Federal investigators probing possible Whitaker Hatch Act violations

Federal investigators are investigating whether acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker violated federal law after it was revealed his failed 2014 Iowa Senate campaign received thousands of dollars of donations in January and February of this year.

The investigators are probing whether Whitaker’s accepting of the donations, amounting to $8,800, violated the Hatch Act’s prohibitions on political activities by federal employees.

A spokesperson for the Office of Special Counsel confirmed to CNN that it had received a complaint from the watchdog organization American Oversight and a case file had been opened. The office has the power to investigate Hatch Act violations and determine possible reprimands, but cannot take disciplinary action itself, according to CNN.

"After years of being completely dormant and only after he joined [former Attorney General] Jeff Sessions' office as chief of staff, Whitaker's campaign started receiving a cluster of contributions," Austin Evers, the executive director of American Oversight, told CNN. "It appears to violate the black-letter law of the Hatch Act." - Source

This guy has a lot of personal baggage. One way or another, he isn't going to be around for too long, it appears.

It's so much worse than that. This guy was a part of a SCUMMY RIP OFF company! Up to his eyeballs. One thing to sit on a 'phony' board. Another to do PROMOTIONAL VIDEOS! He needs to be CRIMINALLY investigated. Even if the company is closed down and the doors boarded up.
Trump...LOL...what a manchild slimeball.

I swear, if this guy stood on Pennsylvania Avenue and swung a dead cat - he would hit someone who is almost surely more qualified and less corrupt than the people he seems to usually hire/appoint.

How can one man be so completely inept?

Federal investigators are investigating whether acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker violated federal law after it was revealed his failed 2014 Iowa Senate campaign received thousands of dollars of donations in January and February of this year.

The investigators are probing whether Whitaker’s accepting of the donations, amounting to $8,800, violated the Hatch Act’s prohibitions on political activities by federal employees.

A spokesperson for the Office of Special Counsel confirmed to CNN that it had received a complaint from the watchdog organization American Oversight and a case file had been opened. The office has the power to investigate Hatch Act violations and determine possible reprimands, but cannot take disciplinary action itself, according to CNN.

"After years of being completely dormant and only after he joined [former Attorney General] Jeff Sessions' office as chief of staff, Whitaker's campaign started receiving a cluster of contributions," Austin Evers, the executive director of American Oversight, told CNN. "It appears to violate the black-letter law of the Hatch Act." - Source

This guy has a lot of personal baggage. One way or another, he isn't going to be around for too long, it appears.
So I guess the Obama IRS female bitch who used the IRS as an arm of the DNC didnt commit a Hatch Act?
Eric the Racist Holder who didnt prosecute the Black Panthers for intimidating voters at Philly voting station didnt commit a Hatch Act?
James(Traitor to Hillary) Comey when found Anthony Weiners laptop had Hillary's classified information on it and stopped the bitch from winning, didnt commit a Hatch Act?

Funny how those that actually committed a Hatch Act, got to walk, the guy who didnt gets the liberal screw, again....Two tier justice system, they name is liberal...

You do realize, that you probably sound stupid and/or emotionally unbalanced to most non-Trumpbots? At least on this subject.

I am being 100% serious when I tell you that.

And btw, IMHO, you write like someone whom is either a) typing very frantically; and/or b) someone who has not had much education.

Just sayin'....

Good day.
This guy has a lot of personal baggage. One way or another, he isn't going to be around for too long, it appears.
Some are speculating Whitaker's usefulness to Trump may end when Democrats take control of the House next January?

Trump is well aware his long history of fraudulent business activities will not withstand the upcoming blizzard of congressional subpoenas.

He may well believe his best opportunity for remaining in power is to precipitate a constitutional crisis before the new congress is sworn in; if so, Whitaker can probably deliver that confrontation.

Is Fraud Part of the Trump Organization’s Business Model?
Lol, if nothing has been revealed by now, you have nothing.
"Pump and Trump
Donald Trump claims he only licensed his name for real estate projects developed by others. But an investigation of a dozen Trump deals shows deep family involvement in projects that often involved deceptive practices."
The Trump Family Lied to Push Their Deals Around the World. And They Profited.

For the last two years congressional Republicans have shielded Don the Con from serious investigations into his corrupt business practices.

That's about to change.

Will you cry like a snowflake when Trump does his perp walk?
Lol, you have nothing. But if he did break the law let him recieve the correct punishment. See that's not hard.
Were you gullible enough to vote for this golden turd?

"'My whole life I’ve been greedy, greedy, greedy,' declared Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign. 'I’ve grabbed all the money I could get. I’m so greedy...'"
Corruption, Not Russia, Is Trump’s Greatest Political Liability
Sure, you were.
Federal investigators are investigating whether acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker violated federal law after it was revealed his failed 2014 Iowa Senate campaign received thousands of dollars of donations in January and February of this year.

The investigators are probing whether Whitaker’s accepting of the donations, amounting to $8,800, violated the Hatch Act’s prohibitions on political activities by federal employees.

A spokesperson for the Office of Special Counsel confirmed to CNN that it had received a complaint from the watchdog organization American Oversight and a case file had been opened. The office has the power to investigate Hatch Act violations and determine possible reprimands, but cannot take disciplinary action itself, according to CNN.

"After years of being completely dormant and only after he joined [former Attorney General] Jeff Sessions' office as chief of staff, Whitaker's campaign started receiving a cluster of contributions," Austin Evers, the executive director of American Oversight, told CNN. "It appears to violate the black-letter law of the Hatch Act." - Source

This guy has a lot of personal baggage. One way or another, he isn't going to be around for too long, it appears.
Yet another scandal in an endlessly corrupt and failed Trump ‘administration.’

And should Whitaker go, he’d only be replaced with someone else just as corrupt and compromised.
a) Lol, you have nothing. b) But if he did break the law let him recieve the correct punishment. See that's not hard.
a) You mean you are not privy to or are unaware of of what the Mueller investigation team has at this moment. As things are happening so quickly (like with the inclusion of Ivanka), and not in trumps favor, everyone is waiting for the shoe to drop. Just because you don't know of anything does not mean there is not something. I've waited patiently this long, I can wait a little longer.

b) Yes, I am a firm believer in justice.
He has nothing, if he did they would've released it. They wanted Trump out from day one. You really think they would've let Trump pick another judge on the supreme court if they had something?

Mueller has nothing? LOL, Do you live in a dark cave with your only light the picture of Fox News on your TV?
a) Lol, you have nothing. b) But if he did break the law let him recieve the correct punishment. See that's not hard.
a) You mean you are not privy to or are unaware of of what the Mueller investigation team has at this moment. As things are happening so quickly (like with the inclusion of Ivanka), and not in trumps favor, everyone is waiting for the shoe to drop. Just because you don't know of anything does not mean there is not something. I've waited patiently this long, I can wait a little longer.

b) Yes, I am a firm believer in justice.
He has nothing, if he did they would've released it. They wanted Trump out from day one. You really think they would've let Trump pick another judge on the supreme court if they had something?

Mueller has nothing? LOL, Do you live in a dark cave with your only light the picture of Fox News on your TV?
Yeah, a man child slimeball with billions of dollars and President of the US, what does that make you? Bwaaaaahhhaaaaaaaaaa


He may well believe his best opportunity for remaining in power is to precipitate a constitutional crisis before the new congress is sworn in; if so, Whitaker can probably deliver that confrontation.

interesting .....i guess stormy's all used up, eh?

The corruption goes deep.


everyone is waiting for the shoe to drop.


b) Yes, I am a firm believer in justice.

well that's the thing, we're talkin' elitist justice

And should Whitaker go, he’d only be replaced with someone else just as corrupt and compromised.

if not more so....
Trump...LOL...what a manchild slimeball.

I swear, if this guy stood on Pennsylvania Avenue and swung a dead cat - he would hit someone who is almost surely more qualified and less corrupt than the people he seems to usually hire/appoint.

How can one man be so completely inept?
Yeah, a man child slimeball with billions of dollars and President of the US, what does that make you? Bwaaaaahhhaaaaaaaaaa

Why are you answering me? I don't read them (like this one or your inevitable reply to this post).

I never read your replies to me (that I recall), I have near zero respect for you, you are clearly stupid and/or uneducated, you have the honor/morals of a bedbug, your mind is completely closed, you write (in replies to others - which I do sometimes read) like a child, you are apparently hate-filled, racist, xenophobic and misogynistic.
I honestly think if Trump told you to murder a male Illegal immigrant and then rape his wife...you would at least seriously consider it.
You appear to be a completely, useless human being.

Why on Earth would I waste my time reading your replies to me?

But hey...it's your life. You obviously have little good to do, so...knock yourself out. Continue to type replies to me knowing I won't read them. Sounds rather pathetic but hey, I guess that is just you.

Have a VERY, nice day.
Last edited:
This guy has a lot of personal baggage. One way or another, he isn't going to be around for too long, it appears.
Some are speculating Whitaker's usefulness to Trump may end when Democrats take control of the House next January?

Trump is well aware his long history of fraudulent business activities will not withstand the upcoming blizzard of congressional subpoenas.

He may well believe his best opportunity for remaining in power is to precipitate a constitutional crisis before the new congress is sworn in; if so, Whitaker can probably deliver that confrontation.

Is Fraud Part of the Trump Organization’s Business Model?
Lol, if nothing has been revealed by now, you have nothing.
"Pump and Trump
Donald Trump claims he only licensed his name for real estate projects developed by others. But an investigation of a dozen Trump deals shows deep family involvement in projects that often involved deceptive practices."
The Trump Family Lied to Push Their Deals Around the World. And They Profited.

For the last two years congressional Republicans have shielded Don the Con from serious investigations into his corrupt business practices.

That's about to change.

Will you cry like a snowflake when Trump does his perp walk?
Would you like to know all the liberals and their family projects through earmarks? You fuckers just cant let it go, you lost, shut the fuck up and deal with it....
This guy has a lot of personal baggage. One way or another, he isn't going to be around for too long, it appears.
Some are speculating Whitaker's usefulness to Trump may end when Democrats take control of the House next January?

Trump is well aware his long history of fraudulent business activities will not withstand the upcoming blizzard of congressional subpoenas.

He may well believe his best opportunity for remaining in power is to precipitate a constitutional crisis before the new congress is sworn in; if so, Whitaker can probably deliver that confrontation.

Is Fraud Part of the Trump Organization’s Business Model?
Lol, if nothing has been revealed by now, you have nothing.
"Pump and Trump
Donald Trump claims he only licensed his name for real estate projects developed by others. But an investigation of a dozen Trump deals shows deep family involvement in projects that often involved deceptive practices."
The Trump Family Lied to Push Their Deals Around the World. And They Profited.

For the last two years congressional Republicans have shielded Don the Con from serious investigations into his corrupt business practices.

That's about to change.

Will you cry like a snowflake when Trump does his perp walk?
Would you like to know all the liberals and their family projects through earmarks? You fuckers just cant let it go, you lost, shut the fuck up and deal with it....
Do you remember the two messages Trump conveyed on the day he was sworn in as POTUS?

The promise to alll the forgotten men and women of this country to "drain the swamp"? That was message number one.

Message number two took placing during his motorcade when it made an unexpected stop 3 blocks away from the White House. Trump and his entire crime family left their limos and took a three minute turn in the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue.

Directly in front of the Old Post Office and Clock Tower which 12 days before had become Trump International Hotel Washington.

501 Days of Trump & Co. Stealing America Blind

"The carefully choreographed stop sent a clear signal to the foreign governments, lobbyists, and corporate interests keen on currying favor in Washington: The rewards of government would now be reaped by a single man — and the people would bear the cost."

Trump's been a low IQ con man for his entire useless life, and now he will be losing Republican cover in the House; will you cry like a snowflake when he's FLUSHED from DC along with all of his golden turds?
Last edited:
Federal investigators are investigating whether acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker violated federal law after it was revealed his failed 2014 Iowa Senate campaign received thousands of dollars of donations in January and February of this year.

The investigators are probing whether Whitaker’s accepting of the donations, amounting to $8,800, violated the Hatch Act’s prohibitions on political activities by federal employees.

A spokesperson for the Office of Special Counsel confirmed to CNN that it had received a complaint from the watchdog organization American Oversight and a case file had been opened. The office has the power to investigate Hatch Act violations and determine possible reprimands, but cannot take disciplinary action itself, according to CNN.

"After years of being completely dormant and only after he joined [former Attorney General] Jeff Sessions' office as chief of staff, Whitaker's campaign started receiving a cluster of contributions," Austin Evers, the executive director of American Oversight, told CNN. "It appears to violate the black-letter law of the Hatch Act." - Source

This guy has a lot of personal baggage. One way or another, he isn't going to be around for too long, it appears.

Can someone give me a short explanation of what the Hatch Act is?
Do you remember the two messages Trump conveyed on the day he was sworn in as POTUS?

The promise to alll the forgotten men and women of this country to "drain the swamp"? That was message number one.

Message number two took placing during his motorcade when it made an unexpected stop 3 blocks away from the White House. Trump and his entire crime family left their limos and took a three minute turn in the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue.

Directly in front of the Old Post Office and Clock Tower which 12 days before had become Trump International Hotel Washington.

501 Days of Trump & Co. Stealing America Blind

"The carefully choreographed stop sent a clear signal to the foreign governments, lobbyists, and corporate interests keen on currying favor in Washington: The rewards of government would now be reaped by a single man — and the people would bear the cost."

Trump's been a low IQ con man for his entire useless life, and now he will be losing Republican cover in the House; will you cry like a snowflake when he's FLUSHED from DC along with all of his golden turds?

The TDS is strong with this one...^^^^^^
This guy has a lot of personal baggage. One way or another, he isn't going to be around for too long, it appears.
Some are speculating Whitaker's usefulness to Trump may end when Democrats take control of the House next January?

Trump is well aware his long history of fraudulent business activities will not withstand the upcoming blizzard of congressional subpoenas.

He may well believe his best opportunity for remaining in power is to precipitate a constitutional crisis before the new congress is sworn in; if so, Whitaker can probably deliver that confrontation.

Is Fraud Part of the Trump Organization’s Business Model?
Lol, if nothing has been revealed by now, you have nothing.
"Pump and Trump
Donald Trump claims he only licensed his name for real estate projects developed by others. But an investigation of a dozen Trump deals shows deep family involvement in projects that often involved deceptive practices."
The Trump Family Lied to Push Their Deals Around the World. And They Profited.

For the last two years congressional Republicans have shielded Don the Con from serious investigations into his corrupt business practices.

That's about to change.

Will you cry like a snowflake when Trump does his perp walk?
Would you like to know all the liberals and their family projects through earmarks? You fuckers just cant let it go, you lost, shut the fuck up and deal with it....
Do you remember the two messages Trump conveyed on the day he was sworn in as POTUS?

The promise to alll the forgotten men and women of this country to "drain the swamp"? That was message number one.

Message number two took placing during his motorcade when it made an unexpected stop 3 blocks away from the White House. Trump and his entire crime family left their limos and took a three minute turn in the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue.

Directly in front of the Old Post Office and Clock Tower which 12 days before had become Trump International Hotel Washington.

501 Days of Trump & Co. Stealing America Blind

"The carefully choreographed stop sent a clear signal to the foreign governments, lobbyists, and corporate interests keen on currying favor in Washington: The rewards of government would now be reaped by a single man — and the people would bear the cost."

Trump's been a low IQ con man for his entire useless life, and now he will be losing Republican cover in the House; will you cry like a snowflake when he's FLUSHED from DC along with all of his golden turds?
Says the guy whose liberals (republican and democrat) have been stealing America blind. They, liberal politicians, go in with nothing, end up with 10s of millions of dollars($250,000 dollars salary alone doesn't add up) while a President who has Billions of dollars goes into the presidency to earn $350,000 a year. You libtards sure have no clue who the real enemy is, but that is okay, the war is coming, and you will be on the wrong side of it, like the Southerners black and white, slaves owners in the first civil war...
Do you remember the two messages Trump conveyed on the day he was sworn in as POTUS?

The promise to alll the forgotten men and women of this country to "drain the swamp"? That was message number one.

Message number two took placing during his motorcade when it made an unexpected stop 3 blocks away from the White House. Trump and his entire crime family left their limos and took a three minute turn in the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue.

Directly in front of the Old Post Office and Clock Tower which 12 days before had become Trump International Hotel Washington.

501 Days of Trump & Co. Stealing America Blind

"The carefully choreographed stop sent a clear signal to the foreign governments, lobbyists, and corporate interests keen on currying favor in Washington: The rewards of government would now be reaped by a single man — and the people would bear the cost."

Trump's been a low IQ con man for his entire useless life, and now he will be losing Republican cover in the House; will you cry like a snowflake when he's FLUSHED from DC along with all of his golden turds?

The TDS is strong with this one...^^^^^^
I feel it all the way in Florida, and am shaking in my bathing suit...
Some are speculating Whitaker's usefulness to Trump may end when Democrats take control of the House next January?

Trump is well aware his long history of fraudulent business activities will not withstand the upcoming blizzard of congressional subpoenas.

He may well believe his best opportunity for remaining in power is to precipitate a constitutional crisis before the new congress is sworn in; if so, Whitaker can probably deliver that confrontation.

Is Fraud Part of the Trump Organization’s Business Model?
Lol, if nothing has been revealed by now, you have nothing.
"Pump and Trump
Donald Trump claims he only licensed his name for real estate projects developed by others. But an investigation of a dozen Trump deals shows deep family involvement in projects that often involved deceptive practices."
The Trump Family Lied to Push Their Deals Around the World. And They Profited.

For the last two years congressional Republicans have shielded Don the Con from serious investigations into his corrupt business practices.

That's about to change.

Will you cry like a snowflake when Trump does his perp walk?
Would you like to know all the liberals and their family projects through earmarks? You fuckers just cant let it go, you lost, shut the fuck up and deal with it....
Do you remember the two messages Trump conveyed on the day he was sworn in as POTUS?

The promise to alll the forgotten men and women of this country to "drain the swamp"? That was message number one.

Message number two took placing during his motorcade when it made an unexpected stop 3 blocks away from the White House. Trump and his entire crime family left their limos and took a three minute turn in the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue.

Directly in front of the Old Post Office and Clock Tower which 12 days before had become Trump International Hotel Washington.

501 Days of Trump & Co. Stealing America Blind

"The carefully choreographed stop sent a clear signal to the foreign governments, lobbyists, and corporate interests keen on currying favor in Washington: The rewards of government would now be reaped by a single man — and the people would bear the cost."

Trump's been a low IQ con man for his entire useless life, and now he will be losing Republican cover in the House; will you cry like a snowflake when he's FLUSHED from DC along with all of his golden turds?
Says the guy whose liberals (republican and democrat) have been stealing America blind. They, liberal politicians, go in with nothing, end up with 10s of millions of dollars($250,000 dollars salary alone doesn't add up) while a President who has Billions of dollars goes into the presidency to earn $350,000 a year. You libtards sure have no clue who the real enemy is, but that is okay, the war is coming, and you will be on the wrong side of it, like the Southerners black and white, slaves owners in the first civil war...

I've never voted for any of these rich parasites.
Have you?
This guy has a lot of personal baggage. One way or another, he isn't going to be around for too long, it appears.
Some are speculating Whitaker's usefulness to Trump may end when Democrats take control of the House next January?

Trump is well aware his long history of fraudulent business activities will not withstand the upcoming blizzard of congressional subpoenas.

He may well believe his best opportunity for remaining in power is to precipitate a constitutional crisis before the new congress is sworn in; if so, Whitaker can probably deliver that confrontation.

Is Fraud Part of the Trump Organization’s Business Model?
Lol, if nothing has been revealed by now, you have nothing.
"Pump and Trump
Donald Trump claims he only licensed his name for real estate projects developed by others. But an investigation of a dozen Trump deals shows deep family involvement in projects that often involved deceptive practices."
The Trump Family Lied to Push Their Deals Around the World. And They Profited.

For the last two years congressional Republicans have shielded Don the Con from serious investigations into his corrupt business practices.

That's about to change.

Will you cry like a snowflake when Trump does his perp walk?
Would you like to know all the liberals and their family projects through earmarks? You fuckers just cant let it go, you lost, shut the fuck up and deal with it....
Do you remember the two messages Trump conveyed on the day he was sworn in as POTUS?

The promise to alll the forgotten men and women of this country to "drain the swamp"? That was message number one.

Message number two took placing during his motorcade when it made an unexpected stop 3 blocks away from the White House. Trump and his entire crime family left their limos and took a three minute turn in the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue.

Directly in front of the Old Post Office and Clock Tower which 12 days before had become Trump International Hotel Washington.

501 Days of Trump & Co. Stealing America Blind

"The carefully choreographed stop sent a clear signal to the foreign governments, lobbyists, and corporate interests keen on currying favor in Washington: The rewards of government would now be reaped by a single man — and the people would bear the cost."

Trump's been a low IQ con man for his entire useless life, and now he will be losing Republican cover in the House; will you cry like a snowflake when he's FLUSHED from DC along with all of his golden turds?
It won't happen, but you say it will. So I'll answer you, no i won't cry on here daily like you snowflakes do. I'll enjoy watching y'all cry like babies daily, about Pence a true christian ruining your day. Wonder what SCOTUS pick would be.
Federal investigators are investigating whether acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker violated federal law after it was revealed his failed 2014 Iowa Senate campaign received thousands of dollars of donations in January and February of this year.

The investigators are probing whether Whitaker’s accepting of the donations, amounting to $8,800, violated the Hatch Act’s prohibitions on political activities by federal employees.

A spokesperson for the Office of Special Counsel confirmed to CNN that it had received a complaint from the watchdog organization American Oversight and a case file had been opened. The office has the power to investigate Hatch Act violations and determine possible reprimands, but cannot take disciplinary action itself, according to CNN.

"After years of being completely dormant and only after he joined [former Attorney General] Jeff Sessions' office as chief of staff, Whitaker's campaign started receiving a cluster of contributions," Austin Evers, the executive director of American Oversight, told CNN. "It appears to violate the black-letter law of the Hatch Act." - Source

This guy has a lot of personal baggage. One way or another, he isn't going to be around for too long, it appears.
So I guess the Obama IRS female bitch who used the IRS as an arm of the DNC didnt commit a Hatch Act?
Eric the Racist Holder who didnt prosecute the Black Panthers for intimidating voters at Philly voting station didnt commit a Hatch Act?
James(Traitor to Hillary) Comey when found Anthony Weiners laptop had Hillary's classified information on it and stopped the bitch from winning, didnt commit a Hatch Act?

Funny how those that actually committed a Hatch Act, got to walk, the guy who didnt gets the liberal screw, again....Two tier justice system, they name is liberal...
It was investigated and no, she didn't violate any laws....hate to break it to you....

But Trump is more than welcome to re-investigate her and charge her for whatever your heart desires
Federal investigators are investigating whether acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker violated federal law after it was revealed his failed 2014 Iowa Senate campaign received thousands of dollars of donations in January and February of this year.

The investigators are probing whether Whitaker’s accepting of the donations, amounting to $8,800, violated the Hatch Act’s prohibitions on political activities by federal employees.

A spokesperson for the Office of Special Counsel confirmed to CNN that it had received a complaint from the watchdog organization American Oversight and a case file had been opened. The office has the power to investigate Hatch Act violations and determine possible reprimands, but cannot take disciplinary action itself, according to CNN.

"After years of being completely dormant and only after he joined [former Attorney General] Jeff Sessions' office as chief of staff, Whitaker's campaign started receiving a cluster of contributions," Austin Evers, the executive director of American Oversight, told CNN. "It appears to violate the black-letter law of the Hatch Act." - Source

This guy has a lot of personal baggage. One way or another, he isn't going to be around for too long, it appears.
So I guess the Obama IRS female bitch who used the IRS as an arm of the DNC didnt commit a Hatch Act?
Eric the Racist Holder who didnt prosecute the Black Panthers for intimidating voters at Philly voting station didnt commit a Hatch Act?
James(Traitor to Hillary) Comey when found Anthony Weiners laptop had Hillary's classified information on it and stopped the bitch from winning, didnt commit a Hatch Act?

Funny how those that actually committed a Hatch Act, got to walk, the guy who didnt gets the liberal screw, again....Two tier justice system, they name is liberal...
It was investigated and no, she didn't violate any laws....hate to break it to you....

But Trump is more than welcome to re-investigate her and charge her for whatever your heart desires
Federal investigators are investigating whether acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker violated federal law after it was revealed his failed 2014 Iowa Senate campaign received thousands of dollars of donations in January and February of this year.

The investigators are probing whether Whitaker’s accepting of the donations, amounting to $8,800, violated the Hatch Act’s prohibitions on political activities by federal employees.

A spokesperson for the Office of Special Counsel confirmed to CNN that it had received a complaint from the watchdog organization American Oversight and a case file had been opened. The office has the power to investigate Hatch Act violations and determine possible reprimands, but cannot take disciplinary action itself, according to CNN.

"After years of being completely dormant and only after he joined [former Attorney General] Jeff Sessions' office as chief of staff, Whitaker's campaign started receiving a cluster of contributions," Austin Evers, the executive director of American Oversight, told CNN. "It appears to violate the black-letter law of the Hatch Act." - Source

This guy has a lot of personal baggage. One way or another, he isn't going to be around for too long, it appears.
So I guess the Obama IRS female bitch who used the IRS as an arm of the DNC didnt commit a Hatch Act?
Eric the Racist Holder who didnt prosecute the Black Panthers for intimidating voters at Philly voting station didnt commit a Hatch Act?
James(Traitor to Hillary) Comey when found Anthony Weiners laptop had Hillary's classified information on it and stopped the bitch from winning, didnt commit a Hatch Act?

Funny how those that actually committed a Hatch Act, got to walk, the guy who didnt gets the liberal screw, again....Two tier justice system, they name is liberal...
It was investigated and no, she didn't violate any laws....hate to break it to you....

But Trump is more than welcome to re-investigate her and charge her for whatever your heart desires
View attachment 232483

Let me know when Trump's DOJ prosecute all of these imaginary crimes...

Or is your excuse something along the lines of "Obama is too powerful to have any of his administration prosecuted"

Which would also make you look stupid...

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