Federal Judge Dismisses Georgia ‘Kraken’ Suit Hours After Sidney Powell Failed in Michigan

Where is the God Damned Evidence! How many judges have said that the claims are without substance ?HOW MANY?? I think that is was 43 at last count. Many of them are Republicans and some were appointed by Trump. It's over!!
It's on Newsmax all day long. practically every day. I've seen so much of it already, I'm sick of watching it. You must be one of those typical information-deprived victims of liberal OMISSION media, that doesn't report this stuff.

If you are FOOL enough to watch those inane stations, you'll never know anything. Looks like that's your problem.

Over ? HA HA. That's how clueless you are. Actually, it's just beginning right now, as the SCOTUS and state legislatures get involved.

Newsmax is using you. You're being told the lies you want to hear......so you'll keep watching, with Newsmax getting ad revenue from your gullibility.

In court, Trump's record is abysmal.....with Trump's lawyers not even arguing that fraud ever occurred. What Newsmax is telling you to think....and what Trump's attorney's argue in court are wildly different.

You're being played.
Where is the God Damned Evidence! How many judges have said that the claims are without substance ?HOW MANY?? I think that is was 43 at last count. Many of them are Republicans and some were appointed by Trump. It's over!!
It's on Newsmax all day long. practically every day. I've seen so much of it already, I'm sick of watching it. You must be one of those typical information-deprived victims of liberal OMISSION media, that doesn't report this stuff, and keeps you well-IGNORANT.

If you are FOOL enough to watch those inane stations, you'll never know anything. Looks like that's your problem.

Over ? HA HA. That's how clueless you are. Actually, it's just beginning right now, as the SCOTUS and state legislatures get involved.
How odd..all that evidence...and yet...not a court in the land will give you anything but a horse laugh and the back of their hand.

Yet you have the gall to call someone ignorant....pure comedy gold!
Powell Kracken.jpg
I know, right?

What makes them think that security videos, sworn testimony of witnesses, affidavits of observers, IT systems experts, and statistical experts could possibly be used as “evidence”?

As if!
They don't think those things are not evidence. They are not even aware those things are in existence right now. Their media keeps them sheltered from it. They have no idea what's going on. They just listen to their media telling them there's no fraud, and they believe it. Really sad.
Where is the God Damned Evidence! How many judges have said that the claims are without substance ?HOW MANY?? I think that is was 43 at last count. Many of them are Republicans and some were appointed by Trump. It's over!!
It's on Newsmax all day long. practically every day. I've seen so much of it already, I'm sick of watching it. You must be one of those typical information-deprived victims of liberal OMISSION media, that doesn't report this stuff, and keeps you well-IGNORANT.

If you are FOOL enough to watch those inane stations, you'll never know anything. Looks like that's your problem.

Over ? HA HA. That's how clueless you are. Actually, it's just beginning right now, as the SCOTUS and state legislatures get involved.
The state legislatures have all told Trump to go fuck himself.
For a few weeks this board was filled with how Powell was going to "release the kraken" in court and blow the whole election out of the water.

Well she went to court.

She lost. Not once but twice.


The woman brought the most ridiculous accusations with her to court with no real proof of her accusations.

When you include a person who has been dead for years in your conspiracy, you may as well hang it up. You're totally bat crap crazy.

Those of us who have working brains told you this would be the outcome of her ridiculous accusations.

I can't believe these bozos are actually lawyers who are supposed to understand what "evidence" is!
I know, right?

What makes them think that security videos, sworn testimony of witnesses, affidavits of observers, IT systems experts, and statistical experts could possibly be used as “evidence”?

As if!

Then why hasn't Trump's team presented it in court? Why have they refused to even allege fraud in court?

Simple: there are standards of evidence in court. There are none for press conferences in front of land scaping companies.
You keep making these claims that these cases are all about “fraud”.

The biggest travesty so far is there was virtually no verification of signatures for mail in ballots. They are making the case that these are invalid without the verification, since most of the state laws require it. So they shouldn’t need to prove that “fraud” happened in all swing states that were close, they just need to show the law wasn’t followed.

In Pennsylvania for example, there is a case going to the Supreme Court soon. It has NOTHING to do with voter “fraud”. It’s about the FACT, that ALL mail in voting is unconstitutional according to their State constitution. The Republicans passed a law to make mail in voting legal (this was before WuFlu), but it also needed to be amended to the constitution of the state. They never did that. Then the Democrat Governor and Secretary of State just unilaterally decided to send out mass mail in votes. ALL of those votes are illegal, strictly speaking. The state court said that it will likely be founded that way. Alito is awaiting a response from the state due ͏b͏y Dec 8th.

Then SCOTUS will likely look at it and agree it was unconstitutional (under PA law) and rule that the election is in dispute. Then likely it will be up to the state legislators to figure out what to do.
How odd..all that evidence...and yet...not a court in the land will give you anything but a horse laugh and the back of their hand.

Yet you have the gall to call someone ignorant....pure comedy gold!
Not odd. I predicted this many month ago. A Democrat judge is not a "court" Democrat judges are no different than other Democrats. Soulless advantagists who constantly crave power, and operate by that alone.

And there IS a court that will treat this case on its MERITS. That Is the US Supreme Court,
Nobody will know who the president of the next 4 years will be until January 20th, and we may not even know then. Lots of procedures are still to be tested.

One thing is for sure, IF Biden manages to slither into the job, he will get zero cooperation from most Americans, who will have had the election and our democracy stolen from them. And I said "IF".

January 6th.
How odd..all that evidence...and yet...not a court in the land will give you anything but a horse laugh and the back of their hand.

Yet you have the gall to call someone ignorant....pure comedy gold!
Not odd. I predicted this many month ago. A Democrat judge is not a "court" Democrat judges are no different than other Democrats. Soulless advantagists who constantly crave power, and operate by that alone.

And there IS a court that will treat this case on its MERITS. That Is the US Supreme Court,

Apparently neither is a republican judge appointed by trump.
For a few weeks this board was filled with how Powell was going to "release the kraken" in court and blow the whole election out of the water.

Well she went to court.

She lost. Not once but twice.


The woman brought the most ridiculous accusations with her to court with no real proof of her accusations.

When you include a person who has been dead for years in your conspiracy, you may as well hang it up. You're totally bat crap crazy.

Those of us who have working brains told you this would be the outcome of her ridiculous accusations.

I can't believe these bozos are actually lawyers who are supposed to understand what "evidence" is!
I know, right?

What makes them think that security videos, sworn testimony of witnesses, affidavits of observers, IT systems experts, and statistical experts could possibly be used as “evidence”?

As if!

Then why hasn't Trump's team presented it in court? Why have they refused to even allege fraud in court?

Simple: there are standards of evidence in court. There are none for press conferences in front of land scaping companies.
You keep making these claims that these cases are all about “fraud”.

The biggest travesty so far is there was virtually no verification of signatures for mail in ballots. They are making the case that these are invalid without the verification, since most of the state laws require it. So they shouldn’t need to prove that “fraud” happened in all swing states that were close, they just need to show the law wasn’t followed.

In Pennsylvania for example, there is a case going to the Supreme Court soon. It has NOTHING to do with voter “fraud”. It’s about the FACT, that ALL mail in voting is unconstitutional according to their State constitution. The Republicans passed a law to make mail in voting legal (this was before WuFlu), but it also needed to be amended to the constitution of the state. They never did that. Then the Democrat Governor and Secretary of State just unilaterally decided to send out mass mail in votes. ALL of those votes are illegal, strictly speaking. The state court said that it will likely be founded that way. Alito is awaiting a response from the state due ͏b͏y Dec 8th.

Then SCOTUS will likely look at it and agree it was unconstitutional (under PA law) and rule that the election is in dispute. Then likely it will be up to the state legislators to figure out what to do.
Correct. Pennsylvania set the bar very high to make election changes. And that bar resides with the legislature, not the lawbreaking governor or sect of state. I expect this SCOTUS battle to be brief.
For a few weeks this board was filled with how Powell was going to "release the kraken" in court and blow the whole election out of the water.

Well she went to court.

She lost. Not once but twice.


The woman brought the most ridiculous accusations with her to court with no real proof of her accusations.

When you include a person who has been dead for years in your conspiracy, you may as well hang it up. You're totally bat crap crazy.

Those of us who have working brains told you this would be the outcome of her ridiculous accusations.

Safe Harbour is tomorrow, guys. If you've got 'smoking guns' now is the time to show us.
The only thing these guys got smoking is their crack pipes. Notice how so many of them are reduced to lame memes and LOL videos!

One of these stupid fucks called for socialist rent control last year when his rent went up. Guess which dildo?
Nobody will know who the president of the next 4 years will be until January 20th, and we may not even know then. Lots of procedures are still to be tested.

One thing is for sure, IF Biden manages to slither into the job, he will get zero cooperation from most Americans, who will have had the election and our democracy stolen from them. And I said "IF".
Good fucking god, you are insufferable!! We already know who the president will be and who will not be the president. If you think that there is still a path- at the state level, through congress, or through the courts-spell it out. Even Trump is starting to come to grips with the fact that it's over although his stunted level of maturity and emotional intelligence won't allow him to say it out loud. But you can take comfort in knowing that he is going o look good in an orange jump suit that will match his completion.
For a few weeks this board was filled with how Powell was going to "release the kraken" in court and blow the whole election out of the water.

Well she went to court.

She lost. Not once but twice.


The woman brought the most ridiculous accusations with her to court with no real proof of her accusations.

When you include a person who has been dead for years in your conspiracy, you may as well hang it up. You're totally bat crap crazy.

Those of us who have working brains told you this would be the outcome of her ridiculous accusations.

I can't believe these bozos are actually lawyers who are supposed to understand what "evidence" is!
I know, right?

What makes them think that security videos, sworn testimony of witnesses, affidavits of observers, IT systems experts, and statistical experts could possibly be used as “evidence”?

As if!

Then why hasn't Trump's team presented it in court? Why have they refused to even allege fraud in court?

Simple: there are standards of evidence in court. There are none for press conferences in front of land scaping companies.
You keep making these claims that these cases are all about “fraud”.

I'm not the one that keeps making the claims about 'fraud'.

That would be Trump who can't go a day without tweeting about them. And the accusations don't hold up in court. So much so, that Trump's team isn't even arguing that Fraud ever occured in any of their legal arguments.

What Trump is telling you and what his people are arguing in court are profoundly different. If his claims had merit, they'd be the same.

You're being played.
I can't wait to hear what she has to say about her losses.
Nobody will know who the president of the next 4 years will be until January 20th, and we may not even know then. Lots of procedures are still to be tested.

One thing is for sure, IF Biden manages to slither into the job, he will get zero cooperation from most Americans, who will have had the election and our democracy stolen from them. And I said "IF".
Good fucking god, you are insufferable!! We already know who the president will be and who will not be the president. If you think that there is still a path- at the state level, through congress, or through the courts-spell it out. Even Trump is starting to come to grips with the fact that it's over although his stunted level of maturity and emotional intelligence won't allow him to say it out loud. But you can take comfort in knowing that he is going o look good in an orange jump suit that will match his completion.

Its worse than you think. As come Biden's inauguration on January 20th.....Prot will won't admit that NewsMax fed him a pseudo-legal horseshit and pipe dreams.

You're dealing with a complete reality disconnect.

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