Federal Judge Dismisses Georgia ‘Kraken’ Suit Hours After Sidney Powell Failed in Michigan

Read Bush V. Gore......the Safe Harbor day is when disputes need to be resolved.

You're being fed nonsense by NewsMax and OANN to increase their ads revenue.

They're playing you like a fiddle.
CNN told you to say that did they ? Like a good little parrot.
Which news organizations would a person consume to not be a "good little parrot"?

NewsMax and OANN. Only by mindlessly repeating whatever conspiracy addled pablum far right news tell you to think can you demonstrate you're not a parrot.

They don't call them 'ditto-heads' for nothing.
They're getting all these "blockbuster" stories from their informational ecosystem, and I don't think it has yet occurred to them to connect (a) the fact that the "blockbusters" are being tossed out of court, with (b) their informational ecosystem.

They can't, of course, because their brittle, tribal self esteem won't allow for it.
Read Bush V. Gore......the Safe Harbor day is when disputes need to be resolved.

You're being fed nonsense by NewsMax and OANN to increase their ads revenue.

They're playing you like a fiddle.
CNN told you to say that did they ? Like a good little parrot.
Which news organizations would a person consume to not be a "good little parrot"?

NewsMax and OANN. Only by mindlessly repeating whatever conspiracy addled pablum far right news tell you to think can you demonstrate you're not a parrot.

They don't call them 'ditto-heads' for nothing.
They're getting all these "blockbuster" stories from their informational ecosystem, and I don't think it has yet occurred to them to connect (a) the fact that the "blockbusters" are being tossed out of court, with (b) their informational ecosystem.

They can't, of course, because their brittle, tribal self esteem won't allow for it.

And they're tossing aside their own claims the moment they're debunked. One would think after the second or third time in a row that happened, they'd apply a little critical thinking to the reliability of their 'ecosystem'.

But nope. Its they just swap out the old conspiracy for the new conspiracy like yet another pair of shit stained undies.
I try to get a handle on the psychology of this, and the main progress I've made involves looking at history.

Hopefully this will fade a bit with time. A lot of that will depend on how the next administration goes, too.
You mean a contested election isn't the way to go?
We need verifiable voting. A way to prove that my vote was counted, and I can check who I voted for.
And they're tossing aside their own claims the moment they're debunked. One would think after the second or third time in a row that happened, they'd apply a little critical thinking to the reliability of their 'ecosystem'.

But nope. Its they just swap out the old conspiracy for the new conspiracy like yet another pair of shit stained undies.
Nothing is tossed aside. You're brainwashed.
Read Bush V. Gore......the Safe Harbor day is when disputes need to be resolved.

You're being fed nonsense by NewsMax and OANN to increase their ads revenue.

They're playing you like a fiddle.
CNN told you to say that did they ? Like a good little parrot.
Which news organizations would a person consume to not be a "good little parrot"?

NewsMax and OANN. Only by mindlessly repeating whatever conspiracy addled pablum far right news tell you to think can you demonstrate you're not a parrot.

They don't call them 'ditto-heads' for nothing.
They're getting all these "blockbuster" stories from their informational ecosystem, and I don't think it has yet occurred to them to connect (a) the fact that the "blockbusters" are being tossed out of court, with (b) their informational ecosystem.

They can't, of course, because their brittle, tribal self esteem won't allow for it.

And they're tossing aside their own claims the moment they're debunked. One would think after the second or third time in a row that happened, they'd apply a little critical thinking to the reliability of their 'ecosystem'.

But nope. Its they just swap out the old conspiracy for the new conspiracy like yet another pair of shit stained undies.
Nothing is tossed aside. You're brainwashed.

There were more votes in Wisconsin than registered voters?

The pollbook in Detroit had NO registered voters listed in it?

So North Korea boated in ballots through Maine?

"a white van, a Chrysler 300 and a Ferrari" delivered 130,000 biden ballots?

A Phili mob boss was paid by election officials to have mobsters fill out ballots?

The head of the CIA was killed in a fire fight with the US army seizing servers in Germany?

The CIA hacked the election with a super computer?

There were 700,000 more mail in ballots returned in Pennysylvania than requested?

George Soros, Clinton and Hugo "I've been dead since 2013" Chavez threw the 2020 election?

Or did all that horseshit not stick to the barn door when your ilk threw it?
For a few weeks this board was filled with how Powell was going to "release the kraken" in court and blow the whole election out of the water.

Well she went to court.

She lost. Not once but twice.


The woman brought the most ridiculous accusations with her to court with no real proof of her accusations.

When you include a person who has been dead for years in your conspiracy, you may as well hang it up. You're totally bat crap crazy.

Those of us who have working brains told you this would be the outcome of her ridiculous accusations.

The kraken, somewhat less impressive than advertised.

You don't need to make your already stupidly complicated conspiracy more complicated by folding new people in. There's a much simpler explanation:

Trump's legal arguments are shit. It explains his almost universal failure of his cases in court and why both Republican and Democratic appointed judges are dismissing them.
No matter how much you blabber in USMB, Mr Conspiracy, it's not going to save Joe Bidding, who likely will be going back to his basement.

On inauguration day, Trump will be having steak. Biden will have soup. :biggrin:
You don't need to make your already stupidly complicated conspiracy more complicated by folding new people in. There's a much simpler explanation:

Trump's legal arguments are shit. It explains his almost universal failure of his cases in court and why both Republican and Democratic appointed judges are dismissing them.
No matter how much you blabber in USMB, Mr Conspiracy, it's not going to save Joe Bidding, who likely will be going back to his basement.

On inauguration day, Trump will be having steak. Biden will have soup. :biggrin:
What pray tell does Biden need saving from?

Remember, he won.
Laughing......its always the next case, its always the next 'bombshell' with you. How many times does Lucy have to pull that football out from under you when you try to kick it before you realize you're being played?

Even William Barr hasn't been able to substantiate the 'stolen election' narrative, despite investigating claim after claim.

Even Republican governors and Republican Secretaries of State repudiate your conspiracy nonsense.

With Trump's record in court one of essentially perfect failure.
Of course Barr doesn't have evidence. He hasn't investigated. Most Republicans in America are solidly behind Trump, and against this treasonous STEAL attempt, and all the worthless trashbags supporting it.

You know your big scam is slipping and heading for the trash can. That's why you're here in a panic.
I know, right?

What makes them think that security videos, sworn testimony of witnesses, affidavits of observers, IT systems experts, and statistical experts could possibly be used as “evidence”?

As if!
They don't think those things are not evidence. They are not even aware those things are in existence right now. Their media keeps them sheltered from it. They have no idea what's going on. They just listen to their media telling them there's no fraud, and they believe it. Really sad.

Sounds like you don't know what's going on.
Laughing......its always the next case, its always the next 'bombshell' with you. How many times does Lucy have to pull that football out from under you when you try to kick it before you realize you're being played?

Even William Barr hasn't been able to substantiate the 'stolen election' narrative, despite investigating claim after claim.

Even Republican governors and Republican Secretaries of State repudiate your conspiracy nonsense.

With Trump's record in court one of essentially perfect failure.
Of course Barr doesn't have evidence. He hasn't investigated.

Says you, citing your imagination. Barr on the other hand has both FBI agents and US attorneys looking into it.

You didn't know any of that....because neither NewsMax nor OAN wanted you to know it.

You're being played, Prot. Like a 3 dollar fiddle.
Mac.....I called it. Newsmax and OAN.

Nothing but echo chamber batshit, all the time.

He's never going to see January 20th coming.
You've never watched a minute of them. Wanna take a quiz ? you probably don't even know the names of the show hosts.

What garbage do you watch ? CNN ? MSNBC (are still in existence ?), CBS, NBC ?
What pray tell does Biden need saving from?

Remember, he won.
He won nothing, and you're just a duped pigeon, sucking up to a demented has been, sex pervert.

The election results, all recounts, the certified results, and the electors voting for Biden that have already been selected say otherwise.

You're never going to see this coming, are you?

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