal response was too much but I still wonder why the rancher felt entitled to graze on that land and why all those assholes decided to get involved. If he was cutting timber or blasting holes or diverting water I do not think anyone would complain about the feds stopping him, what makes cattle different? They screw up large areas of land and pollute water as much as any logging or mining operation.

Let me run this by you guys one more time.....



Your shit about cattle screwing up water and land as badly as mining or logging?

You're a lying sack of shit who talks out of his ass.

Like there's a difference :dunno:
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You didn't answer the question. The man was not stealing from Harry Reid, he was stealing from The People, explain why we should just let him. Before you do consider if people just poached logs or mined off public lands because they felt entitled to it, what would become of our public lands? Shouldn't the government take steps to protect them from profiteers who would just ruin them and walk away?

Not trying to offend, but you Communist Occupiers do seem to be very confused and hypocritical on this one. You should have defended this poor guy and his family. But instead you guys called for his head. You really should reflect more on this.

Truthfully I am torn, I feel the federal response was too much but I still wonder why the rancher felt entitled to graze on that land and why all those assholes decided to get involved. If he was cutting timber or blasting holes or diverting water I do not think anyone would complain about the feds stopping him, what makes cattle different? They screw up large areas of land and pollute water as much as any logging or mining operation.

I have a feeling you allowed Politics to cloud your judgement on this. He clearly wasn't a fellow Communist/Democrat, so you weren't willing to help him. The OP has fallen into that trap as well. He or she sees it as a 'Republican VS. Democrat' issue. But it's not, it's much more than that. Like i said, you guys should reflect a bit more on this.
Not trying to offend, but you Communist Occupiers do seem to be very confused and hypocritical on this one. You should have defended this poor guy and his family. But instead you guys called for his head. You really should reflect more on this.

Truthfully I am torn, I feel the federal response was too much but I still wonder why the rancher felt entitled to graze on that land and why all those assholes decided to get involved. If he was cutting timber or blasting holes or diverting water I do not think anyone would complain about the feds stopping him, what makes cattle different? They screw up large areas of land and pollute water as much as any logging or mining operation.

Let me run this by you guys one more time.....



Your shit about cattle screwing up water and land as badly as mining or logging?

You're a lying sack of shit who talks out of his ass.

Like there's a difference :dunno:

Never seen a large cattle operation have you?
We are living in dark times. The President routinely arrests Journalists and Filmmakers who don't toe the Party-Line. Yet he hasn't been held accountable. So no, i don't think it's gonna end well for this man. Big Brother will likely find a way to get him. The constant harassment will resume once the Media goes away. These are very dark times.
Not trying to offend, but you Communist Occupiers do seem to be very confused and hypocritical on this one. You should have defended this poor guy and his family. But instead you guys called for his head. You really should reflect more on this.

Truthfully I am torn, I feel the federal response was too much but I still wonder why the rancher felt entitled to graze on that land and why all those assholes decided to get involved. If he was cutting timber or blasting holes or diverting water I do not think anyone would complain about the feds stopping him, what makes cattle different? They screw up large areas of land and pollute water as much as any logging or mining operation.

I have a feeling you allowed Politics to cloud your judgement on this. He clearly wasn't a fellow Communist/Democrat, so you weren't willing to help him. The OP has fallen into that trap as well. He or she sees it as a 'Republican VS. Democrat' issue. But it's not, it's much more than that. Like i said, you guys should reflect a bit more on this.

Dude, your commie crap is making a serious discussion impossible, the feds seem to think the guy was breaking the law, why this rush to protect a law breaker? Are some people above the law just because they wear cowboy boots or something?
Truthfully I am torn, I feel the federal response was too much but I still wonder why the rancher felt entitled to graze on that land and why all those assholes decided to get involved. If he was cutting timber or blasting holes or diverting water I do not think anyone would complain about the feds stopping him, what makes cattle different? They screw up large areas of land and pollute water as much as any logging or mining operation.

I have a feeling you allowed Politics to cloud your judgement on this. He clearly wasn't a fellow Communist/Democrat, so you weren't willing to help him. The OP has fallen into that trap as well. He or she sees it as a 'Republican VS. Democrat' issue. But it's not, it's much more than that. Like i said, you guys should reflect a bit more on this.

Dude, your commie crap is making a serious discussion impossible, the feds seem to think the guy was breaking the law, why this rush to protect a law breaker? Are some people above the law just because they wear cowboy boots or something?

I was just pointing out a possible reason you guys called for his head on this. I do think you allowed Politics to cloud your judgement. Same goes for the OP. He wasn't one of you, therefore you wouldn't help. Just my assessment anyway.
When a liberal protests against "The Man" patriotism abounds. When average Americans do it they are terrorists.

At least according to Sallow.

I have a feeling you allowed Politics to cloud your judgement on this. He clearly wasn't a fellow Communist/Democrat, so you weren't willing to help him. The OP has fallen into that trap as well. He or she sees it as a 'Republican VS. Democrat' issue. But it's not, it's much more than that. Like i said, you guys should reflect a bit more on this.

Dude, your commie crap is making a serious discussion impossible, the feds seem to think the guy was breaking the law, why this rush to protect a law breaker? Are some people above the law just because they wear cowboy boots or something?

I was just pointing out a possible reason you guys called for his head on this. I do think you allowed Politics to cloud your judgement. Same goes for the OP. He wasn't one of you, therefore you wouldn't help. Just my assessment anyway.

I do not make up my mind like that on anything. I do not think we have all the facts yet of what started all this. I am mainly curious about the reaction by the right here. Defying the law is sometimes a righteous thing when it is done as an act of civil disobedience and doesn't really hurt anyone or damage property but a cattle herd is hardly a protest, how did they turn the theft of public property into an act of righteous defiance?
It's so shocking our Government can go after fellow Americans this way, while refusing to secure our Borders. Something else to chew on i guess.
You want shit like this to end?

Vote. And make your vote count.

Don't flush your vote down the toilet in a futile effort. Vote for somebody that has a chance.

Most importantly..... Vote AGAINST the scum of the Earth.... dimocraps.

You don't have to like the Republican candidate, but you gotta vote against the scummiest, scumbag motherfucking Nazis of the dimocrap party.

In other words, vote for the same shit ruining our country over and over, but pretend it's fixing it.

Dumb ass.
Dude, your commie crap is making a serious discussion impossible, the feds seem to think the guy was breaking the law, why this rush to protect a law breaker? Are some people above the law just because they wear cowboy boots or something?

I was just pointing out a possible reason you guys called for his head on this. I do think you allowed Politics to cloud your judgement. Same goes for the OP. He wasn't one of you, therefore you wouldn't help. Just my assessment anyway.

I do not make up my mind like that on anything. I do not think we have all the facts yet of what started all this. I am mainly curious about the reaction by the right here. Defying the law is sometimes a righteous thing when it is done as an act of civil disobedience and doesn't really hurt anyone or damage property but a cattle herd is hardly a protest, how did they turn the theft of public property into an act of righteous defiance?

The same can be asked of Communist 'Occupiers.'

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