Federal Judge Allows Lawsuit Against Rittenhouse To Proceed

When you're attacked because you're putting out fires that an arsonist has lit...you're not the bad guy. When you attempt to run from those who are attacking you rather than shooting them...you're not the bad guy. When you are struck in the head by a skate board by someone and only THEN do you shoot...you're not the bad guy! How you arrive at "premeditated murder" from what took place that night baffles me! This is about as clear a case of self defense as you could ever find and multiple videos of what took place make that quite clear.
Maybe you can link a copy of one of these "multiple videos?"
Because I'm not sure they exist.
Maybe you can link a copy of one of these "multiple videos?"
Because I'm not sure they exist.
Maybe you can get off your ignorant behind and do so, Mike? They do exist and if you'd paid attention during the trial then you'd know that! Why are you here posting about something that you know so little about?
Actually, he was there to prevent the typical Antifa/BLM mantra of shooting people and burning down buildings. When his life was threatened, he took the necessary action to protect himself and rid the world of a couple of scumbag thugs that you worship.
You are truly one backwards thinking commie.

You prefer vigilantes to judicial process?
You prefer vigilantes to judicial process?
There was a "judicial process" taking place? Don't make me laugh, Surada. The local Mayor was letting the rioters loot and burn while telling the Police to back down. When authorities don't protect the citizens then citizens have to do so themselves. That's what took place that night. People fought to protect their property because Government failed to do so!
The main question will be whether Rittenhouse acted irresponsibly that night. Whether a better choice by Rittenhouse could have avoided the entire thing.

A better question is whether the violent felons who attacked him acted irresponsibly that night.
That's a lie. They didn't attack Kyle. BTW, how did he manage a fire extinguisher and his weapon? Rittenhouse lives in fantasy like George Zimmerman.

That's a lie. They didn't attack Kyle.

What happened with the skateboard?

BTW, how did he manage a fire extinguisher and his weapon?

A sling and two hands.

Rittenhouse lives in fantasy like George Zimmerman.

Where do the dead assholes who attacked them live?
Maybe you can get off your ignorant behind and do so, Mike? They do exist and if you'd paid attention during the trial then you'd know that! Why are you here posting about something that you know so little about?
Ok, I just watched a clip of the incident.
Looks like he irresponsibly put himself in harms way and then had to shoot his way out of trouble.
So my question would (STILL) be what was he doing there in the first place?

I do understand the "taking back our streets" sentiment.
I mean technically Rittenhouse, myself, you, or anybody else SHOULD be able to safely walk the streets of ANY American city....day or night without fear.
But that isn't the case.

Let's use Albuquerque, my state's largest city and one of the nation's most violent and deadly.
Now, IF I chose to go walking down Central Avenue say, after 9PM on a Friday night anywhere east of San Mateo Blvd. my chances of getting beaten up/mugged/killed within a few blocks are probably around 100%.
However if I make the same walk with my AR I MIGHT stand a better chance....maybe not.
After all, most of my assailants out there in the dark are armed as well.
If I am lucky there would be a gun battle and I would win.
Would rhat be considered "self-defense?"
Hopefully so.

But a jury in civil court might ask the question WHAT was he doing out there in the first place KNOWING how dangerous it was.....unless he just WANTED violence?
The kid was 17, he could not run the meat slicer at Arby's and he has a firearm defending a car lot during a riot. I cannot be the only one to see how wrong the entire situation is. I do believe Kyle was in fear of his life when he fired, it was self defense, but he never should have been there.
Fuck you. There’s video, you stupid lying piece of shit. There was a whole trial. A mob of at least five men attacked Kyle. This is indisputable reality, and you’re a fucking clown.

Nope. There was a curfew in effect. Proud Boys, Boogaloo Bois, Oath Keepers ignored the curfew and we're chummy with the police. So Rittenhouse gets his gun and travels to another town to get in the middle of that... Running around in the dark.
but he never should have been there.
If some lady goes walking down a dark alley and a group of 5 attempted rapists attack her and she shoots 3 of them, are we going to sue her in civil court because she shouldn’t have been there and scrutinize how she was dressed? Was she “asking for it?”

Note: this isn’t that far off from what happened, Rosenbaum, the insane man with the bag, the second attacker, had a criminal record of raping boys. And he had explicitly threatened Kyle he would try to murder him early that day.

No one arguably should have been there. That applies equally to the mob attackers and their victim, Kyle. And if it applies equally, then what even is this suit?

But really, all five of those Antifa / BLM terrorist assholes should have died in a hail of police bullets if the government was doing its job… so, who the fuck cares? They literally all deserved death for their actions and this judge is entertaining the insane prospect that they were wronged somehow? Fuck out of here.
They are all but powdering his cute widdle bottom. How's he ever going to be a man with the life lessons he's learning? Going to end up a worthless trust fund baby, drunkenly crashing cars, certain he is well connected enough to get away with about anything.
Boy, you sound bitter.
If some lady goes walking down a dark alley and a group of 5 attempted rapists attack her and she shoots 3 of them, are we going to sue her in civil court because she shouldn’t have been there and scrutinize how she was dressed? Was she “asking for it?”

Note: this isn’t that far off from what happened, Rosenbaum, the insane man with the bag, the second attacker, had a criminal record of raping boys. And he had explicitly threatened Kyle he would try to murder him early that day.

You're comparing that to Rittenhouse's actions? You're an idiot.
If some lady goes walking down a dark alley and a group of 5 attempted rapists attack her and she shoots 3 of them, are we going to sue her in civil court because she shouldn’t have been there and scrutinize how she was dressed? Was she “asking for it?”

Note: this isn’t that far off from what happened, Rosenbaum, the insane man with the bag, the second attacker, had a criminal record of raping boys. And he had explicitly threatened Kyle he would try to murder him early that day.
He was not a lady walking down an alley, not even close. He was a minor hired by a car lot to provide security during a riot, and had a firearm to perform that duty. At the point he fired, he had to. But the problem was how he got to that position.

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