Federal Government Caves to Right Wing Terrorists At Bundy Ranch

Would you say that if we were all willing to head to the southern border and fight off the influx of illegals? I've done so more than once but was condemned by your Pied Piper (liberal media).

You too! I've been to the border more than once too. I was part of the group that protected a ranch just outside of San Diego that was being overrun by drug mules. Which group were you with?

Back in the late 1980s through 1990s there was a group trying to start a new Populist Party in southern California. I was living in Orange County at the time. They organized several peaceful rallies in southern California near the Mexican border. On both occasions, we were overrun by militant, pro-illegal groups (La Raza types). We were outnumbered both times but stood our ground until the leaders/organizers called it off for safety reasons. I had conceal carry both times but never needed to draw my weapon.

Are you thinking of Save Our State?
Obama is a war criminal and you want to bitch about his birth certificate?

War Criminal is one thing. Traitor is quite another. Don't try for conviction on both in the same trial; keep 'em separate or you could lose both.

Get back to us when you can find a court with jurisdiction that also has the balls to proceed.

We got plenty of time......you might have a chance in 2015 but more likely you'll have to sweat it out until January, 2017.
Grazing your cattle on other people's land has always been considered theft, why do you think this man has a right to continue stealing?

'Dirty' Harry Reid and Big Brother are the thieves in this. To hell with em.

You didn't answer the question. The man was not stealing from Harry Reid, he was stealing from The People, explain why we should just let him. Before you do consider if people just poached logs or mined off public lands because they felt entitled to it, what would become of our public lands? Shouldn't the government take steps to protect them from profiteers who would just ruin them and walk away?

You don't settle a debt dispute with 200 armed men and 9 helicopters and set up a freedom of speech corral for protestors for freaking starters.

The only reason this whacked out federal debt collection and it's armed agency backed off at all is this is an election year and Democrat candidates across the nation were grabbing their Immodium AD extra strength and screaming at Washington to back off.

Memories of Ruby Ridge don't make for great optics for an election.
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Why isn't there a court with the balls? Because they're all American? Is this the "American exceptionalism" that we keep hearing about? Try the International Criminal Court. See if they'll try a case against Donald Rumsfeld or George Tenet.

But a better question is, why don't YOU have the balls to proceed against Obama? Republicans claim to have all the evidence they need as to why the Obama administration should go down in flames. He's a weak Marxist Sharia pussy tyrant, or whatever. So charge him with crimes against humanity. The President and the CIA killed an American without a trial. The facts will be brought out in court. Prosecute Barack Obama for killing Abdulrahman al-Awlaki without a trial. And then arrest every member of the Bush administration for every death in the Iraq war, and keep arresting lying war criminals throughout America all the way back to that piece of shit Henry Kissinger.

But that's too much trouble, isn't it? So we need to find another solution, right? We can obviously gather from this Nevada fiasco that armed revolution against the government is only for when a rich man wants to keep making money off of the People, not for overthrowing a despicable, lying military-industrial complex that feeds endless war and crimes against humanity.

Good job, right-wing. You've failed America yet again.
But a better question is, why don't YOU have the balls to proceed against Obama? Republicans claim to have all the evidence they need as to why the Obama administration should go down in flames. He's a weak Marxist Sharia pussy tyrant, or whatever. So charge him with crimes against humanity. The President and the CIA killed an American without a trial. The facts will be brought out in court. Prosecute Barack Obama for killing Abdulrahman al-Awlaki without a trial. And then arrest every member of the Bush administration for every death in the Iraq war, and keep arresting lying war criminals throughout America all the way back to that piece of shit Henry Kissinger.

But that's too much trouble, isn't it? So we need to find another solution, right? We can obviously gather from this Nevada fiasco that armed revolution against the government is only for when a rich man wants to keep making money off of the People, not for overthrowing a despicable, lying military-industrial complex that feeds endless war and crimes against humanity.

Good job, right-wing. You've failed America yet again.

And, so bereft of thought, the liberal turns to character assassination. Meanwhile all of his/her/its alleged criminals laugh openly, not even needing to keep it behind his/her/its back.

America has learned not to just live with failure - rather to LOVE it and we have two recent election outcomes by way of proof.
Memories of Ruby Ridge don't make for great optics for an election.

Actually, from the perspective of we who would like to reclaim America for Americans, they're just jim-dandy, peachy-keen!


Truth! You bet Dems were just having a collective meltdown nationwide thinking of the future commercials.

Just think of those swell advertisements that can be made with Bundy's son being tazed and video with him bleeding.

Oh and the Freedom of Speech corral. :D
Truth! You bet Dems were just having a collective meltdown nationwide thinking of the future commercials.

Just think of those swell advertisements that can be made with Bundy's son being tazed and video with him bleeding.

Oh and the Freedom of Speech corral. :D

They gotta learn to put their propagandists in gear before engaging their storm troopers.

But they won't.....if freedom-loving Americans are very, very lucky.
There were less than 100 federal agents there including the mercenaries they hired. There were thousands of armed citizens there. The order to cease operations had to be made or all of those federal agents would have been slaughtered. All it would have needed was one gunshot, by anyone and it would have been a bloodbath, with the feds getting the short end.

Yep, just like what happened at Waco....wait...I think we need to rethink this....
Truth! You bet Dems were just having a collective meltdown nationwide thinking of the future commercials.

Just think of those swell advertisements that can be made with Bundy's son being tazed and video with him bleeding.

Oh and the Freedom of Speech corral. :D

They gotta learn to put their propagandists in gear before engaging their storm troopers.

But they won't.....if freedom-loving Americans are very, very lucky.

good hyperbole.....errr..... post :thup:

BTW- Bu$H II was notorious for cordoning-off demonstrators :thup:
Memories of Ruby Ridge don't make for great optics for an election.
Actually, from the perspective of we who would like to reclaim America for Americans, they're just jim-dandy, peachy-keen!

Truth! You bet Dems were just having a collective meltdown nationwide thinking of the future commercials.

Just think of those swell advertisements that can be made with Bundy's son being tazed and video with him bleeding.

Oh and the Freedom of Speech corral. :D
Conservatives didn't have any problem with "free speech zones" for Occupy.

Notice how the Conservatives now hate the PATRIOT Act because of big government overreach? Will repealing the USAPATRIOT Act be part of the Republican party platform in 2016?
Every Republican who has been whining about the big government since 2009 was perfectly fine with everything that the government was doing from 2000-2008. Not only did the right-wing not oppose Bush incrementally implementing the police state, but the right-wing actually applauded big government overreach as "necessary to fight terror".

So either call Bush a traitor the same as you call Obama, or just shut up.
You don't know what you're talking about. Many on the right, especially Libertarians were not on board with the size and scope of Homeland Security. The left went nuts but are virtually silent now even though operations have expanded. Go figure.
Actually, from the perspective of we who would like to reclaim America for Americans, they're just jim-dandy, peachy-keen!

Truth! You bet Dems were just having a collective meltdown nationwide thinking of the future commercials.

Just think of those swell advertisements that can be made with Bundy's son being tazed and video with him bleeding.

Oh and the Freedom of Speech corral. :D
Conservatives didn't have any problem with "free speech zones" for Occupy.

Notice how the Conservatives now hate the PATRIOT Act because of big government overreach? Will repealing the USAPATRIOT Act be part of the Republican party platform in 2016?

The Occupy morons were interfering with people having access to their own property.
I actually enjoy the Right talking about the coming revolution, and all the patriots firing their weapons at imaginary bad guys. It is kind of the message board version of a Batman comic book....
Why isn't there a court with the balls? Because they're all American? Is this the "American exceptionalism" that we keep hearing about? Try the International Criminal Court. See if they'll try a case against Donald Rumsfeld or George Tenet.

But a better question is, why don't YOU have the balls to proceed against Obama? Republicans claim to have all the evidence they need as to why the Obama administration should go down in flames. He's a weak Marxist Sharia pussy tyrant, or whatever. So charge him with crimes against humanity. The President and the CIA killed an American without a trial. The facts will be brought out in court. Prosecute Barack Obama for killing Abdulrahman al-Awlaki without a trial. And then arrest every member of the Bush administration for every death in the Iraq war, and keep arresting lying war criminals throughout America all the way back to that piece of shit Henry Kissinger.

But that's too much trouble, isn't it? So we need to find another solution, right? We can obviously gather from this Nevada fiasco that armed revolution against the government is only for when a rich man wants to keep making money off of the People, not for overthrowing a despicable, lying military-industrial complex that feeds endless war and crimes against humanity.

Good job, right-wing. You've failed America yet again.

Oh fucking bite me. Take off your Che Guevera t shirt and get real. Rich man wanting to keep making money off the people. :lol: Kiss my ass. Grow up and stop with your bullshit.

Bundy has had an ongoing dispute with the BLM as they have tried to destroy his livelihood since the early 90's.

But the feds didn't move in over lack of payment of grazing fees spending over 3 million dollars to attempt to collect what they say is owed to them which is 1 million.

It goes deeper than that. But because you are a brain dead left wing snot you can't see the forest for the trees.

Nonetheless, you and others have really shown what conservatives are up against. Blood thirsty assholes who really wanted to see this man and his family blown away or burnt out.

And probably the rest of us just because we have different views.

Man you are evil and disgusting motherfuckers.

ETA: To the board at large, please pardon my french but posters like this one who are obviously seriously disappointed and distressed that Bundy and his family weren't sent to the great beyond absolutely piss me clean off.

Maggots they are. Filthy maggots. They wanted this man to be crushed.
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Every Republican who has been whining about the big government since 2009 was perfectly fine with everything that the government was doing from 2000-2008. Not only did the right-wing not oppose Bush incrementally implementing the police state, but the right-wing actually applauded big government overreach as "necessary to fight terror".

So either call Bush a traitor the same as you call Obama, or just shut up.
You don't know what you're talking about. Many on the right, especially Libertarians were not on board with the size and scope of Homeland Security. The left went nuts but are virtually silent now even though operations have expanded. Go figure.
Maybe you missed Occupy because you were too busy watching FOX News complain about Occupy. What do you think the gun monkeys just did in Nevada? They "occupied" the territory. If you want to make the case that guns were successful tools in this endeavor, then apply that reasoning to Occupy. Take your hundreds of millions of guns and Occupy the Pentagon. Occupy the NSA. Occupy Congress.

Occupy the White House.

The Bundy ranch was just the beginning, right? How far are you willing to go to protect the rich?
Conservatives didn't have any problem with "free speech zones" for Occupy.

Notice how the Conservatives now hate the PATRIOT Act because of big government overreach? Will repealing the USAPATRIOT Act be part of the Republican party platform in 2016?
Is it part of the Democrat platform now? Conservatives have no problem with free speech anywhere, just the bums taking over public and private property in cities. That wasn't a free speech issue. Why does the left consider any actions it wants as free speech but any speech it disagrees with as hateful? Dissent is patriotic, remember? Where are all those bumper stickers now anyway? Was there a well funded organization set up to remove them all?
Every Republican who has been whining about the big government since 2009 was perfectly fine with everything that the government was doing from 2000-2008. Not only did the right-wing not oppose Bush incrementally implementing the police state, but the right-wing actually applauded big government overreach as "necessary to fight terror".

So either call Bush a traitor the same as you call Obama, or just shut up.
You don't know what you're talking about. Many on the right, especially Libertarians were not on board with the size and scope of Homeland Security. The left went nuts but are virtually silent now even though operations have expanded. Go figure.
Maybe you missed Occupy because you were too busy watching FOX News complain about Occupy. What do you think the gun monkeys just did in Nevada? They "occupied" the territory. If you want to make the case that guns were successful tools in this endeavor, then apply that reasoning to Occupy. Take your hundreds of millions of guns and Occupy the Pentagon. Occupy the NSA. Occupy Congress.

Occupy the White House.

The Bundy ranch was just the beginning, right? How far are you willing to go to protect the rich?

Hey Dem-ass, the only occupiers were the BLM goons.

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