Federal Government Caves to Right Wing Terrorists At Bundy Ranch

he didnt, your lying.

He did.,..you're willfully ignorant, really stupid, and pure evil.

He stole from the federal government. Of course you crackpot denialists are going to add this to your list of delusions. Because you're all nuts, you reinforce each other and the result is another madness of crowds phenomenon.

Learn to think.

Learn to effing read!!

The Real Story Behind The Bundy Ranch Harassment | The Dana Show
Ole 'Dirty' Harry Reid and the Chinese Government also played a big part in this. Harry Reid chose the cash and the Chinese over his fellow American. It's very sad, but not surprising.
you are un-american you little shit. They didnt steal his cattle, not kill him. I didnt see you driving over there to support him. No you sat at your computer like an armchair warrior and whined. You fucking pussy, go get off your ass and do something.

Would you say that if we were all willing to head to the southern border and fight off the influx of illegals? I've done so more than once but was condemned by your Pied Piper (liberal media).

You too! I've been to the border more than once too. I was part of the group that protected a ranch just outside of San Diego that was being overrun by drug mules. Which group were you with?

Back in the late 1980s through 1990s there was a group trying to start a new Populist Party in southern California. I was living in Orange County at the time. They organized several peaceful rallies in southern California near the Mexican border. On both occasions, we were overrun by militant, pro-illegal groups (La Raza types). We were outnumbered both times but stood our ground until the leaders/organizers called it off for safety reasons. I had conceal carry both times but never needed to draw my weapon.
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Those sneaky Chinese are infiltrating the desert and taking over. Having yellow skin, they are not easily spotted in the desert. Their plan is to squat on this rancher's land for 7 years, and then to claim that they own it. Then, they are going to dig it all up and ship it to China, where they plan to add land fill to the harbor in Hong Kong and sell it to real estate developers for more high rise hotels, as well as large laundry companies.
Oh brutha.

The hyperbole in the OP is too thick.

Let's take a small step back. Without actually conceding the point, let's just say, for the sake of the discussion, that the Federal government had a legitimate beef here.

Is there something that might have prevented them from say making an ARREST?

What the fuck is this entire "confiscation" of the herd of cattle thing?

There IS a dispute. They (our beloved Federal government and agents) can accuse. The accused then has a right to a presumption of innocence. It can all get sorted out in a familiar process having something to do with our Constitutional right to due process.

I just know I've read about that kind of thing -- somewhere.

In light of that option, perhaps "backing" off their precipitous behavior was actually a responsible thing? Maybe the Obumbler Administration is NOT actually guilty of "caving in" to "terrorists." Possibly, they just had a growth spurt in terms of responsibility? And maybe the so-called "terrorists" were not even remotely "terrorists" in the first place?
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Those sneaky Chinese are infiltrating the desert and taking over. Having yellow skin, they are not easily spotted in the desert. Their plan is to squat on this rancher's land for 7 years, and then to claim that they own it. Then, they are going to dig it all up and ship it to China, where they plan to add land fill to the harbor in Hong Kong and sell it to real estate developers for more high rise hotels, as well as large laundry companies.

Yikes. A feeble Race-Baiting attempt for sure. You should look into your beloved 'Dirty' Harry Reid's deal with the Chinese Government on this. It's shameful.
There were less than 100 federal agents there including the mercenaries they hired. There were thousands of armed citizens there. The order to cease operations had to be made or all of those federal agents would have been slaughtered. All it would have needed was one gunshot, by anyone and it would have been a bloodbath, with the feds getting the short end.

...until the Daisy Cutter landed.
There were less than 100 federal agents there including the mercenaries they hired. There were thousands of armed citizens there. The order to cease operations had to be made or all of those federal agents would have been slaughtered. All it would have needed was one gunshot, by anyone and it would have been a bloodbath, with the feds getting the short end.

...until the Daisy Cutter landed.

Would you carry out an order to bomb & kill your own fellow Americans? That's a very real dilemma our Military Men & Women may be facing in the future.
Those sneaky Chinese are infiltrating the desert and taking over. Having yellow skin, they are not easily spotted in the desert. Their plan is to squat on this rancher's land for 7 years, and then to claim that they own it. Then, they are going to dig it all up and ship it to China, where they plan to add land fill to the harbor in Hong Kong and sell it to real estate developers for more high rise hotels, as well as large laundry companies.

[MENTION=42404]Vandalshandle[/MENTION] is now an admitted sympathizer and supporter of Red China.
Those sneaky Chinese are infiltrating the desert and taking over. Having yellow skin, they are not easily spotted in the desert. Their plan is to squat on this rancher's land for 7 years, and then to claim that they own it. Then, they are going to dig it all up and ship it to China, where they plan to add land fill to the harbor in Hong Kong and sell it to real estate developers for more high rise hotels, as well as large laundry companies.

[MENTION=42404]Vandalshandle[/MENTION] is now an admitted sympathizer and supporter of Red China.

Would you carry out an order to bomb & kill your own fellow Americans? That's a very real dilemma our Military Men & Women may be facing in the future.

Seems like somebody else asked that same question of a lot of military officers not all that long ago. Appears those who said they swore an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution rather than the exclusively the person of the "president" were removed.
There were less than 100 federal agents there including the mercenaries they hired. There were thousands of armed citizens there. The order to cease operations had to be made or all of those federal agents would have been slaughtered. All it would have needed was one gunshot, by anyone and it would have been a bloodbath, with the feds getting the short end.

...until the Daisy Cutter landed.

Would you carry out an order to bomb & kill your own fellow Americans? That's a very real dilemma our Military Men & Women may be facing in the future.
Are you willing to kill your fellow Americans? Do you know who those evil Federal agents are? They have wives and kids, too, you know?

If you're so afraid of FEMA death camps or whatever then follow George W. Bush's example and declare "preemptive" war. Are you willing to go to war against the US Federal government? If you are, like the gun monkeys there in Nevada seem to be, then you should know what you're fighting for. Otherwise, shut the hell up.

Every Republican who has been whining about the big government since 2009 was perfectly fine with everything that the government was doing from 2000-2008. Not only did the right-wing not oppose Bush incrementally implementing the police state, but the right-wing actually applauded big government overreach as "necessary to fight terror".

So either call Bush a traitor the same as you call Obama, or just shut up.
We haven't had a president that was less than a traitor since Eisenhower. OK, Truman before him was clean too. But FDR? He established precedent for so many Marx-O-Crats who ensued.
...until the Daisy Cutter landed.

Would you carry out an order to bomb & kill your own fellow Americans? That's a very real dilemma our Military Men & Women may be facing in the future.
Are you willing to kill your fellow Americans? Do you know who those evil Federal agents are? They have wives and kids, too, you know?

If you're so afraid of FEMA death camps or whatever then follow George W. Bush's example and declare "preemptive" war. Are you willing to go to war against the US Federal government? If you are, like the gun monkeys there in Nevada seem to be, then you should know what you're fighting for. Otherwise, shut the hell up.

Every Republican who has been whining about the big government since 2009 was perfectly fine with everything that the government was doing from 2000-2008. Not only did the right-wing not oppose Bush incrementally implementing the police state, but the right-wing actually applauded big government overreach as "necessary to fight terror".

So either call Bush a traitor the same as you call Obama, or just shut up.

Bush/Obama? There is no difference. One's a Communist Globalist and the other's a Neocon Globalist. Which is basically the same thing. I don't know if i'm prepared to call them 'Traitors', but it is something to contemplate.
There were less than 100 federal agents there including the mercenaries they hired. There were thousands of armed citizens there. The order to cease operations had to be made or all of those federal agents would have been slaughtered. All it would have needed was one gunshot, by anyone and it would have been a bloodbath, with the feds getting the short end.

They'll bring tanks and napalm next time. Whatever it takes to exercise the enforcement of their draconian laws.

As deplorable as the loss of life would have been, the sight of the federal government killing Americans might be necessary to achieve the final break. We are so close now, that the next gunshot would be the second gunshot heard round the world. The US would lose all moral authority and have to negotiate while it is locked in a civil war. Investment would flee an unstable country, the economy would crash into little tiny pieces.

We'd be Syria overnight. Rather, we will be because it probably cannot be avoided at this point.
Just thinking in semantics.....

Since "traitor" implies treason against one's own country then you might be able to make a case against Bush.

On the other hand, only Kenya could make a case against The Big Zero.
You can bet that this won’t be the end of the matter. While we have avoided this particular massacre of idiots via politics, they’re going to see it as “victory by gun.” That we as a nation have permitted them to win, by whatever means, will certainly embolden future insurgencies. That’s how terrorists think. We may yet see a massacre in Clark county…after it’s become the central hub for thousands of armed militant terrorists.

Congratulations, Kornze and Reid…you just made Mountain Meadows victorious, and gave the United States its very own Gaza Strip.

And imagine how our terrorist friends from the Middle East are going to respond when they discover that the United States won’t even handle the insurgency in its own back yard.
Federal Government Caves to Right Wing Terrorists At Bundy Ranch | Americans Against the Tea Party

Careful what you wish for..


WOW! Incredible. So when Cindy Sheehan and her cronies were protesting outside the Bush ranch, they were "terrorists?" Is that really where you stupid libturds want to go with this?

I found that crack about "avoiding a massacre" interesting. Who would have committed this "massacre?" Obviously, it would be the FBI, and you would have been cheering and trying to justify it.
Just thinking in semantics.....

Since "traitor" implies treason against one's own country then you might be able to make a case against Bush.

On the other hand, only Kenya could make a case against The Big Zero.
This is my problem with Republicunts. All of this outrage over supposed transgressions. Obama increased the rate of drone strikes on civilians by 700% over Bush.

For ten fucking years, this god-damned country has been firing missiles at people who didn't have SHIT to do with anything. These civilians casualties are easily dismissed as "collateral damage", even after the victims are exonerated posthumously. These indiscriminate drone strikes against civilians are crimes against humanity. The US runs drone strikes in at least 6 different countries across two continents, and has done so at an increasing rate for ten years. Thousands of the victims are people who were not involved with 9/11, or with terrorism. One of those people was an American teenager who the US thought MIGHT become a terrorist someday. Without charges of a crime or any judicial review, the US Federal government and President Barack Hussein Obama ordered a drone strike to kill Abdulrahman al-Awlaki.

Obama is a war criminal and you want to bitch about his birth certificate?

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