Federal judge overturns Texas ban on "dismemberment abortions."

~10% of all abortions are D&E's.

150 years from now people will look back on our society and be appalled.
You get that the law didn't ban dilation-and-evacuation abortions, right? What it, in fact, did was force doctors to go to much more draconian measures to preform an, otherwise, simple procedure - The Texas law, the New York Times notes, “would require doctors to stop the fetus’s heart before performing a dilation-and-evacuation abortion, except in a medical emergency. D&E abortions, as they are known, involve dilating the woman’s cervix and removing the fetus in pieces." a simple, d&E is the safest method of performing an abortion in the second trimester. The law was unconstitutional, and would have forced a woman to undergo much more dangerous, invasive medical procedures before being able to continue with the abortion. That was sick, and evil. Putting a stop to the abuse of women just because they were making a personal choice with which you disagree was humane, and the only right ruling.

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