Federal investigators probing possible Whitaker Hatch Act violations


Gold Member
May 3, 2017
Federal investigators are investigating whether acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker violated federal law after it was revealed his failed 2014 Iowa Senate campaign received thousands of dollars of donations in January and February of this year.

The investigators are probing whether Whitaker’s accepting of the donations, amounting to $8,800, violated the Hatch Act’s prohibitions on political activities by federal employees.

A spokesperson for the Office of Special Counsel confirmed to CNN that it had received a complaint from the watchdog organization American Oversight and a case file had been opened. The office has the power to investigate Hatch Act violations and determine possible reprimands, but cannot take disciplinary action itself, according to CNN.

"After years of being completely dormant and only after he joined [former Attorney General] Jeff Sessions' office as chief of staff, Whitaker's campaign started receiving a cluster of contributions," Austin Evers, the executive director of American Oversight, told CNN. "It appears to violate the black-letter law of the Hatch Act." - Source

This guy has a lot of personal baggage. One way or another, he isn't going to be around for too long, it appears.
They're desperate to keep Mueller's shadow on DC at all costs.

At this point Trump has fixed most of that meat puppet's damage, so go ahead and impeach him already so that Mike Pence can finish the term.
Federal investigators are investigating whether acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker violated federal law after it was revealed his failed 2014 Iowa Senate campaign received thousands of dollars of donations in January and February of this year.

The investigators are probing whether Whitaker’s accepting of the donations, amounting to $8,800, violated the Hatch Act’s prohibitions on political activities by federal employees.

A spokesperson for the Office of Special Counsel confirmed to CNN that it had received a complaint from the watchdog organization American Oversight and a case file had been opened. The office has the power to investigate Hatch Act violations and determine possible reprimands, but cannot take disciplinary action itself, according to CNN.

"After years of being completely dormant and only after he joined [former Attorney General] Jeff Sessions' office as chief of staff, Whitaker's campaign started receiving a cluster of contributions," Austin Evers, the executive director of American Oversight, told CNN. "It appears toy violate the black-letter law of the Hatch Act." - Source

This guy has a lot of personal baggage. One way or another, he isn't going to be around for too long, it appears.
Donation source: George Soros and other democrats close to American Oversight. Getting donations and asking for them are two different things.
Federal investigators are investigating whether acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker violated federal law after it was revealed his failed 2014 Iowa Senate campaign received thousands of dollars of donations in January and February of this year.

The investigators are probing whether Whitaker’s accepting of the donations, amounting to $8,800, violated the Hatch Act’s prohibitions on political activities by federal employees.

A spokesperson for the Office of Special Counsel confirmed to CNN that it had received a complaint from the watchdog organization American Oversight and a case file had been opened. The office has the power to investigate Hatch Act violations and determine possible reprimands, but cannot take disciplinary action itself, according to CNN.

"After years of being completely dormant and only after he joined [former Attorney General] Jeff Sessions' office as chief of staff, Whitaker's campaign started receiving a cluster of contributions," Austin Evers, the executive director of American Oversight, told CNN. "It appears toy violate the black-letter law of the Hatch Act." - Source

This guy has a lot of personal baggage. One way or another, he isn't going to be around for too long, it appears.
Donation source: George Soros and other democrats close to American Oversight. Getting donations and asking for them are two different things.
Don't worry, trump has the best people, just tremendous, everyone is talking about them.
Right-leaning nonprofit paid Whitaker nearly $1 million - Before joining the Justice Department, acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker earned nearly $1 million from a right-leaning nonprofit that doesn't disclose its donors, according to newly released financial disclosure forms.

The documents show Whitaker received $904,000 in income from the Foundation for Accountability & Civic Trust from 2016 through nearly the end of 2017. He also received $15,000 from CNN as a legal commentator, according to the documents released Tuesday by the Justice Department.

The nonprofit group, known as FACT, styles itself as a nonpartisan government watchdog promoting ethics and transparency. The tax-exempt group is supposed to serve the public interest without supporting or opposing specific candidates for office. However, its challenges and its website have focused largely, though not exclusively, on Democrats and their party.

Whitaker used his role as president and executive director of FACT in 2016 as a platform to question the ethics of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Several news outlets, including The Associated Press, and outside groups had requested the documents after President Donald Trump ousted Attorney General Jeff Sessions and elevated Whitaker to the top Justice Department post on Nov. 7. The documents show that Whitaker began revising his public disclosures the day he was appointed acting attorney general. He revised the forms four more times, including on Tuesday.

Federal investigators are investigating whether acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker violated federal law after it was revealed his failed 2014 Iowa Senate campaign received thousands of dollars of donations in January and February of this year.

The investigators are probing whether Whitaker’s accepting of the donations, amounting to $8,800, violated the Hatch Act’s prohibitions on political activities by federal employees.

A spokesperson for the Office of Special Counsel confirmed to CNN that it had received a complaint from the watchdog organization American Oversight and a case file had been opened. The office has the power to investigate Hatch Act violations and determine possible reprimands, but cannot take disciplinary action itself, according to CNN.

"After years of being completely dormant and only after he joined [former Attorney General] Jeff Sessions' office as chief of staff, Whitaker's campaign started receiving a cluster of contributions," Austin Evers, the executive director of American Oversight, told CNN. "It appears to violate the black-letter law of the Hatch Act." - Source

This guy has a lot of personal baggage. One way or another, he isn't going to be around for too long, it appears.
So I guess the Obama IRS female bitch who used the IRS as an arm of the DNC didnt commit a Hatch Act?
Eric the Racist Holder who didnt prosecute the Black Panthers for intimidating voters at Philly voting station didnt commit a Hatch Act?
James(Traitor to Hillary) Comey when found Anthony Weiners laptop had Hillary's classified information on it and stopped the bitch from winning, didnt commit a Hatch Act?

Funny how those that actually committed a Hatch Act, got to walk, the guy who didnt gets the liberal screw, again....Two tier justice system, they name is liberal...
Trump...LOL...what a manchild slimeball.

I swear, if this guy stood on Pennsylvania Avenue and swung a dead cat - he would hit someone who is almost surely more qualified and less corrupt than the people he seems to usually hire/appoint.

How can one man be so completely inept?
Trump...LOL...what a manchild slimeball.

I swear, if this guy stood on Pennsylvania Avenue and swung a dead cat - he would hit someone who is almost surely more qualified and less corrupt than the people he seems to usually hire/appoint.

How can one man be so completely inept?
Yeah, a man child slimeball with billions of dollars and President of the US, what does that make you? Bwaaaaahhhaaaaaaaaaa

Federal investigators are investigating whether acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker violated federal law after it was revealed his failed 2014 Iowa Senate campaign received thousands of dollars of donations in January and February of this year.

The investigators are probing whether Whitaker’s accepting of the donations, amounting to $8,800, violated the Hatch Act’s prohibitions on political activities by federal employees.

A spokesperson for the Office of Special Counsel confirmed to CNN that it had received a complaint from the watchdog organization American Oversight and a case file had been opened. The office has the power to investigate Hatch Act violations and determine possible reprimands, but cannot take disciplinary action itself, according to CNN.

"After years of being completely dormant and only after he joined [former Attorney General] Jeff Sessions' office as chief of staff, Whitaker's campaign started receiving a cluster of contributions," Austin Evers, the executive director of American Oversight, told CNN. "It appears to violate the black-letter law of the Hatch Act." - Source

This guy has a lot of personal baggage. One way or another, he isn't going to be around for too long, it appears.
So I guess the Obama IRS female bitch who used the IRS as an arm of the DNC didnt commit a Hatch Act?
Eric the Racist Holder who didnt prosecute the Black Panthers for intimidating voters at Philly voting station didnt commit a Hatch Act?
James(Traitor to Hillary) Comey when found Anthony Weiners laptop had Hillary's classified information on it and stopped the bitch from winning, didnt commit a Hatch Act?

Funny how those that actually committed a Hatch Act, got to walk, the guy who didnt gets the liberal screw, again....Two tier justice system, they name is liberal...

You do realize, that you probably sound stupid and/or emotionally unbalanced to most non-Trumpbots? At least on this subject.

I am being 100% serious when I tell you that.

And btw, IMHO, you write like someone whom is either a) typing very frantically; and/or b) someone who has not had much education.

Just sayin'....

Good day.
This guy has a lot of personal baggage. One way or another, he isn't going to be around for too long, it appears.
Some are speculating Whitaker's usefulness to Trump may end when Democrats take control of the House next January?

Trump is well aware his long history of fraudulent business activities will not withstand the upcoming blizzard of congressional subpoenas.

He may well believe his best opportunity for remaining in power is to precipitate a constitutional crisis before the new congress is sworn in; if so, Whitaker can probably deliver that confrontation.

Is Fraud Part of the Trump Organization’s Business Model?
This guy has a lot of personal baggage. One way or another, he isn't going to be around for too long, it appears.
Some are speculating Whitaker's usefulness to Trump may end when Democrats take control of the House next January?

Trump is well aware his long history of fraudulent business activities will not withstand the upcoming blizzard of congressional subpoenas.

He may well believe his best opportunity for remaining in power is to precipitate a constitutional crisis before the new congress is sworn in; if so, Whitaker can probably deliver that confrontation.

Is Fraud Part of the Trump Organization’s Business Model?
Lol, if nothing has been revealed by now, you have nothing.
Federal investigators are investigating whether acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker violated federal law after it was revealed his failed 2014 Iowa Senate campaign received thousands of dollars of donations in January and February of this year.

The investigators are probing whether Whitaker’s accepting of the donations, amounting to $8,800, violated the Hatch Act’s prohibitions on political activities by federal employees.

A spokesperson for the Office of Special Counsel confirmed to CNN that it had received a complaint from the watchdog organization American Oversight and a case file had been opened. The office has the power to investigate Hatch Act violations and determine possible reprimands, but cannot take disciplinary action itself, according to CNN.

"After years of being completely dormant and only after he joined [former Attorney General] Jeff Sessions' office as chief of staff, Whitaker's campaign started receiving a cluster of contributions," Austin Evers, the executive director of American Oversight, told CNN. "It appears to violate the black-letter law of the Hatch Act." - Source

This guy has a lot of personal baggage. One way or another, he isn't going to be around for too long, it appears.
So I guess the Obama IRS female bitch who used the IRS as an arm of the DNC didnt commit a Hatch Act?
Eric the Racist Holder who didnt prosecute the Black Panthers for intimidating voters at Philly voting station didnt commit a Hatch Act?
James(Traitor to Hillary) Comey when found Anthony Weiners laptop had Hillary's classified information on it and stopped the bitch from winning, didnt commit a Hatch Act?

Funny how those that actually committed a Hatch Act, got to walk, the guy who didnt gets the liberal screw, again....Two tier justice system, they name is liberal...

You do realize, that you probably sound stupid and/or emotionally unbalanced to most non-Trumpbots? At least on this subject.

I am being 100% serious when I tell you that.

And btw, IMHO, you write like someone whom is either a) typing very frantically; and/or b) someone who has not had much education.

Just sayin'....

Good day.
You realize that you sound like a typical ignorant son of a bitch who has no clue what the Hatch Act involves, and have only 1/2 a brain if that.
Federal investigators are investigating whether acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker violated federal law after it was revealed his failed 2014 Iowa Senate campaign received thousands of dollars of donations in January and February of this year.

The investigators are probing whether Whitaker’s accepting of the donations, amounting to $8,800, violated the Hatch Act’s prohibitions on political activities by federal employees.

A spokesperson for the Office of Special Counsel confirmed to CNN that it had received a complaint from the watchdog organization American Oversight and a case file had been opened. The office has the power to investigate Hatch Act violations and determine possible reprimands, but cannot take disciplinary action itself, according to CNN.

"After years of being completely dormant and only after he joined [former Attorney General] Jeff Sessions' office as chief of staff, Whitaker's campaign started receiving a cluster of contributions," Austin Evers, the executive director of American Oversight, told CNN. "It appears to violate the black-letter law of the Hatch Act." - Source

This guy has a lot of personal baggage. One way or another, he isn't going to be around for too long, it appears.
Paying off old campaign debts?
I've seen other politicians do the same after a campaign is over.

Just a guess
This guy has a lot of personal baggage. One way or another, he isn't going to be around for too long, it appears.
Some are speculating Whitaker's usefulness to Trump may end when Democrats take control of the House next January?

Trump is well aware his long history of fraudulent business activities will not withstand the upcoming blizzard of congressional subpoenas.

He may well believe his best opportunity for remaining in power is to precipitate a constitutional crisis before the new congress is sworn in; if so, Whitaker can probably deliver that confrontation.

Is Fraud Part of the Trump Organization’s Business Model?
Lol, if nothing has been revealed by now, you have nothing.
"Pump and Trump
Donald Trump claims he only licensed his name for real estate projects developed by others. But an investigation of a dozen Trump deals shows deep family involvement in projects that often involved deceptive practices."
The Trump Family Lied to Push Their Deals Around the World. And They Profited.

For the last two years congressional Republicans have shielded Don the Con from serious investigations into his corrupt business practices.

That's about to change.

Will you cry like a snowflake when Trump does his perp walk?
This guy has a lot of personal baggage. One way or another, he isn't going to be around for too long, it appears.
Some are speculating Whitaker's usefulness to Trump may end when Democrats take control of the House next January?

Trump is well aware his long history of fraudulent business activities will not withstand the upcoming blizzard of congressional subpoenas.

He may well believe his best opportunity for remaining in power is to precipitate a constitutional crisis before the new congress is sworn in; if so, Whitaker can probably deliver that confrontation.

Is Fraud Part of the Trump Organization’s Business Model?
Lol, if nothing has been revealed by now, you have nothing.
"Pump and Trump
Donald Trump claims he only licensed his name for real estate projects developed by others. But an investigation of a dozen Trump deals shows deep family involvement in projects that often involved deceptive practices."
The Trump Family Lied to Push Their Deals Around the World. And They Profited.

For the last two years congressional Republicans have shielded Don the Con from serious investigations into his corrupt business practices.

That's about to change.

Will you cry like a snowflake when Trump does his perp walk?
Lol, you have nothing. But if he did break the law let him recieve the correct punishment. See that's not hard.
Federal investigators are investigating whether acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker violated federal law after it was revealed his failed 2014 Iowa Senate campaign received thousands of dollars of donations in January and February of this year.

The investigators are probing whether Whitaker’s accepting of the donations, amounting to $8,800, violated the Hatch Act’s prohibitions on political activities by federal employees.

A spokesperson for the Office of Special Counsel confirmed to CNN that it had received a complaint from the watchdog organization American Oversight and a case file had been opened. The office has the power to investigate Hatch Act violations and determine possible reprimands, but cannot take disciplinary action itself, according to CNN.

"After years of being completely dormant and only after he joined [former Attorney General] Jeff Sessions' office as chief of staff, Whitaker's campaign started receiving a cluster of contributions," Austin Evers, the executive director of American Oversight, told CNN. "It appears to violate the black-letter law of the Hatch Act." - Source

This guy has a lot of personal baggage. One way or another, he isn't going to be around for too long, it appears.
So I guess the Obama IRS female bitch who used the IRS as an arm of the DNC didnt commit a Hatch Act?
Eric the Racist Holder who didnt prosecute the Black Panthers for intimidating voters at Philly voting station didnt commit a Hatch Act?
James(Traitor to Hillary) Comey when found Anthony Weiners laptop had Hillary's classified information on it and stopped the bitch from winning, didnt commit a Hatch Act?

Funny how those that actually committed a Hatch Act, got to walk, the guy who didnt gets the liberal screw, again....Two tier justice system, they name is liberal...

Gee, and honest Abe once parked his horse in a red zone, and George Washington cut down his dad's cherry tree and ...

The past is past, and your opinions have nothing to do with the current situation. Try to pay attention and stay on the topic at hand, a topic which if ignored will continue chaos and angst to go on and on.
a) Lol, you have nothing. b) But if he did break the law let him recieve the correct punishment. See that's not hard.
a) You mean you are not privy to or are unaware of of what the Mueller investigation team has at this moment. As things are happening so quickly (like with the inclusion of Ivanka), and not in trumps favor, everyone is waiting for the shoe to drop. Just because you don't know of anything does not mean there is not something. I've waited patiently this long, I can wait a little longer.

b) Yes, I am a firm believer in justice.
a) Lol, you have nothing. b) But if he did break the law let him recieve the correct punishment. See that's not hard.
a) You mean you are not privy to or are unaware of of what the Mueller investigation team has at this moment. As things are happening so quickly (like with the inclusion of Ivanka), and not in trumps favor, everyone is waiting for the shoe to drop. Just because you don't know of anything does not mean there is not something. I've waited patiently this long, I can wait a little longer.

b) Yes, I am a firm believer in justice.
He has nothing, if he did they would've released it. They wanted Trump out from day one. You really think they would've let Trump pick another judge on the supreme court if they had something?

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