Federal Judge Delays Michael Flynn’s Sentencing Until After IG Report Release

Thats a stupid, desperate lie. And anyone would be prosecuted for lying to the FBI. Just because the foreign agent that idiotboy appointed head of national security is popular among the trump cult doesn't give him special status.

Michael Flynn -- Sidney Powell Claims FBI Tampered with Interview Notes, Demands Charges Be Dropped | National Review

Former national-security adviser Michael Flynn’s lawyer claims in a new bombshell court filing that the FBI tampered with notes from his 2017 interview, during which Flynn pleaded guilty to lying.

In a 37-page motion, attorney Sidney Powell called on the court to “dismiss the entire prosecution for outrageous government misconduct” over allegations that FBI agents manipulated a form summarizing Flynn’s statements to investigators.

The interview dealt with Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. In December 2017, Flynn pleaded guilty to charges that he lied to the FBI about his Russia contacts during his brief stint as national-security adviser. He is expected to be sentenced in December.

“Those changes added an unequivocal statement that ‘Flynn stated he did not’ — in response to
whether Mr. Flynn had asked Kislyak to vote in a certain manner or slow down the UN vote [on sanctions],” Powell wrote. “This is a deceptive manipulation because, as the notes of the agents show, Mr. Flynn was not even sure he had spoken to Russia/Kislyak on the issue. He had talked to dozens of countries.”

“That question and answer does not appear in the notes, yet it was made into a criminal offense,” Powell wrote in the motion. “The draft also shows that the agents moved a sentence to make it seem to be an answer to a question it was not.”

One of the FBI agents involved in the interview was Peter Strzok, who was fired from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigative team when text messages disparaging President Trump were discovered between him and FBI colleague Lisa Page, with whom he was having an affair.

FBI brass sent Strzok and another agent to conduct an “ambush-interview” of Flynn explicitly to trap him into making statements they could claim were false, Flynn’s defense team alleged.

“This amounts to conduct so shocking to the conscience and so inimical to our system of justice that it requires the dismissal of the charges for outrageous government conduct,” Powell said.

Flynn’s defense team has also accused prosecutors of withholding classified information and other evidence favorable to Flynn.

“The government continues to hide evidence of the original 302 [the interview notes], other exculpatory texts, and other forms of information completely,” Powell wrote.
Irrelevant lane change. I'm not interested in desperate trump cult nonsense. Sorry.
Sneak preview?

DOJ Inspector General Found No Evidence FBI Attempted to Spy on Trump Campaign: Report

"The Justice Department’s inspector general found no evidence that the FBI attempted to place undercover agents and informants inside President Trump’s 2016 campaign, The New York Times reports.

"Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report—slated for release on Dec. 9—will reportedly disprove claims that the agency attempted to spy on the campaign.

"Horowitz notes that while the FBI used an informant and an undercover agent in meetings with ex-campaign advisers Carter Page and George Papadopoulos, the agency did not give any direction for the informant to infiltrate the campaign.

"The inspector general reportedly disproves assertions that Joseph Mifsud, a professor who promised political dirt to Papadopoulos, was an FBI informant."

I laugh at your level of utter stupidity.
I laugh at your level of utter stupidity.

You are a mindless drone. Take a look at the tens of millions of dead people your ideology creates you fucking prick.

You better hope to the heavens that the revolution doesn't begin in your lifetime because you'll be one of the first to die.

You are a mindless drone. Take a look at the tens of millions of dead people your ideology creates you fucking prick.

You better hope to the heavens that the revolution doesn't begin in your lifetime because you'll be one of the first to die.

Your ideology began with slavery and genocide.
Hopefully, one day you will lose your fear of the truth.

Slavery was outlawed over a hundred years ago. Name one slave in the United States. You might be able to if you go to Iran. The country Obama gave billions too.
I find it interesting that you chose to question a vet's military service. Not that surprising tho. CRCs such as yourself are always denigrating veterans who served this country unless you can get something out of it. But, that's ok....your taxes help pay my retirement anyways. :clap:
Like I always say about Democrats. Dishonest, lazy and generally worthless,
but they got some balls.

General Flynn is being prosecuted for lying to a piece of shit like Stzrok, and you punks are okay with it as long as it hurts Trump. Fucking lowlife scum act that way.

he was only charged with that, and not his OTHER CRIMES as a plea deal, for him cooperating... it was the least consequential crime... with the smallest sentence of prison time, if any... is my understanding... the Judge in the case, who has been able to see all of the classified or confidential information regarding him, has damn near said he did treasonous acts... and sent him back to cooperate even more than he had already, in one court hearing on his sentence...

I know his operation with the Turks for millions while serving in the Trump campaign was disgraceful and criminal, since he did not disclose it...
he was only charged with that, and not his OTHER CRIMES as a plea deal, for him cooperating... it was the least consequential crime... with the smallest sentence of prison time, if any... is my understanding... the Judge in the case, who has been able to see all of the classified or confidential information regarding him, has damn near said he did treasonous acts... and sent him back to cooperate even more than he had already, in one court hearing on his sentence...

I know his operation with the Turks for millions while serving in the Trump campaign was disgraceful and criminal, since he did not disclose it...
When the FBI targets someone, they almost always stack charges like that.
Comey being a dirty cop, it's hardly a surprise.
Read the charges, plea agreement for Michael Flynn - CNNPolitics

There is no question of guilt. He is guilty by his own admission and admitted quilt without reservation. The above link goes to copy of his admission of guilt and his waiver of right to appeal, without reservations. It is signed by him and and the lawyers he chose and paid to defend him. If he was not guilty he would not have signed. You cannot badger a Lieutenant General into saying he is guilty of a crime that will send him to jail if he is innocent. Officers, even Retired Officers of his level do not run from a fight and cannot be coerced or browbeaten into submission on charges they do not agree with. He is no fool, when it comes to the law even without his highly paid lawyers. I am surprised he wasn't sentence months ago.
Read the charges, plea agreement for Michael Flynn - CNNPolitics

There is no question of guilt. He is guilty by his own admission and admitted quilt without reservation. The above link goes to copy of his admission of guilt and his waiver of right to appeal, without reservations. It is signed by him and and the lawyers he chose and paid to defend him. If he was not guilty he would not have signed. You cannot badger a Lieutenant General into saying he is guilty of a crime that will send him to jail if he is innocent. Officers, even Retired Officers of his level do not run from a fight and cannot be coerced or browbeaten into submission on charges they do not agree with. He is no fool, when it comes to the law even without his highly paid lawyers. I am surprised he wasn't sentence months ago.
As seen through fake news goggles.
Irrelevant lane change. I'm not interested in desperate trump cult nonsense. Sorry.
Then you're a traitor in my book.
Flynn is innocent in this Russia hoax as you'll soon (not) see.
Who cares? Your book is a fantasy book.
Riiiight... I'M the "traitor"... Not the double dealing foreign agent that sold out his country. Okay, nutsack.

There is no doubt that you would like to be.
Fortunately you are just a little limp dick nothing puke, with no knowledge or ability to be consequential.
I laugh at your level of utter stupidity.
I laugh at your level of utter stupidity.

You are a mindless drone. Take a look at the tens of millions of dead people your ideology creates you fucking prick.

You better hope to the heavens that the revolution doesn't begin in your lifetime because you'll be one of the first to die.

You are a mindless drone. Take a look at the tens of millions of dead people your ideology creates you fucking prick.

You better hope to the heavens that the revolution doesn't begin in your lifetime because you'll be one of the first to die.

Your ideology began with slavery and genocide.
Hopefully, one day you will lose your fear of the truth.

More people are alive today because of capitalism. Show us how capitalism murders all the people you claim.

I want specifics you brainless idiot.

More people are alive today because of capitalism. Show us how capitalism murders all the people you claim.
How about the killing capitalists made from WWI and WWII?
Fifty million dead and counting.
How many has capitalism killed since 1945?
As if flag-flapping shit like you care.


You are stone cold fucking retarded.

You are a mindless drone. Take a look at the tens of millions of dead people your ideology creates you fucking prick.

You better hope to the heavens that the revolution doesn't begin in your lifetime because you'll be one of the first to die.

You are a mindless drone. Take a look at the tens of millions of dead people your ideology creates you fucking prick.

You better hope to the heavens that the revolution doesn't begin in your lifetime because you'll be one of the first to die.

Your ideology began with slavery and genocide.
Hopefully, one day you will lose your fear of the truth.

More people are alive today because of capitalism. Show us how capitalism murders all the people you claim.

I want specifics you brainless idiot.

More people are alive today because of capitalism. Show us how capitalism murders all the people you claim.
How about the killing capitalists made from WWI and WWII?
Fifty million dead and counting.
How many has capitalism killed since 1945?
As if flag-flapping shit like you care.


You are stone cold fucking retarded.

You are stone cold fucking retarded.
Capitalism Kills


"A 2002 study published by the Institute of Medicine found that 18,000 people died each year due to lack of health insurance. A study published by the Urban Institute put the figure at 22,000 deaths in 2006. But while estimates disagree, the researchers who produce them often do not.[1]

"The ONS figures show that there were 482 deaths among homeless people in 2013, rising to 597 in 2017. Overall, an estimated 2,627 homeless people died during the five year period.[2]

"An estimated 48.8 million Americans , including 16.2 million children, live in households that lack the means to get enough nutritious food on a regular basis. As a result, about 1 in 5 children go hungry at some point during the year.[3

Get over it.
You are a mindless drone. Take a look at the tens of millions of dead people your ideology creates you fucking prick.

You better hope to the heavens that the revolution doesn't begin in your lifetime because you'll be one of the first to die.
You are a mindless drone. Take a look at the tens of millions of dead people your ideology creates you fucking prick.

You better hope to the heavens that the revolution doesn't begin in your lifetime because you'll be one of the first to die.

Your ideology began with slavery and genocide.
Hopefully, one day you will lose your fear of the truth.

More people are alive today because of capitalism. Show us how capitalism murders all the people you claim.

I want specifics you brainless idiot.
More people are alive today because of capitalism. Show us how capitalism murders all the people you claim.
How about the killing capitalists made from WWI and WWII?
Fifty million dead and counting.
How many has capitalism killed since 1945?
As if flag-flapping shit like you care.


You are stone cold fucking retarded.
You are stone cold fucking retarded.
Capitalism Kills


"A 2002 study published by the Institute of Medicine found that 18,000 people died each year due to lack of health insurance. A study published by the Urban Institute put the figure at 22,000 deaths in 2006. But while estimates disagree, the researchers who produce them often do not.[1]

"The ONS figures show that there were 482 deaths among homeless people in 2013, rising to 597 in 2017. Overall, an estimated 2,627 homeless people died during the five year period.[2]

"An estimated 48.8 million Americans , including 16.2 million children, live in households that lack the means to get enough nutritious food on a regular basis. As a result, about 1 in 5 children go hungry at some point during the year.[3

Get over it.

Poor georgie. Here ya go, the land of milk and honey...well, the NHS which you seem to fawn over. 600 deaths in a country with one FIFTH the population of the USA.

Get over it dude. You are an epic failure.

Nearly 600 homeless people died last year, figures show
Nearly 600 homeless people died last year in England and Wales, according to government figures published for the first time.

The figure marks a 24 per cent increase over the last five years, according to the data.

Only two days ago, a homeless man was found collapsed yards from parliament. He later died in hospital, prompting claims ministers were ignoring the growing problem of street homelessness on their doorstep.

Nearly 600 homeless people died last year, figures show
A federal judge has postponed former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s sentencing date. On Wednesday, Judge Emmet Sullivan delayed the former official’s sentencing until after the DOJ Inspector General’s report is released.

Federal judge delays Michael Flynn’s sentencing until after IG report release | One America News Network

From 3 weeks ago.

Last trick in the bag. Won't work.

What trick. Flynn was prosecuted illegally.

He wasn't prosecuted. He plead guilty.
A federal judge has postponed former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s sentencing date. On Wednesday, Judge Emmet Sullivan delayed the former official’s sentencing until after the DOJ Inspector General’s report is released.

Federal judge delays Michael Flynn’s sentencing until after IG report release | One America News Network

From 3 weeks ago.

Last trick in the bag. Won't work.

What trick. Flynn was prosecuted illegally.

He wasn't prosecuted. He plead guilty.

Yeah. And there is actual real evidence of prosecutorial misconduct. You know, the kind where innocent people are let out of prison decades after their case. Flynns new lawyer just happens to be a shitload better than his old one.
The Democrat Party is The Party of Slavery. They have been Pro Slavery and Against Civil Rights for the last 200 years.

Anyone that doesn’t agree with The Democrat Party, especially blacks they treat like an uppity “N” word. They only care about you if you are a house “N” word or field slave doing their bidding.

Even the logo of the party is the racist symbol of Andrew Jackson’s Mule whom he used to hang African Americans and Native Americans on.

They now are importing Brown Latino Slaves to work on their plantations and in their sweat shops.

This is why they oppose border security. They don’t want cut off from their supply of children and Brown Latino Slaves.
DOJ Inspector General Found No Evidence FBI Attempted to Spy on Trump Campaign: Report

"The Justice Department’s inspector general found no evidence that the FBI attempted to place undercover agents and informants inside President Trump’s 2016 campaign, The New York Times reports.

"Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report—slated for release on Dec. 9—will reportedly disprove claims that the agency attempted to spy on the campaign.

"Horowitz notes that while the FBI used an informant and an undercover agent in meetings with ex-campaign advisers Carter Page and George Papadopoulos, the agency did not give any direction for the informant to infiltrate the campaign.

"The inspector general reportedly disproves assertions that Joseph Mifsud, a professor who promised political dirt to Papadopoulos, was an FBI informant."

I laugh at your level of utter stupidity.
I laugh at your level of utter stupidity.

You are a mindless drone. Take a look at the tens of millions of dead people your ideology creates you fucking prick.

You better hope to the heavens that the revolution doesn't begin in your lifetime because you'll be one of the first to die.

You are a mindless drone. Take a look at the tens of millions of dead people your ideology creates you fucking prick.

You better hope to the heavens that the revolution doesn't begin in your lifetime because you'll be one of the first to die.

Your ideology began with slavery and genocide.
Hopefully, one day you will lose your fear of the truth.
A federal judge has postponed former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s sentencing date. On Wednesday, Judge Emmet Sullivan delayed the former official’s sentencing until after the DOJ Inspector General’s report is released.

Federal judge delays Michael Flynn’s sentencing until after IG report release | One America News Network

From 3 weeks ago.

Last trick in the bag. Won't work.

What trick. Flynn was prosecuted illegally.

He wasn't prosecuted. He plead guilty.

Yeah. And there is actual real evidence of prosecutorial misconduct. You know, the kind where innocent people are let out of prison decades after their case. Flynns new lawyer just happens to be a shitload better than his old one.

Really? Then why didn't he file motions to dismiss based on those instead of pleading guilty? Jesus give it up. He's GUILTY. He was working FOR Turkey and got paid by Russia to come speak at the state owned RT dinner. He was NOT registered to do that work. He lied about meetings and conversations with Russian officials.

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