Federal Government Caves to Right Wing Terrorists At Bundy Ranch


Name one country started by a libertarian movement?

Just one.

Here's something that comes close.


If those folks were white?

It'd be a perfect thing for you.

Aw, poor little Communist Big Brother-Worshippers. You didn't get to watch your Henchmen murder another fellow American. Poor babies. Oh well, maybe next time.

I don't "worship" anything.

I APPRECIATE the fact that the Constitution has given us a system where we can collectively and mutually profit while settling our differences in a peaceful manner.

You fucks want to break that.

You really should leave.

Wow, you Communist Wingnuts really have lost it on this one. You really wanted blood, huh? Well for now anyway, you're not gonna get your wish. Deal with it.
Gee I remember when liberals considered protest and standing up for what you believe in patriotic.

Protest and standing up for what you believe is fine.

Bringing your guns and threatening Federal Authorities?

Not so much.

The Feds are backing off because they don't want a bloodbath.

If these were Black Panthers in the inner city?

You folks couldn't wait until they all had bullets in their heads.
They didn't threaten anyone and if this was the New Black Panthers the media would not have even covered it.
You all better look and READ what is said here.... it took 50 years for it to finally rear its ugly head in America, yet, the low IQ, and "FREE SHIT" supporters will not recognize it, until they are FORCED to serve the master!

Looks like they have a brave Sheriff over there. He just announced the BLM will 'Cease Operation' and release this man's cattle. God bless him.
Gee I remember when liberals considered protest and standing up for what you believe in patriotic.

Protest and standing up for what you believe is fine.

Bringing your guns and threatening Federal Authorities?

Not so much.

The Feds are backing off because they don't want a bloodbath.

If these were Black Panthers in the inner city?

You folks couldn't wait until they all had bullets in their heads.

It's illegal to carry a gun on the street in the inner city.

Conversely, it is completely legal to carry any gun in Bunkerville, Nevada.

When I was station at Ft. Hauchuca AZ, I bought a pump action 12 gauge from a gun shop in Sierra Vista, and proceeded to carry it right down the sidewalk to the Main Gate without a single raised eyebrow cast in my direction.

That said, I agree that backing down does set a terrible precedent. But the government F'ed this up from the word go...so it's no surprise that they continues to F it up to the bitter end.

The PROBLEM with large groups of armed protester is that it only takes one idiot to set off a conflagration. A hothead, a government infiltrator, a government sympathizer who wants to make to protesters look violent, or a kid with firecrackers thinking it's funny.
We are about to see a living example of a Pyrrhic victory.

I may have to agree. This isn't over yet. Big Brother is vindictive and evil. Once the Media goes away, these poor people will be harassed daily. Their home will likely be raided numerous times to instill fear. Big Brother will find another way to get this man. He would rather kill fellow Americans than accept losing. So i would say this thing is far from over.
We are about to see a living example of a Pyrrhic victory.

I may have to agree. This isn't over yet. Big Brother is vindictive and evil. Once the Media goes away, these poor people will be harassed daily. Their home will likely be raided numerous times to instill fear. Big Brother will find another way to get this man. He would rather kill fellow Americans than accept losing. So i would say this thing is far from over.

That's pretty much what I was trying to imply without the hyperbole. This whole situation, both sides, is made up of my-way-or-the-highway assholes who would not know how to negotiate a peaceful end if their lives depended on it and it just might. You people really need to learn how to pick your battles.
We are about to see a living example of a Pyrrhic victory.

I may have to agree. This isn't over yet. Big Brother is vindictive and evil. Once the Media goes away, these poor people will be harassed daily. Their home will likely be raided numerous times to instill fear. Big Brother will find another way to get this man. He would rather kill fellow Americans than accept losing. So i would say this thing is far from over.

That's pretty much what I was trying to imply without the hyperbole. This whole situation, both sides, is made up of my-way-or-the-highway assholes who would not know how to negotiate a peaceful end if their lives depended on it and it just might. You people really need to learn how to pick your battles.

It should have never come to a 'Battle.' This is a good man. He's not a 'Crazed Cult Leader', 'Militiaman', or 'Terrorist.' Shame on Big Brother.
Federal Government Caves to Right Wing Terrorists At Bundy Ranch
Right wing Al Qaeda gives green light to lawlessness. Now everyone can squat on federal land.


What part of left wing weenies occupation of American cities did you miss? Did you mind these squatters that were costing cities thousands if not millions of dollars in lost revenue and security?

Remember OWS?

I may have to agree. This isn't over yet. Big Brother is vindictive and evil. Once the Media goes away, these poor people will be harassed daily. Their home will likely be raided numerous times to instill fear. Big Brother will find another way to get this man. He would rather kill fellow Americans than accept losing. So i would say this thing is far from over.

That's pretty much what I was trying to imply without the hyperbole. This whole situation, both sides, is made up of my-way-or-the-highway assholes who would not know how to negotiate a peaceful end if their lives depended on it and it just might. You people really need to learn how to pick your battles.

It should have never come to a 'Battle.' This is a good man. He's not a 'Crazed Cult Leader', 'Militiaman', or 'Terrorist.' Shame on Big Brother.

Grazing your cattle on other people's land has always been considered theft, why do you think this man has a right to continue stealing?
That's pretty much what I was trying to imply without the hyperbole. This whole situation, both sides, is made up of my-way-or-the-highway assholes who would not know how to negotiate a peaceful end if their lives depended on it and it just might. You people really need to learn how to pick your battles.

It should have never come to a 'Battle.' This is a good man. He's not a 'Crazed Cult Leader', 'Militiaman', or 'Terrorist.' Shame on Big Brother.

Grazing your cattle on other people's land has always been considered theft, why do you think this man has a right to continue stealing?

'Dirty' Harry Reid and Big Brother are the thieves in this. To hell with em.
Obama's ratings are tanking and the media treated the story honestly. Back in the Clinton days they got away with incinerating 80 men women and children because the media was in Clinton's back pocket.

Well, some in the Media have treated it honestly & fairly. I was just watching the NBC nutters screeching for the man's head. But you are right, the Media treated it more honest & fairly than it would have in the past. And that is something to appreciate.
Federal Government Caves to Right Wing Terrorists At Bundy Ranch
Right wing Al Qaeda gives green light to lawlessness. Now everyone can squat on federal land.


What part of left wing weenies occupation of American cities did you miss? Did you mind these squatters that were costing cities thousands if not millions of dollars in lost revenue and security?

Remember OWS?

Yeah man! Now they all have rights to squat anywhere and everywhere, huh. Imagine hippie communes in Yellowstone and Yosemite. Cool!
It should have never come to a 'Battle.' This is a good man. He's not a 'Crazed Cult Leader', 'Militiaman', or 'Terrorist.' Shame on Big Brother.

Grazing your cattle on other people's land has always been considered theft, why do you think this man has a right to continue stealing?

'Dirty' Harry Reid and Big Brother are the thieves in this. To hell with em.

You didn't answer the question. The man was not stealing from Harry Reid, he was stealing from The People, explain why we should just let him. Before you do consider if people just poached logs or mined off public lands because they felt entitled to it, what would become of our public lands? Shouldn't the government take steps to protect them from profiteers who would just ruin them and walk away?

Put it puts on display to the nuts that an armed response can be successful.

That's not a good thing.

It is successful which is why we can't allow ourselves to become disarmed


So when the Black Panthers or the Weathermen Underground were shooting cops, that was okay?

Who shot who? How many rounds were fired?

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Grazing your cattle on other people's land has always been considered theft, why do you think this man has a right to continue stealing?

'Dirty' Harry Reid and Big Brother are the thieves in this. To hell with em.

You didn't answer the question. The man was not stealing from Harry Reid, he was stealing from The People, explain why we should just let him. Before you do consider if people just poached logs or mined off public lands because they felt entitled to it, what would become of our public lands? Shouldn't the government take steps to protect them from profiteers who would just ruin them and walk away?

Not trying to offend, but you Communist Occupiers do seem to be very confused and hypocritical on this one. You should have defended this poor guy and his family. But instead you guys called for his head. You really should reflect more on this.
Federal Government Caves to Right Wing Terrorists At Bundy Ranch
Right wing Al Qaeda gives green light to lawlessness. Now everyone can squat on federal land.


What part of left wing weenies occupation of American cities did you miss? Did you mind these squatters that were costing cities thousands if not millions of dollars in lost revenue and security?

Remember OWS?


I remember Occupy Oakland, which up until the protests, I did not know was the epicenter of Richy Rich 1%er control of the world!

I also recall how the Occupiers looted a Footlocker and a sandwich shop. That sandwich shop owner must be Some Evul Genius in cognito.

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