Federal government seeks to prevent you from working on your car

The part where I see a return. I don't see a return. I'm paying for your damn insurance.
Isnt that how private insurance works? Or you actually think your premiums you pay only go to your benefit? You cant be this stupid.
Who does the government pick and choose?
Deductibles? There wouldnt be any deductibles LOL that's the whole point.
Ohhhh, you don't want obamacare. Okay, you want socialism. Got it.
You are a bigger idiot than I thought. The government gets to choose who lives and who dies.
How old are you? Don't want to live to an old age because the government will turn its back on you, sonny.
Ohhhh, you don't want obamacare. Okay, you want socialism. Got it.
You are a bigger idiot than I thought. The government gets to choose who lives and who dies.
How old are you? Don't want to live to an old age because the government will turn its back on you, sonny.
Actually private insurance companies do that now. With government run insurance, that would stop. Just the opposite of what you're saying.
Isnt that how private insurance works? Or you actually think your premiums you pay only go to your benefit? You cant be this stupid.
Obamacare some don't pay insurance....I'm seeing the light now. You don't have insurance.
Now you don't want obamacare either, because your a socialist.
Ohhhh, you don't want obamacare. Okay, you want socialism. Got it.
You are a bigger idiot than I thought. The government gets to choose who lives and who dies.
How old are you? Don't want to live to an old age because the government will turn its back on you, sonny.
You're actually telling me you enjoy going through the fine print every time you go to the doctor to see if something is covered and at what percentage the "insurance" will cover. Come on that is really a hard sell to get us to believe that.
Actually private insurance companies do that now. With government run insurance, that would stop. Just the opposite of what you're saying.
No....with private insurance, everyone pays for their OWN insurance, slugger.
With SOCIALISM I pay for others through my taxes.

Run along, I don't like socialist/communist.
Obamacare some don't pay insurance....I'm seeing the light now. You don't have insurance.
Now you don't want obamacare either, because your a socialist.
Why are you so against this besides thinking it will turn you into a purple haired socialist?
No....with private insurance, everyone pays for their OWN insurance, slugger.
With SOCIALISM I pay for others through my taxes.

Run along, I don't like socialist/communist.
So you think healthcare should be wealth based. I dont. I guess that is where we fundamentally disagree.
I'm actually in this business. The reality is that modern cars are driven by software. There are safety and other concerns (emissions) with allowing modifications of the software.
That said, my personal vehicles aren't affected by this.
And by the way....welcome to 2023!
Yeah, it used to be very simple to replace parts like the alternator and starter. It just took a few minutes.

Now, there is so much technology under the hood (ABS, etc), you can't get to these basic parts anymore.
No....with private insurance, everyone pays for their OWN insurance, slugger.
With SOCIALISM I pay for others through my taxes.

Run along, I don't like socialist/communist.
Your insurance pays for others healthcare. Pooling every US citizen would actually lower your insurance premiums. That's how insurance works.
Ohhhh, you don't want obamacare. Okay, you want socialism. Got it.
You are a bigger idiot than I thought. The government gets to choose who lives and who dies.
How old are you? Don't want to live to an old age because the government will turn its back on you, sonny.
Health care costs have been skyrocketing for at least five decades.

And what solution has the GOP come up with?


From 2010 to 2017, the GOP and then Trump promised to repeal and replace Obamacare. They were lying. They have no replacement and got caught with their dicks in their hands.

Did they pay a price for hoaxing you?

NOPE. You and every other cuck let them get away with it.

Thanks to you and the GOP liars, Universal Health Care is now inevitable. And it will your fault, and the fault of every other cuck who BEG to be lied to.
No....with private insurance, everyone pays for their OWN insurance, slugger.
With SOCIALISM I pay for others through my taxes.

Run along, I don't like socialist/communist.
Let it be known you ended this discussion by dismissing me as a "communist". Meanwhile capitalist countries citizens around the world enjoy Universal Health Insurance.
Let it be known you ended this discussion by dismissing me as a "communist". Meanwhile capitalist countries citizens around the world enjoy Universal Health Insurance.
Yeah, like Canada? Free health care, that is a fact. You may die while you are waiting for lifesaving care, but it is free.
I believe government is the best vehicle to provide health insurance. No profit motive, no descrimination against pre-existing conditions, and the largest pool of participants you can possibly get. Look how your plan is run. You get routine stuff for free but when it comes to the expensive stuff, you're gonna get screwed. Is that how you want an insurance plan to work?
Nope. Sadly, the government dictates how insurance companies can operate. Back in the early 2000's I had what I would consider close to an ideal policy. My company paid for a high-deductible insurance policy, and contributed to an HSA in the amount of the deductible (eg. The company would buy each employee a catastrophic health insurance policy, with a $3000 deductible, and contribute $250/mo to the HSA which, after a year, completely covers the deductible. Once your HSA was fully funded, the company continued to contribute to it.

The beauty of the plan was that the money in the HSA was your money. You could literally spend it on anything (they gave you a checkbook). If the expenditure wasn't medical, you would lose the tax exemption and the money would be taxed as income. But it was yours to keep.

This scheme was considerably cheaper for our employer. The company was paying something like $150/mo for the policy, and $250/mo funding the HSA. Group insurance at the time would have cost them more than $500 per person, and that's still has the employee holding the bag on an $800 deductible, whereas ours was completely covered. This setup saved the company $100/mo per employee and provided them with zero-deductible health insurance.

It also restored a critical missing component to the healthcare market. Because the HSA was literally your money, you had a powerful incentive to spend it prudently.

In addition, since you're literally writing a check, doctors treat is as though you're paying cash. Because you are. Several times I was offered significant discounts, unprompted, when I mentioned I'd be writing them a check at the end of the appointment.

But wait, there's more!

Because the HSA was your money, you had incentive to keep yourself healthy as well. As long as you stayed in good health, you could treat it like a tax-free savings account. That sure beat just giving it to the insurance companies unnecessarily.

Of course, ACA made all of this prohibitively expensive, or illegal.
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Actually private insurance companies do that now. With government run insurance, that would stop. Just the opposite of what you're saying.
I want some of what you're smoking!

With private insurance, if you don't like the way they roll, you can tell your insurance company to piss off. You can refuse to do business with them. Try doing that with government.
And if you don't vote, they still get in
But why endorse them?
If Trump ever said something true, it was that the system is 100% rigged.
He convinced me of the opposite. If the system were rigged, if there really were a "deep state", he'd have never been elected.

The truth is: our system just isn't very good and our voters aren't very smart. We'll need to correct both of those issues before voting it's really worth voting.
I want some of what you're smoking!

With private insurance, if you don't like the way they roll, you can tell your insurance company to piss off. You can refuse to do business with them. Try doing that with government.
That's all you got? LOL!
Nope. Sadly, the government dictates how insurance companies can operate. Back in the early 2000's I had what I would consider close to an ideal policy. My company paid for a high-deductible insurance policy, and contributed to an HSA in the amount of the deductible (eg. The company would buy each employee a catastrophic health insurance policy, with a $3000 deductible, and contribute $250/mo to the HSA which, after a year, completely covers the deductible. Once your HSA was fully funded, the company continued to contribute to it.

The beauty of the plan was that the money in the HSA was your money. You could literally spend it on anything (they gave you a checkbook). If the expenditure wasn't medical, you would lose the tax exemption and the money would be taxed as income. But it was yours to keep.

This scheme was considerably cheaper for our employer. The company was paying something like $150/mo for the policy, and $250/mo funding the HSA. Group insurance at the time would have cost them more than $500 per person, and that's still has the employee holding the bag on an $800 deductible, whereas ours was completely covered. This setup saved the company $100/mo per employee and provided them with zero-deductible health insurance.

It also restored a critical missing component to the healthcare market. Because the HSA was literally your money, you had a powerful incentive to spend it prudently.

In addition, since you're literally writing a check, doctors treat is as though you're paying cash. Because you are. Several times I was offered significant discounts, unprompted, when I mentioned I'd be writing them a check at the end of the appointment.

But wait, there's more!

Because the HSA was your money, you had incentive to keep yourself healthy as well. As long as you stayed in good health, you could treat it like a tax-free savings account. That sure beat just giving it to the insurance companies unnecessarily.

Of course, ACA made all of this prohibitively expensive, or illegal.
Nobody cares about your anecdotal story. I am not a proponent of the conservative think tank derived ACA plan. So I'm not sure exactly what your point is.

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