Federal Government Caves to Right Wing Terrorists At Bundy Ranch

I doubt very seriously that this is over. The feds left to avoid an armed confrontation.

Bundy didn't win grazing rights to public lands, and half of his cattle were removed. The feds can always come back and remove the rest.

The Sheriff says no. They can't come back. He's has enough.

The Sheriff is an elected official sworn to protect his constituents. He has greater power over his jurisdiction than the Feds do so he's certainly within his Constitutional right to ban the Feds from harming the folks under his watch. Glad he's taking a stand. All Sheriffs across the land should follow his lead.
Yes, steal his cattle and maybe even kill him. Meanwhile, refuse to secure our Borders. Seems very hypocritical and Un-American to me.

you are un-american you little shit. They didnt steal his cattle, not kill him. I didnt see you driving over there to support him. No you sat at your computer like an armchair warrior and whined. You fucking pussy, go get off your ass and do something.

Would you say that if we were all willing to head to the southern border and fight off the influx of illegals? I've done so more than once but was condemned by your Pied Piper (liberal media).

It's such a sad warped mentality. Leave our Borders wide open, but lynch the poor American cattle grazer. So hypocritical and Un-American.
you are un-american you little shit. They didnt steal his cattle, not kill him. I didnt see you driving over there to support him. No you sat at your computer like an armchair warrior and whined. You fucking pussy, go get off your ass and do something.

Would you say that if we were all willing to head to the southern border and fight off the influx of illegals? I've done so more than once but was condemned by your Pied Piper (liberal media).

I don't call human beings yearning to be free, "illegals".

I call them "future Americans".

LOL. They are "free." Free to make a living in their own country and suck the tit of their own welfare system. We have enough tit-suckers in America ... we don't need anymore.
you are un-american you little shit. They didnt steal his cattle, not kill him. I didnt see you driving over there to support him. No you sat at your computer like an armchair warrior and whined. You fucking pussy, go get off your ass and do something.

Would you say that if we were all willing to head to the southern border and fight off the influx of illegals? I've done so more than once but was condemned by your Pied Piper (liberal media).

I don't call human beings yearning to be free, "illegals".

I call them "future Americans".

Well, this poor guy is an American right now. It's interesting how you feel compelled to show compassion to an Illegal Alien, but not to a fellow American. If you care so much about Government-Owned land, then help secure our Borders.
Would you say that if we were all willing to head to the southern border and fight off the influx of illegals? I've done so more than once but was condemned by your Pied Piper (liberal media).

I don't call human beings yearning to be free, "illegals".

I call them "future Americans".

LOL. They are "free." Free to make a living in their own country and suck the tit of their own welfare system. We have enough tit-suckers in America ... we don't need anymore.


Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she

With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

That's America, pal.
Would you say that if we were all willing to head to the southern border and fight off the influx of illegals? I've done so more than once but was condemned by your Pied Piper (liberal media).

I don't call human beings yearning to be free, "illegals".

I call them "future Americans".

Well, this poor guy is an American right now. It's interesting how you feel compelled to show compassion to an Illegal Alien, but not to a fellow American. If you care so much about Government-Owned land, then help secure our Borders.


Let him pay his taxes.
?Occupy Wall Street? YouTube Videos Show Police-Protester Clash « CBS New York

Seem to remember you folks on the side of government back then.

I did not support Law Enforcement abuses. I actually kinda felt for the Occupy Movement early on. But then it got hijacked by Communist/Democrat Party operatives. It became all about Entitlement whining and Democratic Party cheerleading. That's when it lost me. The OWS and Tea Party Movements actually had a lot in common early on. But then they were hijacked and derailed.
I see that this thread has morphed into illegal aliens as a deflection. However, a little gratis is due, here. For the most part, cows do not have any pockets in which to keep passports, so they seldom carry them.
Democrat policies of lies and deceit illustrated:

Rightwing terrorists.......

Pregnant ranchers getting tazed by the big bad federal government are terrorists now....


It's all for the children. We must preserve our American way of life. The evil Cattle Grazer Terrorists have to be stopped. :eek:
It was an entertaining piece of street theater. The overweight Idaho militia nuts showed up in camouflage carrying their rifles. Tourists from Vegas took time out from gambling away their kids inheritance to picnic on the side of the road. The press did everything they could to egg them all on,

Now that it over, the militia has adjourned to the brothel in the neighboring county, and the press is rehashing events over and over again, since they have no film of the actual start of the "revolution" Fox is in hog's heaven, and the tea party had to take down their roadside stand where they were selling tomahawks and 3 cornered hats.
yes..how dare someone not pay the fees and claim federal laws are not relevant to him..
Im going to tell the cop this when i start speeding.

Yes, steal his cattle and maybe even kill him. Meanwhile, refuse to secure our Borders. Seems very hypocritical and Un-American to me.

you are un-american you little shit. They didnt steal his cattle, not kill him. I didnt see you driving over there to support him. No you sat at your computer like an armchair warrior and whined. You fucking pussy, go get off your ass and do something.

No, they didn't kill him...but you are SALIVATING over the thought! Does the thought of his entire family being killed give you an erection?
I don't call human beings yearning to be free, "illegals".

I call them "future Americans".

Well, this poor guy is an American right now. It's interesting how you feel compelled to show compassion to an Illegal Alien, but not to a fellow American. If you care so much about Government-Owned land, then help secure our Borders.


Let him pay his taxes.

If you really cared about Government-Owned lands, you would help secure our Borders. Why persecute and treat a fellow American like a dangerous criminal? You don't seem to be as concerned about the dangers of leaving our Borders so wide open. I'm far more concerned with that than i am about the 'Evil American Cattle Grazers.'
Yes, steal his cattle and maybe even kill him. Meanwhile, refuse to secure our Borders. Seems very hypocritical and Un-American to me.

you are un-american you little shit. They didnt steal his cattle, not kill him. I didnt see you driving over there to support him. No you sat at your computer like an armchair warrior and whined. You fucking pussy, go get off your ass and do something.

Would you say that if we were all willing to head to the southern border and fight off the influx of illegals? I've done so more than once but was condemned by your Pied Piper (liberal media).

no you havent.

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