Federal Government Caves to Right Wing Terrorists At Bundy Ranch

Here some more criminals that need rounded up like those cattle were. Maybe that's where they went?




Put it puts on display to the nuts that an armed response can be successful.

That's not a good thing.

It is successful which is why we can't allow ourselves to become disarmed


Really? You think that this has ended now? A whole bunch of people are going to discover what real power is. Bundy has exposed himself as a criminal, and the people there with guns have exposed themselves as idiots that should not be allowed weapons.

You just showed what real tyranny is, my friend.

If you want nothing more than to kill a man over some cows, you don't belong in government. If you want to use every excuse in the book to disarm the local militias, or the people, you don't deserve the dignity of defending yourself with a firearm, or with any implement whatsoever.
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Just a side note, I'm going to try to come up with all the registered solar energy companies that are involved future development.

There are at least 18 or 19 more. I really want to know how many are actually registered under an American name but are a subsidiary of a foreign power.

Thank goodness I have a very forgiving husband that understands housework comes second when you're trying to save the planet one post at a time.

I doubt very seriously that this is over. The feds left to avoid an armed confrontation.

Bundy didn't win grazing rights to public lands, and half of his cattle were removed. The feds can always come back and remove the rest.


Put it puts on display to the nuts that an armed response can be successful.

That's not a good thing.

It is successful which is why we can't allow ourselves to become disarmed


or bow down to the media

there was so much internet activity

live ustreams cell phones

that by the time the traditional news came out

with its federal propaganda and limited news

the people were full day or so ahead of the news cycle

and demanding action form their elected officials
It is successful which is why we can't allow ourselves to become disarmed


Really? You think that this has ended now? A whole bunch of people are going to discover what real power is. Bundy has exposed himself as a criminal, and the people there with guns have exposed themselves as idiots that should not be allowed weapons.

You just showed what real tyranny is, my friend.

If you want nothing more than to kill a man over some cows, you don't belong in government. If you want to use every excuse in the book to disarm the local militias, or the people, you don't deserve the dignity of defending yourself with a firearm, or with any implement whatsoever.

Good morning TK! Check out my link in post 39. This mess was really truly more than just old Bundy owing some money on grazing fees.
I doubt very seriously that this is over. The feds left to avoid an armed confrontation.

Bundy didn't win grazing rights to public lands, and half of his cattle were removed. The feds can always come back and remove the rest.

Best grab a box of tissues. The BLM gave the cattle back to their rightful owner.


Cheers: Protesters pump their fists as cowboys herd cattle that belong to rancher Cliven Bundy

that is a beautiful picture of freedom and liberty......., in so many ways.

too bad the liberfools see only hate, those miserable fools must be licking each others deep cuts........, or are they into :suck: each other ? :up:
:lmao: ...... :lmao:

it is an awesome photo

they always say

it cant happen here

but BLM is the perfect example

of folks willing to do the governments dirty work

never comply with firearm registration or confiscation orders
I'm interested to hear more about Harry Reid and his son's part in this.

It's Harry, Rory, Solar Energy giants, public land being sold for pennies on the dollar for solar, the solar companies paying millions of dollars to BLM for mitigation, the players in this are endless.

And all this information is out there. I've put up links out the whazoo over the current "pay to play" renewable energy scheme the Feds have come up with.

Basically, the developer like Ivanpah can trash out the land they bought with a few restrictions just to make it look good to conservation groups providing they pay the BLM enough buckolas to invest in making another area of a certain state "more environmentally sustainable".

Like I said it's pay to play on a grand scale.

Here's just a quick link to how all this mess in Nevada goes back to the Reid family. Oh and with them, it's China.

They are working with the Chinese and selling out the desert.

U.S. Senator Reid, son combine for China firm's desert plant

By Marcus Stern

WASHINGTON Fri Aug 31, 2012 5:06am EDT

U.S. Senator Reid, son combine for China firm's desert plant | Reuters

Posting on the fly this morning but just check my posts.

All links are solid. I have triple checked all sources.

From the article and this should piss off any American. And if you smell dirty, you are smelling a Reid.

Rory Reid acknowledged representing ENN at both the county and state levels since January. He declined to discuss the project otherwise.

Two months after Harry Reid's China trip, Lionel Sawyer registered ENN Mohave Energy LLC as an American subsidiary of the Chinese company. The firm negotiated with the county to buy the land rather than lease it, as the county's staff had recommended.

In December, Clark County commissioners voted unanimously to sell up to 9,000 acres of public land to the subsidiary at pennies on the dollar.

The deal spurred local controversy. Separate appraisals valued the land at $29.6 million and $38.6 million.

The commission agreed to sell it to ENN for $4.5 million.

U.S. Senator Reid, son combine for China firm's desert plant | Reuters

at first the claim seemed pretty far out

but after research it is spot on

how can harry remain on in Nevada
The democrats seem very disappointed they didn't get to see the slaughter of American civilians they had been hoping for. What a shame for them.

When the US military is deployed abroad to protect our interests and security the democrats can't wait to put on their old unwashed tye-dyes and march around in righteous indignation, but when the government has a chance to massacre American civilians they suspect might not vote democrat, they become more thirsty for blood than Dracula at an anemia convention.
The democrats seem very disappointed they didn't get to see the slaughter of American civilians they had been hoping for. What a shame for them.

When the US military is deployed abroad to protect our interests and security the democrats can't wait to put on their old unwashed tye-dyes and march around in righteous indignation, but when the government has a chance to massacre American civilians they suspect might not vote democrat, they become more thirsty for blood than Dracula at an anemia convention.

what i have noticed

is they have said all along that when the shit hits the fan

the people will scatter and run away

this serves to show that is not the case
Really? You think that this has ended now? A whole bunch of people are going to discover what real power is. Bundy has exposed himself as a criminal, and the people there with guns have exposed themselves as idiots that should not be allowed weapons.

You just showed what real tyranny is, my friend.

If you want nothing more than to kill a man over some cows, you don't belong in government. If you want to use every excuse in the book to disarm the local militias, or the people, you don't deserve the dignity of defending yourself with a firearm, or with any implement whatsoever.

Good morning TK! Check out my link in post 39. This mess was really truly more than just old Bundy owing some money on grazing fees.

Good morning, milady!

Rest assured, I do realize the gravitas of the situation. There is a matter of principle involved here. Whatever it is, you can't just up and kill a man without giving him his due process rights, meaning you cannot deprive him of his life, liberty or property without due process of law. By the way, Harry Reid needs to be arrested.
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I am quite sure that names have been taken, and that appropriate actions will be following. The Federal Government has every right to resent people threatoning them with guns. And those people that have played out this little part in the insane rightwing dream of revolution will find all the ways that they are vulnerable.
You mean like being targeted by the IRS? That's already been done for simply belonging to the wrong political group.

There's no question in my mind that they didn't want this to escalate and have it resonate in the minds of Americans before the mid term elections. That will determine how well the left can seek revenge on its' subjects.
I am quite sure that names have been taken, and that appropriate actions will be following. The Federal Government has every right to resent people threatoning them with guns. And those people that have played out this little part in the insane rightwing dream of revolution will find all the ways that they are vulnerable.
You mean like being targeted by the IRS? That's already been done for simply belonging to the wrong political group.

There's no question in my mind that they didn't want this to escalate and have it resonate in the minds of Americans before the mid term elections. That will determine how well the left can seek revenge on its' subjects.

oh yes

of course they will send out as many agencies not accountable to the people

to harass and terrorize those that opposed this government overreach

that is to be expected
Gee I remember when liberals considered protest and standing up for what you believe in patriotic.

Protest and standing up for what you believe is fine.

Bringing your guns and threatening Federal Authorities?

Not so much.

The Feds are backing off because they don't want a bloodbath.

If these were Black Panthers in the inner city?

You folks couldn't wait until they all had bullets in their heads.
The left is all sorry because the BLM didn't bomb Nevada with cruise missiles. Awwww.
I am quite sure that names have been taken, and that appropriate actions will be following. The Federal Government has every right to resent people threatoning them with guns. And those people that have played out this little part in the insane rightwing dream of revolution will find all the ways that they are vulnerable.

"Right Wing dream of revolution"?

No, exercising the purpose of the Second Amendment.

It's not in the constitution, but it's written in the Founders personal and official papers.
Oh calm down, i'm sure there's a catch. They'll probably label him a 'Crazed Cult Leader' or 'Militiaman', and raid his home next. Maybe even burn it down and kill him and his family. So chill out Communist nutters, you might just get your wish after all. It's not over.
It is successful which is why we can't allow ourselves to become disarmed


Really? You think that this has ended now? A whole bunch of people are going to discover what real power is. Bundy has exposed himself as a criminal, and the people there with guns have exposed themselves as idiots that should not be allowed weapons.

ya us mormon ranchers are a real dangerous lot aren't we....tee hee

Yes..you are.

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