Federal Judge Dismisses Georgia ‘Kraken’ Suit Hours After Sidney Powell Failed in Michigan

Mac.....I called it. Newsmax and OAN.

Nothing but echo chamber batshit, all the time.

He's never going to see January 20th coming.
You've never watched a minute of them. Wanna take a quiz ? you probably don't even know the names of the show hosts.

What garbage do you watch ? CNN ? MSNBC (are still in existence ?), CBS, NBC ?

I just need to look at the actual election results to see how poorly informed you are.

Or read the actual rulings where Trump was laughed out of court.

Or quote the Attorney General confirming that there's no evidence of the 'stolen election' conspiracy.

You've never going to see January 20th, coming, are you? Right up until Biden's inauguration, you're going to be frantically suckling at the conspiracy tit, gobbling whatever comfortable lies OAN and NewsMax feed you to make a buck off your gullibility.
Conservatives.......believe this......

If this election situation was exactly reversed and Trump had won by a narrow margin,
There would be cities burning, rioting, looting and chaos from coast to coast.

The Left would become violent. Cops would be killed. Trump supporters killed until they got their way.

Now they call for unity....but if the situation was exactly reversed they would go on a national rampage that would make the Civil war look tame.

In short - they would never accept the election and would find a way to take it anyway. BELIEVE IT.

But....they fully expect you to stop the whining, accept the results and go home and shut up.
Says you, citing your imagination. Barr on the other hand has both FBI agents and US attorneys looking into it.

Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”

You didn't know any of that....because neither NewsMax nor OAN wanted you to know it.

You're being played, Prot. Like a 3 dollar fiddle.
HAH! Associated Press. You don't know it yourself. You got it from AP. Another Biden mouthpiece, and you fall for it. I still have that bridge in Brooklyn for sale. :biggrin:

FBI hasn't investigated squat, despite your laughable propaganda nonsense. They haven't interviewed a single witness. They never touched a Dominion machine. They are just now starting to find out about everything by watching the witnesses testifying - seeing them on Newsmax.
Conservatives.......believe this......

If this election situation was exactly reversed and Trump had won by a narrow margin,
There would be cities burning, rioting, looting and chaos from coast to coast.

The Left would become violent. Cops would be killed. Trump supporters killed until they got their way.

Now they call for unity....but if the situation was exactly reversed they would go on a national rampage that would make the Civil war look tame.

In short - they would never accept the election and would find a way to take it anyway. BELIEVE IT.

Trump won by 77,000 in 2016. With 2 electoral votes less than Biden won in 2020.

And was invited into the White House within 48 hours.

Your 'reversed' scenario already happened. And none of your predictions played out.
Mac.....I called it. Newsmax and OAN.

Nothing but echo chamber batshit, all the time.

He's never going to see January 20th coming.
You've never watched a minute of them. Wanna take a quiz ? you probably don't even know the names of the show hosts.

What garbage do you watch ? CNN ? MSNBC (are still in existence ?), CBS, NBC ?

I just need to look at the actual election results to see how poorly informed you are.

Or read the actual rulings where Trump was laughed out of court.

Or quote the Attorney General confirming that there's no evidence of the 'stolen election' conspiracy.

You've never going to see January 20th, coming, are you? Right up until Biden's inauguration, you're going to be frantically suckling at the conspiracy tit, gobbling whatever comfortable lies OAN and NewsMax feed you to make a buck off your gullibility.
You've never going to see January 20th, coming, are you? Right up until Trump's inauguration, you're going to be frantically suckling at the propaganda tit, gobbling whatever comfortable lies CNN and MSNBC feed you to make a buck off your gullibility.
Trump won by 77,000 in 2016. With 2 electoral votes less than Biden won in 2020.

And was invited into the White House within 48 hours.

Your 'reversed' scenario already happened. And none of your predictions played out.
Biden won NOTHING. Trump won by a landslide. Efforts of treasonous thieves changes nothing. Ho hum. :biggrin:
Mac.....I called it. Newsmax and OAN.

Nothing but echo chamber batshit, all the time.

He's never going to see January 20th coming.
You've never watched a minute of them. Wanna take a quiz ? you probably don't even know the names of the show hosts.

What garbage do you watch ? CNN ? MSNBC (are still in existence ?), CBS, NBC ?

I just need to look at the actual election results to see how poorly informed you are.

Or read the actual rulings where Trump was laughed out of court.

Or quote the Attorney General confirming that there's no evidence of the 'stolen election' conspiracy.

You've never going to see January 20th, coming, are you? Right up until Biden's inauguration, you're going to be frantically suckling at the conspiracy tit, gobbling whatever comfortable lies OAN and NewsMax feed you to make a buck off your gullibility.
You've never going to see January 20th, coming, are you? Right up until Trump's inauguration, you're going to be frantically suckling at the propaganda tit, gobbling whatever comfortable lies CNN and MSNBC feed you to make a buck off your gullibility.

Care to take me up on my challenge then?

If Biden is inaugurated on January 20th.....will you admit that you've been mindlessly gobbling useless conspiracy horseshit about an election you lost?

I'll gladly admit as much if Trump is inaugurated on January 20th.

But you won't, will you? Every time I've offered you this challenge, you've run. You know you've suckling on a conspiracy binkie to avoid the truth. And January 20th won't care what lies you've told yourself.
Trump won by 77,000 in 2016. With 2 electoral votes less than Biden won in 2020.

And was invited into the White House within 48 hours.

Your 'reversed' scenario already happened. And none of your predictions played out.
Biden won NOTHING. Trump won by a landslide. Efforts of treasonous thieves changes nothing. Ho hum. :biggrin:
You might need to work on your math skills.
Trump won by 77,000 in 2016. With 2 electoral votes less than Biden won in 2020.

And was invited into the White House within 48 hours.

Your 'reversed' scenario already happened. And none of your predictions played out.
Biden won NOTHING. Trump won by a landslide. Efforts of treasonous thieves changes nothing. Ho hum. :biggrin:

The election results, every recount, the certified election results, and the Biden electors that have already been chosen in every contested battle ground state say differently.

Our sources are not equal.
The election results, every recount, the certified election results, and the Biden electors that have already been chosen in every contested battle ground state say differently.

Our sources are not equal.
Go ahead and try to refute this with you little INVALIDATION CARD. Tell us it's not happening. Hee Hee.

Refute what? Allegations without evidence?

And if Dominion machines were 'flipping votes', why did the hand recount of the physical ballots in Georgia match the electronic tallies with more than 99% accuracy?

But you didn't know any of that, because NewsMax and OAN didn't tell you about that either, did they?

You're never going to see January 20th coming, are you?
The woman brought the most ridiculous accusations with her to court with no real proof of her accusations.

I have noticed the left/democrats will not say "no proof". There is always a play on words in their justification for fraud.

We have plenty of proof they can't tell the truth. It's no surprise though if you think of all their party stands for.
For a few weeks this board was filled with how Powell was going to "release the kraken" in court and blow the whole election out of the water.

Well she went to court.

She lost. Not once but twice.


The woman brought the most ridiculous accusations with her to court with no real proof of her accusations.

When you include a person who has been dead for years in your conspiracy, you may as well hang it up. You're totally bat crap crazy.

Those of us who have working brains told you this would be the outcome of her ridiculous accusations.

You still miss the point--------the sooner the lower courts toss the case, the sooner the fraud can go up to the supreme court.
The woman brought the most ridiculous accusations with her to court with no real proof of her accusations.

I have noticed the left/democrats will not say "no proof". There is always a play on words in their justification for fraud.

We have plenty of proof they can't tell the truth. It's no surprise though if you think of all their party stands for.

The claims being offered by Trump, his team, Sidney and Kim....don't hold up.

Take Melissa Carone, Gulliani's 'star witness' of election fraud in Detroit. Her affidavit was contradicted by EVERY other affidavit from the same facility.

Worse, she casually TRIPLED the number of effected ballots in her testimony, from 30,000 to 100,000. Just pulling the number sideways out of her ass.

And finally, she gave demonstrably false claims, insisting that the poll book at the Detroit vote counting facility had NO registered voters. When it demonstrably did.

The 'evidence' just doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Which is why a judge had already reviewed her affidavit back in November and rejected as lacking credibility.

There's a reason why Trump's lawyers don't even allege in court fraud occurred: they'd have to back it up with evidence held to the 'strict scrutiny' standard. And they can't back their claims up.
Which news organizations would a person consume to not be a "good little parrot"?
on TV > Newsmax, the Blaze, the First, OAN Encore, America's Voice.

Here's a more complete list >> The 15 Best Conservative News Sites On The Internet | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Mac.....I called it. Newsmax and OAN.

Nothing but echo chamber batshit, all the time.

He's never going to see January 20th coming.
This is the alternate universe. A complete, fully functional, closed circuit informational ecosystem.

This is their truth, their reality. So when they think these insane things, it's literal reality to them.

I swear, we'll reach a point where we'll need interpreters to communicate with them.

I don't know how a country is supposed to operate like this.

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