Federal judge rules Pennsylvania school district must allow After School Satan Club

Not exactly sure what you're trying to say.
Cool, if we as a society are good with evil being worshipped, then it's down that road you go. Good luck!
We have been down this road for a long time, KKK, ANTIFA, Satan worshipping has been around for centuries, that is what the Salem Witch trials were about, how many innocent people died.
If they allow one, they have to allow all. End all religious practices at school or not. The government cannot favor one over another. First Amendment needs to benefit all so we don’t lose it.

So are you saying that satanism sponsored by a school is okay?

We have been down this road for a long time, KKK, ANTIFA, Satan worshipping has been around for centuries, that is what the Salem Witch trials were about, how many innocent people died.

So KKK groups should be allowed to use ta payer funded buildings to openly hold their meetings?
Complete BS by the judge.

In no way did the writers of the First Amendment, nor the states which ratified same, intend Satanism to be considered a religion and protected speech.
Lol, ya we get it free speech as long as you agree with it.
The group worships Satan, it doesn’t plan school shootings, they believe differently than we do. If you show the group is a violent threat, you’d have something but they aren’t and you don’t. They are expressing the worshipping of an evil deity, I hate such religions but they have every right to assemble.
No, they're a group that think "expressing the worshipping of" SATAN! as an excuse to gather is funny, which it clearly is, unless one is a humorless, old dope.

Not one bit "evil." Kids still gathering to play Dungeons and Dragons are evil? How about all the soldiers with skull & crossbones tattoos?

Do OldFlame or OPJQ actually give a shit about what this group really believes in or supports, as provided in their "about" page that I linked to earlier? No. They just see the term "SATAN" and flip out. Sad.
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No, they're a group that think "expressing the worshipping of" SATAN! as an excuse to gather is funny, which it clearly is, unless one is a humorless, old dope.

Not one bit "evil." Kids still gathering to play Dungeons and Dragons are evil? How about all the soldiers with skull & crossbones tattoos?

Do OldFlame or OPJQ actually give a shit about what this group really believes in or supports, as provided in their "about" page that I linked to earlier? No. They just see the term "SATAN" and flip out. Sad.
With unfortunate regularity, The Satanic Temple is confused with an earlier organization, the Church of Satan, founded by Anton Szandor LaVey in the 1960s, to the apparent chagrin of both. The Church of Satan expresses vehement opposition to the campaigns and activities of The Satanic Temple, asserting themselves as the only “true” arbiters of Satanism, while The Satanic Temple dismisses the Church of Satan as irrelevant and inactive.
Satanism, LOL:
Goat sex has been practiced since ancient times. In Egypt, the goat was viewed as the incarnation of Mendes, god of procreation, and as a ritual of worship, the male priests would copulate with female goats and the female priests would do likewise with male goats. Similar activity was also witnessed in Ancient Greece. In the Middle Ages, the goat was associated with the Devil as one of his preferred forms, often in connection with sexual deviance. Women under trial as witches were forced to confess that they had sexual contact with the Devil in the form of an animal. In this regard however the goat was of the minority of forms the devil was cited to have taken.

In South Italy and Sicily, bestiality among goat herders is said to be extremely common, "almost a national custom."
On why he let himself get so involved in such an awkward act, Nweke blamed evil spirit for being responsible for his sexual depravity.
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Complete BS by the judge.

In no way did the writers of the First Amendment, nor the states which ratified same, intend Satanism to be considered a religion and protected speech.
Don't worry. I'm sure the Republicans will figure out a way to cancel them too.

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