Federal Government Caves to Right Wing Terrorists At Bundy Ranch

You can bet that this won’t be the end of the matter. While we have avoided this particular massacre of idiots via politics, they’re going to see it as “victory by gun.” That we as a nation have permitted them to win, by whatever means, will certainly embolden future insurgencies. That’s how terrorists think. We may yet see a massacre in Clark county…after it’s become the central hub for thousands of armed militant terrorists.

Congratulations, Kornze and Reid…you just made Mountain Meadows victorious, and gave the United States its very own Gaza Strip.

And imagine how our terrorist friends from the Middle East are going to respond when they discover that the United States won’t even handle the insurgency in its own back yard.
Federal Government Caves to Right Wing Terrorists At Bundy Ranch | Americans Against the Tea Party
Careful what you wish for..


Glad the good, old, down-home Americans scared the Federal terrorists away for the time being. I guess they're fortunate that we have a wimpy President "running" things.
So the reality of situation is this. The government seeing where this was heading, backed off. Bundy and his buddies can claim a hollow victory. Bundy still ignored a federal judge and still owes that debt. The Sheriff should be up his ass for that regardless of everything else. That tells me the Sheriff isnt doing his job at upholding the law.

As for these Militias. This could have been their perfect storm so to speak. This is what they have been craving in a sense. A place to stand off with the government and show them they wont put up with them anymore. Do some do it because Obama is in the white house? Yes, but others also do it because they see government growing and growing and dont like it. So it wouldnt matter who was in office, but a democrat makes it easier. I think in their minds they wanted a fight on some level, which in tail would have had more militias show up from other states and an all out "revolution" for a perceived freedom issue.

In the end they most likely would have lost is the national guard or something was called in. Thus making them martyrs and giving people like them call to alarm. I mean look at this thread, you would have people on here crying and whining about the injustice of what happened. A call for more revolution etc etc. While the left and more moderate people would be claiming they had it coming.

In the end backing off was the right move. Now call Bundy in for a court appearance and read him his rights. Or since he doesnt believe federal law applies to him, dont read him his rights, throw him in a cell and forget about him.
Viciously attack a fellow American over some grazing cattle, but refuse to secure our Borders. Wow, what the hell happened to our Country?
I was just pointing out a possible reason you guys called for his head on this. I do think you allowed Politics to cloud your judgement. Same goes for the OP. He wasn't one of you, therefore you wouldn't help. Just my assessment anyway.

I do not make up my mind like that on anything. I do not think we have all the facts yet of what started all this. I am mainly curious about the reaction by the right here. Defying the law is sometimes a righteous thing when it is done as an act of civil disobedience and doesn't really hurt anyone or damage property but a cattle herd is hardly a protest, how did they turn the theft of public property into an act of righteous defiance?

The same can be asked of Communist 'Occupiers.'

Reading comprehension much? How is a cow herd an act of civil disobedience?
You didn't answer the question. The man was not stealing from Harry Reid, he was stealing from The People, explain why we should just let him. Before you do consider if people just poached logs or mined off public lands because they felt entitled to it, what would become of our public lands? Shouldn't the government take steps to protect them from profiteers who would just ruin them and walk away?

Not trying to offend, but you Communist Occupiers do seem to be very confused and hypocritical on this one. You should have defended this poor guy and his family. But instead you guys called for his head. You really should reflect more on this.

Truthfully I am torn, I feel the federal response was too much but I still wonder why the rancher felt entitled to graze on that land and why all those assholes decided to get involved. If he was cutting timber or blasting holes or diverting water I do not think anyone would complain about the feds stopping him, what makes cattle different? They screw up large areas of land and pollute water as much as any logging or mining operation.

The Progressives whimper that we all need to "feed the poor" but when a man who's family has been using that land for more than a century tries to "feed the poor" his cattle miraculously become "pollutants." Go enjoy your Big Mac, Whoppers, T-Bone Steaks, and Denty Moore Beef Stew everyone.

By the way ... there are lots, and lots, and lots of wild animals "polluting" the water in wilderness areas. Nothing to see here folks >> move along.
It's so shocking our Government can go after fellow Americans this way, while refusing to secure our Borders. Something else to chew on i guess.

yes..how dare someone not pay the fees and claim federal laws are not relevant to him..
Im going to tell the cop this when i start speeding.
I do not make up my mind like that on anything. I do not think we have all the facts yet of what started all this. I am mainly curious about the reaction by the right here. Defying the law is sometimes a righteous thing when it is done as an act of civil disobedience and doesn't really hurt anyone or damage property but a cattle herd is hardly a protest, how did they turn the theft of public property into an act of righteous defiance?

The same can be asked of Communist 'Occupiers.'

Reading comprehension much? How is a cow herd an act of civil disobedience?

Point is, he wasn't a fellow Communist/Democrat. Therefore you weren't willing to help. 'Party before Country.' It is what it is.
The fact that Bundy paid his grazing fees every year just won't be recognized by statists. It's ignored. Completely.

This country was born out of unfair taxation. This is just the latest incarnation.
It's so shocking our Government can go after fellow Americans this way, while refusing to secure our Borders. Something else to chew on i guess.

yes..how dare someone not pay the fees and claim federal laws are not relevant to him..
Im going to tell the cop this when i start speeding.

Yes, steal his cattle and maybe even kill him. Meanwhile, refuse to secure our Borders. Seems very hypocritical and Un-American to me.
Viciously attack a fellow American over some grazing cattle, but refuse to secure our Borders. Wow, what the hell happened to our Country?

Talk about "destroying the landscape" and "polluting the water":

Items left by our illegal "friends" from the south:





And Harry Reid wants us to believe that Bundy is the environmental "terrorist?"

What say the Progressive nutcases?
It's so shocking our Government can go after fellow Americans this way, while refusing to secure our Borders. Something else to chew on i guess.

yes..how dare someone not pay the fees and claim federal laws are not relevant to him..
Im going to tell the cop this when i start speeding.

Yes, steal his cattle and maybe even kill him. Meanwhile, refuse to secure our Borders. Seems very hypocritical and Un-American to me.

you are un-american you little shit. They didnt steal his cattle, not kill him. I didnt see you driving over there to support him. No you sat at your computer like an armchair warrior and whined. You fucking pussy, go get off your ass and do something.
Viciously attack a fellow American over some grazing cattle, but refuse to secure our Borders. Wow, what the hell happened to our Country?

Glad you feel that way.

I know a few homeless vets.

Where do you live again?

I am sure they would appreciate your bed and bath.
Viciously attack a fellow American over some grazing cattle, but refuse to secure our Borders. Wow, what the hell happened to our Country?

Talk about "destroying the landscape" and "polluting the water":

Items left by our illegal "friends" from the south:





And Harry Reid wants us to believe that Bundy is the environmental "terrorist?"

What say the Progressive nutcases?

Yeah it really is shocking. They can viciously attack a fellow American over some grazing cattle, but they can't secure our Borders. Hypocritical and Un-American. Sorry, but that's just how i feel.
I doubt very seriously that this is over. The feds left to avoid an armed confrontation.

Bundy didn't win grazing rights to public lands, and half of his cattle were removed. The feds can always come back and remove the rest.

The Sheriff says no. They can't come back. He's has enough.

Yes, they can. Because they can just shoot him dead if he tries to stop them.
The fact that Bundy paid his grazing fees every year just won't be recognized by statists. It's ignored. Completely.

This country was born out of unfair taxation. This is just the latest incarnation.

he didnt, your lying.
yes..how dare someone not pay the fees and claim federal laws are not relevant to him..
Im going to tell the cop this when i start speeding.

Yes, steal his cattle and maybe even kill him. Meanwhile, refuse to secure our Borders. Seems very hypocritical and Un-American to me.

you are un-american you little shit. They didnt steal his cattle, not kill him. I didnt see you driving over there to support him. No you sat at your computer like an armchair warrior and whined. You fucking pussy, go get off your ass and do something.

Would you say that if we were all willing to head to the southern border and fight off the influx of illegals? I've done so more than once but was condemned by your Pied Piper (liberal media).
Viciously attack a fellow American over some grazing cattle, but refuse to secure our Borders. Wow, what the hell happened to our Country?

Glad you feel that way.

I know a few homeless vets.

Where do you live again?

I am sure they would appreciate your bed and bath.

Seriously, you want to steal the guy's cattle and maybe even kill him, but you don't want to secure our Borders. He's a fellow American for God's sake. Shame on you.
Yes, steal his cattle and maybe even kill him. Meanwhile, refuse to secure our Borders. Seems very hypocritical and Un-American to me.

you are un-american you little shit. They didnt steal his cattle, not kill him. I didnt see you driving over there to support him. No you sat at your computer like an armchair warrior and whined. You fucking pussy, go get off your ass and do something.

Would you say that if we were all willing to head to the southern border and fight off the influx of illegals? I've done so more than once but was condemned by your Pied Piper (liberal media).

I don't call human beings yearning to be free, "illegals".

I call them "future Americans".
Viciously attack a fellow American over some grazing cattle, but refuse to secure our Borders. Wow, what the hell happened to our Country?

Glad you feel that way.

I know a few homeless vets.

Where do you live again?

I am sure they would appreciate your bed and bath.

Seriously, you want to steal the guy's cattle and maybe even kill him, but you don't want to secure our Borders. He's a fellow American for God's sake. Shame on you.

I'm serious man.

I do work for charities.

I'd love to put some of these folks up.

PM your address.

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